All Chapters of the supreme alpha's mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
201 Chapters
chapter ninety-four
"Ai!" Olivia groaned in pain, holding her stomach with her hands. The contractions were intense, and she didn't know how much longer she could endure. "Get water and bring the medicine, quickly!" she impatiently shouted to her maid.The young maid, frightened, quickly prepared the yellowish liquid tonic and handed it to Olivia, who swallowed it in one gulp, pinching her nose to avoid the bitter taste."What you're doing is very dangerous!" Clara warned as she entered the room and found her friend in such a situation."Don't talk nonsense. I just need to hold on a few more days so no one suspects anything," Olivia replied, closing her eyes and trying to contain the pain."You're doing everything to delay the birth. This can lead to complications for the child. Don't you think about your son?" Clara asked indignantly."If I don't do this, he will die anyway, and I won't be able to stop it," Olivia swallowed hard, nervous."You're nine months pregnant. You won't be able to hold this for
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chapter ninety five
**Lily's Point of View**I woke up startled, completely disoriented. The room was all white, and I was surrounded by strange devices. Instinctively, I began tearing off the wires attached to me, my body freeing itself from this metallic web."Caroline?" I shouted, my voice echoing in the room. No response.Panic overtook me when I realized I was alone, with no sign of Caroline nearby. I continued tearing off the wires, trying to understand what the hell was happening."Caroline?" I called again, louder this time. The silence persisted, and the urgency to find my mate only grew.Awkwardly, I headed towards the door and entered a white corridor with lined doors. Each step was uncertain, but I needed to find Caroline. I opened doors one by one, but nothing. The corridor seemed endless, and the anxiety grew.The search continued, my mind struggling to understand the situation. I just wanted to find Caroline and get out of this strange place. Every room I opened brought more confusion, but
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chapter ninety-six
"I can't bear it any longer!" exclaimed Olivia, her hands clutching her stomach with an expression of anguish. A groan of pain escaped her lips, and the room seemed to tense up instantly.Suddenly, Olivia felt liquid trickling down her legs. Her eyes widened, fixating on the wet floor. Clara, beside her, panicked as she realized what was happening."The water broke! Olivia, you're about to have the baby!" shouted Clara, her voice echoing through the room. Desperation took hold of the atmosphere.The maids rushed to help, guiding Olivia to the bed urgently. Clara held her friend's hand, trying to convey support amid the anxiety hanging in the air. One of the maids ran off, determined to fetch the doctor and alert the alpha about the imminent arrival of the baby.The room filled with Olivia's screams of pain, echoing through the halls of the residence. Clara, with a worried expression, kept a steady gaze on her friend, sharing the weight of the tense moment.While the maids prepared the
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chapter ninety-seven
Pov Lily BrowsI lay on the hospital bed, watching the nurse finish dressing my wounds, evidence of the brutal attack I had endured still visible on my body. The pain was gradually subsiding, but the news the doctor delivered about my pregnancy lingered in my mind."Miss Brows, here are the forms you need to fill out. They contain information for the baby's monitoring," the nurse said, handing me a clipboard.As I filled in the details, thoughts of the future and the responsibility of motherhood weighed on me. The doctor emphasized the importance of returning for regular check-ups, and I was determined to ensure everything went smoothly.However, the hopeful atmosphere crumbled when the nurse handed me a sheet of paper. I looked at the document, and my heart raced as I read the prominently displayed amount: twelve thousand dollars. My eyes widened, and a shockwave ran through my body."What is this?" I asked, scarcely believing what I was seeing. The nurse shrugged indifferently, as i
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The atmosphere in the room was charged with tension as Olivia skillfully changed the baby, ignoring Clara's worried expression. The soft cry of the newborn seemed to echo the uncertainty hanging in the air."Olivia, this is dangerous. It's too early for a celebration. What if something goes wrong?" Clara tried to argue, her voice marked by concern.Olivia, however, was not willing to listen. Her eyes sparkled with determination, and she responded firmly, "I have no choice, Clara. The Supreme Alpha is determined to celebrate the birth of my son. I can't stop that."Clara sighed, looking at the baby Olivia held so carefully. "But, Olivia, it's still too early. We don't know if the child is really the alpha's. Maybe it's better to wait, to be sure before having this celebration."Olivia's response came with an explosion of anger. "Do you doubt me? Doubt the lineage of the Supreme Alpha? Leave my room, Clara. I don't need your negativity."Resigned, Clara withdrew but not without casting
