All Chapters of THE DON'S DESIRE : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
TANYA’S POVI opened the door to his home office a crack and peeked into it. He wasn't there, and I groaned. According to what Maria told me, he should still be home by now, so why, today of all days, should he not follow that schedule?It's funny that I was looking for him after two days of avoiding him. Anytime my mind went to the last night we spent together, I was filled with shame. What was wrong with me?This was someone who had nearly killed me, and I not only let him into my room, I let him touch me. I felt him, too, like none of that ever happened. Either I was seriously deranged or foolish.And I kept wondering why he treated me like he did. Well, because he knew I was weak-willed and easily led. And I wouldn't say I liked that too.What would it have taken me to slam the door in his face when I saw him approaching? I would have liked to see him banging on the door, demanding to get in, while I smiled behind it. It's mahogany. He won't be able to break it down, no matter ho
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RODRIGO’S POVI grinned at the shocked expression on Tanya's face as I drew out the seat and sat by the dinner table. It had been a while since I'd had dinner with her, mainly because I didn't know what she thought of me. And today, as I decided to brave up and eat with her, she was looking at me like I was a ghost like she hadn't spoken with me a few hours ago before she went out."What, am I not allowed to have dinner at my table anymore?" I asked, beckoning Maria. She hadn't even served any food on my side. It turns out she was used to me staying away, too."No, of course, you can," Tanya said hurriedly and immediately started coughing.My eyes widened, and I pushed a water bottle closer to her. I watched her drink and then set the water down. She looked away from me, and I found that very amusing.She looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here, and seeing the way she seemed to be avoiding me lately, I sensed that she didn't like me jumping up on her tonight."Why are you so une
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TANYA’S POV"My father just died," were the words Rodrigo spoke as he brushed past me when he came back home.I gasped, making to go after him, but he glanced back sharply and glared at me. I shrank back, surprised. Was I wrong to want to console him on this unfortunate incident?Well, with the way he looked at me, it was. I watched him go, wondering how this news would affect our relationship. I thought we were getting somewhere, with him talking with me and letting me into his space. It felt like our relationship was more than just a few pleasurable minutes.Not that I didn't like having pleasurable times with him, but I wanted more than that. I wanted to know that he felt something for me and wasn't just using me. For a moment last night, it felt like my wishes were coming true.Now, though, all I could see was all the progress unravelling. It seems the excellent version of my fake husband was gone. How lucky I was.I sighed, confusion causing my brows to crease. Or do I need to go
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TANYA’S POVI scrambled back from the bed as he fell upon it. "What the hell is going on?" I shouted, terrified.Why was he in my room by this time? If he tried to make any move on me, I was ready to break his fingers. After blowing me off, he just burst into my room like he owned the place... which he technically did, but still, he needed my permission before coming in.Permission that I definitely didn't give. Not with how he's been treating me..."This place is so comfortable," he drawled.I frowned. This didn't sound like the Rodrigo I knew. Are you making a random comment like this? No."Well, the bed is really soft," I ventured.He shook his head and stopped suddenly, wincing like it hurt him a lot. "Not the bed. You. You make it comfortable."I blinked, unsure of what to say to that. I sat up to get a good look at him as if that would tell me what he was thinking."Are you okay?" I asked tentatively.He reached a hand out to mine, and I snatched my hand away. No, I wasn't going
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Rodrigo's pov This wasn't my room, and it was too girly. The wallpaper was off, and I'd never chosen this bright yellow color for myself. I sat up and immediately regretted it. My head swam, but still, I looked around the room, clenching my fists to take a quick swing at anyone who was about to take a strike at me.As it turned out, there was only the sleeping figure of Tanya beside me. Well, she was sleeping until she opened her eyes, and I realized she was wide awake."Rodrigo," she began.Ignoring the dull ache in my head, I swung my legs off the bed. "What am I doing here?"I didn't recall coming in here at all, so she'd better have a good explanation for that cos I wasn't feeling very patient now."You... you walked in here last night. You were drunk," she said, sitting up too."Damn it," I thought, pausing. I usually kept myself locked up in my room whenever I felt the need to indulge, so why was last night different?I glanced at her, hating that she had seen me drunk. I proba
