All Chapters of THE DON'S DESIRE : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
47 Chapters
TANYA’S POV A soft resounded on the door."Who's there?" I questioned as I silently hoped that it wasn't the monster.But somehow, I knew it couldn’t be. After all, monsters don’t knock."It's me, the guard, Sanchez. Mr. Rodrigo sent me," came the muffled response."Come in, then," I let out.The door slightly opened, and then he proceeded in—a visible brown envelope in his right palm."Mr. Rodrigo wanted you to have this." He informed, stretching it towards me. My eyes darted over it as I contemplated on what best to do. I couldn't think of the best reason why he would send me anything.“What is in it?” I questioned.“I guess you would have to ask the Boss, Ma’am.” He threw it at me, and it sounded a bit rude.Not wanting to push the conversation further, I took it from him, noticing a white note slightly out, causing me to curiously open it gently.“Go out and do stuff that women your age do. Treat yourself." The words played out.My eyes moved over his credit card sitting in my ri
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Rodrigo's POV I stormed towards the sleek, black car, the anger burning within me like an unquenchable flame. Tanya's actions this morning had ignited a fuse of frustration, and the weight of it settled heavily on my shoulders. Carlos, one of my most trusted men, stood stoically beside me. "Why didn't you bring the file?" I demanded, turning sharply to face him before entering the car. "You almost made me look stupid with Gonzalez." Gonzalez and I had illegal dealings together, shrouded in the façade of a legitimate business partnership. Any misstep could jeopardise everything. Carlos lowered his gaze, a flicker of regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry, boss. I mistakenly brought the wrong file. It won't happen again, I swear." "You're right. It won't," I replied coldly. Without hesitation, I reached for the cold metal of my pistol, a familiar weight in my holster. In an instant, a gunshot pierced the air, and Carlos crumpled to the ground, lifeless. The silence that followed was
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TANYA’S POV Cracking my eyes, it trailed over Rodrigo’s head, lying against my chest. Yesterday, I’d found him drinking himself into a stupor, and I invited him to get some rest. All attempts to move proved abortive because his weight practically pinned me down. I decided just to let it go and lie down. I couldn’t help but sniff his hair, and for some reason, it smelt like lavender, making my stomach twitch. He began to stir awake and stretch. It wasn’t until he fully cracked his eyes open that he sat upright. “What am I doing here?” He asked in a gravelly voice as he rubbed his temples. “You were mad drunk last night, and I didn’t want to let you sleep on the stool in the wine cellar,” I answered, feeling a little sad that he had to stand just when I was enjoying the moment. “That explains this migraine,” he muttered, more to himself than to me, as a frown formed on his face. Peeling the blanket off him, he got on his feet. “I feel like shit,” He complained, a palm on
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TANYA’S POV “Did you just come in or…?” I questioned, after letting out a sigh of relief. “I just got back.” He answered plainly, his voice firm and his posture unwavering. How could he act like I wasn't half-naked? Our eyes met, and I held his gaze. I’ve been around him since, and I always knew he had pretty eyes, but seeing it this close made me appreciate them even more. I began to feel a bit uncomfortable and gently averted my gaze, going to my wardrobe to look for something nice to wear. searching through my pile of clothes, I could feel the heat of his vision on my back. I didn't bother to look, but I could tell that he was staring at me. I finally grabbed a nice silk nightgown, and then I froze. Looking over my shoulders, my eyes moved to the corner. “Do you just plan on standing there?” I questioned, my voice a little shaky. He didn’t respond. Instead, he just stood his ground. I could tell that his eyes were hovering all over me. A part of me felt embarras
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RODRIGO’S POV I rolled the blunt between my fingers, and with one swift rehearsed motion, I lit it up. The second it began to burn, my back collided against my chair. The door clicked open, revealing Anthonio walking into the room, his hands folded behind him as he stood by the door. Anthonio had been the one who filled up the position of being my right-hand man after the unfortunate incident that occurred the last one. “Status report?” I asked, my eyes not leaving him. “The deal is a go. The collection point is at the old container terminal,” He stated. Secured the cigar stick between my lips, I got on my feet. “We’ll go this evening. Go round up the men and prepare. This is a really big shipment. We can’t let anything go wrong.” “Yes, sir,” Anthonio mumbled before he backed away and left the room. I puffed out some smoke as I swivelled on the rotating office chair. As the minutes stretched in my home office, I started to think about Tanya. Was it really a wise decis
