All Chapters of THE DON'S DESIRE : Chapter 51 - Chapter 59
59 Chapters
TANYA’S POV I didn't want to let go. I wanted to stay in his embrace forever. He was so solid, like the one stable thing I needed to hold on to, or else I would fall. But then his phone had to ring, and he had to accept the call. Now, he was standing a few steps away, speaking to Antonio. I couldn't hear what he was saying in his calm tone, but I hoped it was nothing serious. I really didn't care about what he was discussing with Antonio. I vaguely remembered that I was supposed to be eavesdropping on every conversation Rodrigo engaged in, but I didn't have the will anymore. All I wanted was for him to hang up that cell and get back to kissing me. I wanted to feel that safety I'd always craved from him. It felt like this was a different Rodrigo. I would have concluded that he was Fabio, but for his voice, that was unmistakably Rodrigo's. Maybe something happened to make him realize that I was hurting. Perhaps he regretted being harsh to me. Something happened; I had no
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RODRIGO’S POV I wondered what Antonio was talking about through the drive to my father's mansion. His words on the phone kept coming to me, but they didn't make any more sense the more I thought about them. "I've tried the keys," Antonio had said. "They won't open the door. We need your help." What was I supposed to do? Break the door down? But that wasn't what troubled me more. I was sure I gave him the right keys, so his report was really far-fetched. Maybe he was making a mistake, or he didn't try hard enough. Either way, I had to see things for myself. My mind drifted back to Tanya. She'd probably still be where I left her. I wished Antonio hadn't interrupted us, but there was nothing I could change about that. As much as I would have liked to stay with her, there was always something more important to do. I shook my head, trying to arrange my thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking so much about her. That wasn't nice for both of us. How was I supposed to keep her from
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TANYA’S POVI wanted to type some nasty words out to Enzo as a reply. What did he take me for? A puppet of some sort? Did he think he could jump orders in me and expect me to follow suddenly?And asking me to go against Rodrigo at that...he was really getting bold. I might not have minded naturally, but not now when I was starting to build a connection with Rodrigo, no matter how small. I didn't want anything to ruin it. Typing all my thoughts out would be extremely stressful, so I decided to put a call through to him to give him a piece of my mind. That is if he would even pick up. I'd already concluded that I was calling in vain when the phone began to ring endlessly. What was the point of even calling in the first place? Then Enzo shocked me by answering. "You know it's not safe to call this number, right?" he asked. I felt chills go down my spine at the sound of his still voice. He still sounded muddled, which made me wonder if he always wore masks over his head. I was tempted
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TANYA’S POVI stared at the directions Enzo had texted me, wishing I could ignore them and get the hell on with my life. But I knew I couldn't. As dangerous as it was to meddle with Rodrigo, I knew that Enzo was also dangerous, if not more harmful.Besides, I'd already started. I had no choice but to go on with what I began. Enzo said to find a guard at the end of the hallway that Rodrigo's home office was in.From where I stood at the start of the hallway, I couldn't see anyone waiting for me there. I narrowed my eyes as I moved forward. If this turned out to be a bloody prank, it wouldn't be funny at all."Is anyone here?" I called as I walked. The lights were off. The only source of light was a window at the side. Why didn't I turn on the light as I stepped in? I scolded myself.Just knowing that someone who worked for Enzo was waiting for me was enough to make me scared of such a simple place."What's the code?" a deep voice replied to me, and I jumped. The voice seemed to come fr
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Rodrigo's pov I scrolled through the security camera memory on my laptop. There was a mix-up somewhere. I could feel it. One file was missing, the one of some time in the afternoon, and I was checking to see if I would find it first before deciding on what to do next. I had a feeling my search for it was futile, though, and that it had to do with the key that was missing. I concluded that it was missing after I came back to search for it in my room and of course I found nothing. It was frustrating not knowing for sure if it was misplaced or if I was the one making a mistake, so I decided to check for the only accurate account I could find. There was a light knock on my door, and I looked up. "Come in." I watched the door open to reveal Tanya, and I stopped my scrolling. "Is there a problem?" I asked. "Um... Does there need to be a problem before I can see you?" she asked, her voice a bit shy. "Well, there has to be something you want," I insisted. I saw her take a d
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Rodrigo's pov From Tanya's stance, I could tell that she was hiding and trying to sneak. I was trying because I knew that was not how they did it. But why would she be sneaking around the house? It was very strange. I wondered when she began that new attitude. I skipped through the part where Antonio and I spoke and then watched her tap on her phone. If I could zoom in and see what she was doing with the phone, I would have done so. I frowned, replaying that scene. She was texting someone, and my suspicion grew. I remembered that I wanted to have a look at her phone then, but somehow, I got diverted from that. I should have checked it when I had the chance. I skipped through the rest of the few minutes, gritting my teeth. I shouldn't have kissed her. That must be why she came in here to feel that connection again. It was dangerous for the both of us and now I managed to get her hopes up. I always tried to remember that we were just married on a deal here, and most times,
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TANYA’S POVI sighed in relief as Rodrigo left my room. What had I gotten myself into? And who the hell was Don? I was glad he didn't mention Enzo else; I wouldn't have been able to keep the guilt from my expression.I picked up my phone and deleted my chats with Enzo. That was just a disaster waiting to happen, and I certainly wouldn't let it happen.Was I even still safe here? Rodrigo said I had to be here when he got back. Then what would happen to me? All I could see was my life flashing before my eyes, and I was scared.The feeling of the cold metal of the gun on my forehead lingered, and I touched that spot. Just one move and the gun would go off, a bullet straight to my brain, and that would be the end of me. I could already see it happening.I paced the length of my room, wondering what to do next. With Enzo's chat gone, I was safer, but Rodrigo mentioned something about me making calls to some person. What exactly had he seen in that laptop of his?I stepped out of my room an
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RODRIGO’S POVThe night was quiet despite all that was happening. I didn't want to disrupt the atmosphere of calm either; there was no need to alert the enemy of our presence.I could sense my men in the background, though, but they were good enough at hiding to make it seem like they weren't there."Are we going in?" Antonio asked, shifting closer to me. When I came, I met him hiding behind some shrubs, not a good hiding place, but at least he wasn't dead yet."Yes," I replied. "We'll bring the fight to them.""What about the people in the house?" he asked with a frown.I thought of all the servants who took care of the house. It's funny they were in there while all this was going on."If they aren't already scared senseless, then I think they will stay in their quarters and not interrupt us. Whoever does will die."I motioned for two of my men to follow me, and Antonio and I slipped through the back door.It was nostalgic going through this door. It brought back memories of my child
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RODRIGO’S POVI always thought the concept of jumping in the way of a bullet to save a friend was a seriously overrated and dumb action. Why die in his place when you can get on with your life like nothing ever happened?But when it happened to me, that changed my ideas greatly. I would have been dead if Antonio hadn't stepped in the way of the bullets Enzo fired.As it happened, though, the force Antonio used to jump was too much, and he ended up taking me down, too. We both fell, but while he was shot, I was just stunned.That stun quickly transited to anger, though, and I aimed at Enzo."You fool," I growled and took a shot.Enzo was already down, bleeding, and yet he managed to fire that shot. It was lucky that he didn't use the double revolver. If he had, I would have been shot whether or not Antonio stood in the way.Enzo was saying something, and I heard Tanya's name, but he didn't have the chance to finish his statement.It was a clean shot to his second arm. I would have got
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