All Chapters of ALPHA'S REJECTED BRIDE: HIDING HIS BABY: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
153 Chapters
ROSALINE’S POV:I did not see him again for the rest of the night.After our brief eye contact, Damien stormed back into the palace. I had to take a few calming breaths before heading back inside. When I got to our room, no one but Ariana was sleeping soundly on our bed. I freshened up and half expected Damien to be on the bed with her when I came out.He wasn’t.I found myself staying up, waiting for him to come in. He never did.I do not know at what point my slumber finally took the better of me until the sun’s warm gaze fell upon my eyelids. A groan left my lips, and I turned to my side to find some sort of shelter, but all to no avail. With a frown on my lips, I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes.When I was certain that I was fully awake, I was met with a pair of familiar grey orbs.No, they were not Damien’s.“Good morning Mommy!” Ariana squealed, wrapping her arms around my neck and knocking my breath away like she always did.I choked with surprise as she smushed our faces to
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ROSALINE’S POV:“Fancy seeing you here,” said a familiar voice. I turned around to come face-to-face with Derrick, and he shot me that cheeky grin that left me smiling.I had just finished my meeting with the contractor and given Peace the check for her sister. I was just about to head up to the palace when I bumped into him. Unlike the last time we met, I got a better look at him now that it was daytime.He had everything a regular gardener would have: big rubber boots, green overall, and dirt mixed with sweat on his face. I noticed that he was panting; had he been running? As though he was able to read my mind, he said,“I saw you from afar and had to jog to catch up to you. I did not want to yell since I did not know your name, and servants are not allowed to make much noise,” he explained with a nervous chuckle. His hand found his nape as his eyes took me in from head to toe. “Wow, you look so nice—really nice. If this is what one of Luna's maids dressed like, I bet I won't be ab
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DAMIEN’S POV:“But I really like you, and I have not been able to get my mind off of you since.”That fucking bastard I will rip his fucking tongue out, that’s for sure. Rosaline cannot protect him forever. Why was she even protecting him in the first place? She did not like him, did he?The more I thought about this, the angrier I got. My canines were digging into my flesh, and I wanted to kill something so bad, and it would be that bloody idiot who thought he could take my mate away. MY MATE!A growl left my chest, and I grabbed the closest thing near me, which was a vase, and flung it with all my might. It shattered into a thousand pieces against the wall.Rosaline’s eyes flashed in my mind. The way she looked at me while defending that bloody twat!It hurt.Fuck!I sat back on my chair and let the day pass away in my office. I knew I had sat there for hours, but I had no idea how many. The day began to darken, and I did not bother to turn on the light. How could I when the light i
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ROSALINE’S POV:I did not know how to feel about this. Maybe that was why I was feeling everything at the same time. Happy, sad, disappointed, yet proud.I was happy because I had finally gotten to spend a calm and peaceful night with my partner in what felt like forever. but I was sad because, to do that, my daughter had to spend it alone and on the cold floor. I was disappointed in myself for allowing my child to be the one to bring us together, yet I am so proud of her. She put our love over her comfort.She is the greatest blessing the moon goddess has given us.Silently, Damien picked up her sleeping form and laid her on the bed. He placed a swift kiss on her forehead before pressing his against hers. For a moment, he said and did nothing; it looked like he was silently telling her something.He rose to his feet and shot me a glance before leaving the room without saying another word. Seriously? I followed after him and shut the door to Ariana’s room silently.“Where are you goi
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DAMIEN’S POV:Ariana.That was the only thing, the only name, and the only face in my mind. Not the decapitated head of one of my servants that lay before me, and certainly not her sister that cried in my wife’s arms. I did not know what this sensation in my chest was, but I did not like it. I would not say it was sadness or anger. But there was definitely something in between the two.Inhaling deeply, I shut my eyes and got my composure. I am the alpha of one of the greatest packs in the world; I could not afford to be weak. Not again. I shut the box gently and handed it to the guards. “You know what to do with this,” I told them, and they nodded solemnly in understanding. “Tighten up security, tell the general to bring in his recruits, and have some of them stationed within a fifty-mile radius. Also, inform my parents; no one goes in and no one goes out until I fucking say so. Search everyone and every inch of this house for anything suspicious, and run a test on the box and Step
