All Chapters of Master Blair's Fiery Pursuit: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
1634 Chapters
Chapter 121
Monafett. Rahman was extremely anxious once he finished talking to Mable.After some thought, he decided he could not take it anymore and picked up his phone to call Blair. “Hey, Mr. Fowler.” Rahman spoke after the call went through. The person on the other end said nothing, but Rahman was not in a hurry. He said leisurely, “I have a business I’d like to discuss with you. Are you interested?” Blair responded after a moment of silence, “Go on.” “I know Fowler Enterprise is preparing to expand its market in Eastern Erebar. Coincidentally, I happen to have two unused private oil fields. I wonder if you’re interested.” Rahman’s heart was heavy when he made the offer. He was going all out for Mable by offering his most valuable private property. The two oil fields were simply priceless. He did not believe Blair would not unmoved. Sure enough, Blair asked, “What do you want?” Rahman cut to the chase. “I want the Ice Jade Flower.” … Richworth. Blair was in his stu
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Chapter 122
Hugh immediately stood in front of Mable. The bodyguards behind also reacted quickly and surrounded her to protect her. The cars stopped. Ten or so bodyguards came down from the cars but did not make a move. Amos got down from the Maybach’s passenger seat. He took a rectangular box from one of the bodyguards and walked straight toward Mable. Mable smiled faintly at him. “Assistant Nielsen, you can’t stop me.” “Ms. Jefferson, you’ve misunderstood. We’re not here to stop you.” Amos handed her the box and said, “Master Blair asked me to pass this on to you.” Mable glanced at the backseat of the Maybach. The window was closed, so she could not see the person inside. It seemed Blair did not intend to come down. She was relieved. “No thanks. Master Blair took care of me during this time. If we’re doing gifts, I should be the one giving him something instead.” Mable refused to accept an undeserved reward. It was hard enough for her to make up her mind to leave Blair. S
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Chapter 123
Tracey was knocked out by Mable. When she woke up and found out that Mable had left Richworth, she felt terrible. When she heard from the maid that Blair had gone out, she thought he had gone after Mable. However, he returned not long after. Blair locked himself in the study as soon as he got home and ordered everyone not to disturb him. Tracey was afraid he might do something extreme. So, she stayed up all night in the living room. Just like that, Blair was still in the study until noon the next day. Tracey was anxious. Blair could be mad, but how would his body take it if he did not eat or drink for a long time? As such, she mustered her courage and knocked on the study door. “Blair, it’s me, Trace. Are you okay?” There was no sound in the study. She hesitated for a while and pushed the door open. “Blair, you— Cough, cough!” The smell of smoke was too strong! Tracey covered her mouth and coughed. She hurried to open the windows. “Blair, how many cigarettes hav
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Chapter 124
Rahman was delighted. “Really?” Mable put down her cutleries, looking upset. “Rahman, am I trashy?” Rahman forced a laugh and casually replied to her, “You finally realized? I’ve been used to your trashy personality for many years.” “Get lost!” Mable rolled her eyes at him. Rahman knew what she was struggling with. “Mabes, everything in this world can be solved by money. Don’t feel like you owe Blair anything. At most, I’ll give him two private oil fields and take it as I bought the Ice Jade Flower from him.” Mable pondered for a while. Blair probably needed oil fields at the moment, so she nodded and said, “Okay, but I’ll pay for them.” Rahman ruffled his golden bangs and smiled evilly. “Why are you being so polite? I wouldn’t have gotten the two oil fields in the first place if it wasn’t for you.” Mable wanted to say something else but Rahman cut her off. “Stop talking nonsense. Where’s the Ice Jade Flower? Hurry up and decoct it.” The sooner she consumed it, the soon
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Chapter 125
“Mabes, Mabes, what’s wrong?” Rahman knew something must have happened as soon as he heard Mable’s tone. He immediately ran out and rushed into her room. Mable was not in the bedroom. Instead, she could be heard vomiting in the bathroom. “Mabes!” Rahman ran to the bathroom to find her vomiting while lying on the toilet lid. The air was filled with the iron scent of blood. She was vomiting blood! “Mabes, Mabes, what happened?” Rahman turned pale with fear. Mable raised her head and tried to speak. However, her stomach spasmed again, and she vomited another mouthful of brown, dirty blood. “Mabes! Somebody! Come quick!” The helpers and Hugh quickly came up when they heard the commotion. After vomiting for a while, Mable was exhausted. Rahman helped her onto the bed. He was so anxious that he was sweating all over. “Where’s the doctor? Hurry up and come to check on Mabes.” The villa’s family doctor quickly came forward with a medical kit to check on her. After
