Semua Bab Master Blair's Fiery Pursuit: Bab 101 - Bab 110
1634 Bab
Chapter 101
The morning sun was blazing. In the open space outside the villa, two rows of dazzling supercars were lined up. They were in all kinds of colors. There were the McLaren P1 LM, LykanHypersport, Lamborghini Veneno Roadster, Koenigsegg One: 1, and so on. Mable was stunned when she saw the supercars. She pointed at them and asked, “...Who’s the extravagant show-off?!” Tracey smiled excitedly. “Who else? My brother, of course!” Mable was speechless.All of the cars were global limited editions. Each cost at least a million dollars, and they were not something one could just buy with money. For instance, even Rahman, who loved cars as much as he did his life, had been thinking of getting the LykanHypersport for a year. However, he could not get his hands on it. “Why did he buy so many cars?” Mable asked. Blair was rich, but buying so many supercars in one go must have cost a fortune. Tracey looked enviously at Mable. “For you, of course.” Mable was confused by her word
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Chapter 102
According to the laws of Dorland, kidnapping and murder were punishable by the death penalty. Amos left after reporting the matter. Blair did not go to work as it was the weekend. Mable wanted to avoid seeing him at home, so she went to the hospital after breakfast. Jacob’s condition had stabilized. He could start rehab after another week of observation. When Mable went to the ward to see him, Hannah happened to be there too. As the two quarreled, the atmosphere in the ward was slightly awkward. “Dr. Jefferson, you’re here.” Compared to last time, Hannah’s attitude toward Mable was much better. Mable nodded and asked Jacob, “How do you feel today?” “Not bad.” Mable gave him a checkup and talked to him about some things he would be doing during rehab at a later stage. In the end, she added, “Before you go through rehab, it’s best to massage your legs for an hour or two every day. There’s a physio center in Richworth with skilled practitioners. You can book an appoi
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Chapter 103
As soon as Mable heard Blair’s words, she knew he had followed her. Otherwise, how would he know she was currently eating with Howard? Mable gripped her phone tightly and turned red with anger. ‘That scumbag actually followed me!’ “What’s the matter?” Howard asked her. Mable hung up the phone. “Nothing.” Why did she have to go out just because Blair asked her to? She refused to do it! Mable ordered a few more dishes and decided to have a good meal. Soon, their food was served. Howard suddenly asked, “Ms. Jefferson, are you still living with Master Blair?” “Can you not mention him?” Even the mention of Blair’s name made her furious. Howard nodded with a faint smile and poured some water for her. Mable ate leisurely and asked, “Howard, I injured your brother’s hand. Aren’t you going to avenge him?” She was rather surprised when Howard lent her his car at the race track yesterday. She had broken one of Henry’s fingers. Instead of taking revenge on her, Howard
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Chapter 104
20 minutes later at the Royal View Villa. Mable and Blair arrived almost at the same time. Mable got out of the car and looked at Blair, who was walking toward her. She was prepared to scold him fiercely. However, he directly carried her on his shoulder and strode into the house. “Blair, let go of me!” Mable was angry and anxious. She slapped Blair’s back with all her might. Nonetheless, Blair was unmoved and quickly carried her to the bedroom. With a bam, the bedroom door slammed shut. Then, Mable was thrown hard onto the bed. Before she could get up, Blair clasped her face and forcefully pressed down on her. He kissed her intensely and did not let her catch her breath. He was eager, as if he was going to devour her. “Mmph… B… Blair…” Who would kiss so roughly? He was simply trying to tear her apart and eat her. Mable’s lips cracked from the kiss. She could also taste some blood. “...Let go!” The more Mable resisted, the harder Blair kissed. By now, Mable was
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Chapter 105
Mable called Amos and asked about the cause of the incident. It turned out that Blair did not follow her. He went to the hospital to deliver her lunch, only to see her and Howard in the parking lot. So, he followed them to the restaurant. Mable went downstairs to the kitchen and saw the two lunch boxes Amos had brought back. She opened them and saw that one of them had rice with a heart-shaped fried egg on top. The other lunch box had a top and bottom compartment. It contained a total of three dishes comprising meat and vegetables. The food looked average, but the plating was nice. “Mabes, you have no idea. Blair failed five times in frying an egg. When cooking a simple vegetable dish, he overcooked it once and added too much salt the other time. “The only thing he didn’t fail too many times making was the prawns. Look, he even peeled them for you…” Aunt Grace said from the side, “Sir also burned his hand while cooking. However, he didn’t care about putting medicine on it
