All Chapters of You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone: Chapter 651 - Chapter 660
808 Chapters
Chapter 651 Mr. Northwood's Gift to You
Lucian instinctively raised his hand to his temples. He found that he was getting stress-related headaches when he saw Cailyn now. There were several occasions where he had unbearable headaches upon seeing her.He frowned and was about to refuse when Cailyn silently mouthed the word, "plane".He instantly understood what she was trying to say and turned to David."You and the directors can go on ahead."David shot Cailyn a look and reminded Lucian before leaving, "We're short on time, Mr. Northwood."Lucian nodded and escorted Cailyn to the lounge where she had previously been. Then, the receptionist manning the front desk fetched a plate of sliced fruits and pastries. After asking her preferences, they prepared her a refreshing cup of fruit tea. It was the treatment she hadn't received before.Since she didn't have an appointment, all she could do was sit around and wait. The front desk had only offered her multiple cups of severely watered-down coffee. She couldn't help but won
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Chapter 652 Did You Drive Her Away
When Lucian got into the car, he instructed David. "Find out what flights will arrive at the Capeton airport at 3:10 pm. Search both domestic and international flights. I want information on every passenger on those flights. To the airport."The last sentence was directed at the driver up front. David acquiesced and contacted the major aviation companies for the list of passengers.Lucian kept fiddling with the buttons on the side of his phone and watched as the screen brightened and dimmed in a constant cycle. After waiting for more than half an hour, he couldn't help but ask, "Do you have the contact information of the girl with the ponytail manning the front desk?"David paused and stiffly turned to look at his employer."I don't. But she should be listed in the company's group chat. Has she caught your eye, Mr. Northwood? You shouldn't do anything to disappoint Madam Calista. When you had gone missing, she had been busy comforting your parents while learning how to manage the
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Chapter 653 You Have Calista
Lucian was about to say no, but he swallowed his words after a moment's hesitation.He wasn't sure if Calista had switched off her phone and refused to come home because she was angry about the photos. What if something happened to her? But with how tumultuous the situation had recently become, he couldn't afford to take any chances.Moreover, Cailyn claimed that the mastermind had returned to the country today. Yet, he hadn't seen hide nor hair of him. It was possible that the man had been prepared and avoided his eyes and ears.He returned to Capeton. And now, Calista was missing…Combining these two incidents, it was impossible to think of it as a mere coincidence.Lucian spoke at a rapid pace, "I don't know. Callie's phone is switched off. I can't get in contact with her. Tell me where she might usually go or how I can contact her."Yara was infuriated. Calista had gone missing, and he didn't even know if he had upset her. What was the point of keeping men around? They were n
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Chapter 654 You're Not Staying Together
It ended with Calista switching off her phone out of guilt and promising that she wouldn't respond to anyone tonight. Her sole focus would be to eat with Hugo, thus concluding his endless stream of complaints.She had wanted to call Lucian to let him know. But Hugo said he had already told him about it when he arrived. She would be staying with him tonight rather than returning to the Everglade Manor."Listen to your father. You should keep a man on his toes and leave him hanging for a few days. Otherwise, the lack of challenge would mean he wouldn't cherish you as much if he believes you're already his."Hugo was acting like a worried father who didn't want his daughter to be deceived by a scumbag. So, he fervently fed her his narratives."All this talk about your one true love. Men are fickle creatures. You can't just let them have their way…"Seeing him grow increasingly biased, Calista couldn't help but smile. She reminded him, "Dad, you're also a man.""Uh…" Hugo paused as h
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Chapter 655 You Were Jealous
Hugo watched the interaction closely from the sidelines and sneered. So, he was planning to sneak around.Lucian didn't bother making his bed when he got to his room. He immediately raced to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up. Then, he spent another half an hour completing his work. Once he figured that Hugo might be asleep, he got up and gently opened the door.There was no one in the corridor. Only the emergency lights gave off a warm glow.He would have to pass Hugo's room to get to Calista. But with the floors carpeted, the faint shuffles when walking on it were nearly negligible. Still, he instinctively lightened his steps when passing by Hugo's door.The door that had been shut tight opened with a click. Hugo, dressed in his sleepwear, stood at the door to regard Lucian with a cold gaze."Why are you sneaking around, Mr. Northwood? What are you up to?" Lucian was at a loss for words."Come in. I have something I need to ask."The next day, the well-rested Cal
