All Chapters of Santa Fe Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
78 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
AVAI step through the glass paneled patio doors that lead out to the terrace. I see a few people already in the pool, they look to be the slightly older generation getting their early morning laps in. That is dedication for you, it impresses me. The tables this morning are all adorned with white tablecloths, each with a pitcher of iced water on them, silverware and adorable blue coffee cups and saucers with a gold rim. It all looks really eloquent. I can't wait to feel the caffeine seep into my veins and wake me up a bit. I scooch my camera up my shoulder since it has begun to fall down and snap some pictures of the terrace. The sun is already warm at just half past eight and I have to adjust to avoid sun glare. Happy with the shots I make my way to a table underneath an umbrella tucked nicely in the corner. I have all day for the sun on my face and whilst I eat breakfast I prefer the shade. A waiter arrives, tanned, slender and very good looking. He smiles and asks if I am ready
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Chapter Twelve
AvaI gulp my second coffee aware of him standing there dressed in navy shorts and a pale blue shirt. It shoes off his bronzed skin and sexy forearms. I think I'm drooling. Yes I am definitely drooling. I watch as his eyebrows furrow. He looks to be having an intense conversation. I wonder who he is talking to. It could be an argument or misunderstanding with the woman in his life. That makes me feel knotted in my stomach. Why am I knotted? Gosh it's not as if I am dating this man or have any designs to do so. I already know he is conceited and arrogant because he invaded my space. Not once but twice. He runs his free hand through his mop of hair, it falls forward. He tries again to no avail. It's so damn sexy and I want to run my fingers through it and pull his face to mine. It's either hot outside, or it is the caffeine rush. But I am definitely feeling a bit too warm right now. I can't peel my eyes away from his slender hips and the toned legs. I already know he has rock-hard abs
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Chapter Thirteen
SebastianI never usually come down here for breakfast. In fact I rarely start my day with anything but a green smoothie then an intense workout after a run. Only this morning, I am hoping to catch a glimpse of the American Girl. I'm not sure after our last encounter if she will even entertain me asking her to dinner, let alone speak with me. I have butterflies in my stomach at the thought of speaking to her again. This is unlike me. Usually I am confident and straight forward, yet with her. Well it all seems so new, exciting and I am actually a little in awe of her. Does that make me somewhat scared of her? Possibly.Now, however I am caught on the phone. My father is calling an urgent meeting and he wants me to fly down to Malaga where we have an issue with one of our new projects. It is our largest hotel yet here in Spain. We have branched out to other countries but there is nothing like the one we have planned in Malaga. It will become our signature hotel. He is on the phone stres
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Chapter Fourteen
AvaOh. My. God. He is coming towards me. I can't swallow the piece of cake in my throat. I am hoping he didn't see me being a total clutz and dropping my fork on the floor. I try not to look at him but my eyes are not paying any attention to my mind as they continue to stare into his gorgeous tiger eyes. I then realise that I have cake falling out of my mouth. Great! Time to pull my jaw up from the ground. Mental note: remember you don't like this arrogant s.o.b. I wish my lower regions would kind of remember that, only everything has started to ignite with fire and I can feel myself becoming aroused. I narrow my eyes like he is some kind of panther stalking me. I earnestly keep reminding myself not to be nice to him."Good morning." Right well with a smooth as silk voice like that, it is pretty difficult. I just nod. Then open my mouth. "Not you again." He stops in his tracks. He is close to where I am sitting, it's almost as if life has gone into slow motion. I am oblivious to the
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Chapter Fifteen
AvaMy mouth starts moving and my ears hear the words, "fine. I'll go to dinner with you." I momentarily lift my hand off my chest but refrain from slapping myself and zipping my mouth firmly shut. Clearly my mouth has an entirely different thought process to my mind. For a start, there is no point getting into anything with someone whilst I am here, besides anything else in a week I will be heading south to Malaga. From there I plan to take a flight to the UK to visit London again and drop in on one of my friends who I've not seen for a while.Sasha and I have known each other since we were in college. She moved to London when she was twenty-one to work in the fashion industry. Making and creating clothes has always been a passion for her, it was supposed to be temporary, however, Sasha met Harvey and now they're planning the best wedding ever. They have invited everyone to a chateau in France and I cannot wait until the end of October, which is when they will be declaring their undy
