All Chapters of His Secret Princess: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
200 Chapters
#Chapter 181: The Message
We woke to the sound of screaming. More than just one person. Their voices were filled with such horror that it set my heart racing. The screams cut off abruptly, but Matt and I were already awake and alert. We’d slept in the back of his car, naked and tucked under a blanket he kept in the trunk for emergencies.“What was that?” I asked, reaching for my clothes.Matt was struggling to get his jeans over his hips in the narrow space. “I don’t know, but we’d better find out.”We stumbled out of the car, shrugging our coats on over our shoulders. I tied my boots so fast it was almost a record for me, then we were running toward the sound of the screams, Matt with a gun in his hand. We weren’t the only ones. A crowd was gathering outside what had once been a library.Dawn had just broken, and golden light spilled across the street. Figures in black rushed toward the building, their guns drawn. They must have been the reinforcements Nina’s father sent. I didn’t recognize a single one of th
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#Chapter 182: Cuckoo’s Nest
JackHe needed some time alone. He’d had enough strategy, doom-and-gloom, and blood for one day. When no one was looking, he snuck around the edge of the church, leaving them to their subdued dinner. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice as he carefully closed the door behind him. He didn’t want to be around anyone. Not even his sister.He especially couldn’t stand that his father was still around. He planned to fight with the rest of them, and Jack couldn’t help the small, ugly part of him that hoped his father got hurt. What right did he have to come back into his life and play the hero?The scent of dirt hit him the moment he stepped outside, and he took a moment to breathe the smell in. It smelled like spring, and he allowed himself to appreciate it for a few seconds. What if he never saw another spring? This could very well be his last.Lazy clouds drifted across the sky as golden light spilled down across the abandoned town. Was this the last sunset he’d ever see? He didn’t know w
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#Chapter 183: Vengeance
AlyxHe wiped a hand across his mud-splattered face, leaving a trail of blood. Alyx hardly noticed or cared. He was too intent on reaching his brother. Ronan would want to hear how the mission went, and what he’d learned about their enemies. There wasn’t time to waste cleaning himself up, making himself presentable.Eye tracked him as he wove through the camp. Men and women bent their heads together and whispered. Most looked weary as he strode past, some downright scared. He liked it that way. They should fear him. The entire world should fear him.He’d lost the one person in his life who understood him, who really meant something to him. His best friend. His brother. Nothing in this world, or in any other, could stop him from getting his vengeance. He didn’t even really care if they won this war, not anymore. As long as he made them suffer. As long as he got to see the look on Celeste’s face when he took what she loved away from her, the way she stole his brother from him.“You’re b
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#Chapter 184: All Bets Are Off
Matt pulled me closer, nuzzling into the back of my neck. Around us came the sounds of muffled snores and heavy breathing. How they were managing to sleep, I had no idea. I’d been trying all night, but my mind wouldn’t turn off.I knew we didn't have much more time before the Crescent wolves brought the fight to us. We’d either walk away from this or we wouldn’t. Something in my gut told me that this could be my last night, and I didn’t want to fall asleep and miss it. Matt was here with me, his arms around me, and it was a real possibility we wouldn’t make it through tomorrow.The thought sent panic clawing through me. Those nightmares of Ronan ripping Matt’s heart from his chest flashed across my mind.Beside me, Fiona shifted in her sleep, rolling closer to my brother. He was lying on his back with his wounded arm held close to his body. She pressed her nose into his shoulder. After a moment, Jack put his good arm around her, holding her against his chest.Today hadn’t been the tim
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#Chapter 185: Chaos Reigns
JackHe pulled Fiona along behind him, panting through the pain in his arm. She was trying to keep pace, but she couldn’t run as fast as him.“Go on,” she panted. “I’ll meet you on the roof.”He didn’t answer. There was no fucking way that was happening. He just tightened his hold on her hand and kept running, his gaze set on the apartment building. They’d reach it together before the wolves came or not at all. He wouldn’t–no, couldn’t–leave her behind.Howls cut through the air as pink light replaced the dark, lighting the graffiti lined street. Around them, their allies got into position.He finally reached the front of the building and pulled the door open. The wound on his arm was already screaming at him, but he breathed through the pain. He didn’t have any choice but to do so.Fiona shut the door behind her and together they jogged up the stairs. He didn’t let go of her hand. He couldn’t bring himself to until they reached their positions.She propped the roof door open again, a
