All Chapters of His To Ruin: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
85 Chapters
Leonardo She's gone. They took her from me and it's all my fault. As I stare at the scene in front of me, I can't stop watching the way the car at the back crashed into hers over and over from behind until she was unable to escape them.“Do we know anything about who was involved in her kidnapping?” I ask, voice tight with fury, clicking off the video on my laptop. I just finished watching the surveillance footage of Nova’s car crash, caught by several streetlight cams. Watching her being dragged from her car, knocked out, and then carried into the van has me shaking with rage. Roman is already working on tracking it through street and security cams, but it doesn't feel like it's enough."We're working on it. But whoever these two hired goons are, they're not very good at their job. Although they could be a list of people who sent them, X and you know that," Roman tells me.“Fuck,” I mutter, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers. A massive migraine is blooming, and restle
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Nova I groan loudly and my eyes water as I try to adjust to the bright light in the room. I take in my surroundings and I see that I'm in a different place than I was. These people seriously need to stop knocking me out before moving me.I don't even know what day it is. How long have I been taken? Is Leo looking for me? Is he alive? The thought of anything happening to him makes my stomach churn and I try not to think negatively. He's the strongest person I know and I'm certain he won't stop until he finds me.Please, find me, Leo. I believe in you."Oh, amazing. You're awake." I turn to the source of the voice and I can't for the life of me remember which one he is. He's silent for a bit and just stares at me creepily. My brow lifts, and he chuckles lowly then sighs, "I'm sorry it's just that I've never really noticed how beautiful you are. It's like I'm in the room but I'm never really in the room. And, You. Are. Beautiful. You have so much power over him and I'm sitting he
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Secrets Unfold
Nova "D-dad," I breathe out with relief when Alessandro's hands loosen around my throat. He lets me go and I fall to the floor in a coughing fit before taking the glass of water from earlier and chugging it down."What the hell were you thinking kidnapping my child? That wasn't part of the plan!" My father demands angrily. He's not as angry as I imagined he would be, and the way he talks to Alessandro only proves that they know each other. Meaning everything Leonardo said is true.And what plan is he talking about?"Dad," two pairs of eyes turn to look at me. "How do you know him?" He ignores me and turns his face back to Alessandro. "What plan are you talking about?""It is part of the plan, I only hastened it. I had to get his attention one way or another, Nova can do that. Kidnapping her got a reaction from him and obviously, that's what it takes for you to even talk to me too." Alessandro whispers the last part softly but there's a bit of anger in his words."Stop," Dad grits. "No
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Saving Her
Leonardo I'm losing my damn mind!It’s been over a week since Nova’s been gone. Each day that passes, the black circles under my eyes deepen and the angrier I grow. I’ve lost my mind. My patience. My strength. Everything. The only thing puppeteering my body is sheer will and desperation. Wherever she’s being held, it’s off-grid, and she hasn’t been moved, most likely because they know I’d find her if she were. Since she left I burnt down Councilman David's house and cars including two of his businesses that I could find and I made sure he knew it was me. I had no intentions of stopping there and I made sure he was aware of that also.I don't care if he was involved in her kidnapping or not, he's friends with Alessandro. If he wants the destruction to stop he should draw him out and provide my woman. I know the guys are waiting for when next I'll explode. They've been watching me like hawks as if I'm a ticking time bomb that's due to go off at any time. I already playe
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My Woman
Leonardo David Cameron is a dead man. I don't care if I've already burnt half his shit, my mistake was not burning him along with his house. After I burnt his car he had to make a press statement to the public due to the random fires that happened all in one day. I assumed he'd be stupid and call me out or even send the police after me. I'm glad he knows I'm not to be trifled with. Roman, Aiden, and I are currently in the car that's chasing after the bastard. I have no idea if he's aware of what's behind him but he's broken more than four road rules while driving like a maniac. This only further proves my suspicions about Nova being in that car. Last I was from Cain and Nate they were on Alessandro's tail.My phone rings again and I pick up and then I place Cain on speaker so he can give us the downplay of what is going on with them, "X, she's not here!" Cain yells over some noise."Of course, I know that! I told you.""No, no you don't get it. She's not here but David Camero
