Semua Bab You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone: Bab 711 - Bab 720
802 Bab
Chapter 711 She Can't Drink This
Lucian was unhappy when Calista changed the topic. "Did you leave out anything when introducing them?""No." She had no intention of revealing her past involvement with Paul. Since he had lost all his memories, there was no need to inform him and upset him again. Lucian was still unhappy. "That Paul guy, he likes you."Calista was speechless. She pinched his face and said sternly, "I barely spoke to Paul. Can you stop making wild assumptions?""There's something strange in his gaze toward you." His voice lowered. "And you call him Paul.""The two of you are good friends. My grandfather and mom had a good relationship with his family when they were alive. It would be rude for me not to call him by his first name." "Your grandfather and mom knew him? And your families were well-connected? Why didn't you mention this before?"Calista remained silent. "Then between me and him, who did you meet first?" Lucian continued.Seeing Lucian about to bombard her with a thousand question
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Chapter 712 An Easy Target to Tease
Calista was just about to leave when the door opened. Lucian reached out and pulled her inside.The bathroom wasn't misted from the shower, so Calista could see every part of Lucian's naked body. She could see every crisscrossing scar on his body at a glance.Although they were lighter now, they were still very noticeable. Every time Calista saw them, she couldn't help but think about the video she had been forced to watch in the abandoned warehouse. She thought about how Lucian had been so badly tortured that he was covered in blood. Yet, he still stubbornly refused to submit to Kyros.No matter how many times she saw those scars and how many times she thought of him lying in a pool of blood, she always felt as if her heart was being pricked by needles. It caused her unspeakable pain.She only glanced at them briefly before looking away. She was afraid that if she continued to look, she wouldn't be able to reign her emotions in, and that Lucian would grow suspicious.The doctor
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Chapter 713 Lucian's Precious Calista
Lucian was taken aback. Although he claimed that sex was instinctive, given his amnesia, this was essentially his first time. That fact alone made him an inexperienced novice.He felt a little overwhelmed starting so strong. Moreover, he was standing in front of a mirror. Every time he looked up, he saw his lustful expression on his reflection.The man helplessly struggled against his bonds. He gulped in anticipation and muttered in a deep voice, "Callie…"Calista encircled her arms around Lucian's neck to get down from the vanity. Then, she pressed a kiss against his lips.She pushed the man back, pressing his bare back pressing against the cold tiles. The sudden coldness caused him to let out a hiss. Before he could respond, the woman who seemed to want to passionately devour him whole pulled away. There was no reluctance in her movements at all as she took two steps away from him.Immediately after, cold water soaked him from head to toe. Calista had turned on the shower. "
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Chapter 714 Pretentious Bastard
After having lunch, Lucian and Henry left for the company. The former seemed to have more to say to Calista, but she was still upset with him for his blunt remarks. So, she didn't pay him any attention. "I've said everything that needs to be said, and I've handed over what needs to be handed over. If there's still anything you don't understand, ask me while I'm still here at the company," Henry said to LucianHearing how impatient Henry sounded to pass the buck, asked, "Are you not coming to the company tomorrow?""You're the head of the company. I only helped manage things here while you were away for treatment. Now that you're back, it's only natural for me to hand everything back to you," Henry said as matter-of-factly."I'm going on a vacation with your mother. We have a flight to catch tomorrow at 11:00 a.m., so you only get half a day. Even if you have to stay up all night long to straighten out the company's affairs, I won't take time out of my vacation to help you with you
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Chapter 715 Good Taste
"Remember what?" Lucian asked.With how confused he seemed, Calista knew that she had gotten it all wrong. Although he hadn't remembered anything at all, she wasn't disappointed. With how things were going right now, whether Lucian regained his memories or not didn't matter.She smiled and shook her head. "You always used to call him a pretentious bastard. I thought you remembered that."Lucian snorted proudly. "Here I thought the old me was blind for befriending a dubious person like him. Now, it seems to me that I've always known that he isn't a good person. I must've only gotten close to him due to family pressure. It's not like I could've avoided that.""That's not it." Calista didn't want him to misunderstand Paul just because he had lost his memories. It would only cause bad blood between them."You and Paul were really good friends. He would always offer help whenever you encountered problems."Lucian's expression darkened, but he didn't stop Calista from answering the pho
