All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 501 - Chapter 510
592 Chapters
Chapter 501 Shona Meeting Mrs. Summers
Mrs. Summers pursed her lips and her face became a little dark.On the morning of the next day.Laura came to the convenience store to start the day. That was when a middle-aged woman walked in. She was in her middle ages, but she had a tall and elegant figure."Mrs. Summers, what brought you here?"When the two of them were talking on WhatsApp, Laura had mentioned to Mrs. Summers that she had a convenience store next to the Jacobs Group's office building. Therefore, it was easy for Mrs. Summers to find where Laura worked.She had brought quite a lot of things with her.Laura quickly walked over and said, "What are you doing, Mrs. Summers?"Mrs. Summers smiled and wrapped her arm around Laura's. "It's nothing, Laura. Just some gifts I brought for you."Mrs. Summers wasn't someone who liked to beat around the bush, so apologized for what happened the previous day."I didn't expect Nancy would slander you. I'll make sure to teach her not to do so in the future."Laura hesitated
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Chapter 502 Noticing Something
Lena and Luke had been married for a while now, so it was normal for Lena to be pregnant.Shona continued, "Your grandmother misses you. When are you planning on going back home to visit her?"Laura squinted her eyes as soon as she heard Shona's words. 'She's asking me to go back home to visit Grandma?'Shona felt a little embarrassed being looked at by Laura, so she avoided Laura's eyes."What do you want now?" Laura looked away and asked indifferently."Who was that woman that just walked out of your store just now?" Shona asked straightforwardly."Why?" Laura frowned."I'm just asking. Laura, you need to be careful what friends you make now. Don't try and be friends with anyone you come across. They might sell you out at any time. I don't think that woman just now is a good person at all."Shona's words about Mrs. Summers caused Laura's face to change. "I'd advise you to show some respect for others."Seeing the look on Laura's face, Shona's heart skipped a beat. 'Laura's s
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Chapter 503 Contacting Amelia
It was a good thing that Chris knew he shouldn't go too far.Earlier in the afternoon, Laura had sent the guide to Mrs. Summers and asked for her opinion. Mrs. Summers felt it was fine.The weather recently was quite hot, so Laura planned to set off quite early in the morning, around six o'clock.Mrs. Summer had put on a hat and when she saw Laura, she walked over with a smile. "Have you had any breakfast, Laura?""Not yet." Laura shook her head."I haven't either. Let's go have some breakfast together."Laura didn't have any problems with that, but Nancy, who was behind Mrs. Summers looked at Laura gloomily. 'She's so annoying. Why do you have to set off so early in the morning anyway? She might be able to get up so early, but that doesn't mean we all can.'Ever since Nancy was taken back in by the Summers family, it had been a long time since she had gotten up so early.Back when she was running the convenience store, she would get up at around five o'clock in the morning and
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Chapter 504 The Chat History
Amelia immediately realized that Shona was talking about Mrs. Summers."I know," she said again.Shona was still wondering how she should word things to remind Amelia on the other end of the line.After all, Shona didn't know that Amelia already knew everything. She hadn't told Amelia who she was yet."Huh? You know?"Shona was a little dumbfounded after hearing what Amelia had said."The woman you're talking about is my mother. My mother and Laura know each other. She's gone to Empfield on holiday and asked Laura to be her guide."When Shona heard Amelia say the word "mother", her heart raced.However, a bitter feeling soon rose in her heart.Her daughter thought someone else was her mother, but she couldn't tell her daughter the truth.There was a moment of silence between Amelia and Shona.Amelia tightened her grip on the phone and said, "I know what you're thinking. You don't need to do anything. I have my own plans."Shona was feeling down at the moment and didn't real
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Chapter 505 Women's Instincts
When the phone was unlocked, Lena saw a WhatsApp chat window.Shona had sent a picture of the food she had cooked that day.The other party's reply was, "Looks delicious."Shona then replied with a smiley face emoji.Lena looked at the name of the person Shona was talking to. It showed the word "Amelia".'Amelia?' Lena remembered the name of the daughter of the Summers family, Amelia Summers. 'Since when did Shona start being so nice to Amelia? They're on a first-name basis now as well. Last I remember they've only met a few times.'Out of a woman's instinct, Lena felt that things weren't that simple."What are you doing?"A voice sounded behind Lena and startled her.She turned around and saw that it was Luke.Lena patted her chest to calm herself down. "You've scared me. Why did you sneak up on me like that?"Luke's gaze landed on the phone in Lena's hand. "What are you doing with my mom's phone?"Lena quickly walked forward and covered Luke's mouth. "Shhh! Be quiet."Le
