All Chapters of Love Conquers All : Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
455 Chapters
Chapter 311 Nancy's Doppelganger
This time, Yaacob would be away on a business trip for at least two weeks. Before he left, he had arranged everything for Nancy. Nancy should be completely fine. Yaacob's current standing in the family was strong enough that no one dared mess with Nancy. Even if there were problems, they would be only small matters that Nancy could solve on her own. Nevertheless, Yaacob disallowed Nancy from driving herself around. When Nancy had to attend classes, a dedicated driver would send her. The driver was not just responsible for driving; he was also Nancy's bodyguard.Nancy had been secretly observing the driver whenever he picked her up. The driver had a muscular body similar to a fitness trainer. It did make her feel very safe under his protection.Then again, she wondered why she needed someone to protect her. She thought about and listed down all of her enemies.Lucy was being taken out of jail due to her family claiming her to be a mental patient. She would be placed in an asylum wi
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Chapter 312 I Didn't Talk to Him
Teresa noticed something was wrong with Spencer. After their argument, Spencer did not return home.Teresa had thought about it and realized she had to depend on Spencer for the rest of her life because she had given up her acting career. Although Spencer did not own a media company anymore, his family had been in business for many years and had built up enough wealth to last ages.She tried calling Spencer. He did not pick up, so she called him again. However, Spencer had switched off his phone.The next day, Teresa tried to apologize, but he did not pay her any attention. He was obviously ignoring her at lunch. When the clock struck eight p.m., he left the house without bothering to tell her where he was going.He had still not returned by midnight. Teresa was lying on the bed by herself and could not sleep. Experience told her her husband was having an affair.A week later, Teresa showed up at the Getson Estate demanding to see Nancy. She was shouting and throwing a fit. The se
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Chapter 313 Yaacob is Not Coming Back
Julian's assumption was spot on. Yaacob did not make it back to attend the board meeting. Therefore, Nancy had no choice but to attend on his behalf again. Julian had asked many hard questions during her presentation to make the experience difficult for her.Nancy had only two days left to prepare, so she was not at all confident during the meeting. Julian's question had nearly led her to a meltdown.Luckily, Julian had relented, and Nancy had been able to finish her presentation.After the meeting, Julian stayed back and stopped Nancy from leaving again. He gave her a provocative look."This is just the appetizer. Get ready for what I have in store for you!" Julian warned.Shortly after Nancy returned to the office, trouble came knocking at her door. A project manager who worked for Yaacob had come to report that the project's accounts did not reflect its actual figures.The corporation requested that Nancy and Yaacob's department submit all details of every past project Yaacob
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Chapter 314 He's Probably Dead
There was no way Nancy was going to accept Julian's offer Julian, especially when she was feeling helpless. Then again, her intuition told her that something bad had happened to Yaacob.Since she could not leave the country, she thought of Xander. In terms of romantic relationships, Xander was a douchebag. However, he treated his friends very well, especially those who were like his brothers.After listening to what Nancy had to say, he decided to fly to Europe. He was actually in the middle of something important and had nearly wrapped everything up. However, he knew he should not dally because Yaacob could be in danger."Are you going to borrow men from Randall, in case you get into trouble in Europe?" Nancy asked."Yes," Xander nodded. "That's Randall's place. It's going to be a lot easier if I have his men helping me."Nancy interlocked her fingers, feeling bad. "I was the one who did this to him!""That's right. You're certainly part of the reason why Yaacob and Randall had
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Chapter 315 Yaacob, Are You All Right?
To gather more evidence of Spencer's infidelity, Teresa hired people to stalk him. Finally, she learned his routine.After work, he would go on a date. The earliest he reached home was eleven at night. How clingy.Tonight, Teresa decided to follow Spencer, and she caught him red-handed.Spencer drove into a gated community to pick up the woman he was cheating with. Teresa could not follow him in. She waited for him to come out and saw the woman sitting beside him in the car. However, the window shielded the woman's face.Teresa continued to follow them until they reached a restaurant. Finally, when the woman exited the car, she could see the woman's face. Despite only seeing her from the side, Teresa was sure the woman was Nancy.They entered the restaurant and were seated at a table by the window.Teresa wound down her window and zoomed in on her camera to take a clear photo of both their faces."Let's see how you deny this, Nancy Lawson!"Teresa was frustrated and anxious. Sh
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Chapter 316 He's Different
Yaacob did as he was told and switched on his camera to let her see where he was.Nancy could see Yaacob was back in his hotel room. She asked Yaacob to switch the camera to him so she could check if he was doing fine."Are you still worried? Do you want me to take my shirt off so you can check my body?" Yaacob asked.Nancy was not shy and answered immediately, "Yes!"He could be hiding injuries under his clothes. Nancy thought Yaacob looked slimmer and weaker."Don't be naughty. It's morning here, and Xander is with me," Yaacob said."Then— Can't you go to the washroom to take off your clothes?" Nancy requested."I'll show you tonight, all right?" Yaacob said helplessly.Luckily, Nancy did not insist on him doing it now."I know you're worried sick. I lost my phone, and I didn't have the time to call you and inform you of it. But it's all good now," Yaacob assured."Is that true? Then why didn't you go back to the hotel?" Nancy asked."I've been having back-to-back meetings
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Chapter 317 Why Do You Plead for Him?
