All Chapters of Master Blair's Fiery Pursuit: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
1634 Chapters
Chapter 81
As soon as Tracey said that, Blair looked at Mable’s tummy. The first time they had sex was in the Jefferson Residence in Ashdale. It had been a month since. “What?” Mable looked at Tracey in a daze. Tracey was anxious. She lowered her voice and whispered to Mable, “Have you had your period this month?” Mable shook her head. “No way. I’m not pregnant!” She denied it firmly without thinking. Tracey asked, “Why is it impossible? You didn’t have your period this month, right?” Blair held Mable’s hand and said gently, “Mabes, let’s go to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup.” He had not taken preventive measures the two times they had sex. If she did not take birth control pills either, the chances of pregnancy were high. Mable looked helplessly at them. “I’m a doctor myself. Wouldn’t I know if I was pregnant?” Tracey retorted, “Doctors don’t treat themselves. It’s better to get it checked in the hospital.” Mable could only stay silent.… Initially, Solomon was go
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Chapter 82
The doctor on the side said without looking up, “She’s fine. You can leave after getting the medicine.” Blair was startled. He stared at Mable’s belly. “She’s fine? What about… the baby?” His question confused the doctor, who looked up at him in confusion. “Baby? What baby?” Mable quickly tugged at his sleeve. “Blair, I’m not pregnant!” Blair was stunned. ‘Not pregnant? ‘Then the blood just now…?’ Mable flushed red from embarrassment. “It was because… my period came.” Blair was speechless.Mable had bad cramps whenever she had her period. When it was serious, she would have to stay in bed for two days. “You’re having period cramps from not having enough nourishing food, so you have to pay more attention to it. Also, I checked when you said your stomach feels uncomfortable. You have chronic gastroenteritis, so avoid fishy, spicy, and stimulating food for now. Eat nothing raw too.” Blair finally realized that he misunderstood. He draped his jacket over Mable and carr
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Chapter 83
It was a dark and windy night. A skillful woman climbed over the guardrail and sneaked into the villa quietly. After ambushing for two days outside, she had long known the security of the villa like the back of her hand. Coupled with Mable’s help, tonight was the best time to strike. At this hour, the servants in the villa were all asleep, and the main building was silent. The woman in black entered the living room through the floor-to-ceiling window and slowly walked up the stairs. Ten minutes later. Beep!A piercing alarm sounded from the study on the second floor. Kyle snapped his eyes open and rolled out of bed. His vision was blurry, and he almost fell. He was dizzy. “Guards!” Realizing that something was wrong, Kyle shouted for someone while forcefully walking out of the bedroom. A black figure flashed in front of him. “Stand right there!” The woman scoffed and jumped down from the second floor through the window. Kyle rushed forward but only mana
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Chapter 84
Blair held the kitchen knife and cut the washed ingredients. He was serious and careful. Once he had chopped everything up, he boiled some water and put them in. He remembered Tracey said that Mable had a sweet tooth, so he also prepared some sweet treats. Mable hugged her pillow and nestled on the sofa to watch a movie. However, her mind was not there. She stared blankly at Blair, who was busy in the kitchen. If anyone had told her in the past that Blair would help her wash her clothes stained with period blood and make soup for her, she would have thought that person was dreaming. Nonetheless, since last night, Blair had helped her with these things. When he returned to the bedroom in the middle of the night, he realized her feet were cold. So, he sat at the end of the bed and held her feet until they had warmed up before he laid down. Mable did not dare to imagine such a gentle and caring Blair before this. Blair seemed to have sensed her gaze and turned around.
