All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
592 Chapters
Chapter 481 Paternity Test
Mrs. Summers walked out of the operating room with a pale face after giving blood.Amelia helped Mrs. Summers to sit down on the chair.She then said deliberately, "Mom, I didn't expect Nancy to have the same blood type as you..."This was something that Mrs. Summers didn't expect. She then thought of Nancy's pale face which looked a lot like her, which made her feel that Nancy was probably her long-lost daughter."Mom... I have a feeling that Nancy is my sister. Could that be possible?"The sister that Amelia was referring to was Mrs. Summers' biological daughter.Mrs. Summers grabbed Amelia's hand and said, "I suspect the same thing as well."Amelia knew that Mrs. Summers would suspect this sooner or later, but after hearing Mrs. Summers admit to it herself, Amelia still couldn't help but sneer inwardly. 'As expected, this old fool had always wanted to find her own daughter!'Amelia forced herself to calm down and said, "I don't know why, but as soon as I met Nancy, I had a s
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Chapter 482 Nancy With the Summers Family
"What?" Nancy widened her eyes in shock. Her eyes were filled with disbelief.Amelia told Nancy about the paternity test. It took Nancy a while to come back to her senses.She looked at Mrs. Summers who was hugging her and crying and then at Mr. Summers and Nathan. Their eyes were red as well.Nancy then said, "So... so you're my mom, dad and... brother?"After hearing those words, Mrs. Summers cried even louder. Even Mr. Summers turned around to wipe the tears from his eyes."My child. You're my daughter, my biological daughter." Mrs. Summers pulled Nancy into a tight embrace.Looking at the state of Mrs. Summers, Nancy couldn't help but hug her bag. She then shouted, "Mom!"The two of them cried in each other's arms.Everyone in the ward chatted for a while. When they found out that Nancy was deliberately hurt by someone, Mr. Summers became infuriated."I'll definitely get to the bottom of this. I want to see who was it that had the guts to hurt my daughter like that!" he sa
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Chapter 483 Feel Threatened
The news of the Summers family finding their long-lost daughter quickly spread throughout the whole of Jeswood.The Summers family even held a banquet for Nancy's return. Laura also received an invitation as well.Laura and Chris were already prepared to head back to Empfield, but when they received the invitation, Laura decided to stay for a couple more days.Nancy wore a luxurious dress and greeted the guests with Mrs. Summers.Finding the daughter that she had lost for over 20 years caused Mrs. Summers to be filled with joy. She introduced Nancy to everyone.Nancy was a little shy and scared. She wrapped her arms around Amelia's arms and wasn't willing to let go.Amelia didn't show it, but she felt very disdainful deep down. 'No wonder you're a fake. You're such a coward!'Seeing that everyone was complimenting Nancy, Amelia felt very jealous."Nancy looks a lot like Mrs. Summers indeed. She's a beauty as well.""That's right. She's a true beauty. Mrs. Summers, my nephew ha
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Chapter 484 Asking Laura to Keep a Secret
Looking at the group of men in front of her, Nancy's blood boiled."You borrowed 10 thousand dollars from us and said that you would pay us back within six months plus interest. However, you were a month overdue. This added to the interest. You should now pay us another 40 thousand dollars.""40 thousand dollars?" Nancy couldn't help but raise her voice, but she seemed to not want anyone to hear her and lowered her voice again. She gritted her teeth and said, "You're blackmailing me!""Nancy Sudgen, or should I call you Nancy Summers now? You're the daughter of the Summers family. 40 thousand dollars should be nowhere near your monthly pocket money. Look at what you're wearing today, an accessory is already worth more than 40 thousand dollars.""Nancy Summers, if you don't want us to tell others that you used to work at a nightclub, then you'd better pay up!"The group of men all laughed. Nancy moved her lips, but no words came out.There was no way that she would allow her past
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Chapter 485 Mrs. Summers Meeting Chris
Nancy looked at Laura pleadingly."Alright." Laura nodded.Seeing Laura nod her head, Nancy breathed a sigh of relief.She then gave Laura a friendly smile.Even if Nancy didn't ask Laura to keep this a secret, Laura wouldn't tell anyone anyway. She had never been a big mouth.Nancy and Laura walked towards the banquet hall together.Meanwhile, outside the banquet hall. The group of men were just leaving when they saw Amelia, who was entering the building.When Amelia went to find Nancy in the past, she had seen those men causing trouble in Nancy's store. Therefore, when she saw those men, she furrowed her brows and walked towards them.Chris was looking for Laura when she arrived back in the banquet hall."I went for a walk in the back garden. Sorry to keep you waiting."Chris walked over to Laura and held her hand. "It's alright."Laura looked around and said, "Let's go say hello to Mrs. Summers and then we can head off home."Chris nodded and pulled his hat down a little
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Chapter 486 Not Allowing Laura Into Jeswood
"I didn't expect you to be married at such a young age."While saying those words, Mrs. Summers suddenly had tears welling up in her eyes. But she didn't know why her heart was aching and why she was feeling upset.Laura nodded and said, "That's right. I've been married for almost a year.""Time does fly." Mrs. Summers smiled. "You're very beautiful and your husband's very good-looking as well. The two of you are a good match."Laura felt a little embarrassed and smiled.She and Chris didn't stay in the room for long."Mrs. Summers, I'm going back to Empfield tomorrow. You can come to Empfield when you have time in the future," said Laura."Going back so soon?" Mrs. Summers felt a little surprised.However, when Mrs. Summers thought about it, she felt it was reasonable. Laura was Empfield and was only in Jeswood for a holiday. Therefore, she wouldn't be in Jeswood for too long.Mrs. Summers wasn't willing for Laura to leave, so she held Laura's hand and patted it lightly. "Oka
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Chapter 487 Laura Wasn't a Good Person
Nancy could tell that Amelia and Laura weren't on good terms. She didn't know much about what was going on between the two of them. She walked over to Amelia and asked her about what just happened.Amelia's lips curved into a sneer when she heard Nancy's question. "Laura... she's not a good person at all. She might look like she's innocent, but she's actually a scheming person."Amelia began to bring shame on Laura. Nancy was surprised at first, then shocked, and then resentful."I didn't expect Laura to be like that. She's so disgusting!"After hearing Nancy say those words, Amelia felt much better. "She's just jealous because I'm from a more affluent family than her. I was raised by the Summers family and she's just a puny store clerk. She had been going against me since we met in Empfield. Now that she's in Jeswood, she took advantage of the fact that my mom likes her and keeps having a disdainful attitude towards me. Remember to stay away from her in the future."Nancy nodded
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Chapter 488 Wanting to Go to Work
Chris then opened a bottle of water and said, "Here, have some water."Laura nodded and then took a small sip to hydrate her throat."You haven't eaten, right?" Laura at the food in the lunchbox.Chris shook his head.Laura then took out a piece of the sandwich inside and passed it to Chris. He then took a bite.Feeling Chris's lips touch her fingers, Laura widened her eyes. Her ears then turned red.'What is this guy doing? Why is he licking my fingers when I'm feeding him?' Laura exclaimed inwardly.Laura passed the rest of the piece of sandwich to Chris, but this time, she deliberately placed her hand further away from his mouth.Seeing what Laura was doing, Chris chuckled and stopped teasing her.Meanwhile, the Summers family.As soon as Nancy woke up on her big bed, she saw a message from Frank Sugden, her adopted father.Ever since Nancy was taken in by the Summers family, the Summers family hired the best doctors from all over the country to treat Frank. They also gav
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Chapter 489 Too Many Requests
"Of course, you can. You can tell Nathan about it when he gets back," Mrs. Summers said with a smile.Nathan was the person in charge of the Summers Group at the moment.After hearing Mrs. Summers' reply, Nancy immediately nodded her head excitedly.Mr. Summers, Nathan, and Amelia returned during dinner time.There were the roast chicken and duck on the table that Nancy said she wanted in the morning.Nancy offered a piece of chicken and duck to everyone on the table, but Amelia refused both."I'm alright, thank you, Nancy. I don't really like chicken and duck.""Okay." Nancy had no choice but to take the chicken and duck back.Amelia smiled and placed a lobster onto her plate.Nancy picked up the drink in front of her and raised the glass at Nathan. "I propose a toast to you, Nathan."Nancy was actually a little nervous in front of Nathan.Nathan would normally be busy, so Nancy rarely saw him. They wouldn't talk much every time they bump into each other either. This was ve
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Chapter 490 Bumpkin
Nancy was already a little unhappy when Amelia tried to stop her from going to work at the Summers Group. Now that Amelia was still trying to convince her not to go, Nancy lost her temper a little as well."Nathan has already said that I can go work as an assistant in the administrative department. That means I'm not completely useless at all," said Nancy."He just doesn't want to turn you down."Nathan had always treated the members of the Summers family really well. This was something Amelia had always known. But she didn't expect Nancy to use Nathan to try to get her to back off.'Does she really think she's the boss now that she's been taken in by the Summers family?'"I don't know what you're talking about. You can go ask Nathan if you have any problems, Amelia."Nancy didn't continue the argument with Amelia. After saying those words, she headed to her own room.Anger arose in Amelia's heart. She looked at Nancy's receding figure and a malicious and insidious look flashed
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