All Chapters of the supreme alpha's mate: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
201 Chapters
chapter one hundred and forty-four
**POV Lily:**After several months, we finally received the long-awaited message that we could pick up Peter from the hospital. Anxiety filled the car as we headed for another emotional chapter in our family journey. Tyler, at the wheel, and I beside him, exchanged hopeful glances. I was still uneasy; since that day, I hadn't been able to get close to Tyler's phone again. He was always busy with meetings, but whenever he was home, he was an involved father and helped me take care of Hope, who cried a lot due to colic."Are you excited?" Tyler asked, smiling, and I nodded. At that moment, we left Hope with my mother-in-law while we were on our way to the hospital to bring Peter back home. I held a blue bag in my lap with all his belongings ready.We arrived at the hospital and were escorted by the doctor to the nursery where Peter was. He explained the care the little one would need, prescribed some medications, and informed us that, unlike Hope, Peter would have weekly check-ups to mo
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chapter one hundred and forty-five
POV LILYUpon arriving home with the children, Emma, always attentive, offered me something to eat. Looking at the table, I saw a delicious carrot cake with chocolate icing and some cheese bread. Emma suggested orange juice, but before I could sit down, Hanna's cruel words echoed in my mind, and a wave of insecurity hit me.I hurried upstairs to put on looser clothes, trying to hide the changes that pregnancy had brought to my body. When Tyler arrived home, Emma expressed her concern that I hadn't eaten anything all day. Tyler, sensing something was wrong, asked if everything was okay.I tried to disguise it, but I ended up confessing that I didn't feel good about myself. I talked about the idea of joining a gym, especially in the morning while the kids were sleeping. Tyler, always affectionate, tried to reassure me, saying that I was perfect and didn't need to change anything. However, my insistence spoke louder, and understanding, he ended up agreeing. He enrolled me in the gym loca
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chapter one hundred and forty-six
pov lilyI open my eyes slowly, realizing that I'm in a hospital room. My head is throbbing, and the blurry vision gradually clears. Tyler is by my side, but his face is twisted in an expression of anger."What happened?" I ask, my voice sounding weak and confused.Tyler, with a clenched jaw, impatiently responds, "You caused an accident at the gym, Lily. A barbell fell on you."I shiver with fear and look at my right hand, which is bandaged. Then, the doctor enters, interrupting the tension in the air."Good morning, Lily. How are you feeling?" she asks."Not very well," I reply, casting a worried glance at Tyler.The doctor examines the injuries, and then announces that I've sprained my arm and need some time to recover. She looks at the test results, and her expression becomes more serious."You're anemic, Lily. And based on your eating habits, it seems you've been eating very poorly. We need to discuss this."Tyler looks at me, his eyes furious. "Lily, what's going on? Why did you
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chapter one hundred and forty-seven
pov lilyThe morning begins with me waking up early, but by my side in bed, I realize that Tyler has already left for work. A sense of loneliness envelops me, and I wonder if the gap between us is deepening more and more.Emma offers to accompany me to the session with the psychologist at the clinic, and I agree, seeking some support to face my own demons. The therapy is intense, and when I leave, it feels like my inner self has been through a storm, but somehow, I feel lighter.On the way back, we decide to stop at the grocery store to buy some essential items. We are keeping ourselves busy, trying to set aside the dark clouds that hang over our heads.While we are selecting products on the shelves, my phone rings. It's Tyler. He asks me to go back home and take care of the babies because he will be late at work and won't be able to come back today.I feel sad about the news, but something in his voice makes me suspicious. When I get home, I find a surprise: the house is dark and sil
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chapter one hundred and forty-eight
pov supreme alphaThree years later...The night hung over the forest, shrouding everything in a mysterious twilight. I, the Alpha King, walked alone, enveloped by the shadow of tall trees. On the horizon, I glimpsed a faint light that quickly turned into dancing flames. Intrigued, I quickened my pace towards the fire, my heart pounding in my chest.As I approached, amidst the flames, I glimpsed the figure of Lily. Her golden hair seemed to glow in the midst of the fire, but something was wrong. She was covered in blood, a disturbing sight that made me hasten my steps even more. I shouted her name, but my words were devoured by the crackling of the flames.Finally reaching her, I saw her eyes, once bright, now darkened by sorrow. "Why did you reject me?" she whispered, her voice echoing like a lament in the forest. "Why did you send me away?"My heart tightened with the intensity of a thousand conflicting feelings. "Lily, I..."She didn't allow me to finish, interrupting me with a dev
