All Chapters of Love Conquers All : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
455 Chapters
Chapter 161 Grandpa's Death
While Nancy was napping in the resting room of Yaacob's office, she dreamt of a tableful of food, and her stomach growled loudly. Then she woke up to a tableful of food, just like her dream.She looked up and noticed Yaacob was still working."Hey, Yaacob, have you eaten?" Nancy asked."Yes. That's all for you," Yaacob answered.Nancy looked at the food, realized Yaacob had ordered her favorites, and pursed her lips happily. She had felt aggrieved before because she had been the one to take the initiative to make peace with him, and he had treated her as he had before their fight, but now she thought everything was worth it.She picked up the soup bowl, but it accidentally slipped from her fingers and crashed into pieces. The soup went all over the floor."Ah!" She got a shock.Yaacob quickly came over and asked, "Are you hurt?"Nancy was still in shock, shaking her head. "No. I don't know what came over me. My mind blanked, and my hand lost its grip.""Don't worry about the b
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Chapter 162 Rejected
Nancy's tears came running down her face. Having triggered Nancy's outburst, Spencer panicked."I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't say those things. But where is Yaacob? Why isn't he with you?" Spencer asked."He went back," Nancy wept."How could he leave you alone now?" Spencer asked.The question only exacerbated Nancy's sadness, and she wept vehemently."Nancy…" Spencer called her name gently."Excuse me. I'm a little tired." She went into her room, closed the door, and refused to talk to Spencer anymore.She had another round of crying before falling asleep. Inevitably, her eyes were swollen when she woke. However, she was not in the mood to take care of her face now. She did not even bother to apply foundation.She left her room and saw the farmhouse owner, Anika, at the staircase."Hey, Ms. Lawson. I was wondering why I didn't see you at dinner just now," Anika said in greeting.Nancy looked down toward the dining table covered in empty plates. No one had come to inform her that
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Chapter 163 Don't You Like Me Anymore?
The next day, a posh SUV arrived at the farmhouse. Pamela was the first to exit the car. She went to the other side to open the door.Teresa got out of the car wearing a pair of sunglasses. Just as her foot touched the ground, her heel slipped, and she nearly sprained her ankle."What the hell? Why is the road uneven?" she said angrily."You're in the country. I brought a pair of flats for you. Do you want to put them on?" Pamela asked."Never mind. I want to go find Spencer," Teresa said.Pamela took Teresa's luggage out of the car. Teresa told Pamela to bring her luggage to Spencer's room, but he was not in.After asking around, the owner of the farmhouse said Spencer had spent the night in the hall with Nancy. When she opened the door to the hall, she saw Nancy sleeping on the table by herself.The sound woke Nancy. She rubbed her eyes and was baffled when she saw Teresa. "Why are you here?""I'm Grandpa's granddaughter. Why shouldn't I be at his funeral?" Teresa asked in re
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Chapter 164 Why Is It So Hot?
Spencer had not wandered too far. He had walked to the gate of the farmhouse, where he discovered Nancy playing with a dog.The farmhouse owner had a yellow dog. Nancy had finished the chicken soup but had not eaten the meat. She did not want to waste the meat by throwing it away, so she fed it to the dog.After that, the dog would not leave her and kept wagging its tail at Nancy. Nancy squatted and stroked its head.Spencer was used to seeing the fierce and bold side of Nancy. He had rarely seen her looking so gentle and kind. He found this different side of her to be very attractive.Truthfully, he was getting bored of Teresa. Nancy was different from Teresa. She did not mind playing with a dog under the hot sun. The sun shone on her hair, and it looked like she was glowing.Only then did Spencer realize that Nancy would also like cuddling and leaning on her husband's chest and would be very gentle and soft with him. That was a side of her he had never seen.'Yaacob must see th
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Chapter 165 Why Are You In My Room?