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ROSALINE’S POV: Was I sure about this? No. Was a part of me screaming at me to tell him to forget about all that I said and let us stay here because I felt safest when we were around him? Yes.  But would my pride let me? no. Ariana had tears streaming down her eyes like a waterfall and snot leaking out of her nose. Her eyes held so much anger and pain that it only worsened my feelings about all of this. “But I do not want to leave! I want to stay here with Daddy!" She screamed, stomping her feet on the floor and gaining the attention of a few of the servants who passed by with our luggage; they too had sad expressions on their faces. “Ariana, you won’t understand, but this is for the best; we are not safe here,” I said gently, trying to get her to understand, but I knew it was pointless. “But it was out there that Aunty Gwen got attacked by those men! And
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ROSALINE’S POV: Damn, my chest has never felt so heavy. The further we got from the palace, the greater the weight became. I felt suffocated. The only sound in the air was that of the carriage wheels against the pavement.  I shot my daughter to the side, and her face was still not visible to me. I did not know if she was crying if her face was twisted in anger, or if it was plain sadness. But I knew she was not okay; I could not feel her happiness, which usually filled every space she was in. She had her back to me, and her arms were folded above her chest. She was still mad at me, that was for sure. I mean, what did I expect anyway?  I separated her from her father, the very same one. She had to live her entire life thinking he was dead, then she had to find out he was alive. And just when she was starting to bond with him, just when their relationship was starting to blossom, I tore them
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ROSALINE’S POV:The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a pair of feral silver ones. They stared directly at me with so much intensity that it had me sinking even deeper into the bed. I summoned the courage to sit up slowly, and I looked around. We were back at the palace—his room, to be precise. It was a lot colder than usual, yet I could feel the heat of his rage from here. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but that was when everything came flooding in.I cried.I let it all out; I did not hold anything back. I did not care how miserable and ugly I looked at that moment. I did not care about anything; all I wanted was my daughter. I wanted to know if she was safe or scared. Who are the men who took her, and were they maltreating her?My shoulders trembled, and more tears slipped past my eyes like a river. It felt like my body could not take it anymore.Damien did nothing. He only watched me; I was not even sure if he was blinking. Even through the tears in my eyes, I coul
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ROSALINE’S POV:This is a sight a mother only saw in her worst nightmares. It was heartbreaking, to say the least.I mean, who could imagine watching their only son beat up their mate so mercilessly? I did nothing but watch the entire scene with horrified eyes. I knew Damien was merciless, but I never knew that applied to his father.Marielle screamed at her son to stop, but it was like Damien could not even hear her. He slammed his fists repeatedly into his father’s face, to the point where I was certain that a few more hits and Gio would be dead.Marielle’s claws elongated, and she began to claw at Damien’s back. I watched with a pang in my chest as his shirt turned to shreds and blood began to drip down his back, but it did not even faze him one bit. Tears streamed down her eyes, and soon mine as well. I wanted to do something because, as much as I hate Gio, I never wished this for him. Or Marielle.But this had to be done. Gio knew where my daughter was, or even if it was some so
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DAMIEN’S POV: I am not in the least surprised. I knew my father was a monster the moment I looked into his eyes as a child. I see my mother and Rosaline’s faces twist with disgust and horror, but mine does not even flinch. “How could you?” My mother asked, and I could not deny that I hated seeing her like this—so heartbroken and hurt.  She looked at my father like she was looking at some sort of demon. And he was, but only I knew that. My gaze shifted to my wife, and even though she had a disgusted look, she did not look even a bit surprised. Why was that? Was she too angry to be surprised? Or was there a possibility she knew about this? “What could I have done? She could have ruined my image, and you would have left me!” My father snapped, but I would like to believe I was mistaken when I heard a hint of fear in his tone. But certainly, I was mistaken. My father feared nothing, not even l
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