All Chapters of the supreme alpha's mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
201 Chapters
chapter one hundred and thirty-four
**POV Lily:**The office was quiet when I finally finished the reports that had consumed much of my afternoon. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, but the peace was interrupted when Hanna walked in, rolling her eyes with irritation upon seeing me."Congratulations to the new CEO's sweetheart," she said sarcastically, tossing the reports onto my desk. "Managed to win his heart and, apparently, a ticket to motherhood. Clever move, huh? Get pregnant so he forgets about the daughter he lost."My expression hardened, irritation bubbling within me. "You're completely out of line, Hanna. I'm not here to replace anyone, least of all Tyler's lost wife and daughter."Hanna laughed, an unpleasant sound. "You can try to convince yourself of that, but I doubt you can keep up that goody-two-shoes image for long."Before I could respond, the door swung open, and Tyler walked in, interrupting the tense exchange of words. His eyes met mine, and a smile spread across his face."Hey, love. I was thinking
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chapter one hundred and thirty-six
**POV Lily:**Slowly, consciousness returned, and I found myself in a hospital room. The white light was gentle but still intense on my eyes. Tyler was by my side, his worried gaze meeting mine as soon as he realized I was awake."Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked, holding my hand gently.I blinked, trying to understand where I was. "What happened?"Tyler sighed, relieved. "You passed out at the cabin. Hit your head, and we called an ambulance. We're at the hospital now."The memory of the fall came back, bringing with it an uncomfortable headache. "The baby? Is she okay?"He smiled, stroking my hand. "The doctor checked, and the baby is fine. No complications from the fall. You'll just need some ice and pain medication."A sigh of relief escaped my lips. "Thank God.""We're just waiting for the doctor to come back with the prescriptions. Since you're pregnant, we need to be careful about the medications you take," Tyler explained, trying to calm my concern.I nodded, feeling more a
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chapter one hundred and thirty-seven
POV Lily:My heart pounded, and my mind spun as I tried to assimilate Tyler's revelation. He stood there, staring at me with eyes full of indignation, and I knew the words that would come out of his mouth could destroy what remained of us."Tyler, please let me explain," I pleaded, tears already staining my face.He didn't wait. "You accepted a million dollars to marry me? My own mother offered that money, and you accepted?"I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Tyler's words. "Tyler, this is not what you're thinking. I didn't accept it for the money."He glared at me, furious. "Then why, Lily? Why did you accept this deal?""I... I accepted because... because you're amazing, Tyler. You helped me when I needed it the most. I wasn't in a good financial situation, and your proposal seemed like a solution to my problems. But I didn't do it for the money, I swear," I explained, desperate for him to believe me."You're lying!" he shouted, looking devastated. "I thought you were different
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chapter one hundred and thirty-eight
POV Supreme Alpha:The walls of the king's hall resonated with my fury, echoing the roar of an irritated wolf. My expression was a mix of anger and discontent as I confronted Clara, my beta, who stood before me, eyes lowered, and body tense."Where is Olivia?" I shouted, my voice reverberating in the walls.Clara trembled, but she dared not lift her gaze to meet mine. "I... I don't know, Your Majesty.""You will tell me where she is, Clara! Now!" I demanded, patience wearing thin.After a series of tortures, Clara finally broke and revealed that Olivia had gone to the human world in search of a donor for Noah, my son who was gravely ill. The news only fueled my fury, as she had broken a sacred rule by involving humans in our affairs."Why did she do this?" I asked, my voice turning into a threatening growl."Please, Your Majesty, she just wanted to save Noah. They found a donor, but the doctor asked them to stay another month to complete the surgery," explained Clara, trying to appeas
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chapter one hundred and thirty-nine
**POV Lily:**It's been two weeks since everything changed between Tyler and me. The tension was palpable, and his indifference cut deeper than I'd like to admit. Tyler didn't disclose anything to the family, and his absence in my life became increasingly evident.Today was no different. Upon waking up, I realized Tyler had already left for work, as had been the case in recent mornings. The silence in the house echoed my concerns as I descended the stairs, searching for any sign of him. I asked Emma, with a voice attempting to conceal disappointment, if Tyler had left early again.Emma nodded, her sad gaze speaking volumes. It was as if the house's atmosphere was also saturated with the tension I felt. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the belly that grew with the new pregnancy, now completing five weeks. I thanked for a bit of breakfast, even without an appetite, and asked the driver to take me to work.The trip to the office passed in silence, and the landscape outside the
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chapter one hundred and forty
