All Chapters of Her Reluctant Billionaire Boyfriend: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 41: Noah's Regret
Hailey watched helplessly as Noah stormed into the house. He'd almost knocked Rochester over. Kevin held the car door open, but his mouth was in a grim line. "I'm sorry, Miss Johnson. Mr. Magellan doesn't normally have a temper.""Well, I guess I've stretched him these days. No need to apologize. I've done it to myself.""I doubt that, Miss Johnson."She'd miscalculated, was what she'd done. She had never thought that her past would come back and rear its ugly head. "Thanks for your support, Kevin.""Yes, Ma'am."Hailey left Kevin in the driveway. She wouldn't pursue Noah. He had a right to his space. She went to her room. She might as well pack. She doubted that he would let her stay here. Her apartment lease wasn't up yet and she'd paid the rent so she could go back there. She shuddered at the idea having enjoyed the quiet and lack of crime out in the suburbs. She was tough. She could go back there and still be okay. She might lose her job, but she didn't want that job anymore. Hav
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Chapter 42: Day of Filming
Noah was still thinking about that kiss the next day when he was on set. He was distracted, but he'd learned his lines so no one noticed. Well, Cassandra might have noticed. They were filming outside again and the weather was cooperating. Noah couldn't complain about the day. What he could complain about were the constant interruptions. He and Hailey had laid low since their interaction with the reporters. He knew eventually they would have to make a statement, and his publicist was working on it. Until then, she's insisted that they stay out of the public eye.Noah would do that happily if there wasn't a gaggle of his fans in the parking lot to the studio. An amateur could have found out where they were filming. The director, Marvin Knight, had built it himself so he could be close to his family. What he hadn't provided was enough security to keep the crowd away. Marvin grimaced as he yelled, "Cut."The crowd shouldn't be there making that much noise and Noah sighed. Cassandra loo
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Chapter 43: Their Date
Hailey studied him. "Like a date?""Yes. It's normal for a man to take his girlfriend out for dates.""But I'm not a real one.""But we need to be in public at least a little bit. I feel as if you've been cramped in this house for days since your father's operation. You've been to see him and nothing else. Let's go for a drive.""Is Kevin available?""I gave him the afternoon off. Just you and me, Hailey."She liked that idea, but why was he doing this? No one would see them."I scoped out a cool road along the river," Noah said."You have a plan."It sounded like a date. It felt like a date. Why was he doing this? She would have preferred to only pretend when they had to. She would lose her heart to him if she kept spending time with him. His face had that small smile on it that she found irresistible. She was going to give in and she knew it. She'd have a good time, but at what cost? "It'll get your mind off of your father," Noah said. He was always thinking of her. "So what's th
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Chapter 44: Trouble
"Filming always seemed glamorous."Noah grimaced. "It's a lot of waiting around to make it all look seamless in the end.""I guess it's like sausage. You shouldn't see it made. It loses its appeal," Hailey said. "I have a confession to make," Noah said. Hailey's heart seized. What could Noah need to confess? "Okay.""I've been putting off telling you something.""Go ahead," Hailey said.She couldn't imagine it was any worse than her revelation of juvenile hall. If Noah had something comparable to say, he would have said it then. Still, she couldn't imagine what was going on in his head. He stopped them and turned to her. "I have an event tonight.""Okay." She shrugged. "What kind of event?""It's a fundraiser for a charity I often give to. I'm not in town usually, but they always invite me. I should have told you sooner. It's tomorrow night."Hailey wasn't sure how to unpack all of that. "Do I need to attend?""Yes, and be a loving girlfriend."That wasn't going to be difficult. She
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Chapter 45: A Turning Point
"Is everyone okay?" Kevin asked from the front. When Hailey looked that way, she could see blood. "Sore, but I think I'm okay. What about you Kevin?""The airbag hit me that's it. Nothing was broken from what I can tell.""Noah?" Hailey asked.He had been quiet, but he reached out to her. "I'm bleeding."Hailey could see that he had a gash on his head. "I'll call for an ambulance.""Already done," Kevin said.Hailey had an overwhelming desire to just get out of the car. She needed fresh and to make sure she was still in one piece. "Let's climb out."Her door was wedged into a bush and she couldn't budge it. "Let's try my side."Kevin was outside yanking the door open. "Let's assess and meet the ambulance crew by the road. We didn't travel that far down the hill."Noah took Hailey's hand as they ascended to the road. When they reached it, they found a streetlight where they could look at their wounds. They were all bleeding. "We are a sight, I'm sure," Hailey said. "Do you think that