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The Betrayer
Leonardo My fixed glare on Tiffany hardens and I want nothing more than to smash her skull against the floor."What the hell did you do to her?" I wrap my arm around Nova. I wanted to drive to the hospital, but with the way she's shivering, I don't think it's wise. Instead, after I found Nova, I called two trusted old friends of mine, Mason Muller, and his son, Matthew. Mason is a retired surgeon but has been working for me since I got out of B-20, I found him after we saved a couple of survivors from the building. Taking in any survivors that need care. His son is a nurse and often assists Mason now that he’s getting older. After Mason got here he set up and started attending to Nova. We had no idea why she was unconscious, but Mason suspected that she was cold because she must have been held in a very cold place. And to make it worse what she's putting on is not helping much. Why the fuck is she unconscious? She only came to once, when she needed to throw up. And the way
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She's safe
Leonardo I'm going to kill Alessandro. I intended to kill him before but the urge to kill him is stinger now, it's almost maddening. And as for Edward, I might let Nova decide what happens to him."Can I at least have a bandage or shirt to stop the blood? It's too much" Tiffany asks."Keep talking before I decide that the next place this scalpel will enter is the side of your neck. Keep talking."She sighs defeatedly before obeying. Alessandro approached me first. He seemed to know everything about me and how my brother was murdered. He said he and Edward could help me get revenge and also pay me if I did what they wanted. I was desperate, so I agreed. He gave me a file that contained a lot of things about you. He didn't disclose fully how he got it but he knew I knew you. He later on told me that you were once an agent part of this secret organization funded by some government officials, but you went rogue." Tiffany's eyes lock with mine. "He said you were desperate but he's no
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Their Wrath
Nova "So, If I'm not hallucinating, why the hell is Tiffany tied to a chair? And why are we in a hangar? How did I get here? Whose jet is that?" I asked Leo after taking a look around. The last thing I remember was running and then seeing a dead body before I passed out.How the hell did I get to this unfamiliar hangar? I woke up not long ago to see Tiffany tied to a chair with two bleeding stab wounds in her thigh. Leo said he was responsible and he didn't look one bit remorseful about it.I stand up from the bed and I'm about to walk down to where Tiffany is when Leo holds me back. "I'm going to explain, baby. But first, you need to rest.""Why is she here, Leo? Why did you hurt her?" I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I know he'd never hurt Tiffany without reason, but I still want to hear him say it."Because she hurt you. And for that, she can't go unpunished." "W-what do you mean?" My throat still hurts a little with each word I utter."Tiffany was the one who brought
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Loving Her
Leo "I'm not surprised my mum hasn't called." She sighs tiredly before sitting on the bed "Even my brother, Chance. Do you think they're part of everything alongside Edward?""I don't know, baby. I don't care what they are part of as far as they didn't come for you.""Hmm," She's silent for a beat. "I can't believe our fathers love each other. It's scary to imagine." There's a small smile on her face and I'm happy to see she's gradually moving past what happened."I'd rather not have that sort of image in my head right now, darling.""I'm sorry," she smiles.I settle in deeper next to her, slumping against the stone wall, careful not to touch her, though my body is vibrating with the need to. We haven’t touched since I found her in the hangar, and each second feels like a stab in the chest. Fiending for Nova Carter is a feeling I’m old friends with, but this is the first time I refuse to act on it. “You don't have to apologize. Tell me about her,” I say. “Tell me everything
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The End
Nova"Can I take you somewhere?" Leo asks. I've just stepped out of the bathroom from my shower, yanking a brush through my wet, tangled hair. I tear the bristles through a particularly brutal knot, uncaring of the way the strands tear. "Baby, you're hurting your hair. Let me brush it." Feeling defeated, I slump my shoulders, trudge over to him, and sit on the floor between his spread knees. He takes the brush from me and gently starts running it through the sopping tresses, slowly detangling the mop on my head. It feels nice, but I'm too tired to appreciate it. Leo was right. Happiness is fleeting, however, over the past weeks, he's done everything in his power to help me hold on to any semblance of peace. Finishing with the brush, he sets it down on the bed and gathers my hair together. I nearly choke when he begins braiding it. "Where the hell did you learn to do that?" I ask. I'm tempted to twist around like a dog chasing its tail, just so I can witness this. "Aaliyah taug
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