All Chapters of Santa Fe Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
78 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One
SebastianI can tell Ava is slightly drunk she seems more chatty and engaged. I actually think she is flirting with me and to be honest I haven't got a clue what I should do. It has been a beautiful evening. My friend Antonio has made the terrace even more stunning than I can remember. There are fairy lights everywhere, a hammock in the corner that to be honest I'd love to lay on with Ava in my arms. Just rocking gently away as the fresh evening air brushes our skin delicately and we stare up in wonderment at the stars.I love to look at the stars, I find them amazing, peaceful and a total mystery. The moon is not quite full tonight but nonetheless it is gracing the sky with its presence. Ava is telling me about her ex. The one I'd like to smack in the face. He makes me so angry that he has literally discarded Ava for being who she is. What angers me the most is him knowing that Ava's profession is lucrative as an influencer with a large on line presence and yet he has belittled it. A
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Chapter Thirty Two
AvaI can't believe how brazen I have just been. I almost feel like a complete and utter hussy. Maybe it's the champagne, maybe it's Zoe's voice in the back of my mind telling me to have fun, let my hair down and get over Mark. Or perhaps it really is time that I throw a little caution to the wind and start to enjoy myself. So what if I am not staying in Spain for the rest of my life. I am here now, I've already decided that I'll stay in Malaga for longer than intended then I may even go to Santander or to Bilbao. Who knows, I have the world at my feet right now and I need to make the most of it. I suspect it's the champagne, the twinkling fairy lights, the gentle and romantic music piping through the speakers and of course an extremely hot man sitting right in front of me.I also don't think I can over-ride this feeling inside me. My stomach is nuts with fluttering, my heart is racing so much I can feel the pressure in my ears and my panties, well let's say that I haven't felt this w
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Chapter Thirty Three
AvaWow is all I can think as he leads me into his penthouse apartment. In the lift my emotions ranged from feeling like I was on Cloud nine to dipping with a lack of self confidence and concern that I was making a big mistake. Like I said I really am not the sleeping around kind of girl. The fluttering in my stomach is relentless. "This is me." Sebastian says as he places a hand on my lower back. There it is again that warm sensation floating up from my stomach, up my chest and to my neck. I can feel myself becoming flushed and warm. He was the perfect gentleman on the way here and in the lift, just making small talk and am I nervous right now? You bet I am. More nervous than I have ever been even more than when I had to sit exams.What if he thinks I'm a terrible kisser? Right I need to stop that. All of a sudden I don't feel quite as merry as I did at dinner. The champagne buzz must be wearing off rather quickly. He reaches out to the left and places his hand on the wall. Lights
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Chapter Thirty Four
AvaHis kiss lingers on my lips and then slowly, ever so slowly he moves his mouth along my jaw line each fluttering kiss ignites me and sets my heart racing. I swear I have never felt it beat as fast as it is right now. His mouth finds my neck and I literally push myself into him, my hands reach for the back of his head and I push his head further into my neck. He is biting and teasing me, it's delicious. I'm so aroused yet I don't want this bit to end. I'm in heaven.Sebastian stops kissing my neck and looks up at me. I swear his pupils have dilated that much his eyes looks almost black. Like black pools of lust and desire. It turns me on even more. To be wanted so fiercely by a man the way he clearly wants me, takes my breath away. I can feel him solid in his pants and I reach my left hand down to touch him. He gasps, I get wetter. I'm so wet I can feel myself literally dripping. "Are you sure?" He asks me his voice sultry, deep and sexy. I've never been surer of anything in my li
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Chapter Thirty Five
SebastianI look at my mobile it tells me it is already five past six. The sun is just coming up and it will be a beautiful day. I glance down at Ava sleeping in the crook of my arm. Our evening together was beyond my wildest dreams. Who knew she could be so down and dirty. It actually took me by surprise how uninhibited she was and how she brought the same out in me. I have never been like that with a woman before. But with Ava, it was raw, real and passionate. She literally took my breath away. I have never felt like this before not even with my first love. My heart flutters as I look at her long dark eyelashes gracing her cheeks. The way her lips are slightly pouted, full and kissable.Not wanting to disturb her just yet, I gently slide my arm from under her head careful not to trap her luscious hair and pull it. She looks like an angel as she sleeps. My driver will be ready to collect me for seven this morning. I need to be at our flagship hotel by nine so we have enough time to m
