All Chapters of His To Ruin: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
The Reunion
T:W!Nova Something moves between my legs and I mumble a whine.It thickens and I startle awake. At first, I’m disoriented, my mind foggy with sleep and my response slower than a vintage train.But I don’t get to react.A shadow looms over me, large and threatening. He pulls my legs apart with a strong hand and I open my mouth to shriek, but he slams a palm over it.Terror courses through me and I begin to hyperventilate. My heart thunders to life with frightening intensity.I scream, but the only sound that comes out is a haunted muffled noise.He expertly removes my knickers and I try kicking my legs, but he slaps them, forcing me to remain in place. His finger traces my folds and I close my eyes with shame.“Did you miss me, baby? Mmm. I knew you’d be soaking wet, baby. Were you fantasizing about how I’d come through your window one day and take this fucking cunt?"I shake my head, but I can hardly move it due to his brute strength. God, I can’t believe I’m being turned on by
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Saving Him
Nova Grandpa Joseph once told me there will be times when I’ll feel so trapped that a way out seems impossible.I’ll be suffocated.I’ll feel so out of my element as if all the walls are closing in on my heart.He said that if I felt that way, the key is to stay calm, to not let fear seep in.A disaster might or might not kill you, Nova. But being terrified of it would definitely finish you.I wish I had enough access to my brain so I could use it to put Grandpa’s words into perspective.He gave the best advice. I used to wonder if he was really Dad's biological parent. I glare at Leo who has made it his mission to sit on the chair opposite me and watch me like a creep. "Can I at least put my clothes back on?" I ask again, third time's a charm they say."My answer is still the same. No.""Why?" I was beginning to get agitated."I love looking at you." His tone drops a notch, "I love knowing how much I've ruined you. Fuck, I can still see the image of your blood dripping down my
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Get well Soon
Leonardo I open my eyes slowly as I force them to adjust to the bright light above me. Where the fuck am I? I look around the huge, black-painted room, as the smell of hospital supplies fills my nose. My eyes adjust to the light and there's raging pain all over my body, especially around my abdomen. I turn to the couch and there she is. Nova is curled up uncomfortably on the couch. Her knees are up to her chest and she's covered with what looks like a jacket.My jacket.I finally put the pieces together after seeing from days before flash in my head.How Calvin and I were saved by one of my men Matteo. I remember telling them to drop me off at her house despite their advice to go to the hospital instead. I did not care I had to see her, feel her, taste her. It has been two weeks, I could not wait one more night. I remember the look on her face as she slept. I had watched her for a few minutes before I went into the room. When I finally tasted her she tasted exquisite. The wa
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Knowing Him
Nova He fucked me with a knife and I liked it.My fingers ghost over my lips and touch them tentatively. A zap slashes through my body, and usually, I’d drop my hand as if I’d been caught stealing from a biscuit jar.Now, I don’t.This time, I close my eyes and picture his lips, unapologetic and controlling. I had no choice but to let him ravage, suck, lick.It was a stolen moment that I couldn’t have put an end to.I hate myself for reliving it over and over again. For picturing his big hand around my waist and the other trapping my cheek.For still having the distinctive feeling of his erection rubbing against my backside.But what I hate the most is wondering about why he left and never came back.It’s not that I wanted him back.I was relieved the first few days he wasn’t around to keep an eye on me.Leonardo is a dangerous man, the worst enigma, and a devil with distorted morals and a cutthroat personality. He’s not someone I want to mingle with, so, yeah, I was glad he got o
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Leonardo Hope is the worst emotion to experience when there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.You wait.You pray.You even try to delude yourself that it’s not happening to you. That it just can’t be you.But that’s the problem with hope. The false positive. The feeling that the horrible situation can end any moment when that’s far from the truth.It’s the falsification of reality.The yearning for a different dream.A feeling of being on the cloud that can’t be reached in real-time.I had this feeling for years while I was in B-20 until one day when I made myself realize there was no hope at all. As I sit here with Nova, reminiscing over the horrible feelings and things I did a part of me wants to put an end to this story before it even starts. "You were still so young. They had no right to deprive you of your life." Nova says, agitated.I chuckle at her reaction. I was just getting started with the story. "It didn't matter to them. Twenty-one was the perfect age. S
