All Chapters of Runaway Wife : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
799 Chapters
Chapter 151 Come Back Soon
Liam was unaware about the argument between Hannah and Karen.Before returning to Prescott Manor, he took a trip to Riverbay Residence. For some reason, he suddenly wanted to come back for a look. He managed to find his and Amelia's marriage license. He also found the only photo they ever took together.In the photo, Amelia's lips were curved into a smile, but Liam had a cold look on his face. The space between them was enough to fit a fist.Liam could've helped to resolve the scandals about her online, but Amelia just refused to beg him. He would've helped her if only she asked. It wouldn't matter even if it was a scandal between her and another man.Liam was furious, but he still had his wits about him.Amelia was as timid as a mouse in front of him. So she couldn't possibly be bold enough to cheat on him!He knew that very well. But sometimes, he just couldn't control his temper.Upon personally verifying that Amelia had never been touched by another man, Liam was pleasantl
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Chapter 152 Nothing to Do With Her
"I've already sent someone to deal with it, so the matter should be resolved by tomorrow morning. Don't worry, Mom. I won't let her disgrace the Prescotts." Liam smiled and comforted Ember."With scandals like that, I don't care if it's real or not. She's already gotten involved with you, so the Prescotts are already disgraced!" Ember displayed her dissatisfaction.She continued, "Liam, that woman truly isn't worthy of you. Now, be on the lookout tonight. See if there are any other women that catch your fancy."Liam frowned upon hearing that. He didn't approve of Ember's actions. "Mom, I'm already married." "I know that you're married. I'm not telling you to get married to someone right now. I just want you to take a look. You didn't like the women I got for you in the past. You even got a marriage license with that woman just to avoid the blind dates I set up for you. Just thinking about it now gets me so mad!" Ember glared at him. She had arranged the blind dates for his good!
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Chapter 153 Feelings Are a Sort of Bond
Once Ember had gone to the yard to check on the banquet preparations, James asked Liam in a knowing tone, "Liam, were you trying to tell your mom that Ava's child wasn't yours?" Although it was a question, James sounded very sure of it.Startled, Liam glanced at James. Then, he nodded. "So you already knew about it, Dad.""You're my son, so of course, I know you very well. Ava's pretty, but she's just acting. You wouldn't fall for a woman like her." James chuckled. He was quite pleased with Liam."But my mom doesn't know me half as well as you do." Liam smiled in exasperation. He had never once admitted that the child was his. But when the online articles were published, Ember had believed it right away. She also believed everything Ava said. She had even interrogated him about Ava's child on a few occasions."Your mom just cares about you too much. She also wants to have a grandchild as soon as possible, so she believed it." James smiled and spoke up for Ember.But then, he
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Chapter 154 You Are So Kind
The car suddenly stopped somewhere near Prescott Manor. Amelia looked at Eric in surprise.Eric smiled and explained, "I noticed that you've been nervous all this while. If you really don't want to go, I can send you home right now. We still have time."Amelia felt a little embarrassed because Eric had seen through her. She smiled. "It's okay. We're already here, anyway, so let's go in."She was indeed a little nervous. In fact, she had already been somewhat regretting it when she was getting the makeover. But Amelia had already promised Eric yesterday, so she didn't want to reject it now.Hence, she could only grit her teeth and follow him."You don't have to force yourself to do this. I was exaggerating a little yesterday. Even if you change your mind, I'll still find a female companion in time. I just won't have time to get her a makeover, that's all," Eric spoke nonchalantly. But Amelia felt even guiltier about her thoughts now.Although Amelia was still a little hesitant
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Chapter 155 She Is Very Outstanding
Ember's voice was a little sharp. James frowned and placed a hand on her shoulder. He said softly, "Everyone's here. Don't cause a ruckus now."Ember had a foul look on her face. She knew what James meant, but she wondered who was the one trying to cause a ruckus here.Eric smiled in surprise. Then, he said, "Ms. Jenson is very outstanding, and I also wish to get a girlfriend like her. Sadly, I don't have the honor. She already belongs to someone else."Eric's words caused Amelia's heart to skip a beat.Upon hearing that, Ember's expression improved. But only by a little."I see. You two looked quite intimate, so I thought you were a couple!" Ember shifted her gaze to Amelia.There was a mocking tone in her voice. "Since you're already taken, Ms. Jenson, perhaps you should stay away from Mr. Richards. People might start whispering."Of course Amelia knew what Ember was talking about. She had always been easily embarrassed. So when Ember said that, Amelia's face turned red in
