All Chapters of Alpha Zaine’s Rejection: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
74 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-One
Zaine’s POVLuca’s constant twitching is grating on my last frayed nerve. It is not like him to be wound so tightly and now is the worst time for him to come unstuck. I’m a little concerned the fucker could go off on a bloody rampage at any moment, and he is meant to be the calm, level headed one. George isn’t doing much better, except he is making no effort to hide the fact that he is practically foaming at the mouth to put an end to Acheron. Restraint is not George’s strong point, and to be fair to him, I’m struggling to contain myself so his self control is even more impressive.Here I was, thinking that having two Betas would make my life easier. I don’t remember my father having to deal with bullshit like this. Does this crap skip a generation or what? It seems my entire lineage’s bad karma has come home to roost all at once.“Will you two pull yourselves together. Fuck! What has gotten into you both? Acheron is a traitor and a sadistic son of a bitch, but he isn’t blind and th
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Chapter Sixty-Two
Cronin's POVIt has been many years since anyone has called me by my given name. I had to become Blue Blade to separate myself from the reality of what my life had become, it was the only way I could survive what had to be done. The weapon I carry was a gift from the king before he stole the throne from his own brother. It is imbued with powers I do not understand and bound to me with a dark magic that I find both awe inspiring and terrifying.Every kill strengthened me, the effect was intoxicating and within hardly any time at all I became addicted to the rush of power and vitality it gave me. I had no idea my mind had become clouded, that I was being eaten up and transformed into an extension of my weapon. All I could think about was the next kill, and Acheron was always there, pointing me in the direction of anyone who stood against him.When I was sent after the baby Princess and the king and queen, I was promised my family would be released and that we would be allowed to return
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Chapter Sixty-Three
Sophia’s POVGeorge barges through the door like his arse is on fire and almost crashes right into Mrs Crook, who is looking more rattled than I have ever seen her.“Acheron is here.” I catch the tail end of what she is saying and my head feels like it might explode with everything happening and how overwhelming it all is. Of course, why would it possibly go any differently. Will we ever have a day that goes smoothly, peacefully even? “Mrs Crook, this is Cronin. Cronin, Mrs Crook.” I wave my hand between the two of them, making introductions, because honestly, I don’t know what else to do right now and I’d rather be doing something than nothing, even if it that ‘something’ is introducing two people who have been enemies for almost two decades.“George.” I take a deep breath and look up at the beta who seems to.. not hate me.. but I don’t think he likes me very much. He said something when he came running in here but it went right over my head.“My Queen.” He bows his head and I almos
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Chapter Sixty-Four
Mrs Crooks POVThe usurper ‘s arrival has put a massive kink in my plan. I wanted to give them all time. Time to realise that they cannot fight battles on all fronts, and Alcmene’s prideful war is not theirs to be caught up in. “Sophia. Are you ready?” I give her the same look I used to give her as a small child, the one that says ‘do as you are told and trust that I know what is best’. By the look on her face I can see she is confused. I wish I could explain, but if I do, Alcmene will take control and run. Of course Sophia could fight for control but honestly, I don’t know who would win and I cant take a chance.“I am. Lets do this.” She looks around at her men, who are preparing to leave. “What exactly do I need to do?” she takes my hand and her shoulders relax a little. I have never steered the girl wrong, and she knows she can trust me to look after her best interest.“Before your men take their leave we will all have a ceremonial tea, then after they have departed, I will put a
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Chapter Sixty-Five
Zaine’s POVSomething is different. Not wrong. Just different.“No Shit.” An unfamiliar voice in my head comes to life. The amusement I feel is not my own, it's his, my real wolf’s. What has Aggie done?She hasn’t taken her eyes off me since I woke. There is throbbing spot on my head from where it obviously hit the table after drinking the tea, and I don’t know how to feel about this. This was not what we had discussed and agreed upon.Shit. How long have I been out, and why are my legs numb? George and Luca are going to be pulling their hair out if I don’t get back to the main house soon. Groans start coming from the other men and their heads lol and bob as they rise from the table.Obviously Aggie has done something to free us and give us our ‘true wolves’ as she calls them. I can see the confusion I had felt, on the faces of the men around the table. Sophia still hasn’t woken up.“Aggie.” I try so hard to keep calm, but I can’t peel my eyes away from Sophia’s perfectly still body.
