All Chapters of ALPHA'S REJECTED BRIDE: HIDING HIS BABY: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
153 Chapters
DAMIEN’S POV:“You never told me you could transform,” I said to Ariana, and she shrugged. We sat together on the shore, building sandcastles. Last night, neither Rosaline nor I wanted to leave her alone, so Rosaline and Ariana slept on the bed while I took the chair. I held on to the gun that bitch dropped in case we had any more surprise visits. This morning, I felt a tap on my knee and saw that it was Ariana. The first thing she wanted was to build sandcastles with me. How could I possibly decline? She had not said a word to me, and I really wanted her to. Last night, I can only imagine how confused she was by how much pain she was feeling. I expected her to say something, but she did not. She just sat on the sand beside me, focused on building her castles.I would be lying if I said I was not worried. The least I could do was try to make some sort of small talk.“I did not think it was important,” she said, and I frowned. I dropped the bucket in my hands, and she met my eyes.“Of
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ROSALINE’S POV:We searched for Courtney everywhere.After William had informed us of his wife’s unruly disappearance, it was clear that they had no idea what had transpired between us last night. Damien and I offered our assistance in her search. Well, I offered, and Damien could not care less about Courtney. And if I am doing something, Damien is as well, whether he likes it or not.We left Ben and Ariana at the beach house and made them promise to lock the doors and open them for no one except us. After that, Damien, William, and I went into town and searched for Courtney, but to no avail. We asked the neighboring residents and villagers, but no one had seen her. It was like she had just vanished.“This is so unlike her,” William said once we returned to the beach house. “She would never disappear without saying goodbye or leaving some sort of message. She knows how worried I get.” He said, pulling his hair with frustration.Damien and I shared a knowing glance. I considered tellin
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PEACE’S POV:I hate my name.I might have failed to mention that in the past, but it’s something I can’t change. Not because I couldn’t just go to a law firm and get my name changed, but because my parents named me after something I could never have. Peace.How ironic.My entire life has been nothing but chaotic. My sister, Stephanie, should have been the one with the name. not me. She was always so happy and bubbly, while I was a bit too serious. Perhaps because there was nothing to be happy or bubbly about. My parents were killed right in front of me, and I had to sacrifice a lot of things to make sure my sister and I never suffered the same fate.But at the end of the day, it proved to be useless. I put her head in a gift box to remind me of that.Such brutality, and for what? All we wanted was to leave happily and peacefully, but we never could, no matter how far or fast we ran.Perhaps this was why I was scared of what was happening now. Scared of this feeling, I got it in my che
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ROSALINE’S POV:“I am pretty sure they must be dead by now.”“Damien!” I snapped, horrified that he could even think of such a thing.He raised his hands in surrender, and I shot him a glare. It has been three days since we returned from our vacation with Courtney. She had succeeded in convincing Peace to leave this palace and go live with William and Ben in California. I wanted to stop her, but it seemed she had already made her decision.And besides, she deserved a normal life. Away from all this madness. I mean, her sister got decapitated because of me; the least we could do was let her go.“You know I am right; the safest place she could have been was with us. It does not matter if she flies to Russia; if your father and Magnus want to find her and use her as bait or collateral damage, they will,” Damien said blatantly, and I huffed before sinking deeper into my chair.“Any news on them? Magnus and my father?” I asked, and he shook his head to the side.I did not know why, but whe
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ROSALINE’S POV:The sun was warm, and the air was tranquil. It was just Ariana, Damien, Federick, two other guards, and me on the property. I had ordered a little truck to help move some of our things, but Damien did not agree. He did not want to let many people know that we were moving.“Anything you need, I will send someone to go buy it. But whatever is in that house stays there; we need to give off the illusion that we are still living there. If anyone even has the slightest information that we are here, then everything can go to hell,” Damien said.“I know, I know. But some things can’t be bought; they hold a lot of sentimental value,” I said as I watched the guards take some of the boxes into our new home. "Ah, be careful with that box. Those are Ariana’s favourite toys,” I scolded, and he bowed regretfully.“Forgive me, Luna. I will be more careful,” he said, and I nodded. I watched them take the boxes into the house before returning my attention to Damien. He looked at me like
