All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
592 Chapters
Chapter 491 The Daughter of the Summers Family
Nancy had heard every single word that the servants had said. Her eyes immediately turned red and her body trembled. "What are you talking about?"The servants looked at the source and they were all shocked when they saw Nancy.They scattered and fled the scene.'How did they know that I worked at a nightclub?' wondered Nancy.She quickly took out her phone and that was when a push notification popped up on her screen."The Daughter of the Summers Family Used to Work at a Nightclub!"The report was anonymous and was posted not so long after midnight.Nancy had slept early the previous night, so she didn't see the news report. Only a few hours had passed and it was already going viral on the internet.The content of the news report was basically saying that the daughter that the Summers family had just found used to work at a nightclub. There was even a picture of Nancy from when she used to work at the nightclub.In the picture, a man had an arm wrapped around her waist.The
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Chapter 492 Amelia Feeling Proud of Herself
Nancy felt that she had brought shame onto the Summers family and she was afraid that she would kick her out.That was not something she wanted to happen. She had only lived a few days of good life and didn't want to be abandoned by the Summers family because of the scandal.Mrs. Summers walked up to Nancy and asked her what happened. But Nancy just sobbed and said nothing.Amelia saw this when she came down the stairs. Seeing the state of Nancy, Amelia realized what had happened.Her lips curved into a smile and pretended not to know anything. She looked at Nancy and pretended to be surprised. "Nancy, what happened? Why are you crying?"Nancy raised her eyes and looked at Amelia, but she didn't answer Amelia's questions.Amelia answered a call in front of Mrs. Summers and Nancy. After she hung up, she looked down at her phone in disbelief. She then turned and asked, "Nancy, what's this all about? Did you really work at such a place?"Amelia placed the phone in front of Mrs. Sum
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Chapter 493 Shona's First Visit
Nancy planned on going to the bathroom to wash up. Amelia followed her.After walking into the bathroom, Amelia closed the door and stood beside Nancy. She looked at Nancy as Nancy removed her makeup.Nancy was about to reapply her makeup when Amelia said, "Nancy, are you prepared to go to work today?"Nancy nodded. "That's right..."Amelia smiled. "Nancy, if I were you, I wouldn't go to work. This matter has reached the top of the list of trending searches. A lot of people now know about you. If you go to the company now, I'm afraid that you won't be able to stand others talking about you."Nancy froze for a second as she gave Amelia a puzzled look. "But Mom and the others believe me and they're going to explain to everyone about it a swell.""We're your family, of course, we believe you. But what about the others? They can say whatever they want and that's not something we can control. Even if we explained things to them, how many people would choose to believe us? What proof d
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Chapter 494 Fast Change of Mood
Shona raised her chin a little and said, "I came here to see my daughter, of course. What? You're my daughter and I can't come to see you? You're so unfilial."Laura sneered at those words."How did your trip to Jeswood go? Was Jeswood more interesting than Empfield? I told you not to go to Jeswood, but you didn't listen. I really don't know what you were thinking. Isn't Empfield big enough for you? You just had to go to Jeswood."After hearing Shona's words, Shannon frowned as well.She had known Laura for quite a long time now. When they were working at the previous convenience store, Shona had come to cause trouble a couple of times. Therefore, Shannon didn't have a good impression of Shona at all.Now that she heard what Shona had said, Shannon spoke up for Laura. "Don't you think you're a little too nosy? Laura can go wherever she wants. What's it got anything to do with you?""Who do you think you are? I'm talking to my daughter. What's it got anything to do with you?"Sha
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Chapter 495 Mrs. Summers Going to Empfield
"Oh, you don't want them? Alright, alright. I won't send them to you then. You can tell me what you want in the future and I'll send them to you." Shona sounded a little disappointed.After hanging up, she lowered her head and looked at her phone. She then sighed and walked back into the house.However, what Shona didn't expect was that the curtains of the window next to the balcony were opened. Lena was there with a curious look on her face.Who was Shona ringing just now and why was her voice so gentle?Shona even wanted to send the other party the gifts that her relatives gave her.After coming to the Walker family for so long, Lena knew what kind of person Shona was.Shona would rather throw things away than give them to someone else, not to mention send them to another city.This made Lena very curious."Amelia..."When Luke came home in the evening, Lena asked him about the name.After Luke heard the name, he said, "Amelia Summers. She's the person who ran my dad over."