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Chapter 656 You're the One I Love
Upon closer inspection of the contents, Calista realized they were all shallow articles. There were titles like, "Signs That A Woman Loves You", "If A Woman Never Gets Angry, It Means She Doesn't Love You", "If A Woman Doesn't Want Your House, Your Car, The Jewelry And The Money You Give Her, It Means She Doesn't Love You".There was even one titled "A Woman's Eight Favorite Positions".The titles were so dramatic that they were this close to blinding her.She looked up at Lucian, who was eating with his head hung low. He refused to look at her and was likely still sulking about her not feeling jealous of him and Cailyn.Calista unfollowed the pages with no mercy. Some of the illustrations and titles were so ridiculous that she had to discreetly delete them from his phone. If Hugo, who was next to her, were to take notice, he would think she was reading erotic works of fiction.Once she unfollowed the pages, Calista tossed the phone back to Lucian.Lucian took a quick look and no
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Chapter 657 Why Not Marry Her
Calista had accepted Augustus' request to mentor Kenneth as her assistant, and with his evident enthusiasm to acquire knowledge, there was no need for her to delay his involvement. Furthermore, he claimed to be her fan. Of course, she should be more accommodating. Kenneth smiled."Yes.""Let's start by identifying the tools today then."He didn't major in a related field. So, he had to start from scratch. She relayed the names of the tools and introduced him to the uses of each. Kenneth had a notebook and was earnestly taking notes. He would also occasionally ask questions.Calista took it more seriously when she saw how dedicated she was. Who wouldn't like someone who was eager to learn?…Cailyn bumped into someone the moment she left the hospital, causing her to stumble. The person quickly helped her up and apologized profusely.She shook her head."I'm fine…"The conversation came to an abrupt stop when the person thrust a note into her hand.Once they were gone, she di
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Chapter 658 Onset of Illness
"Soon," Lucian said.Calista didn't know if it was just her imagination. She had a feeling that there was a momentary hesitation in his words.Selena, as Lucian's mother, knew her son best. She instantly noticed that something was wrong, causing her expression to darken. But when she turned her attention to Calista, she wore a loving and amiable smile."I'm a little hungry, Callie. Can you go get me two slices of cake?"Once Calista was gone, Selena's face turned grim. She coldly asked Lucian, "What are you planning to do about the wedding? I'm warning you. No funny business or I'll castrate you myself. The only daughter-in-law I'll recognize is Calista. No one else will take her place."She had heard about the scandal some time ago and learned that the woman in question resembled Lily. It sounded like a bad joke. If it weren't for Calista's nonchalance and Selena's fear that her interference would affect their relationship, she would've flayed Lucian open."Mom."Lucian sighed.
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Chapter 659 Vertigo
The two men briefly locked eyes before Lucian nodded in acknowledgment."Thank you."He then crouched down to check on Selena."How are you feeling, Mom?"Selena's condition had somewhat improved with the medication. She grabbed Lucian and pointed in the direction where the man had just disappeared. "Fletcher. He was here."Henry was worried that her emotions might escalate again and trigger discomfort in her heart, so he cut her off. "Selena, Fletcher is already dead.""It was him. I would know. That man is Fletcher Barlowe."No one else but Fletcher would call her "girl". She had no idea why he would show up in Capeton again after 20 years. He greeted her no less. There was no doubt that he had ill intentions.He was a psychopath. People like him were vindictive.Seeing how agitated Selena was becoming, Lucian quickly reassured her by holding her hand."I got it. I'll investigate and have someone check the surveillance footage. Whether he's Fletcher or not, we'll catch hi
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Chapter 660 How Sentimental
Lucian ruffled Calista's hair. "I might be busy tonight. You'll have to be prepared to take care of Mom." With that, he turned around and said to Simon, "Let's go."Simon nodded but at Calista rather than Lucian. "I'll keep that in mind, Madam."Calista had a feeling that wasn't what he wanted to say. Lucian's interruption made him modify his words. She frowned in dissatisfaction and rolled her eyes at a certain someone's mischief. Unfortunately, he had already left. So he didn't see it.Meanwhile, Henry sat slumped in the chair next to the bed. He looked exhausted as he held Selena's hand. Nothing else seemed to matter. Calista had intended to convince him to go home and get some rest at first, but the sight had her wisely keeping her mouth shut."I'll go fetch Mom some clothes.""Alright. She doesn't like wearing clothes she has gone out in to sleep. You should bring her some—" Before he could finish, the door opened. Lucian, who had supposedly left, appeared leaning against
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