All Chapters of Love Conquers All : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
455 Chapters
Chapter 131 No to Divorce
Spencer looked at Nancy for a while, as if mentally preparing himself, before finally saying, "Teresa and I lost the baby.""Was it because of that night...""No! It has nothing to do with you. Teresa had an abortion because she said she didn't want the baby anymore," interrupted Spencer.Nancy secretly sighed with relief. It was a good thing she was off the hook for this matter.However, she thought it was mean of her to celebrate when she saw how down Spencer looked, so she pretended to comfort him, "You and Teresa are still young, so I'm sure she'll get pregnant again when she's ready."Spencer just shook his head. "Do you know what her reason for not wanting the baby is? It's not because she thinks she's too young or because she feels we aren't ready to raise a kid of our own yet. It is because she thinks having a baby will affect her acting career, and that's why she murdered our baby without even discussing it with me first!"This was especially hard on Spencer because he w
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Chapter 132 Does It Hurt?
Nancy drank one glass of whisky after another on Yaacob's behalf, and this earned her the respect of the other guests."This girl sure can hold her alcohol!" said one of them.The door opened again after Yaacob and Nancy took their seats.When Nancy first came in, she immediately noticed there was one more empty seat on the table. Meaning to say the big shot Yaacob wanted her to meet had not arrived yet.After the door opened, two bodyguards dressed in black suits came in, scanned the room, and stepped back out again.Only then did the big shot come in.He was a man who looked to be around his early fifties years old, but he was not balding or fat like the other middle-aged men in the room. Even though his hair was turning white in some places, it only served to make him accentuate his majestic and distinguished aura; if his chiseled and lined face could tell stories, it would have told of all the bold and daring feats he had pulled off in his youth.'I'll be happy if Yaacob cou
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Chapter 133 Especially Handsome Today
Yaacob had already changed into a clean set of clothes by the time he came out of the hospital. The black shirt and dark plaid trousers made him look taller than usual.Gone was the gentle and humble expression he reserved for the injured construction workers. He had returned to his confident and domineering self.Nancy was super impressed by how he could mold his personality to fit the situation at hand, not to mention the little speech he gave to the injured construction workers and their families.She saw with her own eyes how he managed to win over their respect. The one-arm man even helped wipe the minestrone soup from Yaacob's leather shoes in the end.After they got into his car, he asked, "So I'll drop you off at the campus first?""Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks," said Nancy absent-mindedly. She was still thinking back to how Yaacob handled the one-arm man moments before. "Mr. Getson, those… those workers… How did they die?" she finally stammered out.Yaacob glanced sidew
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Chapter 134 Pedestal
However, Nancy was already long gone by the time Julian arrived. Nonetheless, he was able to get a glimpse of a small shoe print through the cracks between the rocks.Nancy ran back the way she came until she was safely back in her own room. She slammed her bedroom door and patted herself on the chest to calm her wildly beating heart."Have you been up to no good?" asked Yaacob."Mr. Getson! You've got to see this," said Nancy hurriedly. She played the recording for him while explaining, "I got inside information that the compensation meant for the deceased workers' families have all been embezzled by the man speaking in the recording. Can you tell who it is? I know I've seen him before. I can definitely point him out if I see him the next time.""His name is Kevin Shaw, Charlene's younger brother. That makes him Julian's uncle," said Yaacob."Wow, you could recognize who he is by his voice alone?""Yeah. He got into Getson Corporation because of Charlene twenty years ago. But be
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Chapter 135 Yaacob, I Love You
Yaacob said there would be good news if his father asked for him.Kevin could no longer keep his place in the Getson Corporation because of what had happened. Yaacob was appointed to take over his position.Not only did Yaacob resolve the incident at the Lotus Village, but the workers who went on strike trusted only him. In addition, Yaacob was the one who managed to get the ban lifted from the authority, and the project was allowed to resume.Moreover, he did a great job with the projects on the island. With such a stunning performance on his job, no one could oppose his promotion. It only dawned on Nancy now that Yaacob purposely went into exile on that island to prepare for today. She knew it from the beginning. How could someone as cautious as Yaacob be careless in contractual matters and allow Julian to use that against him?In short, it was a triumphant victory for Yaacob. Julian and Charlene must have gone crazy with anger. Nancy was delighted, too. Even if she was not Yaaco
