All Chapters of And Then We Were Mates: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
97 Chapters
A Kiss
" Oh yes " Veronica's eyes rolled back in her head as Killian fucked her slowly and deeply. She had never felt so full before, the pleasure was so intense that she was finding it hard to keep her voice down. Even though Lisa wouldn't be able to see or hear them, she was still hesitant to let herself go wild. This was because she didn't want Killian's plans to be sabotaged. However the Mafia lord didn't seem to share her concern, he was fucking her so good that she was almost convicted he wanted her to tell at the top of her voice so Lisa would hearKillian bit down on her neck as his thrust became faster. Veronica was shaking and she would have lost her balance completely if she didn't have her legs wrapped around. " Fuck, you are so tight " Killian growled into the room of her neck. This made her heart flutter in her chest, yes she was good, she was going to be the best sex he's ever heard. That was why he stuck to her for the past month because he couldn't get enough of you" Ah...y
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Your Daddy
It was quiet through the drive back home. It wasn't because Lisa hadn't tried making small talk with her mate, she had asked Killian about Elsa, about his home and how his Kingdom once, but all she got in response were smiles that seemed too forced and short replies. It was almost like he found her annoying or something, he preferred being on his phone, typing away effortlessly. She chose to remain at his side quietly, telling herself that he might be too exhausted to hold a proper conversation.They soon arrived at her home, Lisa had left the kids with a nanny, the same one who usually watched after them whenever she couldn't bring them to the company with her. Alex loved her nanny, but Asher thought it was below him to be cared about by someone else. He always tried to convince Lisa that he was old enough to look after himself and his sister. Lisa would always smile fondly in return and tell him how much she trusted him." Daddy " Alex ran to Killian the moment he walked inside the
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Taking Over
they had dinner as a family that night. Killian had complimented her cooking and he interacted well with the kids. