All Chapters of Master Blair's Fiery Pursuit: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1634 Chapters
Chapter 131
Blair waited for Mable to fall asleep before leaving the bedroom. Hugh and Rahman were standing outside in the hallway like guards. They looked at Blair with hatred when he came out. “Mabes is asleep. Please take good care of her for me in the next few days.” Rahman rolled his eyes in displeasure. “For you? Taking care of her is our job!” “You and Mabes have nothing to do with each other now. Who are you to say that?” Hugh directly drove Blair away. “Master Blair, it’s getting late. Please.” Blair did not say anything and went downstairs. Amos had been waiting for a long time in the living room downstairs. After getting into the car, Amos handed Blair a tablet. “This is the pathway to the source of the Ice Jade Flower provided by Salomon’s second in charge. The item went through two people before it reached them.” Amos paused for a while before he continued, “This is Isaac from Athon.” Blair went through the document on the tablet. He held no emotions. “Where is
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Chapter 132
Blair did not want to waste time with Isaac. He cut to the chase. “Name your price. I want the Ice Jade Flower.” Isaac raised his eyebrow. It seemed that the Ice Jade Flower was very important to Blair. He sneered. “In that case, why don’t we meet and talk it over?” “Location.” Isaac gave him an address and hung up. He turned around and looked gloomily at the men behind him. “Get ready. An honored guest will be here in a moment. Let’s entertain him well!” … Blair had just hung up and was about to leave the hotel when Solomon came. “Master Blair, I’ll go meet Isaac for you.” There was a lot of beef between Isaac and Blair. He would definitely suffer a loss if he went there himself. Blair responded, “He has the Ice Jade Flower, and he won’t give it unless I go.” “But—” Before Solomon could finish, Blair had gotten into the car. Solomon could not argue with him and could only follow him with some men. After arriving at the place, Blair was escorted into the bar
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Chapter 133
Amos’ face changed, and he rushed over. “Isaac, how dare you!” Isaac laughed out loud and stared at Blair. “That depends on whether Master Blair wants the Ice Jade Flower.” Blair pushed Amos away and stood up straight. “Deal!” Amos shouted, “Master Blair!” ‘Is he letting Isaac kill him?!’ “Shut up!” Amos stopped protesting.No one could stop Blair from doing what he wanted. Solomon stared at him and frowned hard. ‘Master Blair is really going all out for Mable.’ Isaac clapped his hands and smiled while hugging the blonde in his arms. “Master Blair, you have great spirit!” “Do it.” Blair stood straight in front of Isaac. He seemed at ease and indifferent, without any fear. He knew Isaac would not dare to kill him as he did not have the guts to bear the consequences. Isaac only wanted to see him kneel before him. Blair did not mind as long as he could get the Ice Jade Flower. With that, Isaac raised his gun and aimed it at Blair’s chest. He smiled faint
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Chapter 134
Not a single drop was left. Blair inverted the empty glass on the table without any emotions. “The Ice Jade Flower!” Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly as he resized Blair in disbelief. Rumor had it that five years ago, Blair exterminated an underground organization in Santaviz all by himself. To this day, the people there were terrified of him. They said he was a man who came from hell. He was cold-blooded and merciless, and he left no room for error. Unexpectedly, such a person would disregard his own life for a flower that could cure poison. Isaac was suddenly curious as to who it was that could make the haughty Blair put his life on the line. He pushed away the beautiful woman on his lap and stood up to clap his hands. “As expected of you, Master Blair. You opened my eyes today!” Afterward, he threw the box containing the Ice Jade Flower to Blair. Blair took the box and opened it to look inside. The Ice Jade Flower looked almost identical to the one he got from Sa
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Chapter 135
When Mable woke up the next morning, she did not see Blair in the bedroom. After washing up, the maid brought her breakfast. She was given another drip after that. Mable looked at the bedroom door. She wanted to ask Rahman several times but hesitated. “Stop looking. Blair left last night!” Rahman crossed his legs on the sofa. He could not stand her longing gaze. Mable’s eyes flickered. “He went back to Richworth?” “If not?” Rahman took an apple and said while peeling, “Once you’ve recovered, let’s go back to Monafett. You’ve been out of the picture for so long that those old fellas thought you died. They’re starting to make small moves again.” Mable frowned. “Is that so? I was just thinking about how I needed a chance to clean out those scheming ones within the organization.” “It’s time.” Rahman gave Mable half of the apple he just peeled. “Rest for a few more days. We’ll leave after that.” “No, I—” Before Mable could finish, Rahman shouted angrily, “You’re no
