All Chapters of the supreme alpha's mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
201 Chapters
chapter hundred and four
Olivia returned to the pack house, a slight relief on her face after the visit to the healer. Noah was calmer, and the prescribed herbs provided some comfort to the baby. Upon crossing the door of the room, she found Paul waiting for her."Olivia, how is our son?" Paul inquired, his expression filled with concern."Noah is fine," she responded calmly. "The healer said he will recover."Paul, visibly distressed, vented, "This is going too far. The supreme alpha restricted Noah from receiving medical care after suggesting that he might carry pure blood. This could harm him.""Blame your alpha," Olivia retorted, anger marking her words. "He made the comment and harmed our baby.""He was just testing the child. No one knows the truth behind Noah's paternity. The packs are suspicious if he'll be as powerful as his father, and they might consider him a threat.""A threat?" Olivia asked, surprised and fearful."Olivia, what you're doing is very serious. Let's run away. We can raise our son a
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chapter hundred and five
Pov ALPHA LUKEI was immersed in the duties of leading the pack when the beta entered my office. The papers in front of me demanded attention, but the beta's serious expression immediately caught my attention."Supreme Alpha, we have a problem," he began, choosing his words carefully.I raised an eyebrow, signaling for him to continue."Olivia disobeyed your orders. She took Noah to consult with a healer from a nearby village."My expression became a mix of incredulity and indignation. "What does she think she's doing? Disobeying my orders, going against my decisions..."The beta nodded, understanding the seriousness of the matter. "She claims to be acting in Noah's best interest, but, Alpha, she has no right to defy your orders, even if she's the child's mother."My fury grew as the beta's words penetrated my mind. "I was thinking of what's best for Noah. I can't allow her to disregard the rules just because she gave birth to this child."The situation was becoming more complex than
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chapter hundred and six
POV Lily BrowsI had been at Madame Baker's house for a few days, and exhaustion became increasingly palpable. My legs trembled as I tried to maintain balance during the cleaning. A whole month of hard work yielded only 200 dollars, and constant hunger further weakened my body.When Madame Baker handed me my salary, hopelessness took over me. "Only 200 dollars?" I questioned, barely able to hide the disappointment in my voice. "How am I supposed to buy food or toys for Caroline with this?"Her response was as cold as the look she gave. "That's not my problem. You should be grateful for having a roof over your head, even while pregnant."Tears began to flow down my face, but Madame Baker had no compassion. "Swallow your tears and finish cleaning the floor. The dog vomited, and I won't pay you to whine."With a heavy heart, I swallowed my sadness and continued cleaning, wondering how I would survive and ensure a future for Caroline in that relentless house.Daylight was beginning to fad
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chapter hundred- seven
**POV Alpha Luke**"Please, Alpha, Noah is suffering. He needs proper care," Olivia pleaded for the tenth time, on her knees at my door."You should have thought about that before disobeying my orders. Whippings weren't enough to teach you lessons?" I growled in irritation.How could she be so insistent? She had been crying at my office door for three nights, begging me to send a doctor to assess Noah."I beg you, he's just an innocent baby. He doesn't deserve to go through this!" Olivia said, tears streaming down her red and swollen eyes, looking like she hadn't slept for days."You defy my authority once again, Olivia. I should let you learn from the consequences!" I roared angrily, wanting to punish her again for daring to disturb me.I would do anything for our son, even if it means sacrificing my life!" she said nervously.I took a deep breath; this useless argument would result in nothing, and Noah wasn't improving on his own. I decided to give in to Olivia's whims so that I cou
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chapter hundred-eight
Lily's POV.The room was illuminated by the golden rays of the sun filtering through the curtains. Caroline and I laughed, immersed in play with the toys that Tyler Miller had kindly sent. He had sent an employee to deliver a bag full of joys for my little one. Caroline held a doll with admiration, her eyes shining with the genuine happiness of a child."Look, Lily, look what Mr. Miller sent! This doll is beautiful. I think his daughter must have been a very nice girl to have such a lovely doll," Caroline exclaimed, her small fingers caressing the details of the doll."Yes, Caroline, he said this doll belonged to his daughter. And, you know, you can keep it. I'm sure he'll be happy knowing it's in good hands," I replied, feeling a comforting warmth seeing the happiness on my little one's face.Caroline smiled radiantly, hugging the doll with care. "I'll take good care of her, Lily. And when Mr. Miller comes, I want to thank him personally for this special gift."The joy persisted but