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Chapter 106
As soon as Mable turned around, she met Blair’s deep and dark eyes. Blair put out his cigarette indifferently. “Get out!” “If I go just because you tell me to, wouldn’t that make me look bad?!” Mable walked over and sat next to him. She saw at a glance a red and swollen blister on the back of his left hand. “Why didn’t you treat your wound?” She was about to treat it for him when he put his hand into his pocket. “What are you doing? Don’t move!” Mable forcefully tugged at his wrist. “It’ll get infected if you don’t take care of it.” She took out iodine swabs from the medical kit. Blair stared at her and let her attend to the injury on his hand. Mable used a fine needle to pick through the blister, then sterilized it before applying some medicine. Lastly, she wrapped the wound briefly with breathable gauze. “Blair, I’m sorry.” Mable’s voice was suddenly heard. She lowered her head and did not dare to look up at Blair. “When I received your call, I thought you w
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Chapter 107
Blair hung up the phone and immediately called Amos. “Prepare the helicopter…” Mable sat on the sofa and stared at him while he was on the phone. She was upset. If she guessed right, the phone call was about Liv. There was news of her. Without further ado, Blair went back to his room to change after calling out his orders to Amos. As if he suddenly remembered that Mable was still in the study, he came back and said to her, “I have to go out for a while. Be good at home and call me if anything happens.” Mable nodded stiffly. “Your hand—” She wanted to remind him not to get water on his wound, but before she could say it, his phone rang again. He answered the call and went downstairs. As Mable watched him disappear, a sense of sadness welled up inside her. Soon, the sound of helicopter propellers came from the back garden. Mablr ran downstairs, only to find Blair boarding the helicopter. This scene was the same as the night she regained her memory two months ago.
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Chapter 108
‘Frank Jefferson is really bold. Is he not afraid that Master Blair will kill him?’ Amos wondered. Frank smirked and continued, “Only when she dies can I become the rightful head of the Jeffersons.” Moreover, if Agnes did not die, that person would not let him go either. Although Frank failed to assassinate Agnes the last time, he found out that Blair and she were husband and wife. He specifically inquired about it and learned that they were not on good terms as a couple. Therefore, he was confident that Blair would help him. A trace of killing intent flashed across Blair’s eyes, his expression unreadable. “What makes you think I’ll agree to that?” “Master Blair, don’t you want to know where the person you’ve been looking for so many years is?” Frank laughed softly and fished out a photo from his pocket to hand to Blair. “You’re familiar with the item in the photo, aren’t you?” Blair took a look and narrowed his dark eyes. It was a photo of an antique copper black d
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Chapter 109
Meanwhile, in the Bellson Strait, a luxurious cruise ship was traveling through stormy seas. The weather forecast said there would be strong winds and waves at sea tonight. A man in a white bathrobe leaned against the deck railing and looked at the person not far away hung upside down. His light blue eyes were cold. “I asked Hugh to abduct him.” Killing intent grew in his eyes as he spoke. “Why?” Mable asked on the other end of the phone. “You—” “No reason. I just can’t stand him and want him killed!” “Frank…” “Dead—I did it.” The man was proud. If he had not gotten someone to look into it, he would not have known that Mable was assassinated two years ago and lost her memory. He had worked hard to train his wifey, and only he could bully her. Who was Frank to hurt her? Frank was courting death! The man gripped his phone tightly and glanced coldly outside. “Wifey, I’ll make anyone who tries to harm you regret being born into this world!” “Stay out of my busines
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Chapter 110
The thing in Mable’s blood was acting up again. She took a few deep breaths and pressed the spot between her thumb and index finger, hoping to ease the pain. Nonetheless, the pain quickly spread from her heart to her whole body. Every inch of her skin seemed to be bitten by ants, and the pain was unbearable. “Ugh…” Mable collapsed helplessly on the sofa, unable to use her strength. At this time, footsteps came from upstairs. “Mabes?” Tracey was woken up by the sounds from downstairs. She washed up before heading out of her room. Who knew, as soon as she walked to the stairway, she saw Mable curled up in pain on the sofa. “Mabes, what happened? Don’t scare me!” Tracey ran downstairs and touched Mable but was immediately shocked by her cold body. “Mabes, hold on. I’ll send you to the hospital—” Mable grabbed her hand tightly and uttered with difficulty, “No… No hospital.” Tracey was so anxious that she was about to cry. “But you—” “Help me… My room…” Mable loo
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