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Chapter 506 Nothing to do With Me
Nancy then convinced herself that she could walk for a little longer.With that thought in mind, Nancy curved her lips and wrapped her arms around Mrs. Summers'. "Mom, I think you're right. Since we're here in Empfield, then we should take a good look around. Otherwise, we would have come all the way here for nothing. The scenery at night in Empfield can be quite good. I'll stay with you."Mrs. Summers smiled and nodded.The three of them came to a playground area. Laura was introducing the surroundings to Mrs. Summers when a woman's voice suddenly sounded and was calling Laura's name."Laura? I can't believe it's really you."Laura raised her head and looked forward. That was when she saw Jessica standing there.It had been quite a while since she last saw Jessica.At that moment, Jessica's face was a little pale. The clothes she was wearing were quite old as well. She had also cut her hair short and looked exhausted.When she saw Laura, she quickly walked towards her."Laura
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Chapter 507 Jessica's Regret
Laura's words caused Jessica to feel completely hopeless.However, Laura was Jessica's last hope.No one knew how excited she was when she saw Laura just now.Seeing that a crowd had gathered around them, Jessica bit her lip and kneeled down in front of Laura. Her knees collided with the ground with a loud thud."Please, Laura. I beg of you! Can't you pity me and let me be taken back in by the Walker family?"Jessica's actions shocked Laura.Nancy also widened her eyes in shock, but the next second, she looked at Laura gloatingly. 'It's a good thing that I chose to stay behind today. Otherwise, I would have missed such a good show.'When Jessica kneeled down in front of Laura, the crowd began talking among themselves.Jessica's hair was a mess and she was apologizing to Laura as well, but Laura just stood there with an indifferent look on her face. This caused the faces of the crowd to change."Who is that woman standing there? I can't believe she got someone else to kneel dow
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Chapter 508 Slandering in Public
Laura could tell what Jessica was thinking. A flash of disdain appeared in her eyes.Just when Laura was about to say something, Nancy's voice sounded. "Hey, Miss Walker, don't be so heartless. A couple of minutes had passed and there were quite a lot of people watching. Why aren't you letting this young lady get up?"Nancy was obviously criticizing Laura for what she was doing and her voice was gloating as well.Mrs. Summers' face darkened. "Nancy!"Nancy pretended to not have heard Mrs. Summers' words and continued, "Miss Walker, you need to learn to be forgiving. You should learn to forgive people no matter what they've done and stop being a heartless person."Seeing that Nancy was being more and more unreasonable, Mrs. Summers shouted, "Shut your mouth!"It was obvious that the person kneeling down on the ground was doing so deliberately. She must have done something really bad to be kicked out of the house. Mrs. Summers couldn't believe that Nancy was actually speaking up fo
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Chapter 509 Unbelievable
It wasn't hard to guess the relationship between the four of them.Jessica's eyes flashed and immediately agreed with what Nancy had said. "That's right! This homewrecker seduced my husband and then got him to divorce me so she could marry him!"As soon as she said those words, the people who were criticizing Laura, now turned to look at Luke and Lena.This caused Lena to be infuriated.Looking at the state of Jessica, Lena walked over and slapped Jessica in the face. "Jessica, do you know no shame? Don't you know what's right and wrong?"When the crowd saw Lena slap Jessica in the face, immediately became dissatisfied."What do you think you're doing? Why does a homewrecker think what she doing is right? How dare she slap someone else? I'll call the police!""I can't believe how savage this homewrecker is. She actually dares to slap the guy's wife in public.""Fuck! I've always hated homewreckers! She even dares to hit the guy's wife? I don't think that guy is a loyal person e
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Chapter 510 A Turn
"I believe what the girl said. She looks so pitiful. I think the guy's just making things up to get us to pity him.""That's right. I believe the girl as well. You don't know how ruthless some men can be to their wives to protect the other women. Some men would hit their wives!""I know! I think this guy's just a scumbag!"When Lena realized that the crowd didn't believe what Luke was saying and kept on slandering him, she laughed angrily."Didn't your moms teach you manners? Who taught you to talk about others like that without knowing the whole story? Jessica is my cousin. She even asked me to seduce Luke just so that she could use the excuse of him cheating on her to get more share of his assets when they get a divorce. I felt it was inappropriate and I also have a voice recording of the conversation as well!" said Lena.Lena felt that it was better to keep the voice recording so she never deleted it. She then played the voice recording to everyone.The crowd gasped after they
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