POV Lily:Two months of anguish and uncertainty weighed heavily on me, but finally, the long-awaited 11 weeks had arrived. The moment to face the truth, to dispel the doubts that lingered over us, was about to materialize. Sitting side by side in the waiting room, the silence between Tyler and me was like an insurmountable barrier.Tyler had chosen to stay on the other side of the corridor, avoiding the discomfort of sharing the same space as me. His eyes didn't meet mine, and his expression was a mix of distrust and disappointment. With a heavy heart, I knew I had deeply hurt the man I once loved.Minutes crawled by as we waited for the doctor. I wished I could find words to dissipate the tension, to heal the wounds I had caused. But the truth was, I was lost, unsure of where to begin in rebuilding the shattered trust.Finally, the doctor called us into the office. Anxiety tightened my chest as Tyler received the results of the DNA test. The doctor congratulated him on confirming tha
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chapter one hundred and forty one
POV Supreme Alpha:The hospital doors swung open, revealing an environment permeated with the scent of disinfectant and the tense atmosphere of the room where my son was recovering. My footsteps echoed down the hallway, each one laden with the fury boiling within me. Olivia, Noah's mother, was there, nervous and surprised, as she saw me enter.Her widened eyes met my red and furious ones. Her expression was a mix of fear and guilt, and I could feel the anger pulsing through every inch of my being. Before she could react, I advanced toward her, blocking any attempt to escape."You... what do you think you're doing?" I growled, my voice laden with authority and indignation.Olivia stepped back, clearly intimidated, but I couldn't allow her to escape. With a swift movement, I pressed her against the wall, keeping her immobilized. Her eyes, once full of surprise, now showed a mix of fear and defiance."Why did you do this, Olivia?" I snarled, frustration overflowing in every syllable.She
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chapter one hundred and forty-one
POV Lily:A few months later...The afternoon sun shone brightly as we decided to do some shopping together. Tyler pushed the cart while I selected the necessary items. My belly was already huge, and the pains were frequent, but the excitement and joy of becoming parents soon kept us in high spirits.While strolling through the aisles, a sharp pain hit my stomach. An uncomfortable sensation, and when I looked down, a shock coursed through me. Water was trickling onto the supermarket floor. My water had broken."Tyler, we need to go to the hospital now!" I shouted, my heart racing. He abandoned the shopping cart, his worried gaze mirroring the shock I felt.We hastily got into the car, Tyler driving quickly towards the hospital. I held onto my belly, feeling irregular contractions. Anxiety mixed with pain and the anticipation of meeting our children a little earlier than planned.Traffic seemed to crawl as I clutched the car seat. Tyler, hands steady on the wheel, tried to stay calm. U
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chapter one hundred and forty two
Supreme Alpha's POV:In the dimness of the room, my furious growls echoed as I approached Olivia, chained and vulnerable. Her red eyes radiated intense fury, her face contorted with suppressed rage."You dared to bring my child into the human world, mix my blood with theirs?" I roared, my voice reverberating in the cold walls. "You knew how much I despise humans, and yet you had the audacity!"Olivia, cornered, tried to maintain composure, but the chains tightened around her skin, and fear gleamed in her eyes. "I just wanted to save Noah. He was dying."Sarcastically, I laughed. "Save? You dare speak of saving when you bring my offspring into this impure world?"With a swift motion, I grabbed Olivia's hair, forcing her to face me. "You broke our rules, Olivia. You betrayed our pack, and now you'll face the consequences."The chains creaked as I pulled her closer, my penetrating gaze searching for any sign of weakness. "You should have asked. You should have begged for permission. And
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chapter one hundred and forty three
**POV Lily:**After agonizing days in the hospital, the feeling of returning home was comforting. Tyler drove with determination, his hands firm on the wheel, his eyes reflected in the rearview mirror, searching my expression.As I held Hope in my arms, feeding her delicately, I smiled in admiration at the beauty of our daughter. Her dark eyes and light brown hair captivated my heart. Tyler had placed a "baby on board" sticker on the car, showing his concern."She's so beautiful," I whispered excitedly, feeling the joy of having my daughters in my arms after days in the hospital."Our daughter is perfect. Soon, Peter will be with us at home too!" Tyler said, trying to convey reassurance, his hand resting gently on my thigh.I disliked the idea of leaving Peter hospitalized, and agony consumed me. Tyler sought to calm me: "Lily, we knew this could happen. The doctor said he's responding well to treatment, and the situation was better than we imagined. The staff is responsible for calli
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