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#Chapter 186: Dogfight
MattBefore I could protest, Celeste had dropped her gun and was jogging down the spiraling steps back into the church. I cursed and took off after her. I caught up to her on the stairs, grabbing my gun from my belt as I went.The fight on the ground was in full swing, and like I suspected, Celeste wasn’t content to wait it out. I loved her for it, even as fear spiked through me.She glanced at me as we reached the bottom. “This ends now,” she said.I nodded and kissed her, our lips smashing together in a frantic kiss. She pulled away first and pulled her gun free.“Together?”I forced a smile. “Together.”She nodded, then pushed open the church doors. Then we were running toward the worst of the fray. Celeste took in the chaos and dropped her gun. A moment later, she let the shift run through her. By the time we reached the worst of the fight, she was in her wolf form. She tore into the closest wolf with a sharp growl. It had its jaws around Seth’s neck, but quickly let go when Celes
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#Chapter 187: Blood Runs Red
JackJack jolted at the sound of the gunshot, his heart in his throat.He lunged for Fiona, desperate to put himself between her and the bullet. He landed half on top of her, and she grunted. She grabbed onto him, her fingers digging into his sides, and her entire body shaking. He was shaking too, but he didn’t feel any pain. Did the bullet hit her, anyway? Was he too slow this time?Celeste would never forgive him. He’d never forgive himself.Fiona looked over his shoulder with wide eyes, her hands clutching onto his jacket. Jack followed her gaze, his eyes locking onto his cousin. Time slowed to a crawl as Freddy lifted his hand away from his chest. His fingers were stained cherry red with blood. Then he crumpled to the ground. His chest rattled for a few breaths, then didn’t rise again.He was dead. Freddy was dead.Shock settled over him as he lifted his gaze. His father stood behind Freddy’s body, his gun still pointed at his prone form. After a beat, Henry’s gaze met his, and he
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#Chapter 188: The Warpath
JackBlood ran through the streets, straining the sidewalks and the pavement. Dead bodies littered the ground. Jack’s heart drummed in his chest as he followed his father, desperate to get to Celeste. Screams of agony and snarls of anger rose around him as the fighting worsened. More and more Crescent wolves had appeared, along with Schreibers carrying silver-tipped blades and guns with silver bullets. They were becoming more outnumbered by the minute.“Come on,” Henry called. He shot a black-clad Schreiber as he ran by, saving a wolf that quickly rejoined the fray. “We need to keep moving.”Jack forced himself to hurry after him, his eyes roving over the street ahead. Either one of them could easily catch a stray bullet. One wrong move and the fight would be over long before they found his sister.By the looks of things, their allies weren’t faring much better. With the Schreibers, there were too many of them. Even with the reinforcements from Nina’s father, it was likely they wouldn
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#Chapter 189: No Rest for the Wicked
Alyx darted toward me, and I shifted to the side, narrowly missing his outstretched claws. The wolves pulled back slightly to give us more room. For better or worse, this fight was about revenge. I was Alyx’s to kill, just like Matt was Ronan’s. The other wolves wouldn’t step in unless they absolutely had to.I had the feeling I knew exactly who they all were. Ronan brought his entire family to the fight. They were all here to watch their brothers get vengeance for what I did to Jeremy and what Matt did to Miles all those years ago. I couldn’t even say I really blamed them. Family was family. It was my fault Jeremy was dead.I couldn’t bring myself to feel remorse as I faced Alyx. Everything he and his brothers put me through those months rushed to the forefront of my mind. They hurt me. Tortured me. Kept me against my will. Not to mention the way Alyx treated me before I even got to their compound and found out who he really was. He didn’t deserve my sympathy.I needed to put everyth
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#Chapter 190: Out of the Woods
MattI couldn’t move.Every breath I took sent waves of pain darting across my body. I couldn’t make sense of what was happening. One moment I was fighting Ronan, and the next Alyx had Celeste on the ground with her leg in his grip. I didn’t think twice before I lunged for Alyx. It didn’t matter if it left me open to Ronan. It didn’t even really matter if I died. What mattered was that Celeste made it out of here okay.Then there was pain. So much of it that stars danced across my vision. Then the distant sound of gunshots and more pain. My whole body shook and sweat broke out across my skin. Somehow, at some point, I’d shifted back into my human form.I was really injured then.“Matt?” I felt someone’s hand on my arm. Heard their familiar deep voice, but I feared that if I opened my mouth, I’d just start screaming. “Come on, man, you’ve got to get up.”Yeah, that wasn’t happening.“Please.”I peeled my eyes open. The world spun for a moment before I could make out the person kneeling
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