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Chapter Thirty Six
AvaI'm standing in front of what can only be described as a palace. Seriously their Malaga hotel is more than that. It's like something out of a movie. The car and a different driver this time, is driving us down a tree lined gravel drive. It seems have been at least five minutes since we came through the massive iron wrought gates, with a large G on both gates. Obviously the Garcia emblem. I can see a large stone building with a centre section that is rounded with arched windows at the bottom and middle sectors. To the top are square paneled windows and on each end of the building are two large square additions, with turrets. I realize I am not breathing as it is breathtaking.Directly in front of the hotel are sculpted water ponds and small mazes. It is magical. "Ava." I hear Sebastian's voice say and shakes me from my almost trance like state. "It's gorgeous Sebastian." He smiles and winks. Wow that wink it does funny things to my insides. I can feel butterflies again. This man
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Chapter Thirty Seven
SebastianMy meetings are taking up most of my time and I am wondering what Ava is up to. I am mentally distracted when I know I should be focused on what is going on in front of me. As soon as I heard the water issues are resolved, that we will still open on time with the infinity pools working too, well of course I switched off.This is not normal for me. Not normal at all but Ava, she distracts me every second of the day since I have first set eyes on her. I must have a word with myself and my heart because right now it is feeling all sorts of things that even I find difficult to understand. How can one woman come suddenly into my life and turn it so upside down? How can I the man with the guarded heart for over ten years, now be having such strong feelings for a woman I have just met? It is a wonder to me and Ava is let's face it an absolute wonder. Enzo is talking, I glance at him whilst idly playing with the Mont Blanc pen in my right hand. "So we are all systems go, Sebastian.
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Chapter Thirty Eight
AvaDo I mind that Sebastian has taken it upon himself that we will stay the night here in Malaga and made reservations? Of course I don't. I couldn't think of anything better right now. And to think my first impression of this man was that he was conceited, arrogant and a grumpy piece of work. How wrong could I have been? He has been nothing but attentive, caring and generous. I have not even thought of Mark since the flight here. I have been busy all day with sightseeing in Malaga, it has been heaven.I visited the spa and had a hot stones treatment and massage. It was divine and just what I needed. My guide I am assuming went and had a coffee during the hour I was being pampered. The photos I have taken of the sea, people milling around, drinking coffee, shopping and the children as they ran through the streets will be amazing when I upload them. I already have more than enough pictures to create a book. It is something I have been thinking of doing for quite a while. Zoe is the on
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Chapter Thirty Nine
AvaThe salty smell of the sea intoxicates my senses mixed with the cinnamon and lemon of Sebastian's fragrance. We have strolled along the water front, our hands firmly clasped in each other's. He tells me about his childhood how happy he was growing up and even though he never had siblings, Sebastian was surrounded by many cousins. They would spend long and lazy Sunday's at the houses of his many aunts and uncles or they would come to visit their residence. The children were allowed to play to their hearts content. It sounds like it was an idyllic childhood surrounded by love and happiness. It shows on his face when he talks, I can still catch his smile even thought the sun has now gone down, the moon lights his face up. I shared with him stories of my childhood, my friends and family our close knit town. My desire to be a photographer all my life and how my parents supported me in everything I did from ballet classes, piano lessons to finally settling on the path I have now chosen
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Chapter Forty
SebastianI have spent the last six days when I could with Ava and it has been magical. After my long days at the various hotels, we have had romantic meals, strolls through the old towns holding hands and enjoying each other's company. Only I know in four more days she will be deciding to go back home or to another destination. She hasn't committed yet and I don't want to pry too much. I have no hold over her and I know I shouldn't even have been trying to get her to want to stay with me. Only I already know I am going to feel lost without her. At night we have been passionate and she has brought out a side of me that I didn't really know existed. I love it when she is open and ready for me and commands me to thrust myself deep inside her. She is sexy, beautiful and a woman driven by insane lust as am I driven by her insatiable need for me. Ava has told me she has never been like this with any other man before and I believe her.I'm not going to lie I am a little jealous of the time
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