[Nancy, are you free to meet me for a talk?]When Nancy saw the text message, she had just woken up from her afternoon nap. She rubbed her eyes to confirm that Chandler had texted her.She had not contacted her adoptive parent ever since Andrew had passed away. Their relationship had soured long before Andrew's passing.A while back, she had gone to the Lawson Corporation to claim her shares. Chandler and Suzanne had looked at her with weird expressions on their faces and had not talked to her.Regardless of their bad relationship, Nancy thought she should meet him because he was her adoptive father. She agreed to meet them at a cafe.Since Yaacob's return, Nancy had been living the good life. She felt worn out from the pregnancy. It had been three days since she had left the house. She got up, changed her clothes, and put on light makeup.At the cafe, Chandler and Suzanne were waiting for her. Both of them exchanged looks with each other and felt a little awkward.Suzanne was t
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Chapter 318 Prove It
"Nancy, are you feeling sorry for Spencer? Is that why you don't want me to go against him?" Yaacob asked."No! I— What makes you think that?" Nancy was shocked.Yaacob continued to look at Nancy for over a minute then said, "Good. Go back to the room and rest.""All right," Nancy replied. There were things she wanted to say, but Yaacob had gone back to work so she kept silent.When she returned to her room, she could not fall asleep. At eleven p.m., Yaacob finally went to bed. She scooted closer when she felt Yaacob lie down.As Yaacob put his arm around her waist gently, Nancy continued from where they had left off: "Yaacob, our baby said he has something to tell you.""What is it?" Yaacob asked."Daddy, don't burn bridges," Nancy said."Haha!" Yaacob chuckled. "Please tell him, 'You shouldn't show your back to your enemy or he will stab you.' Let's hope he understands that when he grows up.""Hey, don't teach my baby that!" Nancy complained. "Is Spencer really our enemy?"
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Chapter 319 I Know That's Not You
"I… What do you want me to do? You're my husband. We live together, we eat together, and we sleep together. Can't you tell I'm not the woman in these photos?" Nancy asked in return."I asked you a question. Why did you pass the ball back to me?" Yaacob said angrily."Fine! If you want me to prove it, I'll look for Spencer now and ask him who the woman he is cheating with is! Why does she look identical to me, and why is she doing this to tarnish my reputation?" Nancy replied furiously.Then she headed for the door, but Yaacob stopped her."No! You can't go see him!""Then how do you want me to prove that I'm not the woman in these photos? You refuse to believe me, so I will confront Spencer. But you won't let me do that either. So what do you want from me?"Nancy was angry. She pulled her hand back, but she did not leave. Instead, she went back to their room. Yaacob was left alone in the study.As soon as Nancy left, he suddenly felt lost. He strode to his table and pulled out a
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Chapter 320 I Can't Control Myself
On the weekend, Nancy finally retrieved the thing the Lawsons had promised her. It was an emerald necklace. She was shocked. "Is this really from my birth parent?""Yes. When Grandpa brought you home, you had this necklace on. He was afraid the nanny would steal it if you wore it so he put it away. I didn't even remember it until I saw it while I was clearing Grandpa's old items," Chandler said.The emerald on the necklace looked very familiar. She thought of the emerald necklace Benjamin had given her. When she was back in her room, she quickly took it out to compare them. Both emeralds looked the same.What had Benjamin told her when he had given her the necklace? He thought the necklace would look good on her so he was giving it to her. He had given it to her after they had only met a few times.Was he in the habit of giving away luxurious presents to strangers? Yes, he was loaded, but it still did not make any sense.Looking at the necklaces, Nancy had a strong feeling there w
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