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Chapter 496 Wanting to be Laura’s Godmother
Mrs. Summers nodded at Mr. Summers' words.Seeing this, Amelia knew that it was inappropriate for her to say anything else. However, she was using so much force on her cutlery that her plate was about to crack.If Mrs. Summers went to Empfield, then that would mean she might meet Laura again.The thought of the two of them meeting made Amelia very uncomfortable.'Why does this bitch have to cause trouble for me all the time? If she wants to go out, she can do so by herself! Why does she want to go to Empfield anyway? Such a bitch!' Amelia cursed inwardly.Amelia lowered her head and looked at the plate in front of her and a fierce look appeared in her eyes. 'It looks like I need to speed things up.'Mrs. Summers and Nancy went to Empfield. Before they were setting off, Mrs. Summers sent Laura a text telling her that she was going to Empfield.When Laura saw the text, her eyes lit up. Somehow, she felt really happy after hearing that Mrs. Summers was coming to Empfield.She then
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Chapter 497 Nancy's Slandering
Mrs. Summers stood up and said to Laura, "The two of you can continue eating, I'll just pop to the toilet."Laura wanted to accompany Mrs. Summers, but the latter refused. "No, it's fine. There's no need. You two continue eating. You don't need to worry about me, I'll be right back."Laura had no choice but to nod her head.Nancy had a smile on her face when Mrs. Summers was around, but as soon as the latter walked out of the room, Nancy slammed the cutlery in her hand on the table. She looked at Laura and sneered. "Laura, you need to know your place. Don't try to accept things that don't belong to you."Laura was completely confused."Don't you know the status of the Summer family? Do you think you're worthy of being my mom's goddaughter? Do you think it's even possible? I'd suggest you know your place and don't take what my mom said seriously.""I think you worry too much, Miss Summers. I didn't even say a word throughout this matter," said Laura.When she heard that Mrs. Summ
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Chapter 498 Being Deliberate
Mrs. Summers quickly took Nancy to the hospital. Laura hesitated, but still followed.In the hospital, after the burn on Nancy's arm was treated, she glared at Laura. She pointed at her and said, "Mom, it's her! She's the one who caused this."Laura couldn't believe what she was hearing.After hearing Nancy's words, Laura furrowed her brows. 'What the hell is she talking about?'Laura felt that she hadn't offended Nancy in any way. What happened in the private room just now made Laura feel that Nancy was deliberately causing trouble and making things difficult for her. Now, Nancy was even slandering her.'What a joke,' thought Laura."I'm not." Compared to Nancy, who was angry, Laura was much calmer. "You're the one who tried to pour the boiling water on me but ended up burning yourself."When Mrs. Summers heard the first half of Laura's sentence, she widened her eyes in shock and subconsciously walked over to Laura."Laura, are you alright? Were you hurt?"Laura shook her hea
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Chapter 499 Nancy in a Panic
After Laura got into the car, Chris asked, "What happened? You don't look so happy."Laura didn't expect to notice such details.No one liked to be slandered and Laura was no exception. She didn't really care about Nancy slandering her today, but she still felt a little upset."I don't think I'm showing it, but you still noticed."Chris held the steering wheel with one hand and Laura's hand with the other. He then gently rubbed her hand. "What happened?"Laura then told Chris what happened during dinner.After that, she said, "I don't think I've offended her in any way. I don't know why she wants to make things difficult for me. However, it's no big deal. It won't affect me in any way."Laura had always been a reasonable person and wouldn't allow others to affect her mood that much.She had been a little unhappy just now, but the unhappiness disappeared after she told Chris about what happened.When Laura arrived back at the convenience store, it was the evening, but it wasn't
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Chapter 500 The Whole Story
"I just felt upset that you were speaking up for Laura back there. I'm your daughter..."Tears began to well up in Nancy's eyes as she said those words.Mrs. Summers passed her a piece of tissue. "I wasn't on anyone's side. I was just asking if there was some kind of misunderstanding between the two of you. After all, trying to pour boiling water on someone isn't a small matter."Nancy gritted her teeth. "I know. But Mom, I'm your daughter, I wouldn't slander Laura for no reason either. I don't know why she tried to pour boiling water on me. It's probably because you said that you wanted to be her godmother and I said that you will need her parents to agree as well. This delayed you becoming her godmother, so she was probably upset about it."After saying those words, Nancy quickly lowered her head and pretended to look pitiful.Mrs. Summers frowned. "I think you've mistaken, Nancy. The way I see it, even if Laura's parents agreed, Laura wouldn't.""Why? Our family's so rich," Na
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