All Chapters of And Then We Were Mates: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
97 Chapters
I Will Protect You
The sky was dark by the time they reached Kremlin Mountain, not because it was nighttime but because of the rain. It was going to be raining heavily soon, the place would be cold and muddy, and their task would be made even more complicated. Ryan glanced at Lisa on the ground, she was on her knees and had her hands tied behind her back. She could see the tears running down her face, the anxiety and worry in her eyes. This woman, why couldn't she worry about herself for once? Ryan wants to tell her that Killian might not even come, he might decide that she wasn't worth the risk. If that happens ( which was very likely ), they would have no other choice than to kill her. Because as Zayn said, she had already seen their faces and knew their identity, if they Let Her Go the Lycan King would find her and make her confess what happened. Killian wasn't the one Zayn was most worried about. Even if Killian knew that he had a hand in Lisa's kidnapping, he wouldn't be able to prove it. Everyone
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Forgotten Memories
" he is in critical condition. No one is sure whether or not he would wake up, I am sorry, you can only have patience in this situation " It was the fifth time Lisa had heard those words from the doctor. at this point, she was completely tired of them not having any useful information. It had been 2 weeks already, and Killian was still unconscious, she hadn't heard much about Zayn, but she knew that Evelyn was locked up somewhere. The Lycan King would never let the public know that his son had a hand in his brother's assassination attempt. So rather the matter was kept private. Even though Killian's father was just as worried as she was, he spent most of his night in the hospital beside Killian. Lisa on the other hand even had a room in the hospital ward, her father-in-law ensured she was comfortable. He never said it out loud but he appreciated Lisa a lot for her loyalty. They both waited anxiously for the news of Killian's Recovery, but the more days past the more they lost hope. T
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Lisa got to the palace and everyone else was already waiting for her. By everyone, she meant the Lycan King and a few Doctors. Elsa told her that Killian was in the palace, he hadn't come out of his Chambers since the doctors had done some examination and, he even declined his Father's invite to join them. Lisa didn't wish to shed any tears, it was pointless at this point. All she wanted was to hear what the doctors had to say, if this whole memory loss thing was just an effect of his injuries then there was a chance he might recover them sometime in the future. She would wait for him no matter how long it took. " Lisa " She stood in front of the Lycan King. The look in his eyes as he regarded her was full of sympathy. " I am afraid Killian might never recover his memories. The Doctors say that the Amnesia is a side effect of his injuries, but we can't force him to remember anything because that might only make the whole thing worse. However, there is no assurance that he might ever
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New Beginning
5 years Later..." Alex, get down from there " Lisa calls out to the little girl. She had a conference today that she was running late for, and the twins didn't make it any better for her. Their Nanny couldn't be here today so she has no other option than to look after them while still trying to piece together the things she needed for work. " I swear, if I have to tell you this one more time I am going to ground you for life, get downstairs and bring your brother with you" " Asher says he doesn't want to go mommy, can't we just stay at home and play some more " The little girl said, she gave Lisa her famous puppy eyes, those blue orbs watching her in sadness or disappointment always melted Lisa's heart and she would end up giving in to her daughter's demand. But she couldn't afford to do so today, her Company needed her, and she might lose a very important client if she misses the Meeting. " Come on, I promise I will take you to the movies tonight, we can even go to the park if we
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Protective Brother
She arrived at the company with her children, not exactly on time as she would have liked but the Client hadn't come yet so she still had a few minutes to go through everything to ensure that she didn't mess up. " Asher, take your sister to the playroom, and please stay there, I'll come to get you guys and we can go for lunch later, alright "" you don't need to worry, I will take very good care of her," Asher said with determination burning in his eyes. Alex frowned at him but didn't see anything, out of the two she knew her brother was the mature one, so that was why their mum trusted Him better, sometimes it made her sad but mostly she didn't even care. She was a mischievous spirit that liked to make trouble, so no wonder Mum trusted Asher. " Alright, take care of yourself, my little angel. And wish Mummy good luck "" Good Luck Mom" Both children chorused. Lisa smiled at them feeling very warm in her heart, yes, she indeed had everything she would ever want, and she was going to
