All Chapters of Love Conquers All : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
455 Chapters
Chapter 151 Found the Culprit
She quickly stood."You scoundrel! Pervert!"Nancy had her dignity, too.She turned around and left, slamming the study door behind her."That's too much! It's really too much!" Nancy muttered angrily as she prepared to return to her room.She felt like Yaacob's condescending attitude made it seem like he was not treating her like his wife.What was up with that wild request? Was she a prostitute?Nancy was feeling incredibly angry when she bumped into Julian in the hallway.She walked to the left, and the man went in the same direction. When she turned to the right, he did, too."Do you have a problem? Don't you know how to just stand in place? Why are you trying to block my way?!"Nancy was furious, even daring to risk offending the Getson scion.However, after she had finished shouting, she did not dare to look Julian in the face. She quickly walked past the man and returned to her room.Nancy did not know when Yaacob returned from the study that night because she was al
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Chapter 152 Which Mr. Getson?
Nancy went to a bar near that nightclub, which happened to be doing a masquerade event.Any pretty woman could get a mask at the door, and all the drinks were free.Nancy picked out a mask with black feathers on it. After all, it was free. She went in and downed two bottles of beer immediately.After a moment, the bar manager brought her a cocktail. "Miss, this Iris Mist is a treat from Mr. Getson.""Mr. Getson?" Nancy turned around in tipsily, asking, "Which one?""Look over there."Nancy followed the bar manager's hand and saw Julian at a seat on the second floor with a good vantage point."So it's him?" Nancy pursed her lips. "Who cares about a drink from him? Take it away!""Miss, Mr. Getson is a very important customer of ours. It's quite a prestigious thing to get a drink from him.""Who cares? Do you think I've never been flirted with before? Take it away!" Nancy waved her hand in annoyance. She did not think she would need to meet that icy man when she was just getting
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Chapter 153 She Wronged Me?
It had been a wild night, and Nancy was tired at her classes the next day.Thankfully, the morning classes were not that important. Nancy sat at the back, propped up her book, and rested her head on the table.Lola seemed quite distracted in class that day. She snuck a few glances at Nancy before she gently poked Nancy's arm. "Nancy?""Yes?""You look like you're not feeling well. What did you do last night?" Lola asked softly."Oh, I went to a bar and got some drinks," Nancy answered casually.Lola pressed, "What about after you got drunk? Do you remember what happened?""I think I danced and ruined someone's show.""Do you remember whose show it was?""Everyone at the bar wore masks, and I was in a daze. How would I know?"Lola let out an imperceptible sigh of relief.It was good that she had not seen!'Ms. Belle' from the night before was actually Lola. In truth, although Lola's family was relatively well off, in a place like Athenapolis where so many affluent people l
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Chapter 154 Mr. Getson, I'm Hungry
Since Nancy had no one to keep her company, she was forced to eat alone after school that day. Afterward, she found a bar to drink in.Of course, she did not go to the same bar as the night before. Nancy was worried she would meet Julian again and that he would recognize her.After all, she had slapped him. She had felt a bit frightened after waking up.This time, Nancy went to the bar just to get drunk. She rejected any man who tried to buy her a drink or pick her up and did not cause any trouble.When she met her goal of getting tipsy, Nancy walked out. However, she had failed to take one thing into account: taxis were not easy to hail in front of this bar.She waited for almost twenty minutes, but not a single taxi drove by.Instead, it was those 'pick-up artists' who were waiting in front of the bar, staring at her hungrily. They were eagerly waiting to see how long that woman who was swaying around would be able to hold on.That was probably the bar's usual atmosphere. No w
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Chapter 155 What Did I Do?