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TANYA’S POVFalling against the seat, I pulled Rodrigo inward. A grunt escaped his throat as the bullet dived into his body. He pinned me against the seat, his weight pressing me down while the tyres screeched as they rolled relentlessly against the asphalt. The smell of burning rubber tinged my nostrils as the car jolted forward. The sound of shattering glass met my ears as we drove away, followed by Rodrigo quickly covering my tiny frame with his massive arms. The sound of firing bullets faded away in the background the second we sped down the road. After a while, I finally forced my eyes open. My heart thudded hard against my ribcage.“Rodrigo,” I called, sitting upright. My eyes widened the moment they landed on the blood oozing from his wound, my stomach twisted, and bile rose to my throat. I was never one to take a liking to the sight of blood.“Rodrigo, you're bleeding out!” I shrieked, panic clawing against my throat. He winced as he pressed his palm against his right shou
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RODRIGO’S POV“We have our eyes on him,” Anthonio informed me as he walked into the room, causing me to get on my feet, and feel a dull ache on my shoulders.I was going to make sure that bastard paid for what he did to me.Nobody tries to scam me and get away with it. Walking up to my drawer, I pulled out a tray. The components of my sniper were meticulously arranged side by side. I began to assemble the sniper. “He won't even know what hit him,” I whispered. Polishing it, I turned to face Anthonio. “Let's go take care of business.”I donned my black silk hand gloves and then grabbed my pistol, tucking it into the holster that was clung to my waist belt. As I exited the office, I spotted Tanya in the distance, her gaze scrutinizing. She folded her arms across her chest as she watched, her eyes darting between me and the weapon in my hands. She let out a sigh, maybe a disappointed one. I had no way of knowing, but I didn't care. She should even be thankful I was getting paybackW
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TANYA’S POVI opened my eyes to find Rodrigo fast asleep beside me, his head resting against my chest. My movement made him stir awake.He blocked me a few times as he looked at me, his face twisting into a questioning look. I, for one, was also wondering what he was doing here.He moved back, creating some space between us. He rubbed his eyes and then climbed off the bed.“How did I get here?” He asked, more to himself than to me.I found myself wondering the same. I didn't even notice him lying on my bed.The stench of alcohol at the fact that he was drunk, maybe he walked into my room because he felt too lazy to walk to his?He entered my bathroom and began throwing up. I could tell from the way he was sounding in there that it was going to be one heck of a hangover.I sat on the bed and cradled my knees. The door clicked open, and he walked out. His moist hair dangled over his forehead, and he was bare-chested.My eyes roamed his frame. Rodrigo was muscular; that wasn't new news, b
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RODRIGO’S POV It was dusk, the sun was rising, and the skies were still gloomy. I took in some smoke and then discarded the cigar stick. I voided the contents of my ashtray into the trash can. The door clicked open, and Anthonio made his way in. “The package has arrived. They're waiting for us at the port”, he said monotonously. Immediately, I got on my feet, “Get the car ready. I'll be down in a minute.” I ordered and watched him nod before walking out. It has been roughly three days since Luigi's death; nobody has made a move yet. Perhaps they were waiting for the right time to strike. I had to be one step ahead, and I'd deal with that problem when I returned. I opened my wardrobe, running my hands through all the blazers that were hung as I was searching for the right suit to wear. A well-tailored purplish black suit caught my eye, and I unhooked it. The fabric was smooth against my skin, perfect. I put it on and then adjusted my shirt while staring at my refle
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TANYA’S POV I sat there silently, trying to wipe my sweaty palms against my thighs. Rodrigo's father, Mr. Augusto, had such a commanding aura that it was almost suffocating. I thought Rodrigo was evil, but then I began to see where he got it from. He looked between Rodrigo and me. “Ease up, son. And I just wanted to spend some time with you and my daughter-in-law.” Rodrigo visibly stiffened as he shoved his hands into his pocket. “I'm getting better, and I decided to do something I should have done a long time ago: have dinner with the family. It's been a while, hasn't it?” Rodrigo's eyes widened in real time as he stood there. “Is he…” he trailed off. His father chucked, “Don't tell me you're still on bad terms with your brother?” He asked. Rodrigo lowered his head a little. “Me and him, we don't talk that much. It's better that way for everyone's peace of mind.” “Nonsense!” He replied, his voice echoing. “You two are brothers. You're the only children I have. One w
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