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His Children
" Hey! " Asher called out defensively matching his way toward the two people. Alex tried to stop him but he didn't listen to her, she wanted to tell him that this could be the person her mother had been so nervous about meeting, she knew the kind of person her brother was and that he would no doubt make trouble. However, things have already accelerated and there was nothing she could do but watch from the side. Asher confronted the couple with a determined expression on his face, the man intimidated him but he didn't want to show it. Those Blue eyes were very cold as they regarded the little boy, there was also a hint of surprise in them. Asher was too young to pay attention or even notice the emotional turmoil the man was going through. " your stupid car poured mud all over my sister, you should apologize to her "" Who's this little brat? " The Woman's name was Vanessa Snow, Asher had seen her on TV and she was an actress of some sort. His mother was a huge fan of hers, she was be
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" These designs are terrible" Vanessa complained, she looked down at the stack of clothing on Lisa's table with a disgusted glare. Okay, so maybe the designs weren't the problem. Vanessa would admit that she had never seen such beautiful fashion designs anywhere else, but the material was not as good as she had wanted and so everything else was bad to her. " you did everything wrong. I asked you to use peals for this dress, but I don't see any pearls. And this one " She raised a shoulder-length black dress with gold linings. " you were supposed to use real gold, but you only use gold thread. do I look like the kind of cheap person to wear something like this? what kind of designer are you?! this is a case of what I ordered versus what I got! "" But. . . The budget wasn't enough to get some of the things you asked for. We used the best replacement for them, these materials are just as good as the ones you asked for. no one would be able to tell the difference " Lisa did her best to e
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A Deal
Lisa was surprised when she heard Killian call her by that name. She hadn't heard that for six years now. Those words made her heart beat fast in her chest, her eyes brightened with joy, she almost believed that he used that name because he remembered who she was, that maybe he had remembered her. But then there was still that cold expression on his face, she snapped back to reality very quickly. Her Killian who loved her would never look at her like she was someone he needed to manipulate. He still looked down at her, to him she was nothing more than the mother of his children, the children she hadn't told him about all those years. He must be angry, resentful even. Or maybe he was just determined to get her twins on his side, he planned to take them away from her. Not a chance." I kindly ask you to leave my office Mr Walker. If I have to say it again I will call securities to take you out "" Mom, are you going to send Dad away? " Alex asked in a small voice looking between her ne
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Faking It
Killian didn't return to the Lycan Empire, no, he sent a message to his father telling him that there was a delay in his business. He had come to the Human world earlier to check up on his organization, he might be a King now but he still ran his mafia organization, simply because he loved the danger of it. But no one needed to know he was behind it of course. He had Ryan for that. However, Elsa had made that sudden confession to him and he could not just ignore it, he had to see for himself if she was telling the truth. It had been six years since he last saw his ex-wife, he hadn't thought of her that much, to him she hadn't been important.Elsa would always say that there was once a time when Lisa had meant the world to him before he had lost his memories while trying to save her. But Killian didn't believe himself capable of falling in love. And the contract marriage was evident that their marriage had been fake, if he had truly been in love with Lisa then why did he have to marry
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" What happened? How did you get into an accident? " " I was on my way back home, I think I was a bit distracted by what happened in your company before. But it could be counted as good luck since I was able to recover my memories " Killian told her. He was holding her hand as if he was afraid that she would disappear if he let her go. Lisa's heart ached, she felt bad about the way she had reacted to Killian earlier that day, she was just so scared of losing her kids that she almost forgot that none of this was Killian's fault. " I am so sorry Mi sol-ache, I know I haven't been the best husband for you. I divorced you without thinking twice, I made you suffer "" No, none of that was your fault. I am just happy that you got your memories back. Things can go back to normal now "" Does this mean you wish to marry me again? "" Of course " Lisa leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him. She couldn't get enough of hugging him, the thought that everything was going to be alright bet
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