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Chapter 716 I Want to Break up With Him
Calista was at a loss for words. The friendship between the men was truly as flimsy as a piece of cardboard. She didn't say anything more, and Lucian got back to work. He still had a pile of documents to go through. Half an hour later, Simon knocked on the door and came in with a takeout bag. "This is the takeout that Mr. Baker ordered for you, Mr. Northwood."He approached the desk, set down the bag, and left without telling Lucian what its contents were. The takeout bag wasn't sealed, so he took a peak inside.Lucian reached into the bag to fish out the box while Calista watched. It was a beautifully packaged box of tea leaves with the words "black tea" printed on the hard black gift box. Calista couldn't help but smile as she gave him a thumbs-up. "With all the drama going on in your life, this is the perfect gift for you."He didn't bother to respond. He knew exactly what she meant by that. He tossed the box aside and didn't touch it for the rest of the day.…Lucian had
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Chapter 717 He's Joking
Calista didn't listen in on what Yara was saying. All she knew was that her friend would ultimately be on the losing end. She ended up ordering enough for four people.If Timothy was making his way over from the Northwood Corporation, it was highly likely that Lucian would come along. Sure enough, she received a text from Lucian before Yara wrapped up her call."I'm coming with Timothy. Order more.""Okay," Calista replied.Yara held her head in her hands and let out a long sigh. Her expression was visibly upset. "He said he's coming.""Yeah. I ordered more.""You don't seem surprised at all.""Aren't you always losing whenever Mr. Howard is involved?"Yara wanted to argue, but she couldn't find the words. Upon careful recollection, that seemed to indeed be the case. She had never once been assertive with Timothy.She had a bold personality. However, it wasn't always her fault. In fact, Timothy was taking advantage of her lack of knowledge when it came to the law and was delib
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Chapter 718 Really Want to Break Up
The young man blushed and stammered, "My… my money is in the bank and my card isn't linked to my phone, so…"Timothy held his ground. "There's an ATM downstairs and I have a POS machine in my car. Which is more convenient for you?" The man hesitated for a few seconds and then looked at Yara for help. "Ms. Quinn…"He was a handsome young man with a slender and muscular figure. His looks alone would have attracted a large wave of fans if he had entered the entertainment industry. Yara couldn't help but sympathize when he stared at her with such pitiable eyes. She glanced at Timothy, who looked back at her coldly. "Do you have anything to say?"Her sympathy was helpless. She didn't dare confront Timothy recklessly. It wasn't worth arguing with Timothy over a handsome face that did not belong to her. She shook her head decisively.Timothy turned his gaze back to the young man. "Still hesitating?"The young man replied defiantly, "I owe Ms. Quinn money, not you. What's it got to do
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Chapter 719 Wedding Banquet
Timothy noticed the gleam in her eyes when Lucian suggested he should break up with her. It clearly signaled her happiness about the idea. Yara remained silent. Even within the space afforded by a luxury car, she felt suffocated as the conversation took a serious turn. Despite her initial desire to break up with Timothy, she felt strangely nervous when he actually asked.Timothy continued to stare at her, seemingly determined to maintain eye contact until she answered. His eyes were pitch black, and his gaze was earnest.Yara cleared her throat nervously and said sincerely, "It's not that…I just want a warm boyfriend, not someone who only talks about principles and always educates me about the law like a… dad."She hesitated before uttering the last word. Her voice was soft but Timothy heard her clearly. Noticing his lack of reaction, Yara sighed in relief. She had finally spoken her mind. "I've spent the past twenty years at home getting scolded by my dad for waking up late…" s
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Chapter 720 Murder for Money
It couldn't have been a wedding banquet, given how hurried and casual it sounded. Lucian had been away from Capeton for the past six months. Various rumors circulated in their social circle about his sudden departure. With his return, Selena had organized a banquet to dispel the ongoing rumors. It was also to provide Lucain an opportunity to reconnect with people.The banquet was held at the Everglade Manor. Calista accompanied Lucian as his wife and mingled with the crowd.She held his arm and watched as he effortlessly greeted and socialized with others. There were no signs of anything unusual.Before the banquet started, Calista had contemplated how to discreetly introduce the identities of the guests to Lucian, given that only a few people close to him were aware of his memory loss. She was concerned about the potential awkwardness if he couldn't recognize them. However, she soon realized it was unnecessary.Lucian not only knew how to address everyone, but he also engaged
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