All Chapters of Love Conquers All : Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
455 Chapters
Chapter 331 Are You Happy Now?
Strangely, even though the man was very far from her, it felt like he was whispering right into her ear. Her cheeks immediately became flushed with warmness."Can you please help me?" asked Anna.Instead of asking what she needed help with, the man asked, "Give me a reason why I should do that?"Anna was used to his unpredictability. She clutched the bedsheet and plucked up the courage to say, "Because the baby I'm carrying is yours. Is that a good enough reason for you?"The man fell silent. For those few seconds, Anna could only hear the sound of her own heartbeat and the man's breathing.Just when she was about to say something again, the man finally spoke, "Then have you made up your mind to be with me?"Anna hesitated for a second before saying, "Yes…""I'm not as rich or powerful as your husband, so I cannot give you the high life.""It's okay."Anna's thought process was simple. No matter how bad her new life was going to be, it could not be worse than her life with Xan
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Chapter 332 Where Is She?
Xander woke up, gasping from his dream. After calming himself down, he looked at the time. It was only three o'clock in the morning. He tried to go back to sleep but could not, no matter how he tried. Thus, he threw off his blanket and went to the balcony to have a cigarette.He held a cigarette in one hand and his phone in the other hand, waiting for news about Anna. However, after waiting for three hours, Xander finally lost his patience and dialed the number he had already prepared.When the call was connected, the person on the other side reported without him asking, "Mr. Jenkins, we've recovered the car, but no one was inside."Xander frowned. "How is that possible?""The river current was too fast, so she may have been washed away. The river is too wide, making the search difficult!""You still have to do it. Money is not an issue. You must find her!"The person on the other end of the phone heard Xander sounding nervous, so he could not help but lay out the ugly truth befo
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Chapter 333 Randall Is Back
The assistant found the 20-year-old photos of Benjamin with a mysterious woman for Nancy. It was because of Nancy's position in the media company she was able to get information that was inaccessible to the public.Nancy had seen a photo of her mother in her grandfather's album before. She cross-referenced the photo her assistant gave her with the photo in her memory, and it was indeed the same woman!"You mentioned just now that these photos would cause a public uproar if they were published. Why is that? Mr. Cabrera was not as famous as he was 20 years ago, so even if he has a lot of fans, it shouldn't cause this much of a scandal, right?" asked Nancy.Her assistant gave her a look that said she had asked the right person. He sidled up to her and whispered into her ear, "The person who would cause the public uproar wasn't Mr. Cabrera, but the woman he was with.""Why? Was the woman someone super famous?" asked Nancy quizzically. 'Could she be a world-famous celebrity? I don't thi
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Chapter 334 I'm Not Going to Find Her
They met up with Randall at a newly opened high-end club that offered both dining and entertainment options. Suffice to say Randall had plans to continue investing in Olumphia.Nancy initially thought it would be awkward for Yaacob and Randall to meet again. After all, the two men had a falling out before Randall left the country. However, it turned out Nancy was the only one feeling awkward.She did not have anything in common with Randall, and she was not really friends with Lola. Plus, she and Yaacob just fought in the car. The only thing she could do was to eat her food quietly.Even Lola could tell something was not right between Yaacob and Nancy. Thus, when the two men stepped out of the private dining room, she took the opportunity to ask Nancy, "Is everything alright with you and Yaacob? He used to always make sure you have food on your plate and even peel the shrimps for you. You have no idea how jealous I am every time I see him doing that for you, and yet he didn't even s
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Chapter 335 Yaacob's Popularity With Women
Randall indeed kept his promise. He met up with Yaacob to have a drink. Coincidentally, Yaacob had something to talk to him about too.Even though the two men fought previously, it was not as serious as Nancy made it out to be. Both of them were not the type to hold a grudge. Plus, based on Yaacob's understanding of Randall, he knew he would only have to give him some time to cool down before they were friends again.However, it would take some time before Randall truly moved on from Rowena, and in the meantime, he was not going to let what happened come between him and Yaacob. It was also why he had been looking everywhere for a cure for Yaacob."I have assembled a professional medical team. They're doing research on your blood sample as we speak. There should be news from them soon," said Randall.Yaacob simply smiled and said, "You don't need to sugar coat things for me."He had sent his blood sample a month ago, but since Randall did not give him definite news then, it meant t
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Chapter 336 How Can She Still Be Alive?