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chapter hundred-nine
The next day...Lily's POV.Several morning hours had already passed, and I was focused in front of the newspaper, searching for any job openings in a market, restaurant, or snack bar."What are you doing up so early, Lily?" Tyler asked, coming down the stairs all dressed up."Nothing, just reading the newspaper!" I smiled weakly; something about him made me feel embarrassed when he approached.Tyler observed me from afar; his eyes penetrated mine with intensity. I could feel him analyzing me during breakfast. I looked away, trying not to believe there was something more. I placed the newspaper on the table and reached for the orange juice on the table. That's when Tyler approached my face significantly, touching my hand, staying a few centimeters away from my lips."I want you to work with me, in my office!" he gestured seriously, looking at me.I could only focus on his lips moving, wondering what his mouth tasted like and why his lips seemed so soft and full, so desirable to me."L
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chapter hundred and ten
Alpha Luke's POV:Suddenly, I grabbed her arm and pressed her body against the wall, silencing her. I wanted to break her in that moment for daring to hold me so strongly, but for the first time, Olivia was right, and I had to make my decision."Summon the alpha of the Waning Moon pack to the main hall immediately!" I ordered seriously, releasing Olivia's hand and pushing her roughly toward the wall.She picked up Noah in her arms and kept shaking him, making sure he was okay.I left my quarters, the heat of anger pulsating in my veins. Every step I took through the corridors reverberated the anger consuming me. When I reached the main hall, where a meeting among alphas was taking place, the business-like atmosphere shifted to shock with my imposing entrance.The Alpha of the Waning Moon, still not understanding the reason for my visit, maintained an air of superiority."Why did you send for me?" he said seriously, unfazed.Without restraining myself, I delivered a precise punch to hi
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chapter hundred and twelve
The room was filled with tension as Olivia confronted Clara. Clara's expression revealed disapproval, her words laden with judgment."You've gone mad, Olivia! What you did was dangerous. You could have killed Noah!" accused Clara, concern etched on her face.Olivia countered, defending her actions. "The alpha lost his mind, Clara. He locked me in the dungeon, gave me no choice but to make Noah inhale that powder while I breastfed him. Half an hour later, he had a seizure."Clara widened her eyes in surprise. "You induced a seizure in your own child? That's insane!"Olivia's expression hardened. "The doctor was right, and I believe him. I did it so the alpha would understand it wasn't just a cold. And now, with the meddlesome doctor dead and the alpha punishing malicious comments, no one will dare speak ill of Noah."Clara expressed disbelief. "You're risking your child's life, Olivia. He's too young for you to have done something like this. It could leave lasting effects, harm his dev
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chapter one hundred and thirteen
Paul, still stunned, entered the room, and Olivia closed the window silently. The wolf, even after the window closed, remained outside, an imposing presence that seemed to understand the urgency of the situation.Olivia's room was invaded by a terrifying presence. The Supreme Alpha, imposing and furious, was there, accompanied by his guards. The tension in the room was palpable, and Paul, paralyzed with fear, could barely comprehend what was happening."Olivia, what's going on?" Paul asked confused, his eyes meeting Olivia's, who was in the corner of the room, holding little Noah in her arms.The Supreme Alpha, with a threatening roar, replied, "Olivia was right! There are threats surrounding our son. I thought I could trust you, but now I need to reinforce security, and you will be killed as an example for trying to steal the alpha's son."Without giving time for explanations, the Supreme Alpha lunged at Paul, his transformation into a wolf a terrifying sight. The roar echoed through
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chapter one hundred and fourteen
Lily's POVThe elevator in the corporate building ascended to the top floor, and my eyes widened with admiration as I beheld the grandeur of Tyler's company. Mr. Miller guided me through luxurious corridors, and for a moment, I felt like a complete stranger in this nest. The glass walls and imposing offices seemed like a universe distant from my previous reality.Finally, we reached Tyler's office—a spacious, modern space with a panoramic view of the city. He began introducing me to different departments, explaining each team's responsibilities. The technology, numbers, and sophistication of the environment were overwhelming. I was immersed in a world that felt beyond my comprehension.Noticing my astonished expression, Tyler smiled and said I needed to get used to it. Before I could fully grasp what was happening, he headed to the restroom, leaving me in the care of Hanna, an executive supervisor.Hanna was intensely discussing a poorly done report with a colleague. I waited patientl
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