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Chapter 156 Very Pretty
"Don't worry. That woman won't dare to do anything to you even after tonight!" Eric spoke with a confident look on his face.But Amelia didn't understand what he meant. Just as she was about to ask him about it, she heard a cold voice."You refused to come with me just because you had to be his companion?"Amelia shivered upon hearing that voice. She slowly looked behind her.Liam was wearing a dark suit, and he looked even darker standing in the dimly lit corner.Amelia didn't dare to look at his expression as she pondered how to answer him."Mr. Prescott, would you like to sit down and talk?" Eric gestured an invitation. Liam glanced at him and took a seat opposite Amelia. Then, he looked coldly at her. "Come here!" He didn't like the sight of Amelia and Eric sitting together.Amelia pursed her lips. She thought about the consequences of disobeying Liam and chose to sit with him in the end.She already provoked him by coming over tonight. She couldn't afford to make him e
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Chapter 157 She Is My Woman
Amelia turned away and continued silently drinking her juice. After she was done, Eric got another glass for her."Liam, everyone's waiting for you. You didn't come back, so I came over to look for you," Hannah explained in a low voice. Then, she glanced at Amelia and smiled."I thought you were going to see your parents. I didn't expect that you'd be here to keep Ms. Jenson company. Since you're busy, I won't bother you anymore. I'll explain it to them. You have so many women around you, Liam. It's not easy for you to have found someone you can truly settle down with. I'll also tell them not to come over and bother you," Hannah said.As she spoke, she sounded like she was choking. Seeing that Hannah was leaving in a hurry, Liam couldn't help but stand up. But he didn't go after her. Instead, he asked a nearby Gio to go after her.Seeing that, Eric smiled. "Your companion looks quite sad. If I saw correctly, she was even crying. Are you sure you don't want to go comfort her, Mr
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Chapter 158 Not Good
Liam was fuming at the accusation. He kept holding on to Amelia because she belonged to him. They were legally married!"Ah!"The most direct result of Liam's fury was a firm pinch on Amelia's waist. Amelia shouted in pain and then glared at him.When Liam heard her cries, he returned to his senses. He looked at Eric's calm expression. Then, he suddenly smiled and relaxed. "There's no point in provoking me, Mr. Richards. No matter what you do, you can't change the fact that Amelia belongs to me. If you want to have a taste of her, you'll have to try again in another life. She's already mine in this life," Liam said.Amelia felt embarrassed and mad at Liam's words.She didn't agree with him calling her his woman. They hadn't even done the deed.She also didn't like what he said about getting a taste of her. She wondered if Liam was crazy and if he realized what he had said."What nonsense are you saying, Liam?" Amelia asked."How is that nonsense? Are you not my woman? Or
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Chapter 159 Her Character
As Eric spoke, Liam's expression turned even fouler. Liam couldn't stay there any longer, so he immediately grabbed Amelia's hand and got up to leave.However, Eric stood up to block his way. "Mr. Prescott, everyone knows that Ms. Jenson is my companion today. If you take her with you, what would the others think of her?"Amelia didn't realize it at first, but when she heard Eric's words, she couldn't help but tremble. The scandals online were troublesome enough. She didn't want another scandal to happen in real life.But Liam didn't care. He couldn't bear to see Amelia sitting and chatting happily with another man."Do I even need to explain what other people think of her? You're not the only one involved in the scandals about her online. Did you think that everyone wouldn't recognize her if you brought her here today?" Liam sneered. Then, he looked at Amelia and said coldly, "Stay by my side. If you leave on your own, I won't have mercy on you!"But Amelia didn't want to go
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Chapter 160 A Woman Worthy of You
Liam was indeed on the verge of explosion. But when he suddenly remembered what Eric had said, he suppressed his rage with all his might."You look quite familiar, Ms. Jenson. You look like that woman who's been in the limelight online recently!" Brandon suddenly spoke up.Amelia couldn't help but tense up as she looked at Liam.Brandon had just subtly mocked her, and now his friends were going to mock her too."Brandon." Liam felt annoyed at Amelia's gaze. He gave Brandon a warning glare.Liam was truly upset.When he brought Amelia over, he did ridicule her. But he wouldn't allow anyone else to do it!Brandon felt a little upset at Liam's warning. He saw how sad Hannah was, and he wanted to speak up for her.So, he boldly retorted, "If she was truly blameless, she wouldn't mind people saying things about her."Liam, Hannie has waited for you for so long. It's fine if you can't promise her anything, but you can't just get a random woman to keep you company. You're humiliating
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