"Boss, the boat… the boat sank!""What?!""We waited for her on the island, but the boat never arrived. We heard that something happened on the way."Randall did not order any of his men to follow Rowena because he knew she did not like to be bothered. Plus, he did not want her to know he knew where she was in case she tried to go on a run again.The mission Randall gave his men was to go to the fishing village to take care of Rowena, make sure there were no dangers, and then get the hell out of there. They were never to bother her again.Unexpectedly, she never arrived at the fishing village because something happened to her boat on the way to the island. She was not the only passenger. There were dozens of other villagers as well. The government had sent a search and rescue team, so it was best for Randall to not show up due to his identity.However, Randall immediately bolted up from his chair and ran out of his study the moment he got the news. With the first aid kit still in
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Chapter 337 Let's Have A Child Together
The presidential election will be held at the end of the year. The polls were divided between three presidential candidates.The three candidates were all campaigning very actively recently. Take Benjamin as an example. He had been giving speeches everywhere and started to campaign for the Getson's support since last year.Even though he and Nancy were related, Yaacob had his eyes set on the other candidate.The candidate preferred by Yaacob kept a low profile, and he had some connection with Yaacob's mother's family in the southern part of the country.Now, Yaacob was in charge of the Getson Corporation after being given the helm. It was hard to tell whether he decided to support someone from his mother's family using money from the Corporation because he was in it for the benefits and profits or because he wanted to humiliate the Getsons.The first two candidates were Benjamin Cabrera and Harrison Keating, who had Yaacob's support; the third candidate was Donald Hardin.Donald
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Chapter 338 He Did Not Push Her Away
Randall stared at Lola. No doubt, she was a lovely, charming thing, but he was unmoved."Why would I want anything in return from you?"Just then, Lola realized that she had pushed the wrong button. She should never have placed Randall and herself on the opposite side of the scale.Despite going abroad with Randall, she did try to make use of Randall's sympathy toward her.Initially, when Randall left Athenapolis, she tried to follow after him but failed.In the end, she flew to where she thought Randall would be to look for him. However, as she was unfamiliar with the place and did not have much money, she was almost sold into the shady industry.Fortunately for her, the people who were in that industry could only proceed with Randall's knowledge and permission.Therefore, he found out about it and managed to rescue her just in time. From then on, he had no choice but to take her along with him.Lola managed to make the best out of this opportunity and wiggled her way into his
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Chapter 339 Really Good In Bed
Usually, just seeing other women being physically close to Yaacob was enough to peeve Nancy and make her see red. How could she tolerate a slut throwing taunts at her like this?Nancy reached for the wine on the table and splashed it on Serena."Ah!..." Serena shrieked as she jumped up, finally leaving Yaacob alone."My new dress! Do you have any idea how much it cost?!"Since Serena was an obscure D-list actress, she was not rich by any means. When she heard she had the chance to socialize and drink with a big shot like Yaacob, she put on the best dress and accessories she could manage. She rented a diamond necklace that cost more than a hundred thousand dollars for this occasion. It was unlikely that she could return it with the stain from the red wine.Serena was so furious that she wanted to snap Nancy in half. However, just as she was going up against Nancy, Nancy had the upper hand and slapped her.The room fell into deafening silence.The first to leave the room were the
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Chapter 340 You Have To Accept And Face Reality
Nancy saw there was a vase with flowers on the table. She removed the flowers and poured the water in the vase onto Serena."Ah! Nancy, what did you do!""There, are you awake now?"Serena was rendered speechless."If that was not enough to sober you up, there's a bucket of mop water just outside the room. That should stop your daydreaming. You are in this room for not more than ten minutes. Yaacob was never this fast."Indeed, it was exactly as she said. Yaacob and Serena just entered the room, and they did not have enough time to have sex before Nancy came barging in.Nancy could hear the sound of water coming from the bathroom. It must be Yaacob taking a shower.Serena's trick could not deceive Nancy.Even though Nancy had exposed Serena's lie, Serena was still arrogant and obnoxious. She said, "Nancy Lawson, you've been the only woman in Yaacob's life for far too long. Didn't you know that men will get bored eventually? Among all the rich men's wives in Athenapolis, you are
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