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Chapter 136
Since Blair said not to tell Mable the truth, Solomon did not say much. “He’s not in trouble, is he?” Mable was somewhat worried. ‘Did Blair not come in person because he’s injured?’ Solomon smiled. “Don’t you have his number? You’ll know if you call him.” ‘Call him?’ Mable thought.‘To say what? ‘I don’t know what I can say other than thanking him. ‘Besides, that’s not what he wants.’ Seeing that Mable was not saying anything, Solomon shrugged helplessly. “Well, don’t dwell on it. My task is to watch you consume the Ice Jade Flower. How should it be used? Do you just eat it, or does it have to be boiled?” “It has to be decocted with some other herbs.” Mable asked Hugh to get some herbs again according to the prescription she wrote the last time. It would take at least three hours to soak and decoct the herbs. Solomon texted on his phone while chatting with Mable. “As an outsider, I shouldn’t say much about the relationship between you and Master Blair. However
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Chapter 137
The medicine was ready. Mable was about to drink it when Rahman came downstairs. He took a nap at noon and had just woken up. Although he heard from Hugh that Solomon came to deliver the real Ice Jade Flower, he was still displeased. “Mabes, I’ll take a sip of the medicine first. You can drink it if there’s no problem!” As he said that, he scooped half a spoonful of the medicine and drank it before Mable could stop him. “Rahman, are you stupid? Why did you drink the medicine if you’re not sick?!” Mable grabbed the spoon and looked speechlessly at him. Rahman pouted and looked at the bowl of medicine with a disgusted face. “Do you think I want to drink it? I’m just afraid you’ll be poisoned again and vomit blood profusely.” Solomon glanced at him. “Not this time. Mable checked and confirmed that the Ice Jade Flower was real.” Rahman sat arrogantly on the sofa. “It better be, or I’ll bring my men to blow up Fowler Enterprise!” Solomon rolled his eyes at him. “You?”
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Chapter 138
“Blair will be back in a while.” Solomon added after a pause, “He’s a little injured.” He wanted to tell Tracey in advance so she would be prepared. Tracey nervously asked, “Injured? What happened? Is it serious?”“It’s not a fatal injury. It shouldn’t be serious.” Solomon’s biggest worry was not the gunshot wound on Blair’s forearm but the poison he drank. Given Isaac’s character, the poison was definitely not simple. Before long, the sound of helicopter propellers came from outside. Tracey and Solomon walked out and waited for the helicopter to stop at the tarmac in the backyard before walking over. Blair was carried down the helicopter on a stretcher. “Master Blair’s condition isn’t too good. His wound has been bleeding profusely, and he also caught a fever. The medical standard in Rilburg is limited, so I sent him back first.” Solomon was stunned. “How could this be?” “Blair, Blair, how are you?” Tracey looked at Blair’s pale face from blood loss and cried
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Chapter 139
Ashdale. After Solomon left, Mable hesitated for a night before finally calling Blair. The phone rang for a long time, and no one answered. She called him again. This time, the call was quickly picked up. “Hello?” Blair’s attractive voice was heard. However, there were no emotions. Mable asked, “Why didn’t you answer the phone just now?” Blair gave a short response, “Busy.” “Oh.” Mable was about to ask about him when he asked, “Can I help you?” He sounded cold and distant. Mable was startled. Was he not being too cold?“I just wanted to thank you. I’ve taken the Ice Jade Flower you had Solomon send over. Thanks.” “...Mm.” Blair stopped talking, and Mable did not know what to say anymore. The two kept quiet until Mable broke the silence and asked, “Blair, are you okay?” Blair was being unusual. Hence, she was worried he was hurt. Blair answered, “I’m very well.” He was still cold and did not talk much. “I—” “Is there anything else?” Blair asked.
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Chapter 140
Ralph paused for a moment and suddenly became serious. “Where’s your Uncle Frank? Call him over!” “He…” Mable answered after a moment of hesitation. “He fled the country.” She did not dare to tell him about Frank’s death. Although Frank had done many wrong things, he was still Ralph’s son. Ralph experienced the feeling of loss when Mable’s parents passed away. She was afraid he would not be able to take it anymore. “Grandpa, many things happened during this time…” Mable told him about Frank hiring assassins to kill her and the fact that he poisoned him. She also told him how Frank and Marissa stole everything in his safe when they fled. “That bastard!” Old Master Jefferson was red with anger after he heard about everything. He knew his poisoning had something to do with Frank. However, he did not think that Frank also tried to get Mable killed. Their family was unfortunate! Ralph held Mable’s hands tightly. “Mabes, when I find them, I’ll personally settle the
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