Semua Bab Alpha Zaine’s Rejection: Bab 71 - Bab 74
74 Bab
Chapter Seventy-One
Sophia’s POV Is this what my life has been leading me towards? The murder of my parents? The pain, the hunger, the hopelessness of my late childhood? Part of me knows everything happens for a reason, the other part is angry that so much was lost to get to this point.There was pain in the eyes of the people who attacked our convoy on the outskirts of the city. Well, pain and distrust. Wayne has been keeping me apprised of everything happening in the city centre, but he never once mentioned the unrest near the border. Maybe he doesn’t know. I imagine he has had his hands full, but it doesn’t seem like him, to have overlooked those who have obviously suffered the most.I will be sure to send some of our people back to the run down, outlying community, to bring food and resources whilst we do what we can to undo the damage done by Acheron and his men. As our car rolls through the castle gates and into a massive courtyard, I get my first glimpse of where I was born. Of course I have
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Chapter Seventy-Two
Cronin’s POV My chest might explode. The instant my eyes settle upon her face, I’m sure my heart stopped beating. I can’t breathe, the air is too thin to sustain me.The world around me grows muffled and I’m barely aware of Torrin and Luca stood either side of me. My guts bubble with disbelief and I fear I may throw up right where I stand making even more of a spectacle of myself.All this time I stayed away, unable to face the pain of returning to an empty home. Years of my life I have wasted and all this time it was a lie. They are alive. Adriana and Beth are alive. Jackson swore blind that he had seen their bodies swinging from the gate when he and some of the others came back one night to attempt a rescue. If I had set foot back on this land the king would have known and killed them for sure. So, I entrusted their rescue to the only person I could.He didn’t spare me any details upon his fruitless return, even down to the description of the moonstone necklace I gave Beth whe
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Chapter Seventy-Three
Torrin’s POV Well strike me down where I stand. The old codgers family lives. Seeing the pure delight on Sophia’s face was indescribable. Everyone around us saw it too. They saw the true heart of their queen. There will have been doubters amongst them, no matter how encouraging Wayne’s reports to Sophia have been. The reports I received were less... censored. I told him not to make the queen aware of the men who threatened her life before fleeing Blue Moon altogether. I have no doubt in my mind that the traitors will regroup and return, intent on continuing the usurpers reign of terror. There was even talk of some of the men challenging her for the throne. As ludicrous as that would have been, I have no doubt that many people here have lost their wits from living under Acheron’s rule for so long. I know that Sophia would grin and bear it, if she knew about the threats, but she already has the weight of the world on her shoulders. We will cross that bridge when we come to it.
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Chapter Seventy-Four
Sophia’s POV It would be impossible and maybe even foolish to try to please everyone. I doubt there is a single person here who isn’t owed a pound of flesh by the monster. Ari constantly reminds me that as the Queen, there will be times that I cannot please everyone and that my duty is to do what’s best, not what’s easiest or sits well with my own ideals.Of course I want blue moon to heal, and part of that healing process is giving the wolves the justice they seek. After this we can move forward. It’ll take time, and the two packs merging is likely to keep everything up in the air for a while, then there is the matter of what to do about the humans and other people Acheron has been holding in his dungeon.Torrin means well and he has a point. “Honestly, the thought had already occurred to me that this plan could be a perfect opportunity for someone to kill me. The thing is, I know there will always be people who want me gone, it’s the story of my life, but I cannot hide if I want
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