All Chapters of Runaway Wife : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
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Chapter 161 Stop Having Delusions
"So what if I hit you? What are you going to do about it?"Brandon did have that intention. But now that Amelia had exposed him, it wouldn't be right for him to hit her.He never hit women, but since young, he had also never been talked to like this. In his moment of anger, of course he would do something rash."True, I can't do anything about you. But don't forget, Mr. Hamilton, Liam brought me here. If you dare to hit me, it would mean that you're going up against Liam." Amelia smiled, looking calm and indifferent."Don't lump yourself with Liam. You're just a flir—a temporary companion. Did you seriously think that you're all that?" Brandon asked. He wanted to say that she was just a flirt, but he corrected himself when he remembered what Amelia had said before."You'd better keep a low profile with Hannie around. No one will withhold any benefits from you as long as it's due. You'd better stop daydreaming. Stop having delusions about things that don't belong to you!" Brandon
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Chapter 162 She Is Your Superior
Amelia had planned to leave ahead of time, but Lily kept talking to her. She kept telling Amelia about the dishes she served in her restaurant.Suddenly, Amelia received a message on her phone. It was from Eric."Amelia, I have something to attend to, so I'll be leaving first. When you realize that you can't get anything by enduring, you should fight back. Perhaps a new path will appear in front of you."As Amelia read the message, a smile appeared on her face.By the side, Lily watched Amelia smile. She sighed lightly in her heart. She wondered how a woman like Amelia managed to get together with Liam.Of course, Amelia had no idea what Lily was thinking. She only knew that Eric's timely message helped her understand something.As Eric said, sometimes, she couldn't solve any problems by enduring them. Her argument with Brandon just now somehow gave her courage.As the banquet was ending, Liam still hadn't reappeared. Amelia didn't look for him either.She watched as the gues
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Chapter 163 Escape
Amelia was a light sleeper. When Liam entered the room, she didn't hear the movements. Yet, she felt as if a dark shadow was in front of her. Someone seemed to be looking at her.When she suddenly opened her eyes, she saw his hand reaching toward her."What are you doing?" She suddenly sat up. Her wary behavior caused Liam's expression to turn foul.His hand hung in the air. Then, he retracted it awkwardly. Standing up, Liam said, "May wants you to go downstairs for supper." With that, he strode outside.Amelia blinked. She wondered why he looked like he was escaping just now.When Amelia went downstairs, Liam was already sitting at the dining table.Thus, even though it was supper, May had prepared quite a lot of food. When Amelia came back earlier, she had said to May, "I don't know if he ate anything. Maybe you should prepare more food." She had simply blurted it out. But when she finished speaking, she saw the smile on May's face. Even Amelia herself was stunned.
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Chapter 164 Sarcasm
During breakfast, Amelia noticed Liam staring at her with a dark look.She felt a little intimidated by his gaze."Why are you looking at me like that? Is something the matter?" she asked.Liam didn't answer right away. Instead, he stared at her for a while longer before saying, "Congratulations. The scandals are gone."Amelia was truly in a good mood because the matter was resolved. So when Liam mentioned it, Amelia even gave him a rare smile."Indeed. Thank you for the congratulations."It was an innocent reply, and she didn't mean anything by it. But more often than not, the listener had other interpretations.When Liam heard it, he thought that she was mocking him. She seemed to be telling him that even if he didn't help her, someone else would."Hah, and you said that you and him were just friends? Who would go this far for their friends?" Liam said. After all, the silencing fee was quite a huge sum!Amelia's good mood immediately disappeared because of what Liam had said
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Chapter 165 I Am Just Interested in You
Amelia thought of what happened yesterday and Liam's attitude today. Then, she shook her head."No, I should thank you. You were right. I should fight back."The smile on her face was earnest and brilliant. Eric knew then that she wasn't lying."That's good to hear. If not, I'll keep feeling guilty inside," he said.After chatting for a while, Eric asked with a curious expression, "So, how are things going between you two?"Amelia raised an eyebrow. "Are you interested in gossip too, Mr. Richards?"Eric shook his head. "I'm just interested in you!"He had an honest and pure smile on his face that didn't hint to Amelia any other motives. If not, she would have suspected that he had ulterior thoughts.But Amelia wasn't being delusional either. Those words indeed had quite a suggestive tone to them."Same old, I guess." Amelia didn't know how else to explain her relationship with Liam."I see that you're still wary of me. Are you worried that he might misunderstand?" There w