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ROSALINE’S POV:This cannot be. This has to be some sort of dream.Why couldn’t I move? Was it fear? Or possibly paralysis?I was surrounded by darkness. There is this uncomfortable chill that goes up my spine, and goosebumps erupt all over my skin. My eyes searched around, but there was nothing to be seen for miles. It was as though I had fallen into an abyss. I could not even see the ground I was standing on; all I saw was darkness.But all that changed in a second. I was still surrounded by darkness when a mirror suddenly appeared before me. I couldn’t take my eyes off my reflection, maybe because I was too scared to. The woman staring back at me was so different and so scary. She wore a long white gown that pooled around her feet. Her hair was down and messy; some even stuck to her face because she was sweating profoundly. But that was not the only thing that terrified me most about her.No.It was the smile on her face. It almost stretched to her ears, and the look in her eyes wa
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DAMIEN'S POV:The flames burned my skin as I ascended the stairs on all fours. My head felt dizzy, and the smoke became intoxicating, but I couldn't stop now. It wasn't even an option.I didn't care if I got burned alive, as long as my daughter got out of here alive.I knew making her room fireproof would be a good decision. Back when I was talking with the architects that would be handling this house, I told them I wanted one room, which would be my kid's room, to be fireproof while the rest of the house would be bulletproof.I did so because I knew kids could be careless and cause havoc. That was why I had to get Rosaline out first; she was the one in more danger. I never once thought that the entire house would be set ablaze. What the hell could have possibly caused this?Well, that wasn't important right now; all that matters is getting my daughter out of here.I jumped over the flames and braced myself to kick down the flaming door.Pain shot up my entire body as I kicked down th
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DAMIEN'S POV:"ROSALINE!"She was nowhere to be seen. It was only a few minutes ago that reinforcements, along with my mother, arrived. My first order was for them to take Ariana to our former home and guard her at all costs.And then I gave my second order.Find my queen.We searched the rubble and the forest surrounding my home, but there was nothing. I heard footsteps coming up from behind me and immediately recognized them as my mother's."I dreamt of her; I saw her immediately, and I passed out. She was being tortured by someone, but I couldn't find out who it was," I said, my fists clenched in rage."It was your wolves calling out to each other; they showed you where she is," I heard my mother say as I continued to search the premises, for only the heavens knows what. I don't know why I got this feeling that there was a clue lying around here. Somewhere."What am I supposed to do with the image of a torture room? It could be anywhere," I snapped, picking up a piece of burnt wood
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ROSALINE'S POV:Pain.That was all I felt. Nothing more, nothing less. I didn't have the slightest bit of strength; even breathing was a mighty chore. There were times I was able to open my eyes, but even that took a lot of energy from me.When my eyelids managed to part, my vision was impaired, and it hurt when you tried to squint my eyes. There was nothing but a bright light. I would occasionally hear some sounds, but the ringing that had been going on in my ears was the loudest; it wouldn't stop. It was driving me mad.I don't think I can take it anymore.How did I even get here? One moment I was staring at my father while my husband's dream house burned to ashes with them inside, and the next I was enveloped in nothing but darkness. The scariest and most hurtful part about all of this is that I don't even know if they made it out alive.No. They had to. My heart and brain couldn't comprehend them not escaping that fire.When I woke up in this cell, I opened my eyes to see my fathe
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ROSALINE’S POV:They say there is a level of pain one can stop feeling—a certain line. Once a person crosses that line, it could mean that every nerve in their body has been destroyed, they are unable to send this pain to the brain, or they are dead.I think I am a little bit of both.It was a miracle that my nose was still working, even though it is now broken. It was incredibly hard for me to breathe; it was so strenuous. I am just tired of it, and this smell? God, I hate this smell. I never knew something of mine could smell so bad, and yes, I mean my blood. It splattered on the majority of the floor and had become the new paint for the walls.How long have I been down here? I have no idea. There were no windows, no sunlight, and no fresh air. Just my recycled oxygen keeps me alive. It was hard for me to count the number of days I have been trapped down here; all I know is that Lucian came and went as he pleased. Once he felt like I had suffered enough, he would wipe his hands and
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