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chapter ninety- nine
**Pov Lily Brows**Night fell upon us, and I felt the weight of exhaustion as we wandered through the dark streets of the neighboring city. Caroline was tired; her steps slowed with each block, and her stomach growled loudly. I felt powerless, unable to provide her with the comfort and security she deserved.We had walked for miles since leaving the hospital, and I had spent the entire day trying to find some work to support the two of us. Knocking on door after door, rejection was constant, and the feeling of despair grew with each refusal.We stumbled upon a small grocery store, our last hope of getting some help. I entered, with Caroline leaning on me, her tired and hungry eyes."Good evening, sir. Sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for work. Anything I can do to earn some money and feed my daughter," I explained, trying to maintain dignity despite the vulnerability I felt.The man behind the counter, looking at me with a mix of sympathy and disinterest, shook his head. "I'm sorr
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**POV Supreme Alpha Luke.**The party pulsed with energy, and my heart felt light as we celebrated the birth of my heir. Laughter and greetings filled the hall, creating an atmosphere of joy. However, the celebration was interrupted when I decided to call Olivia and the baby back to join the festivities.Upon hearing the news that my son had caught a cold, a shadow of concern crossed my face. "A cold so early?" I questioned, a restlessness creeping into my thoughts.The maid confirmed the situation, assuring me that Olivia was dedicated to ensuring the comfort of our heir. The explanation, however, didn't completely dispel my apprehension.During the party, one of the guests raised an intriguing question: the characteristics and abilities of my son, being the heir of the Supreme Alpha. The reminder of the healing nature of our blood echoed in my mind, highlighting the self-regeneration flowing in our veins. "The father's blood is strong enough to heal him and immunize him against comm
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chapter hundred and one
**POV Lily Brows**The soft morning light flooded the room as I opened my eyes. The surroundings were unfamiliar, but a sense of warmth enveloped me. I rose from the bed carefully, avoiding waking little Caroline, who still slept peacefully by my side.I glided down the stairs, and the aroma of fresh coffee guided me to the kitchen. Chloe, the housemaid, was busy preparing breakfast. Her eyes met mine as I entered."Good morning, Mrs. Lily. Mr. Miller left early for work," Chloe informed with a kind smile.I took a deep breath, grateful for Mr. Miller's hospitality. "Thank you, Chloe. I'll pack up my things and head out to look for work."Chloe frowned, confused. "Mr. Miller said little Caroline can stay here while you go out to look for a job and organize your things."The surprise warmed my heart. Mr. Miller's generosity exceeded my expectations. I thanked Chloe, and before leaving, I quietly went up to the room where Caroline still slept.I leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on
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hundred and two
A few hours later..."Clara is taking too long!"The night's silence hung over the pack as Olivia, distressed, held Noah in her arms, watching the little one's fever intensify. Unable to wait any longer, she decided to take action. In secret, she packed a bag with basic supplies and stealthily headed to find the pack's healer.As she descended the stairs, her racing heart was surprised by Paul. Their eyes met for a tense moment before he noticed the child in her arms."Our son is beautiful," Paul declared, examining Noah for a few seconds.Olivia was horrified. "Paul, stop telling lies. This is the alpha's son."Paul kept his gaze steady. "I know he's my son, Olivia. This child doesn't look like the alpha, and suspicions will arise soon."He proposed an escape, asking Olivia to join him to raise their child away from the complexities of the pack. "I'll be an excellent father to him."Indignant, Olivia humiliated him, highlighting the limitations he, as a gamma, would impose on their s
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chapter hundred and three
POV LilyI was reclined in the armchair, flipping through a book when the door opened, revealing Mr. Miller's figure."Good evening!" he greeted upon entering."Good evening!" I replied with a smile, Caroline peeking shyly from behind me, also smiling."We were waiting for you to say goodbye," I announced, extending my hand towards him for a friendly handshake."Did you manage to find a place to stay and the job you were looking for?" he questioned, furrowing his brow with a confused expression."I searched all day for some work, and a lady offered me a job as a housemaid. It's not much, but I'll be able to take Caroline with me, and I think it's a good start," I nervously replied, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear."Are you sure you want to do this? I wouldn't mind if you stayed a bit longer, and Caroline loves to play with the toys. This house is huge and mostly empty, with no children running around," he said a bit sadly."I appreciate everything you've done for us! But I need
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