All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 511 - Chapter 520
592 Chapters
Chapter 511 Improvement in Life
Seeing this, Mrs. Summers looked at her bodyguard and the person who threw a water bottle at Lena was dragged out of the crowd. The police were then called.When Nancy saw that the table was turned, a flash of unwillingness appeared in her eyes. She didn't want things to end.She was planning on making Laura look bad in public, but things had turned out completely wrong.After dealing with Jessica, it was already quite late.Mrs. Summers looked tired as well."Mrs. Summers, let's continue tomorrow.""Okay. I'll get the driver to give you a lift back home.Mrs. Summers would always have a gentle smile on her face when she talked to Laura. This made Nancy feel very jealous.However, Mrs. Summers was her mother and combined with her status, Nancy didn't dare say anything.Laura shook her head. "Thank you, Mrs. Summers. But my husband is coming to pick me up."She had just sent Chris a text and he was on his way.Mrs. Summers nodded her head after hearing those words and no long
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Chapter 512 Mrs. Summers' Questioning
Laura received a message from Mrs. Summers as soon as she arrived home."I'm home, Mrs. Summers," she replied.Mrs. Summer only felt relieved when she saw that Laura was home. She told Laura to get some rest and then said goodnight before putting down her phone.When Nancy walked out of the bathroom, she saw Mrs. Summers typing on her phone.It didn't take a rocket scientist to work out that Mrs. Summers was talking to Laura.Nancy didn't understand why Mrs. Summers liked Laura so much. What was so good about her?She felt Laura was someone who didn't keep her word and was also very scheming.Nancy took a deep breath. 'I can't let this go on. I need to do something to expose Laura for who she really is! I can let my mom be fooled by her.'Just when a determined look appeared in Nancy's eyes, Mrs. Summers' voice sounded. "Nancy.""Yes, Mom? What is it?"Nancy quickly walked over and sat beside Mrs. Summers on the sofa.Mrs. Summers looked at Nancy with a smile on her face, bu
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Chapter 513 No Trouble
Nancy bit her lip but remained silent.Mrs. Summers waited patiently for Nancy's answer.Quite a while had passed and Nancy finally spoke, "Mom, there is no misunderstanding between Laura and me. I wasn't going against her either."Mrs. Summers was rendered speechless."Mom, I don't know why you would rather believe an outsider instead of me, your own daughter."Nancy took a deep breath and stood up from the sofa.Tears seemed to be welling up in her eyes.She had her back to Mrs. Summers. "Mom, I'm tired. I'm going to bed."Looking at Nancy's receding figure, Mrs. Summers knew that she had gotten nowhere talking to Nancy just now.She wanted to ease the relationship between Nancy and Laura, but it seemed to be quite difficult.Inside the bathroom.Water streamed down Nancy's head. She had her eyes closed and Mrs. Summers' words echoed in her mind.She then suddenly began to laugh.'I hate you so much, Laura! You promised me not to tell anyone about my job at the nightclub
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Chapter 514 Exploding With Anger
Laura took Mrs. Summers around Empfield, so Mrs. Summers wanted to treat Laura to dinner."Tell your husband to come tonight as well," Mrs. Summers said to Laura. She had quite a good impression of Chris as well.Laura didn't refuse. She asked for Chris's opinion before they headed towards the restaurant.The restaurant that Mrs. Summers had booked was quite a famous restaurant in Empfield.After they arrived at the restaurant, Mrs. Summers passed the menu to Laura. "Laura, thank you for being our guide for the past couple of days. Have a look and see what you like. Order anything you like. You don't need to worry about the bill."Laura smiled and was about to reach out for the menu. But Nancy snatched the menu before she could reach it.Nancy pretended to be innocent and said, "I'm knackered after going on a tour for a whole day. I'm thirsty as well. Mom, I want this."Nancy named a series of dishes and then said, "I know you like this dish, Mom. I'll order it for you."After
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Chapter 515 Nancy in Love
This caused Nancy to be curious as well.'Laura's husband is kind of cute. How lucky does Laura have to be to find such a husband? Since the Walker family isn't a very wealthy family, then I guess this guy isn't from a very wealthy family either,' she thought.Nancy looked at Chris and sized him up and down.She noticed that the watch Chris was wearing on his wrist looked quite nice. She guessed it would cost at least a couple thousand dollars.This made Nancy guess that Chris was probably from a middle-class family.'Even if this guy was a little rich, he's still no match for the Summers family. It's a pity that such a handsome man married Laura. She's so lucky,' thought Nancy.Chris politely replied to Mrs. Summers' question.Mrs. Summers nodded after hearing Chris's answer. "We had been working with the Jacobs Group in the past, but they stopped all cooperation with us all of a sudden recently."Chris glanced at Nancy indifferently.At that moment, Nancy was imagining what