Eight minutes after Nancy had discovered she was drugged, someone knocked on the door."Nancy, are you in there?" Spencer asked.She gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself down. "What is it?""I saw you left the hall just now. It has been quite a while, and I was worried. So I thought I should come and check on you," Spencer answered."Oh. I'm fine!" Nancy said."Can you open the door and let me see?" Spencer asked.Nancy did not know if it was because she had liked him before or if the drug was taking effect, but she had never felt so annoyed with Spencer for nagging her."I don't want to see you now. Just go!" Nancy said directly.That only made Spencer worry more. "Nancy, please. Just let me take a look at you. Are you still mad at me? Was it because I didn't take your side when Teresa wanted to invite the reporters?"We are both outsiders, and it was inappropriate for me to say anything. I actually disagree with Teresa, and I know you are really thinking of your grand
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Chapter 166 She Cheated On You
Spencer had refused to admit that he still had feelings for Nancy, but, in the end, he had agreed to help Teresa cover up the truth.Based on Nancy's personality, she would never let it rest when she woke up. And if Yaacob heard about it, he would easily find out Teresa had drugged her.Teresa's career hung on the line, and as a public figure, she could not afford another scandal. If word got out, her career as a celebrity would end.She had tried to list the downsides of Spencer telling the truth, and she had begged and pleaded until Spencer had finally relented.If Spencer told Nancy that they had slept together, Nancy would never expose the truth and would hide it forever.Spencer felt guilty. He could hear Nancy weeping inside the room. She had never cried so hard, not even when she had been forced into marriage.Spencer could not take it anymore, and he did not know how to face her, so he just walked away, feeling sorry for her.In the evening, Nancy insisted on leaving. Sh
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Chapter 167 Something About Your Wife
Yaacob never let this type of message bother him, so he deleted it immediately. Then he sat on the sofa to look at his work emails on his laptop. Twenty minutes later, Nancy still had not exited the bathroom, so he knocked on the door again."If you're not coming out, I'm coming in now. Don't think you can run away by taking a shower," Yaacob joked.However, Nancy's voice did not sound right. "Yaacob… I feel so uncomfortable…"Yaacob quickly opened the door and saw Nancy sitting in the bathtub. Her cheeks were very red."What happened?" Yaacob strode over and placed his hand on her forehead."I don't know… My head is spinning!" Nancy said."You have a fever!" Yaacob reached for the towel and carried her out of the bathroom.He used the thermometer to check her body temperature. It was nearly 102 degrees Fahrenheit.At the farmhouse, Nancy had already begun feeling uncomfortable. She had tried to cool herself off by sitting in a tub of cold water. Spencer had tried to give her f
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Chapter 168 You Shouldn't Marry A Divorcee
Nancy's ringtone woke her up. It kept ringing like it was a fire alarm. She tucked her hand underneath the pillow to search for her phone.She was still in a daze when she answered the call and heard Yvonne's anxious voice."Nancy! Wake up! You've made the headlines!" Yvonne said,"I'm already part of the past. What reason could the reporters have to write about me?" Nancy asked tiredly."No! The reporter took a photo of you and Spencer together. Are you two back together?" Yvonne asked."What?" Nancy was baffled."What is wrong with you? Why do you still have hopes and feelings for Spencer, that jerk? Isn't Yaacob a lot better?" Yvonne scolded anxiously.Finally, Nancy understood.Everything started with the newspaper headlines. Now, the scandal was trending on the internet. Someone even found photos of them together at Andrew's funeral and Spencer sending Nancy back to Athepolis.The news circulating was that Nancy and Spencer had rekindled their past romance and that she ha
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Chapter 169 Are You Going To Hide It From Me Forever?
Nancy felt Yaacob standing beside her. Unconsciously, she lowered her head even more.That was strange. She could handle the pressure from Lady Getson's interrogation, but she felt like she was about to have a meltdown now Yaacob was back. She felt so guilty that her body started shivering uncontrollably."Are you talking about the scandal reported in the news? It's fake!" Yaacob said simply, interrupting Rosa's complaining. That made everyone stop gossiping."So. You know. The internet has identified Nancy in that photo, and they also found one of Spencer sending her back. How could that be fake?" Rosa could not believe what Yaacob was saying."I was busy with work, so I couldn't pick Nancy up that day. There are only two shuttle buses that go from her hometown to Athenapolis per day. She was stuck there and had to come back with Spencer. Is that a problem?" Yaacob asked."I… " Rosa did not know what to say.Rosa had been trying to get Yaacob on her side so they could reprimand
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Chapter 170 Yaacob Ignored Her
Yaacob went to the window to smoke. Meanwhile, Nancy picked up the rubbish bin and began cleaning up the broken glass.The room was silent. The smell of the cigarettes traveled from the window to Nancy. Yaacob had not smoked in front of her for a long time because she had told him she disliked the smell of cigarettes.He was not a heavy smoker, but he had already smoked five cigarettes in that brief period.Nancy wanted to tell him that it was bad to smoke so much, but she could not say a word even after opening her mouth. In the end, she continued cleaning in silence.She cut her finger as she picked up a piece of broken glass. She grunted in pain and took a look at her finger. It was bleeding. She frowned and looked at Yaacob. He was still staring out the window.He must have heard her cry out. If this had happened in the past, he would have told her to stop cleaning and ask the maid for help instead. Then he would help her apply a band-aid to her finger.However, he did nothin
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