Probably because she had not caused trouble at the bar just now, Nancy was starting to go slightly manic now as the alcohol got to her head.She pulled her luggage bag out of the closet and prepared to pack her things and leave.She packed with practiced movements and pulled up the handle before looking at Yaacob. "I'll give you one last chance. If you don't make me pasta, I will leave."Yaacob's lips curled up coldly, and he said nothing.Had Nancy been sober, she might have been scared looking at his expression because it was a sign that he was about to get angry.However, Nancy was spurred on by drunken courage. Since her threat had failed, she pulled her luggage behind her and tried to leave.Yet, for some reason, as she walked past Yaacob, her bag felt a thousand times heavier. No matter how hard she pulled, she could not move it.She turned around to see the man's foot right on it."Let go! Are you not going to?!"Nancy glared at Yaacob. When he did not move, she knelt t
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Chapter 156 It's Not for Nancy
"Why are you so against Uncle Benjamin? He treats me well. There's no reason why I can't be friends with him," Nancy asked, confused."How naive. No one will just suddenly be nice to you for no reason. Do you know how many people are trying to get on Benjamin's good side every day? Why would he suddenly pay attention to a regular girl like you?""That's just your speculation. He seems quite genuine when we interact. Honestly, I don't think I'm just a regular girl at all!" Nancy said emphatically."Could you be daydreaming about being his long-lost daughter? He's still single at this age. If he really thought that you were his daughter, he would have done a blood test with you and accepted you into his family. Why would he just try to get closer to you and make his intentions vague?"What Yaacob was saying did make some sense.However, Nancy was angry. She felt like he was looking down on her.Uncle Benjamin did treat her a bit strangely, and he kept on bringing up his 'daughter.'
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Chapter 157 Men!
At the university awards ceremony, Nancy was seated in the front row. She had paid special attention to her makeup that day and was wearing a short, lacy black dress.She had won many international awards, and this time, she had casually won a speech competition. Naturally, she was not like her inexperienced classmates, trembling anxiously just because they had to go on stage. Nancy was somewhat absent-minded, distractedly playing with the ring on her finger. Yaacob, that big jerk! He had not returned home the past two days. How long was he planning on continuing this fight?Even though she was not confident, Nancy still had some pride. She had promised herself that if he did not make the first move to reconcile with her, she would not budge. She intended to keep that promise.She refused to believe that the man who had taken advantage of her while she was drunk would be able to hold himself back for much longer.In the end, were men not more impatient regarding those things?Na
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Chapter 158 Cultured Solution
That night, Nancy stayed up late, but she never saw Yaacob return. She could not help but feel uneasy whenever she imagined other women entering Yaacob's car. She resisted the urge to call him to come home a few times, managing to stop herself before she did.That was because after she seriously thought about it, the possibility of Yaacob asking for a divorce was high.That man knew how to handle her. Every time they quarreled, he never failed to comfort her, no matter how bad it got.Yet, this time, he had let their relationship deteriorate without doing anything. Was that not a sign he wanted to end things?Even though Nancy could not figure out what she had done to make him want to leave her, she knew she needed to do something if she did not want a divorce.The next day, much to her surprise, Lola received an invitation from Yaacob to attend a business banquet with him.The day before, the restaurant Lola had invited Yaacob to had been closed, so they had gone to her apartm
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Chapter 159 Mr. Getson, Let's Reconcile
Yaacob had just turned on the sink tap when he heard Nancy slam the door shut.He saw her leaning against the washroom door, staring at him intently and breathing heavily.Yaacob had not been planning to use the toilet, but he adjusted his zipper in front of her, and she did not break eye contact."Did you barge in to watch me use the toilet?" Yaacob asked her."Of course not."Nancy turned around to ensure the door was locked before walking toward Yaacob aggressively.He thought she would demand an explanation, but she suddenly buried her head in his chest, hugging his waist tightly as she whimpered."Mr. Getson, let's reconcile."Yaacob was speechless.Nancy looked up at him sincerely. "I promise to listen to you. I won't recklessly interact with anyone anymore. Can't we stop this cold treatment?"Yaacob found it hard to adjust to Nancy's sudden gentle personality. He asked, "Did you follow me inside for this?""That's right. There are so many people outside. It's hard for
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Chapter 160 I Like You So Much
Yaacob drove back that night, with Nancy insisting on leaning on his shoulder.As she stuck to him, she complained, "You're so annoying."Yaacob said nothing."Mr. Getson, you're so annoying," Nancy said again when he did not respond. "Do you know why you're annoying?""Why?" Yaacob asked her."It should be the man comforting the woman, but every time you get angry, I have to take the initiative. You're not nice to me at all.""Didn't a certain someone complain that I was too nice in the past? Shouldn't I allow you to show how good you are?""That's different! You know why you're so hard to comfort this time." Nancy pouted and said, "I won't press the matter anymore! Mr. Getson, can we just get along well in the future?"Yaacob fell silent for five seconds before he answered, "Yes."Even though Nancy had gone on the offensive this time, she was still concerned.The next day, Yaacob was there when she woke up. That was how she knew she had finally managed to placate the man.
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