All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
592 Chapters
Chapter 461 Words Can Be Meaningful
"Idiot! I can't believe you've managed to let him get the better of you. You're on your own now!" Amelia couldn't help but curse.She wanted to get someone to teach Laura and the others a lesson, but it kept on getting her into trouble.Andrew was very worried, but he had no choice but to bow to Amelia and apologize. "You can leave everything to me, Miss Summers. Don't worry. I'll make sure this matter won't affect you."Amelia snorted and left.Andrew saw Amelia out respectfully. When he turned around he saw Chris putting his cufflink back.Andrew glared at the cufflink which was also a voice recorder. "You guys, bring that guy to me."He had asked his men to confiscate all communication devices to prevent leaving any evidence of what he was doing.However, he didn't expect Chris to have a cufflink which was also a voice recorder. No one would have thought that a cufflink would also be a voice recorder."I don't think it's appropriate, Mr. Lowe." One of the officers was a litt
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Chapter 462 Who Are They?
"Who are these people locked in here?" Erik stopped walking when he arrived outside the room where Chris and the others were locked."These people scraped a luxury car and weren't willing to pay for the damage caused. It's been a night and they still didn't admit to what they've done. It's only a civil dispute, I think you won't be interested in such a small matter, Mr. Wilkinson.""Small matters are also important. I want to see who these people are." Erik seemed to be very interested in Chris and the others and ordered Andrew to let him in.Andrew opened the door hesitantly and followed Erik inside.When Erik walked inside, he looked around the room and when he saw Chris, he stopped. A surprised look flashed in his eyes. "They're the people who scraped the luxury car?""Yes, they've been here a day, but still didn't admit to what they've done. They won't be able to afford the compensation, so they definitely won't admit to what they've done and act shameless.""Do you have any
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Chapter 463 Deliberate Slandering
Andrew still wanted to explain, but Erik didn't give him that chance."I'll look into this matter. As for you, you will be temporarily suspended until everything is figured out. You will be able to resume your post or be punished according to the result of the investigation."After solving Andrew's matters, Erik asked Chris and the others about the details of what happened. He then immediately sent men to check the surveillance cameras.As expected, all the cameras were damaged and they couldn't see what happened.However, they were able to find some clues from a KOL.The KOL just happened to be visiting the water park that Harry and Shannon went to, so she recorded her day.The video just happened to have recorded everything that happened that day.At first, Amelia parked the car at the side of the road and then got out.However, they could clearly see in the video that there was already a scratch on the Rolls Royce.Two minutes later, Shannon and Harry appeared next to the c
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Chapter 464 Any Questions?
Amelia was soon taken to the interrogation room.When she didn't see Andrew, she felt a little confused. "Where's Andrew?""Which Andrew are you talking about??""The chief of police here. Don't you know him?"Amelia felt a little dissatisfied with the police officer's reply, so she frowned and her voice wasn't really happy either."Our chief of police is no longer Andrew anymore." The officer thought about it and shook his head."What do you mean Andrew isn't the chief of police anymore?"The officer didn't answer Amelia's question this time. "That, I can't tell you. Someone will be here to ask you a few questions. I'll be leaving now."With that said, the officer left the room.Amelia's instincts told her that things weren't that simple. She wondered if something had happened.Before she could figure out what was going on, two people walked into the room and sat directly in front of her."Hello, Miss Summers, I'm Brian West. I have a few questions that I want to ask you ab
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Chapter 465 Changing the Subject
"Please can you check the recorded content and if there aren't any other problems, please sign it."Amelia quickly read through the recorded content and signed it when she was sure that there weren't any problems.Brian looked at the signature and then nodded. "Alright, thank you for your cooperation, Miss Summers. You may leave now."Amelia then left the police station. She did know about the scratch on her car. She recognized Shannon and knew that she worked at Laura's convenience store. Therefore, when she saw Shannon and Harry, she came up with a plan.Laura and Shannon were very good friends. They had also come to Jeswood together. Amelia knew that if something happened to Shannon, Laura would definitely show up.That was why she suddenly wanted to put the blame for the scratches on her car on Shannon. Amelia felt that there was no way Laura and Shannon would be able to afford the repairs. This meant that she could take this chance to make Laura look bad in front of the Summe