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Chapter 85
The Fowler Residence. At this moment, Luke’s trusted confidant, Thomas, was being held at gunpoint by Solomon. The villa’s bodyguards gathered around when they saw this, but no one dared to make a move. After receiving Blair’s call, Solomon aimed at Thomas’ right wrist without hesitation. Swoosh!Swoosh!Swoosh!The silenced pistol shot three bullets in succession, hitting the same place. Thomas screamed miserably and fell to his knees, covering his bleeding wrist. Inside the house. Blair looked coldly at Luke. “I’m crippling one of Thomas’ hands today as a warning. I won’t let anyone who tries to harm Mable go, no matter who it is!” “Blair!” Luke became agitated. His good son had his trusted confidant shot for a woman. Would that not mean he would also be at odds with him in the future? He would not allow it! “Very well! You dare to threaten me now!” Amongst Luke’s three sons, Blair was the eldest and the most capable. Within five years of taking over
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Chapter 86
Mable immediately changed her clothes and rushed to the hospital. Once there, she first looked at the patient’s case for the past two days before heading to the ward with Ethan. Mable was about to examine the patient when a woman standing by the bed rushed up to stop her. “Ethan, is this the professor you were talking about?”Hannah pointed at Mable with distrust. Ethan nodded and introduced, “Yes, this is Professor Mable Jefferson. The main surgeon who operated on Jacob.” “Her? What a joke!” Hannah put her hands on her waist. She was angry and anxious. Doctors who became professors were at least 40 years old. Mable looked about the same age as her, so how good could her medical skills be? Hannah pointed at Mable, so angry that her face turned red. “Ethan, how could you let someone so young operate on Jacob?!” “Hannah, shut up!” The man on the bed suddenly spoke hoarsely. “Jacob, you’re awake.” Hannah quickly walked to the bedside with concern. As the surgery was
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Chapter 87
Mable got out of the car halfway and took a new Uber, changing her route. She initially wanted to lead the other party to a quiet place so that she could catch them and ask what they wanted. Nevertheless, the black SUV did not follow her for too long this time. Suddenly, they turned around and left. Mable secretly noted down the license plate, planning to look into it at night. Due to the little interlude, she arrived at the fondue restaurant a few minutes late. Tracey sent her a message saying she had arrived and was on the second floor by the window. However, when Mable went upstairs, Tracey was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Blair was sitting by the window. He wore a black suit and looked extremely reserved. He seemed out of place with the atmosphere in the fondue restaurant. “Wow, that guy is so handsome. He’s simply top-notch. I wonder if he has a girlfriend!” “I can’t. He’s too attractive. I want to get his number.” “What if he has a girlfriend? Ah, I shouldn’t ov
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Chapter 88
Blair added Mable’s favorite, potatoes, to the pot. “It’s rare that you take food for me. I can’t bear to say no.” Mable was so angry that she laughed. Then, she asked, “Will you eat poison if I feed it to you?” Blair put down his chopsticks and looked seriously at her. “Mabes, can you bear to do that?” Mable was dumbfounded.‘Isn’t the answer obvious?!’ She would rather eat poison herself than let him get hurt. Blair stared at her with a big smile. Mable was so worried when he ate a little of something he was allergic to. It seemed she was not completely unfeeling toward him. Worried, Mable asked someone to buy a box of antihistamines from a nearby drugstore for her. The medicine arrived after they finished eating. Mable was only relieved after Blair took the medicine. When they returned home after dinner, Mable saw many gardeners working on the landscaping. “Are they planting something?” Mable asked. “Osmanthus, sunflowers, and strawberries.” Tracey said th
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Chapter 89
29 Massey Road. It was an abandoned workshop factory without many people around. Two large men in undershirts lifted the kidnapped woman from the car and threw her on the ground. “Behave well, or I’ll kill you with one shot!” Tracey had not encountered a scenario like this before. She was too scared to speak. When she was kidnapped by Henry, she was not afraid because she knew he would not harm her. This time, it was different. The few people who broke into her house were armed. It was clear they were not ordinary kidnappers. “Boss, she’s here,” a blonde man said. Only then did Tracey notice another car parked beside them. The car door opened, and a woman in a red dress stepped down. Tracey widened her eyes when she saw her. “Mmm!!!” ‘Beatrice! ‘What does this evil woman want?!’ Beatrice walked up to Tracey and looked hatefully at her with an air of superiority. “Tracey, don’t blame me for being cruel. Instead, blame Mable for being too sharp. You’re jus
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Chapter 90
Beatrice looked at Tracey and laughed out loud. Mable and Tracey were extremely close. If she came and saw that Tracey had been raped, one could imagine how she would look. Beatrice stood up straight and clapped her hands. “Go on.” The big man rubbed his hands and carried Tracey up. Then, he threw her onto the foam mattress on the side. The blonde man handed his gun to his accomplice and also walked over. Tracey struggled desperately. The rope on her wrist made her bleed. “Don’t. Please let me go. You can have as much money as you want. Please… “...Don’t come any closer. Help! Help!” The blonde man untied the rope on Tracey’s hand and ripped her jacket off in one smooth motion. “Nobody is here. No matter how much you scream, no one will come to save you.” The big man touched Tracey’s face. “Be good and enjoy yourself. We promise to make it pleasurable.” Tracey simply wanted to throw up. She struggled desperately. “Beatrice, make them stop! Stop! Don’t...” That said,
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