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TANYA’S POV I watched the smug look spread across Rodrigo's face with a frown. Usually, I wouldn't mind him getting the title he'd always wanted, which got me in this position in the first place. But it was getting more challenging to feel happy about anything he did lately. With his behavior and all, I was starting to hate him. I felt like the morning after he told me about his mother didn't have a good closure, and he didn't even attempt to speak to me after that. Back to our usual routine of only speaking when it was necessary. I was tired of this routine. How could he go back to ignoring me after telling me something so personal? Was he that cold? I watched as he moved away from Fabio to mount the podium. Fabio was an entirely different case. He had a bitter look, and then he glanced at me. I quickly looked away, not wanting him to know I was staring. I couldn't decide how I felt towards him after our last meeting. I always thought he was the more excellent version of
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TANYA’S POVI swiped my lock screen up, contemplating calling my father. When he sent me to that bar, it was not to make some stupid deal with a ruthless man. This marriage to Rodrigo was not a part of the agreement, noI was done with this nonsense.True, I had no choice when I agreed to this fake marriage, but I had a choice now to either leave or stay. And leaving would mean he might set out to look for me and kill me.Hopefully, my father would have a way to hide me until everything dies down.The thought itself was silly. How could my father, who sold me off, be willing to protect me, much less break some protocols to make sure Rodrigo doesn't find me?Just thinking that way was enough to dwindle the little hope I felt. But I pursed my lips, a resolve forming. I always thought I got myself into this mess, but in truth, my father did. If he didn't sell me off, I would be a free woman by now.I'd paid enough for his mistakes now; it was time for him to repay me by getting me out of
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RODRIGO’S POVI walked between the men arranged in rows before me, nodding at the uniform formation. They were trained always to be alert, just like they were when I stepped into this room. They had assembled quickly, no slackers at all. With this kind of team, I was sure that the new goals I was putting forward would actually be possible. "My father was unable to get the complete payment of the loan we gave to the Albans." I continued with a frown on my face. Everyone knew the story of the Albans, a company that was trying to regain lost ground after a legal tussle. They needed capital, and my father provided that for them, and he kept doing so till the money piled up much more than they could repay at the arranged time. I didn't know for sure the reason why my father didn't put much heart into getting that money back from them, but I had a feeling it had to do with the Albans' first daughter and my father's own emotions. Things I didn't particularly appreciate because they made h
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TANYA’S POV I retreated from my hiding place, where I could watch and hear what was going on in the doorway of Rodrigo's room. From what I heard, it was the same thing already going haywire. Earlier, I was able to sneak in closer so that I could hear what he was telling his men. It's something about getting some debt from a company called The Albums. I didn't think that was important; hell, I didn't even know who those people were. I would have stayed there hoping to hear snippets of a more relevant announcement, but then Antonio started walking towards where I was hiding. Even though I had seen him in time and could scramble away, it was a miracle that he didn't see me. The Antonio I knew would notice every slight detail. Anyone who works under Rodrigo would. Luckily, he didn't see where I went to my hiding place. I guessed a lot was on his mind, and judging from his pacing before the door, I was right. Because of his presence, I was subjected to waiting for an indefi
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RODRIGO’S POV Her eyes widened, and I felt my frown go deeper. Further confirmation that there was something she was hiding. On my way out with Antonio, I changed my mind and returned to speak to Tanya. It had been a while since I did that, and I was not too fond of it. Thinking of how I spoke to her the last time we said it didn't make me that happy. Sure, I didn't know she was supposed to talk to me much, for my good and hers, but I didn't want her to wallow in self-loathing either. I was trying not to get too comfortable around her, but I didn't want to hurt her either. I was already at the end of this hallway, about to ask some servants if they had seen her, when I saw her walking out. She looked troubled, not to mention the fact that she was coming from the direction of where I was addressing my men. I will see to that later. For now, I just wanted to know what put such a desperate look on her face. I was the only one allowed to do that, so seeing that someone el
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