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Chapter 46: Noah's Change of Heart
Noah breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't one of his fans that put them in the emergency department. It was some random person.He didn't like that they were there at all, but at least he didn't need to feel responsible. She squeezed his hand as she answered questions. "I'm sorry we couldn't tell you more. It was dark."The office grimaced. "It always is and it isn't the same car every time, but we think it is the same person. The accidents have happened in the same mile stretch of that road," the officer said.He closed up the notepad he was writing on a frown on his face. He handed Noah a card. "If you think of anything else, please call me.""Will do," Noah said. "You're going to have to get a new limousine," Hailey said. "If there ever was a first-world problem, this is it. Kevin called a tow truck. I called a rental place to get a car to drive us home," Noah said. "Should any of us be driving?" she asked. She had a point and Noah had no plans to make Kevin drive them home. He
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Chapter 47: Hailey Questions Things
Life is short.That was what was on the piece of paper that Hailey's father had given Noah. Hailey wondered if she should take that advice also. Production of the film had been delayed because of Noah's stitches, but now they were down to the last days. She hadn't made any moves and they'd hummed along like friends who kiss. If Hailey was going to express anything to Noah, she needed to do it soon.He'd invited her on set that day and she accepted. She hadn't gotten to see much filming last time and her editor had had her busy with other assignments. Today would be the day. Hailey would stake her claim. She'd gotten the impression from Noah that he was interested so she was going to go for it in a public way. Kevin parked the new limousine Noah had rented. The driver still had some bruising on his face, that was the last of the evidence of their accident. A man had been arrested in the case and Noah and Hailey would have to testify. She wasn't afraid and it would cause Noah to come
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Chapter 48: Noah Finishes Filming
Noah asked a crew member to bring Hailey to the set. She'd never seen him act and he was excited for her to be there. Even if he never planned to make a movie again, he wanted to share this with her. He wanted to share everything with her, but the contact had held him back. That was ending and then he could tell her how he truly felt. His heart leaped in his chest at the idea that he and Hailey could begin a true life together. No contract. No lying. He couldn't wait to bring her back to Tennessee and work out the logistics of them being together. He could build a house for her father on their property. He would do anything for Hailey. He wanted to spend his life making her happy and if she needed her father close then he would accommodate. The crew member came back. "I can't find her.""Maybe she was in the restroom."The crew member shook his head. "Cassandra said she'd seen her walking towards the parking lot."What had Cassandra done now? Noah couldn't deal with it. "Could you s
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Chapter 49: Hailey Makes Some Moves
"You look amazing, Daddy," Hailey said. She wasn't sure how much of the last few hours she should share with her father. He would want to know everything. He'd want to know the truth. He was probably healthy enough to help her deal with it all or even just listen.She sat on the edge of his hospital bed. He would be released later today back to his rehabilitation facility. His prognosis was better than it had ever been. She couldn't be happier to know she would have her father back. Having made a mess of her life, it might be nice to just be under his wing again. Even if it was only for a little bit. "I'm not sure about amazing, but I feel better than I have in a long time. The surgery worked and I couldn't be happier.""Me, neither.""You don't look so happy, Hailey. Troubles?"She frowned and sighed. "It's been a crazy day and now I'm adrift."She couldn't keep any thoughts in her head. She had no idea what her future held, but she knew Noah wasn't in it. Even if Cassandra had bee
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Chapter 50: Noah Comes Clean
"Noah," Hailey said as she slid off of her father's bed. Noah strode into the room. He still had manners so he extended his hand to Hailey's father. "I'm Noah Magellan."Judd took his hand and the grip was firm. He looked a lot better than the last time Noah had been here. Judd had been unconscious. Noah had done his best to give Hailey and her father space while he was recuperating. "Judd Johnson.""I've heard a lot about you," Noah said. His gaze strayed to Hailey who hadn't moved away from her father. Her mouth hung up as if she'd been surprised to see him. "I've heard a lot about you, too.""Thank you for that note, sir. It has made a difference in my life," Noah said. That was why he was here. Life was too short to be away from the woman he wanted by his side. "I'm glad. It's important to remember that," Judd said.Noah now couldn't take his gaze off Hailey. "Can we go somewhere and talk?" Noah asked. "If you don't mind."Judd waved a hand. "I think it's time for my morning
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