All Chapters of You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone: Chapter 801 - Chapter 803
803 Chapters
Chapter 801 One After Another
Cameron gazed upward and shot Cade a lazy smile. The look she gave him was filled with scorn and defiance. It was as if she were staring at an idiot. She turned to leave.Cade grabbed her by her arm and nearly lifted her off the ground. The pain shooting through her arm left her completely incensed."Do you have any idea what you look like right now, Cade?" She stared straight at him and enunciated every word. "You're like a jealous husband who's throwing a hissy fit for no reason."There was a dark look in his eyes as he spoke mockingly. "Jealous husband to who? You? You have a way of flattering yourself. There's not a shred of basic self-awareness in you at all.""Then who is it that's forcing me to make a choice? You're so angry that it seems like you caught me cheating…"Cameron smirked."Why don't you ask Mr. Monet what all this looks like?"Having been mentioned by name, Fabian looked incredibly distressed. He was frantically signaling to Cameron with his eyes to not mention
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Chapter 802 You're Still Mrs. Carter
Cameron's words were blunt and harsh, leaving Cade laughing out of sheer rage."Are you stupid, Cameron? Others are capable of making the most out of any situation, but you somehow mess up even the best opportunities."She raised her hand and patted his chest. It looked as if she was brushing off nonexistent dust, but Cade had a feeling that she was actually wiping her hands on his shirt. She tilted her head and smiled, looking as sly as a fox."Are you saying that you're a 'good opportunity'?"He turned to look away to avoid her gaze. "You're still my wife in name.""What if I butt heads with the Ackerman family?"He turned his gaze back to her, his expression cold. "I'll find you a perfect burial ground only because you're my wife."There was a flicker in Cameron's eyes as her gaze grew unfocused."A burial ground? No, thank you. Just let me take my money to the grave. I don't want to end up a penniless spirit who still has to work even in the afterlife."She had already bou
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Chapter 803 Is It Broken
Cameron silently cursed and turned back. Although the incident happened suddenly enough that Asher was caught off guard and had almost been dragged into the van, he was still an adult man over six feet tall and fully conscious. Even though his attackers came prepared, they couldn't easily subdue him and take him away in such a short time.She grabbed Asher's hand. The muscular man assumed that she wanted to compete with him in strength. So, he wrestled Asher away, a cruel sneer spreading on his fleshy face. With her small frame, he figured he could knock out 10 of her with just one punch.However, Cameron had no intention of playing a game of tug-of-war. She lifted her leg high and kicked the man in the face. The slim heel of her shoe hit him squarely in his middle, sending blood spurting from his nose. The man groaned in pain and let go of Asher to grab her ankle.All the massive hand managed to do was barely touch her. Before he could exert any force, Cameron swiftly grabbed h
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