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chapter one hundred and forty-nine
pov lilya few years later......The morning was filled with a gentle bustle as the children ran around the house, ready for another day of school. "Caroline, Noah, Hope, it's time to get ready!" I called, as the three little ones appeared, each with their unique excitement."Hope, could you help your brother put on his shoes? We need to leave soon," I requested, watching the eldest smile and bend down to assist Noah. The bond between them grew each day, something that warmed my heart.While they finished their preparations, I headed to the front door. "Hope, Noah, hurry up at the school entrance. Have a good day!" I bid farewell, receiving excited smiles as they walked away.After the farewells, I went to work, finding my way to the imposing building where I now held the position of Senior and Head of Secretaries, courtesy of Tyler. Alice, now my personal secretary, was busy organizing papers when I entered."Good morning, Lily," she greeted with a warm smile."Good morning, Alice. A
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chapter one hundred and fifty
pov lilyThe next day...The day was bustling, and I was at work, focused on analyzing some documents when the phone rang. It was the school principal informing me that Hope was feeling unwell with a fever. Immediate concern took over me. I called the nanny, Isabella, and asked her to pick her up and take care of her until I got home.Some time later, I received another call from Isabella. Hope wanted to have ice cream to cheer up, and the nanny suggested taking her to the square. I was a bit hesitant, after all, she wasn't feeling well. However, thinking about the joy that ice cream could bring her, I ended up agreeing.At the end of the workday, I picked up Peter and Caroline from school and went straight home. Upon entering, I noticed that the house was too quiet. I found it strange not to find Isabella and Hope."Isabela, Hope?" I called, but received no response. I started to worry. Maybe they were still in the square, I thought.I went to the kitchen, put a bag with some toys fo
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chapter one hundred and fifty one
pov supreme alphaThe night enveloped the forest, and the moon shone brightly in the sky, illuminating the territories under the dominion of the Supreme Alpha. The sounds of nature echoed as I received the news from the beta that the child we were searching for was finally in our hands. A sense of triumph filled me, and I inquired with the beta about the condition of the boy."He's in the room. We gave him medicine to sleep. The boy is strong and healthy," reported the beta, conveying the good news.A subtle smile curved my lips. "When he wakes up, I want to see him. Make sure he has everything he needs."The beta nodded, setting off to fulfill my orders while I decided to take advantage of the night for a hunt in my wolf form. The wind whispered through the trees as I ran, feeling the freedom and strength of my lupine nature.Mid-run, my sense of smell detected a familiar scent, an aroma that should have been only a memory. Intrigued, I followed the trail until I found prey. It wasn'
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chapter one hundred and fifty two
POV LilyI entered my former room, now permeated by a heavy silence and filled with memories. The argument with the Supreme Alpha still echoed in my mind, a storm of emotions that I struggled to contain. I was greeted by Johanna, who, despite her advanced age, radiated wisdom that only time could bestow.She smiled upon seeing me, leaning on a cane, and said sincerely, "It's good to see that you're alive, Lily."A comforting warmth enveloped me as Johanna hugged me with the strength that only a true friend could provide. I looked into her eyes and confessed, "I missed you so much. Within this pack, you were the only person who genuinely cared about me."The words had barely left my mouth when a wave of emotion hit me. Johanna noticed my fragility and gently caressed my face, like a mother soothing her daughter.Curious about what had happened since my departure, I asked Johanna about the state of the pack. Her serious expression revealed the gravity of the situation. "Everything has w
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chapter one hundred and fifty three
Supreme Alpha's POV:The room was fraught with tension as the beta and I discussed the challenges plaguing the pack. The murmur of strategies filled the air when we were interrupted by a guard's piercing scream."Supreme Alpha! Lily killed Olivia with a knife!" the guard exclaimed, eyes wide with horror.A roar of anger escaped me, and without hesitation, I headed to Lily's room to confront her about the terrible accusation. My mind spun with the possibility of such an act, while the pack teetered on the edge of an abyss.Upon opening the door, I found Lily, her expression resolute as if she were ready to face the consequences of her actions. "What have you done, Lily?" I shouted, a mix of fury and bewilderment.Lily looked me in the eyes, her voice firm as she replied, "I delivered justice. For all the children killed in my womb, who never had a chance to breathe, because of Olivia."The revelation hit me like a punch to the stomach. The dark truth Lily proclaimed triggered a mix of
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