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Chapter Sixty-Six
George’s POV“Where is Alpha Zaine?” A purple vein pulses right next to Acheron’s temple as he demands to know Zaine’s whereabouts yet again. If I didn’t tell him the first six times he asked, I have no idea what makes him think the seventh time would be the charm.I do know that whatever Aggie is going to do, is not something Acheron should know anything about. I sent Frankie to keep my pain in the arse and her meddling sidekick in their rooms and out of harms way. Maybe they will give him a little taste of what I’ve been putting up with. More than one man here has found it amusing, watching me pull my hair out over the little Imp and her antics. To be honest I was close to throttling her myself more than once, but now that there is real and present danger on our land and in our home, my mind is on her more than I ever thought it would be.Acheron’s rancid breath warms my face and his canines elongate in front of my eyes. Luca looks as if he wants to pull the crazy off me, but a subt
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Chapter Sixty-Seven
Acheron’s POVThe musty stench of dirt and mold is familiar to me. It stinks of decay and death, just like my own dungeons. I can’t sense my beast. What did he do to me?“What have you done? I am your king, you will die for this.” I scream as anger floods me. The thick iron bars between me and the arsehole betas is all that stands between me and vengeance. They took my wolf. How the fuck did they take my wolf?What is Cronin doing here? That fool was killed by my pet rogues years ago.“You are no king of mine. Our queen will decide your fate after the party, and I... can’t... wait, to carry out your sentence myself.” George comes close to the bars and snarls his threat in my face. He has no idea what I am capable of. My men will follow their orders, I have no doubt of that. If taking Zaine and his little bitch down is the last thing I ever do, it will be worth it.“Your Queen,” I snort, almost chocking on laughter. “Your Queen is weak, just like her father. Weakness has no place on t
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Chapter Sixty-Eight
Sophia’s POV I am so unbelievably ready for this to all be over.When I woke up and felt the change inside of me, I knew there was only one way this shit show would end. Alcmene was strong, there is no doubt in that , but my new wolf, my true wolf, is different. She is strong but not in the maniacal way her predecessor was. My true wolf, Lia, is ready to burn it all to the ground and begin again. I think I see her point. There is so much poison, fear and hatred festering amongst our people. I just can’t allow the innocent to suffer along with the guilty. Some people do terrible things to survive, does that make them terrible people? I don’t know.“Blue Moon must be cleansed Sophia. It is the root of the evil.” Lia pleads with me to see her reasoning.“Blue Moon is my birth pack and where this all started. My parents were not evil, their kingdom is not evil. Acheron is the root, not the innocents who lived under him waiting for the axe to fall. I will not punish them Lia.” I hate tha
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Chapter Sixty-Nine
Aggie’s POV My body is being jostled about and my old bones can’t take much more. I don’t remember how I got here, or even where here is. I think I’m in a car. The light keeps changing on the other side of my closed eyes, flickering between light and dark like a strobe. “How long do you think it will be until she wakes?” I hear Torrin’s voice beside me.“How the fuck should I know?” Abe snaps back. “Will you two pack it in, we have a long drive, leave her to rest.” Soph sounds just like her mother, oh how I miss her. I can only imagine how Abe must be feeling. When I told him that my body would grow weaker the longer all those souls were crammed inside me, he only hesitated for a minute or so before sticking his blade in my side and releasing the building pressure.I’m glad. I underestimated how much of a strain they would put on me. If he had waited, even a few hours, I doubt I would have had the strength to heal. I know, it sounds dramatic, but I really nearly died. That is not
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Chapter Seventy
Zaine’s POV It wasn’t even a decision really. I have known for some time that my pack and I would end up in Blue Moon. I hadn’t dared to hope we would be here, and at such an advantage, so soon. We have been planning for a hostile takeover, stocking supplies, preparing for the worst whilst praying for the best.Thank heavens none of the visiting Alphas or their people were harmed, and they took their leave with very few questions. Sophia really showed herself as the Queen she is, by reassuring everyone that their questions would soon be answered, but for now they should return to their pack and assure their people that all is well. She was obviously disappointed that the celebrations had to be cancelled and that she wouldn’t be able to meet and get the measure of our guests. I’ll surprise her with the ball to end all balls once we have sorted everything here. It looks like we will have a lot to do, and the reception we got from the outlying town doesn’t inspire much hope.“What are
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