All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
592 Chapters
Chapter 451 Slandering Laura
Amelia was slightly taken aback by Laura's words.She then remembered the message that she didn't bother to read.She didn't expect Laura to actually turn her down and refused to let her treat her to a meal."Miss Walker, I took the initiative to treat you to a meal, but you refused. Don't you think it's a little inappropriate?"Amelia's words made Laura feel really puzzled.First of all, the two of them didn't know each other that well. They had only met a few times. Second of all, why couldn't she turn Amelia down?"I'm sorry, Miss Walker. I came to Jeswood this time with my family on holiday. Therefore, thank you for your invitation. I'll treat you to a meal next time when I get the chance."Laura's words meant that she had turned Amelia down again.After hearing those words, Amelia tightened her grip around her phone. Her eyes were full of anger. She wanted to say something, but after looking around at the waiters around her, she decided to not say anything. In the end, she
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Chapter 452 Family in Jeswood
Meanwhile, Laura was accompanying the two elders, Shannon, and Harry.Shannon was walking beside Laura and could roughly hear the voice on the other end of the line when Laura was on the phone. She looked at Laura with concern and asked, "What's wrong?"Laura told Shannon about Amelia inviting her to a meal. After hearing the whole story, Shannon was at a loss for words."She's being a little too bossy, isn't she? You've already turned her down. Does she want to force you to go or something? How could she be so unreasonable?"Linda also heard the conversation between Laura and Shannon. "She looks like she is a child from an affluent family. The children of affluent families nowadays can be quite bossy. However, that Miss Summers..."Linda frowned and seemed to be recalling something. "Do you still remember your uncle, Laura? Miss Summers looks quite like our uncle."Laura couldn't really remember her uncle very well. She felt that she hadn't seen many people from her family ever
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Chapter 453 Affluent Family
When Shona heard Clara's voice on the phone, her chest heaved up and down. "That bitch really did go to Jeswood!"'She's such an ungrateful bastard. I've raised her for so many years and she doesn't listen to me at all,' thought Shona."Did she realize anything?" Shona asked with concern.The thing that Shona was most afraid of was that Laura would find out about something and affect Amelia's life.Clara thought about it and said, "I don't think so. Jeswood is very big anyway. I've been in Jeswood for so many years and I've never met Amelia before, right? You don't need to be too worried. There won't be any coincidences.""That's good then..." Shona felt that Clara had a point. There weren't so many coincidences.After finding out that her daughter was still alive and was living a good life, Shona would be very excited every time she thought about it.The only thing Shona hoped for now was that her daughter would live a happy life.Shona's eyes turned cold when she thought of L
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Chapter 454 Nathan Saying Hello
Laura and Linda didn't head back out either. The two of them kept Madam Jacobs company in the hotel in the afternoon.Shannon and Harry returned home in the evening and Chris had returned as well.Chris suggested that they would go out for dinner. There were quite a few restaurants in Jeswood that served great food. The others didn't have any problems with that either.After making the booking in advance, Chris drove everyone to the restaurant. The car only seated five people including the driver, so Harry had to get a taxi by himself to the restaurant.When they arrived at the restaurant, they got out of the car and Chris parked the car in the car park.However, the cars of the customers of the restaurant were all luxury cars. Chris's car which only cost around 20 thousand dollars really stood out.A lot of people looked at Laura and the others to size them up.When Chris returned, Harry got out of the taxi as well. The six of them walked into the restaurant and took their seat
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Chapter 455 Chris Blushing
Shannon smiled embarrassingly. "It's alright, Grandma. You guys have been paying everything since the beginning and I didn't pay a penny. I feel a little embarrassed if this kept on happening."Laura knew when Shannon went to pay the bill. She knew what was on Shannon's mind. She also knew that if she didn't let Shannon pay the bill, Shannon would always have something on her mind and wouldn't be enjoying the rest of the holiday.Therefore, Laura didn't stop Shannon from paying the bill.Now that the bill was paid, Madam Jacobs didn't dwell. She did, however, tell Harry to take good care of Shannon. If he didn't she would definitely break his leg.When the six of them returned to the hotel, they were planning on going to bed.Everything had been taken care of in Jeswood, so Chris was planning on taking Laura around Jeswood the following day.The weather was becoming warmer and warmer. As soon as Laura arrived back at the hotel, she went to the bathroom to take a shower.After th