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Chapter 136 Too Full Of Herself
It was five in the morning as the sky was starting to turn bright. As a morning person, Julian maintained a very healthy daily life routine even when he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Ever since he took over the Getson Corporation as the president, he worked decisively and swiftly with caution and hard work. He was a president who could lead the whole organization flawlessly.Yaacob knew about that. Thus, his plan involved meticulous planning involving Julian's personality, which was the reason Julian was tricked.Julian got up and off the bed. As his feet stepped on the carpet covered by clothes, an arm stretched out from behind him and hugged his lean waist, feeling up his muscular abs.A woman said in a soft, babyish tone, "Why are you up so early? Come back to bed and sleep with me.""I have things to do," Julian said."What could it be? Are you afraid of people knowing you stayed out all night? I heard your family only accepted your wife because of her grandpa. He
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Chapter 137 Desire To Be Close With Her
Before the issue regarding Lotus Village happened, Yaacob brought Nancy to meet with many government officials. After that, the government took swift action by banning all of the Getson Corporation's tourism projects and stated that they needed to do a full investigation.Now that the public outcry had slowly died down, Yaacob was responsible for interacting with government officials to ease the tension the government had with Getson Corporation.Based on that, Benjamin must be on the same side as Yaacob, and it would not hurt for Nancy to talk to him.After Nancy got into the car, Benjamin nodded politely. "Hello, Ms. Lawson."Rarely would Nancy need to talk to someone like Benjamin. He was so polite and well-mannered that Nancy felt she needed to be a lady.She responded with a nod."Hi, Mr. Cabrera.""How do you know my family name?" Benjamin asked."I… I saw you on the news the other day," Nancy explained."Oh, was it a few days ago? I was called into an urgent meeting bec
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Chapter 138 What Kind of Person Is He
"That little b*tch! She's not over Spencer yet! She must be using this chance to climb her way back. I'm going to teach her a lesson for butting into your relationship!" Pamela said angrily.Without wasting a second, Teresa grabbed her and left the shop before Nancy and Spencer could turn and look.Pamela was confused and asked, "Teresa, why did you pull me away? Didn't you see that Spencer is together with Nancy?""I don't need you to remind me. I saw them," Teresa said."Then why did you…" Pamela was confused."Do you think I'm stupid like Nancy? He's an egoistic person so I shouldn't make him feel embarrassed in public nor should I announce to the whole world that Spencer is going to dump me like Nancy," Teresa explained."Then what are you going to do?" Pamela asked.Teresa looked at her and said calmly, "I heard Nancy is studying at the same university Spencer works in.""That little b*tch knows how to slide her way in," Teresa said."So what? She lost to me when she was
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Chapter 139 Divorce at Least Three Times
After hearing the question, Yaacob's hand, the one that was holding the mouse, paused. He looked at Nancy and asked, "Why do you suddenly ask about him?""Umm... I'm curious, that's why. Didn't we see him at dinner once? He's so handsome. He was the type of mature man that attracted your attention immediately. So I just want to know more about him," Nancy answered."Then do you think he's handsome or me?" Yaacob asked."It's different. You have an advantage because you're young but I rarely see a man looking so gentle and with a sense of humor at his age," Nancy said."How do you know he's gentle and has a sense of humor when you only talked to him once?" Yaacob sounded jealous.At this point, Nancy did not know if she should tell Yaacob she had talked with Benjamin that day. After much consideration, she decided not to tell since they did not talk about anything important."I… I saw him on television." Nancy came up with a reason."Even the celebrity knows how to show their bes
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Chapter 140 What if He Doesn’t Love Me
After two days, the Lotus Village's issue was settled. Yaacob had made sure all the victims had received 300 thousand dollars of compensation. He had also assured the families of older people and the only child in the family that he would provide monthly financial subsidies to them.The organization had strict rules stating those who were hurt during work were protected, and the organization would provide a job suitable for them so they could continue to bring money back home.The compensation had surpassed many standards in the country, so the villagers did not complain further.Yaacob must have done something for the villagers and the victim's family because they were really grateful to him now, unlike before. The reporters thought they could capture another photo where the villagers gathered in front of the Getson Corporation and demanded an explanation.However, the villagers were there to express their gratitude. Since Yaacob handled the disaster very well, the public changed
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