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Chapter 466 Amelia's Text
After what happened, Laura and the others had no intention of staying in Jeswood any longer. Plus the weather was getting hotter, so they planned to return to Empfield.The night before the day of their departure, there was a problem with Chris's contract."You guys head back. I'll need to stay for a few more days."After having a shower, Chris got into bed. He wrapped an arm around Laura's shoulder and allowed her to lean on him as he caressed her hair.When Laura heard those words, she widened her eyes and sat up as she looked at Chris. "Why do you have to stay? Did something happen?"There was a trace of concern in her voice.Chris then tried to comfort Laura. "It's about the contract that we just signed. The business partner has encountered some problems. The person who signed the contract with me was fired a long time ago, but he still possessed the company's stamp and the company didn't remove his name from the system. Now that the contract has been signed, our business par
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Chapter 467 Dislike
"I'm sorry that there's been a misunderstanding between us last time, Miss Walker. Can I treat you to a meal as an apology?"Amelia's attitude was very soft and gentle. She was acting completely different from the arrogant person she was a few days ago.Laura looked at her phone and then locked the screen. She decided to ignore Amelia.The two of them didn't know each other very well. If it weren't for the video proof they had found, they would still probably be locked in the police station. Therefore, Laura felt that Amelia didn't want to treat her to a meal because she wanted to apologize. It was probably a setup.Besides, even if Amelia wanted to apologize, Laura felt that Amelia would need to treat Shannon and Harry to a meal and not her. Why would Amelia want to treat her to a meal?Chris, who was standing next to Laura noticed the change in Laura's expression. "How come you're suddenly in a daze after looking at your phone?"Chris's words caused Laura to come back to her se
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Chapter 468 Getting a Strand of Laura's Hair
Laura followed Amelia into the car.It was the same Rolls Royce as the one a couple of days ago. However, the scratch was gone.Amelia parked the car outside a cafe called "The Encounter"."Hello, have you made a booking?" asked a member of staff.Amelia passed a card to the waiter and the waiter immediately became respectful. He then led the two of them inside."This is your table, Miss Summers. What can I get you?""A hot Latte please."Amelia then passed the menu to Laura.Laura passed the menu back to the waiter. "I'm fine, thank you."She wasn't here to drink coffee.After the waiter had left, Laura asked Amelia, "Why do you keep wanting to see me, Miss Summers?"Amelia got straight to the point as well. "I want you to leave Jeswood. I just wanted to say this to you in person and get you to leave as soon as possible.""Why?" It was Laura's turn to feel puzzled this time.She felt that they didn't offend Amelia in any way and weren't causing Amelia any trouble at all.
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Chapter 469 Courteous and Sincerity
"One dollar." Amelia looked through her bag and took out a 20-dollar note.When the girl wanted to give Amelia her change, she said, "Keep the change.""I can't." Amelia's words shocked the girl."It's alright, just keep it. I feel that you look like a friend of mine. It's a pity that she's gone. Seeing you is like seeing her. Can I come here more often in the future?" Amelia pretended to be sad."Sure. But I still can't take this money." The girl wanted to give the change to Amelia, but Amelia didn't let her."It's alright. Take as the money I've paid you for talking to me if I come in the future."Seeing that Amelia insisted, the girl had no choice but to nod and accept the money. "Then I won't charge you any money in the future when you come.""Okay." Amelia curved her lips slightly. She then said, "Oh, my name's Amelia Summers by the way. What's your name?""My name's Nancy Sugden.""Okay, you don't mind me calling you Nancy, right?""Not at all." Nancy shook her head.A
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Chapter 470 Being Drunk
Due to Amelia's appearance, Laura's plans for the day were ruined.On the way back to the hotel Laura realized that it was lunchtime, so she just bought some food and was going to eat it in the hotel room.She no longer wanted to go out anymore today.When Laura arrived back at the hotel, Chris had already returned as well."Where did you go? Have you eaten? Do you want to go out to get something to eat?"Seeing that Laura had returned, Chris stood up and walked towards her.Laura sat on the sofa and started complaining to Chris about what happened. "I always had a feeling that Amelia was acting strangely. I was about to head out to get something for breakfast. Who would have known that she was waiting for me outside the hotel? I felt that if I didn't go with her today, she would definitely keep texting me, so I followed her to a cafe. I asked her why she wanted to talk to me so badly, do you what she said?""What did she say?" asked Chris as he cocked his brows, signaling Laura
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