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Chapter 456 Conflict
After drinking the water, Laura went to bed."I'll go get a shower." Chris's voice echoed in the quiet room.The mentioning of the word "shower" caused Laura to think of what just happened.Her face was calm, but as soon as Chris entered the bathroom, Laura buried her head under the bed cover.She and Chris had been married for almost a year, but the most they had done was kissing each other.Laura didn't expect Chris to see her naked today. She was more shy than anything else.However, when Chris walked out of the bathroom, he saw that Laura wasn't moving in bed. He guessed that she had fallen asleep.Chris dried his hair with a towel as he was scared that the noise of the hairdryer would wake Laura up.He leaned in and looked at Laura's delicate face and red lips. That was when his eyes darkened and he landed a kiss on Laura's lips.The truth was that Laura wasn't asleep. She had heard Chris coming out, she just didn't move.However, she didn't expect Chris to kiss her when
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Chapter 457 What a Joke
The surveillance cameras in the area really were down.Amelia curved her lips. "What a coincidence, Miss Walker. We meet again. I can forgive you when you stood me up. But this time, your staff scraped my car. If you don't fix it, then you'll definitely have to suffer the consequences.""Miss Summers, do you have any proof that it was them who scraped your car and not someone else?" Laura looked at Amelia calmly.Shannon had told Laura that it wasn't her. Therefore, Laura chose to trust her.Amelia's face changed slightly as she looked angrily at Laura. "You're saying that I'm slandering them then?""It wasn't us in the first place. You said that we scraped your car as soon as you showed up. And you're saying that you weren't slandering us?""I wanted to give you a chance to admit to your mistakes. Since you don't want it, then let's get the police to deal with it." Amelia sneered when she saw Laura and Shannon's attitudes. She then took out her phone.Laura and the others didn'
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Chapter 458 Laura Taken Away
Meanwhile, when no one was watching, Chris took out his phone.Two minutes later, Chris hung up.The police officer in charge ordered one of the female officers to take Laura into custody. "Take her back with us as well. She dared to assault a police officer.""Laura didn't even touch you!" Shannon became desperate. This had nothing to do with Laura at all, but Laura still had to be taken away because of her."Shut your mouth! I said she assaulted an officer and that's what happened!"Laura broke free from the female officer. "I can walk by myself. I doubt you can do whatever you want!"Chris frowned. He was unhappy and his face darkened. "I'm going as well."Laura didn't want Chris to be involved, but she didn't dare say anything after seeing the look on his face.Harry was involved, so there was no way Chris was going to just stand back and do nothing.Therefore, Amelia, Laura, Shannon, Harry, and Chris were all taken to the police station for questioning.Amelia looked at
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Chapter 459 Offending the Summers Family
"You know full well why I'm here!" Brian looked at Laura and then calmed himself down. He then told the officer who was interrogating Laura, Andrew, to leave the room, leaving Laura alone in the interrogation room."Mr. West, I got orders to punish this woman from Miss Summers. I had no choice."Faced with Brian's questioning, Andrew had no choice but to bring out Amelia."Miss Summers? Which Miss Summers? How come I didn't know about this? Are you going to do everything she says? Do you think she can keep you covered if anything happens to you?"Andrew's obsessiveness caused Brian to be infuriated and he slammed the table."No one dares to offend the Summers family in Jeswood. Those people are just a bunch of ordinary civilians. Why should we offend Miss Summers for ordinary civilians? Mr. West, you just don't know how to bend the rules."At first, Andrew was afraid of Brian, but when he thought of the fact that he was backed by the Summers family, he was no longer scared. He be
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Chapter 460 Amelia Wants Laura to Plead
After Brian told Andrew to leave the room, he arranged for his men to make arrangements for Laura and the others.After all, Amelia didn't have any proof, so there was no reason to keep them in interrogation rooms all the time."What's happening? Why are you kept here for so long?" It was the first time that Shannon had been kept in the police station for so long, so she was a little worried."We didn't scrape her car. There's nothing to worry about." This was the first time that Harry was in a police station under such circumstances as well."Harry's right. They can't give us a sentence with no reason, right, Chris?" Laura looked at Chris.She said that to comfort Shannon, but she wasn't sure either.She had seen the looks on the faces of those police officers."Yep." Chris nodded calmly.He had an indifferent look on his face, but deep down, he already had a plan. "There's nothing to worry about. They'll have to let us out when the time is up."The time of interrogation coul
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