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Half Truth
Leonardo The expression on Nova's face is one I never wanted to witness. I hate that I'm the one causing her this pain. But she has to hear the full story to be able to understand.At least the story I know. I've never been able to figure out the full story till today. It's a work in progress and I'm hell-bent on uncovering the missing piece.I notice how she flinches and then moves away slowly, "W-what do you mean? Why would anyone want to kill my mum and me?""I have no idea. The order was given but it was under wraps. I remember the Professor calling me into his office and telling me he had a mission for me. It was my first one after training. Usually, all missions are filed. And I have no idea why. But it's like having a database of all agents. He told me this one wasn't to be mentioned to anyone at all. He told me the mission was of high importance and he can't risk word of it spreading." I turn to her, searching her face. Looking for any sort of expression, hate, fear, disgu
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Calm Before The Storm
Nova Finding out that your father is part of a group of people who run a secret organization created to train men into killers and that they also took your stalker when he was younger, has never been the highlight of my day.The past couple of days that I spent with Leo, while he told me all about his past has made me realize that he may not be that bad after all.I'm still trying to wrap my head around Dad's involvement especially after Leo showed me the picture he was talking about and the exchanged texts between him and Councilman David.I was trying so hard to believe that Dad had no hand in everything Leo was accusing him of. He has treated me horribly for as long as I can remember and my first instinct was to defend him.After Leo told me everything and showed me proof of my father's involvement. The pressure behind my eyes finally exploded. The remaining pieces of numbness disintegrated, replaced with pain so sharp and intense I would’ve doubled over had I been standing.I
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Nova He lets go of my throat and smiles. "Let's play a game, mia cara. You have five seconds to run, and If I catch you I'll fuck you. And I don't care if you want it or not."My eyes widen and I try to dash out of the door, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back before looking around the room with a smirk. He's kidding, right? "How am I supposed to win if I'm running around my room?""Not my business. Two seconds left, butterfly." He taunts, taking slowly torturous steps towards me.My room is big, but not big enough for whatever sick game he just cooked up in that psychotic head of his. I run to the other side of my room and stand beside my bed. Leo chuckles and the sound does something to me.This game is rigged.He continues walking slowly, each fucking step he takes closer to me taunts me and tells me that he wins either way. I have nowhere to hide or run."Don't you think this is unfair?" I shriek and climb ove
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Nova Life's been good, and I hate it.That's the thing. I keep getting this feeling as if my entire life is about to upend and impending doom is just watching me round the corner.I've tried so far to convince myself that I'm just a little bit shaken because of the story Leonardo told me. I won't lie and say it is not scary to know that monsters like that are out there and that my father is one of them.Dad and I still haven't spoken since the time he announced that I'm supposed to marry his friend, Mum too. Chance I assume is back to school because he has stopped calling and texting altogether.Or maybe he just got tired of you like the rest of the family.I inhale deeply. It doesn't matter, I don't care if they treat me differently. I don't need them, I can do this.Leo has made it his mission to turn me into a princess who needs to be locked up in an ivory tower. He refuses to let me go out on my own even to work at the cafe. It's either he follows me, or the new bodyguard he provi
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Meeting The Captor
Nova Smell. The first of my senses to trickle in. I wish it were anything else because I'm instantly overwhelmed by the scent of body odor, spiced cologne, and what can only be described as the stench of evil incarnate. And then my sixth sense seeps in, whispering notes of warning and urgency. I’m in danger. Those notes turn into a song full of screeching and loud noises, filling my body with heart-wrenching panic. My adrenaline spikes, and I just barely have enough sense to remain as quiet as possible.Slowly cracking open my crusted eyes, I’m greeted by complete darkness. It takes a second to process that there’s a blindfold strapped around my head. Then, the blissful numbness I awoke in crumbles, and I lose my breath when all-consuming pain filters in, engulfing my body in absolute agony. God, is this what being alive feels like? It can’t be death. I’d be at peace if it were. And I may have fallen for a stalker, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t land a spot within h
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