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Chapter 166 Does He Like You
When Liam returned to Riverbay Residence, it was already 9:00 pm.He went to meet someone after work and had retrieved the photos of Amelia's scandals from that man. So when he arrived home, he wasn't in a good mood. And his heart sank especially when he didn't see that familiar figure at home."Where are you?"Amelia wasn't surprised when she received a call from Liam."At a friend's house.""Come back!" Liam's voice was cold. He was giving her an order.He seemed to be quite mad. He even added, "Come back right now!"Amelia pursed her lips. Opposite her, Alex worriedly looked at her."I'm not going back." Her refusal was clear. Then, she hastily ended the call."Damn it!" In the villa, Liam angrily kicked the couch.He was furious that Amelia simply wouldn't listen to him. He wondered if Amelia was this bold because she thought that Eric would protect her.When he called again, the phone had just started ringing when Amelia rejected the call. Later on, she had even turne
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Chapter 167 Childhood Friend
Alex looked like she had just made a discovery and had suddenly raised her voice when she asked that. Amelia's face turned a little red. "Stop saying nonsense!""I'm not saying nonsense. But don't forget, you still haven't filed for a divorce. Don't let Liam blackmail you!" Alex reminded Amelia with a serious look on her face.Amelia nodded earnestly. "I know. I know what I should and shouldn't do."The pair of best friends chatted for a long while. They still felt like they hadn't chatted enough when they were about to go to bed."Tell me more about that Richards guy tomorrow!" Alex said.Amelia had an exasperated look on her face. "You're so interested, but when I suggested that we meet him together, you refused!"Alex waved her hands. "You see him as a friend, so of course, I have to learn more about him. You'll cry if he turns out to be another Liam."Amelia was curious about Hannah, but she never had a chance to learn more about her.To Amelia's surprise, Hannah took the
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Chapter 168 Kiss the Pain Away
Amelia looked at Hannah, but before she could say anything, Brandon reprimanded her."Don't think that you can do whatever you please just because you're involved with Liam! Don't forget, Liam didn't help you when you pushed Hannie the last time!"Amelia chuckled. Originally, she did feel a little guilty. It didn't matter if her force was big enough that it caused Hannah to fall. It was indeed true that she had shaken Hannah off in the first place.But now, thanks to Brandon's words, all the guilt in her heart was gone."Is that so? Then you should ask Liam if he held me accountable for what happened last time," Amelia replied.Brandon subconsciously looked at Hannah. As expected, the tears that were pooling in her eyes immediately poured out."It's okay, Brandon. It's my fault for being useless. It has nothing to do with Amelia!" Hannah bowed her head. Her tears splashed onto the ground and formed a flower-like pattern.Amelia crouched down so that she was at eye-level with H
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Chapter 169 If You Are Willing
"Do you know the owner of the restaurant?" In the private room, Eric asked Amelia.Amelia didn't hide it from him. "Liam knows her. I've met her a few times."Eric raised an eyebrow. Then, he put on an apologetic look. "Sorry, I was thinking that the food here was great, so maybe you'd like it. I didn't expect that … Will Liam trouble you if he hears of it?"If Liam knew about it, he would misunderstand her. But of course, Amelia wouldn't say that with Eric around."It's okay. Oh, right, you said that you have something to tell me about work. What is it?" Amelia asked."Well, even though this incident was resolved, I'm thinking of a permanent solution. I'm wondering if you're interested in becoming a manager." Eric knew that Amelia had changed the topic on purpose, so he didn't mention Liam again.Amelia was surprised. "A manager? Mr. Richards, you must be kidding. I can't be a manager.""You can if you're willing to. You're capable enough." Eric smiled.He continued, "I saw yo
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Chapter 170 You Are the Most Outstanding Man in the World
Eric also spotted the man. His gaze momentarily flashed as he approached Amelia and said, "Don't be afraid."This statement reassured Amelia. She smiled faintly at him and said, "Thank you. I'm not afraid of him.Then, she continued to walk ahead. She showed no intention of acknowledging Liam's presence. She had come to understand that fear would not resolve the situation.Since Liam had come across her and Eric having a meal together, she decided not to evade the issue.Instead, Amelia allowed him to speculate openly.Lily hadn't informed Liam that Amelia and Eric would be dining here.Liam was here because Hannah once mentioned that she hadn't had a meal with him yet since she returned.Furthermore, the incident at the driving school, where Hannah fell and cried due to Amelia's involvement, left him feeling a bit guilty despite Hannah insisting it was her own fault.Even after witnessing everything, he didn't want to blame Amelia.Hence, Liam felt he should make amends t
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