All Chapters of the supreme alpha's mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
201 Chapters
chapter one hundred and fifteen
POV LILY BROWSThe day was calm at the company, and I was immersed in reading some documents, trying to familiarize myself with internal processes. Finally, I managed to finish the report Tyler had requested. With a sigh of relief, I decided to take a break for lunch.Alice, an intern who seemed to be one of the few friendly people in the office, invited me to lunch with her. I accepted the offer, grateful for friendly company amid an environment that still felt somewhat hostile.We went to a nearby small restaurant, and as we enjoyed our meals, Alice started a conversation. Between bites, she asked me about how I met Mr. Miller."It was a coincidence, actually," I began. "I was going through some difficulties, and he ended up helping me in various situations. I owe a lot to him, and I feel a great sense of gratitude."Curious, Alice continued, "Do you have any romantic involvement?"I felt a blush rise to my face and quickly denied, "No, nothing like that. The relationship between us
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chapter one hundred and sixteen
Pov LilyTyler gestured towards me. "This is a new member of our team, Lily. We're here to open an account in her name."The manager nodded and led us to his office. I filled out some important details while Tyler explained the situation. The process was going well until we reached the credit card part."Unfortunately, we can't provide a credit card at the moment, Mrs. Lily. There's no history or significant financial activity to ensure a credit line."A weight settled on my chest. I had planned to buy some things for the new house I intended to rent to live with Caroline. Sadness showed in my eyes, and Tyler, realizing this, intervened."I understand, but she needs a credit card. Can I arrange an additional card from my account for her?"The manager hesitated for a moment before agreeing. "That would be possible, Mr. Miller. However, I would suggest that, after a few months with regular transactions, the bank may offer a credit card of its own to Mrs. Lily."Tyler smiled and nodded.
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chapter one hundred and seventeen
**POV LILY BROWS**After a bustling day at the company, I was greeted at home by Caroline's infectious enthusiasm. She ran toward me, her eyes gleaming with excitement, and leaped into my arms."Tia Lily, how was work today?" she asked, her smile radiant.I ran my fingers through her hair and replied, "It was good, my dear. I'm learning many new things, but I miss you."She laughed, animated, sharing tales of her day with Chloe, the maid. It was clear how much she enjoyed the company of that kind woman. After a few minutes of lively chat, Caroline suggested we go to the doll's room.We spent an enjoyable time playing with the miniature toys, and before we knew it, Tyler knocked on the door, interrupting our laughter."Ladies, are you ready? We're meeting my parents tonight," he announced.Caroline, excited, changed into a more formal dress from the closet, while I borrowed an outfit from Chloe, who promptly offered me an elegant dress.As we descended the stairs, I felt somewhat uncom
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chapter one hundred and eight
POV Lilyhe scene conveyed a unique tenderness, revealing a side of Tyler that was rarely seen. As I observed him, I felt a wave of gratitude for how he treated Caroline, mixed with curiosity about the complexity behind that confident facade.Tyler turned to me and thanked me for the day. His expression, now more relaxed, conveyed sincere gratitude."You made my niece's day very special, Tyler. Thank you for that, thank you for providing that to her! She's like a daughter to me," I said, stroking Caroline's hair as she slept.He smiled, feeling a mix of joy and satisfaction. "It was a pleasure, Lily. Caroline is an amazing child."I nodded, and Tyler excused himself to give me space to take a relaxing bath. He thanked me again before leaving, leaving me alone to reflect on the day's experiences.While enjoying the hot water from the shower, my mind replayed the events. The closeness to Tyler's family was something new and, at the same time, comforting. A sense of belonging was beginni
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chapter one hundred and nineteen
POV LILY BROWSThe tension in the air was palpable, and my fingers traced the curves of Tyler's body as he pulled me closer. Every touch sent electricity coursing through my entire being. His lips found my neck with a ferocity that sent shivers down my spine."Since the first time I saw you, I can't stop thinking about you," Tyler whispered in my ear, gently biting my earlobe. The closeness between us was overwhelming, and I found myself immersed in sensations I had never experienced before.Tyler, about to remove the towel and reveal his body completely, was interrupted by my hesitation. "I'm sorry... it's still early, we can't do this," I murmured, feeling my heart race in the intensity of the moment.He stood up, respecting my request, nodding in understanding. The expression on his face was a mix of restrained desire and comprehension. "I'm sorry, Lily. We're just friends, and I overstepped."I felt a whirlwind of emotions as I watched him. Silently thanking him for understanding