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Chapter 126
Richworth. Fowler Enterprise. After working through the night, Blair finally closed his laptop at 5:00 am. He washed his face with cold water and had his assistant bring him coffee before starting another day of work. “Master Blair, you have a meeting at 10:00 am. Why don’t you rest for a while? I’ll call you then.” Amos was wary as he looked at Blair working like a machine. Blair looked the same as when he returned from Santaviz five years ago. During that time, the whole company was shrouded in gloom, and everyone felt uneasy. Amos watched as Blair slowly walked out of that shadow from five years ago. Now that Mable had left, he seemed to have returned to that state. “No need.” Blair flipped through some documents and scanned through them. He handed one of them to Amos and said coldly, “Contact the people from the Richie Group and tell them that Fowler Enterprise intends to cooperate with them on this project.” Amos was stunned. As far as he knew, the Richie Gro
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Chapter 127
Solomon was shocked and went in front of Blair. He subconsciously reached for his gun, only to realize he did not bring his gun with him today. “Rahman!” Amos saw this and also rushed in to get in front of Blair. Solomon advised Rahman, “Rahman, calm down. Let’s talk it out!” Blair looked coldly at Rahman and stepped out from behind Solomon. “If you kill me, can the Emirs bear the consequences?” The atmosphere turned cold. Rahman smiled wickedly. “Blair, Mabes is of utmost priority to me! Since you dare hurt her, I won’t let you have it easy!” “What do you mean?” Solomon looked at Blair in confusion. “Wasn’t Mable the one who hurt you and tormented you? Why are you the one who hurt her instead?” Blair quickly noticed that something was off. “What happened to Mable?” He and Rahman spoke on the phone last night. Then, Rahman did not sound like he was resentful. “What happened? You fucking gave her a fake Ice Jade Flower and caused her to vomit blood from being poiso
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Chapter 128
Blair looked at the villa behind Hugh and strode toward it. Next, a bullet fired next to his feet. Hugh raised his gun and blew out the smoke from the muzzle. He was fierce and hostile. “Master Blair, trespassing is illegal.” “I want to see Mable!” Hugh was filled with rage. “Who do you think you are? Do you think you can see my boss just because you want to?” Blair clenched his fists. He did not want to waste any more time. “What do you want?” Hugh put out his cigarette. “I won’t kill you today because you once took a bullet for her, but you can’t see her either!” “Move!” How could he leave? Blair’s heart was at his throat from anxious he was.“Blair!” Hugh aimed his gun at Blair’s head. “If you dare to take another step forward, don’t blame me for being rude!” Then, a gunshot was heard. A bullet accurately hit his gun. Hugh felt the spot between his thumb and index finger turn numb from the shock. His gun also flew out. The sudden turn of events caused th
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Chapter 129
Hugh shouted, “Blair, you—” “No matter what you want to do to me, at least let me send her back to her room first.” Blair cut him off and carried Mable upstairs. “Fuck!” Hugh cursed. He knew he could not stop Blair, so he quickly asked someone to call the doctor. When Blair carried Mable into her bedroom, he realized she was on an IV drip and pulled out the needle before it finished. The back of her hand had swollen. The doctor rushed over and gave Mable the IV drip again. He also instructed Blair, “Ms. Jefferson is very weak. To avoid further stress or strain, she’ll have to rest and recuperate for a few days at least.” Blair sat quietly on the edge of the bed and held Mable’s hands together. He was careful as if she was a treasure. “What happened to her?” Mable was fine when she left. Why was she so weak at the moment? Hugh crossed his arms at the side and replied to him sarcastically, “What do you think happened? If you hadn’t tricked her with a fake Ice Jade F
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Chapter 130
Blair’s eyes darkened. He said after a moment of silence, “Rahman fired a shot at me.” Mable was shocked and thought he had been shot. “Then you…?” Blair smiled faintly. “I dodged it.” Mable rolled her eyes at him. “...Childish!” Blair gently caressed her head with guilt. “Mabes, I’m sorry.” Mable looked at him and knew he meant the Ice Jade Flower. She asked, “You knew the Ice Jade Flower was fake?” “No!” How could Blair have given it to her if he knew it was fake? Mable chuckled. “Then there’s no need to apologize.” She knew it had nothing to do with Blair. The problem was with Salomon. “Don’t worry. I’ll find out.” Blair added after a short pause, “I’ll also get the real Ice Jade Flower for you.” Mable looked outside the window. “Blair, you don’t need to do this.” Blair looked at her and said gently, “But I want to. You don’t have to feel pressured.” Mable still wanted to say something. However, Blair stood up and said, “Rest for a while. I’ll have someon
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