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Chapter Sixteen
SebastianI am sweating even though I tried to remain calm, cool and collected. I wasn't if I am honest, expecting the American girl to say yes. She looks challenging and maybe this is part of her attraction. Not to mention her beautiful face that was illuminated further by the rays of the sun shining down on her. Now I am excited to take her to the restaurant tonight. I know she will love it. Everybody falls in love with Casa Amor. First I need to have the difficult conversation with my father and why I will not be going to Malaga to sort out these issues on the new hotel. I do have someone I can send in my place. There is nothing that is going to come between me and the American girl. She is someone I would give everything up for. To feel her lips on mine, hold her in my arms and watch the stars with at night. She makes me feel something I have never felt before. I can't put my finger on it but it is real. My heart was pounding when I stood close to her and my stomach fluttered inc
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Chapter Seventeen
AvaI wish it was already two o'clock. I really need to speak to Zoe. My stomach hasn't stopped fluttering since he was so close to me. My pulse began racing and I felt my mouth getting drier by the milli-second. I could smell his citrus fragrance and wanted to pull him into me. I am alarmed at how I can have the mind of a hussy when I've literally only been ditched by Mark a few short weeks ago. If I were over him then why does my heart still ache? Am I hurting because part of me feels like a failure for not being able to preserve a relationship? Or is it hurting because I truly loved him more than life itself? Or is it because he has hooked up with Charlotte already? No. That just makes me angry with Mark. Even though I want to hate him, I can't. How do you suddenly hate someone after having practically grown up with them and having lived with them? I poured my heart and soul into my relationship, I tried. I really tried. Yes I know I travelled a lot but Mark would always be by my
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Chapter Eighteen
AvaI flop myself down on my bed enjoying the air conditioned room and stare up at the ceiling. I've taken so many photos today but the heat is too much. I came in about half an hour ago. I have a few hours left until our dinner at seven thirty. According to my mobile it's only half past three. What I need is a nice cold shower but honestly the sun completely zapped me. I know I shouldn't have been out in the afternoon sun for so long but I couldn't help it.Soaking up the people and atmosphere in the hub of Santa Fe was exhilarating. Soon I will look at my photos and choose some to upload. If I don't laze around too much I may even be able to piece a decent vlog together before I go out.The pit of my stomach feels weird. I cannot tell if it is excitement or nerves at the prospect of having dinner with him tonight. That reminds me I still need to decide on something to wear I am not going to give him the wrong impression, also I need to make it perfectly clear this is a one off thing
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Chapter Nineteen
Sebastian I am nervous. I have never been nervous to go on a date with a woman before. Not ever in my life. Yet I am. The amber liquid swirls around in my crystal glass, brandy is needed to calm my nerves. Whilst I try to ascertain exactly why I have a fluttering sensation in my stomach I knock my brandy back in one, just to take the edge off. Even the mountain views from my wrap around balcony do nothing to pacify me.She doesn't know anything about my life, who I really am and the secret I have. The same secret I have managed to keep from everyone except my parents. I try to dismiss it but it's difficult to do. It is such a huge part of my life that at some point I am going to have to let it out. I am considering pouring myself another drink but check the time. It's already nearly half past seven so I need to make my way downstairs to my car and driver. My heart begins to race at the thought of seeing the American girl again, it flutters at the thought of spending a few hours with
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Chapter Twenty
AvaWell what can I say? I am angry. Why? Because he is so damn irresistible and I don't want to fight with my emotions all night over dinner and small talk to someone I am beginning to think is hotter than I can handle. I still feel emotionally wrecked after Mark ditched me even though I have already gone over this. He has been respectful so far in the car, and at least I can breathe somewhat easier knowing he hasn't got a girlfriend or wife tucked conveniently away. That makes me exhale. I am most definitely not the kind of girl who dates an attached man. I would rather slit my own throat. Dramatic? Well knowing Marc has moved Charlotte in kind of gives me the upper hand on knowing how damn hard and upsetting that is. It cuts me through my body like a knife slicing through butter. It. Really. Fucking. Hurts. To stop the tears from welling up in my eyes I take Pedro's hand as he assists me in getting out of the car. He is a short stocky man in his early sixties I would say and has a
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