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Chapter 516 Deleted and Blacklisted
Nancy's heart was racing like mad.She saw the PIN code when Mrs. Summers was unlocking her phone before. Therefore, it was easy for her to unlock the phone.She opened Mrs. Summers' WhatsApp and quickly looked through her contacts.As expected, just like what Mrs. Summers had said, she only had Laura in her contacts and not Chris.Nancy gritted her teeth, tapped on Laura's account details, and memorized Laura's account number.After doing so, Nancy exited WhatsApp and cleared Mrs. Summers' phone's RAM before putting it back to where it was.When Mrs. Summers came out of the bathroom, Nancy pretended that nothing had happened. She smiled and walked towards Mrs. Summers. "Mom, I've prepared a cup of tea for you, do you want to try it?"Mrs. Summers shook her head. "I've just had a shower and have already brushed my teeth, so I'll pass.""Oh, okay."Nancy didn't insist after hearing Mrs. Summers' answer. She just lowered her head and drank the tea. However, she still glanced in
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Chapter 517 Nancy's Happiness
"What happened?"Laura told Chris about what just happened. Chris took Laura's phone, glanced at the number that just added Laura on WhatsApp, and then returned the phone to Laura.Laura didn't take this matter to heart. She yawned, tucked herself in, and began to watch TV on her phone.Chris got into bed as well and pulled Laura into his arms so that she could lean on him as she watched TV.He rested one hand on Laura's shoulder and held his phone with the other.He sent the WhatsApp account number he just memorized to Assistant Jacobs. "Look into this person for me."About 10 minutes later, he received a message.When he saw the name that the account was registered to was Nancy, he frowned.If he had remembered correctly, Nancy was the newly found daughter of the Summers family who had dinner with them earlier in the evening.Chris remembered Nancy because she wanted to hurt Laura when they were having a meal together but ended up hurting herself.Nancy even deliberately bl
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Chapter 518 A Good Show
After leaving the cafe, Shona was about to get a taxi.Amelia pulled her red Ferrari up in front of her and asked, "Need a lift?"Looking at the luxurious sports car in front of her, Shona felt really proud.She wanted to get in, but still shook her head at Amelia. "I'm fine. I'll get a taxi home."Shona didn't want to be seen by others in Amelia's car. She didn't to cause any trouble for Amelia.Seeing this, Amelia didn't insist. She nodded at Shona and then drove off into the distance.With a smile on her face, Shona hailed a taxi and went home.What Shona didn't expect was that as soon as she left, a woman with a big belly walked out from around a corner.Lena looked at the direction that Shona had left in with her mom accompanying her.She went to the hospital for a checkup with her mom today. After the checkup, she wanted to go for a walk, so they began walking around the hospital for a while. She didn't expect to see what she just saw."Lena, what's wrong?"Milly gave
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Chapter 519 Arranging a Job for Chris
In the evening, Mrs. Summers, Amelia, and Nancy ate together. Nancy was obviously in a little bit of a daze.When Mrs. Summers went to the toilet, Amelia asked nonchalantly, "Nancy, do you have something on your mind?""I'm fine, Amelia," Nancy replied after a short pause.Amelia was a scheming person, so Nancy really couldn't keep what was on her mind a secret from her.However, Amelia decided not to ask any more questions. Instead, she just ate the food in front of her casually.Nancy pursed her lips and then looked at Amelia. She couldn't stop thinking about Chris at all.She couldn't help but ask Amelia, "Amelia, you and Laura have known each other for quite a while, right?""Yes. Why you ask?" Amelia nodded."Then do you know Laura's husband, Amelia? The guy called Chris," said Nancy.After hearing Nancy's words, Amelia's hand froze for a split second. She raised her head and looked at Nancy.She immediately knew what Nancy was thinking.Amelia was planning on executing
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Chapter 520 Nancy Frustrated
Nancy decided to also say some good things about Chris in front of Nathan and get Nathan to buy a house for Chris in Jeswood. This would also solve Chris's housing problem in Jeswood.That way, she could occasionally go to his house and cook his meals for him.Nancy was determined that Chris wouldn't turn her down.When Nancy thought of being able to see Chris often in the future, she was filled with joy. This added to her appetite as well.During the afternoon, Nancy desperately asked Amelia if she had acquired Chris's contact details yet."I'll ask," said Amelia as she took out her phone.Amelia felt that it was easy to get a person's contact details. But what she didn't expect was that her assistant, Juliet, told her that she wasn't able to acquire Chris's contact details.Amelia frowned and dialed Juliet's number. "What's going on? Why can't you get his contact details?"Chris wasn't some mysterious big shot. He was just a CEO's assistant. Why couldn't Juliet acquire his co
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