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chapter one hundred and twenty
POV LilyI woke up abruptly, realizing that my alarm hadn't gone off. A quick glance at the clock confirmed the delay. I jumped out of bed in a frenzy, wondering how I could let this happen. The day had barely started, and I was already racing against time.Chloe, always attentive, offered me a quick breakfast. I held a pancake in my hands, savoring the tempting aroma, but time was not on my side. I asked hurriedly for Tyler, and Chloe's response brought a subtle discomfort."He left for work a long time ago," she said, and a tightness settled in my chest. He had left without me. The feeling of being left behind was more disconcerting than I expected.Chloe, sensing my sadness, tried to console me by suggesting I use the family driver. The idea of getting to work in the comfort of a private car, even if it wasn't Tyler's, seemed tempting at that moment.I decided to accept the offer and went to the waiting driver. "Could you take me to the company, please?" I asked with a forced smile
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chapter One hundred twenty one
**POV LILY BROWS**I entered the mall, a true consumerism paradise, for the first time. My eyes got lost in the grandeur of the shiny shop windows and the signs promising unmissable discounts. It was a completely new world for me, and excitement pulsed in my chest.Alice, my shopping adventure companion, guided me through the stores, and I felt like an intruder in a universe of glamour and elegance. The first stop was a clothing store displaying mannequins dressed in pieces from famous brands. As I entered, the atmosphere of luxury surrounded me, and the feeling of inadequacy set in.The impeccably dressed saleswomen cast disdainful glances at me as soon as I stepped into the store. It was as if my mere reflection in their mirror could tarnish the aura of sophistication they cultivated. Instead of offering to help, they rolled their eyes and whispered among themselves, clearly refusing to assist me.I stood still, embarrassed, not knowing how to react. That's when Alice, realizing the
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chapter one hundred and twenty two
**POV LILY BROWS**The tempting aroma of my homemade dinner permeated every corner of the house, wrapping it in a cozy atmosphere. I had spent hours in the kitchen, carefully preparing every detail of the feast that I hoped would surprise Tyler. The hope that this night would be special lingered in the air.After putting the finishing touches on the dishes, I took a deep breath and smiled, satisfied with the result. Love and dedication were the main ingredients of that meal, and I longed for the moment to share it.While the dinner finished in the oven, I rushed to the bedroom to get ready. I chose a dark blue dress, elegant and accentuating every subtle curve. The soft fabric embraced my body, and I felt ready for the occasion. The hours spent choosing the outfit were worth it, and the anticipation of waiting for Tyler added an exciting tone to the moment.With the table set, candles lit, and soft jazz filling the air, I reclined on the sofa, eager for the door to open. Every second
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chapter one hundred and twenty three
**POV LILY BROWS**The atmosphere in the hospital room was heavy, with Mrs. Miller lying frail in bed, and Tyler struggling to maintain composure. The matriarch's gentle voice cut through the silence, filling the space with a tone of gratitude and vulnerability."My dear son, I'm sorry for causing you worry!" Mrs. Miller expressed her concern, her eyes conveying gratitude for our presence."Stay calm, Mom! Don't strain yourself too much; the doctor said your heart is recovering from the heart attack..." Tyler spoke tenderly, helping her settle in bed. The bond between mother and son was visible, a strong connection that withstood life's adversities.Slowly, Mrs. Miller shifted her gaze to me, and a faint smile formed on her lips. "Lily... dear, thank you for standing by Tyler at this moment. My son pretends to be strong, but... I imagine seeing his mother in a hospital bed, in the red room, receiving intravenous fluids, must be difficult for him!"I held Mrs. Miller's delicate hand, r
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chapter one hundred and twenty four
Olivia entered the healer's chamber with a mix of anxiety and fury, her eyes flashing with desperation. The healer, with a serene countenance, awaited amidst herbs and mystical artifacts. "What's happening? Why isn't Noah showing the expected signs?" Olivia shouted, her voice echoing off the walls of the room. Her heart pounded, a combination of fear and anger. The healer lifted a calm gaze and said, "His blood is different from that of the Supreme Alpha, Olivia. It doesn't show signs of regeneration like his father's." Olivia's expression contorted in despair. "He's about to turn one, we should see something, anything! He's the son of the Supreme Alpha!" The healer sighed, as if accustomed to dealing with such situations. "Children like Noah can take up to seven or eight years to fully develop supernatural traits. Until then, we can't be certain." A strident scream escaped Olivia's lips. "This is absurd! I killed the child's true father; I can't have done it for nothing!" Maint
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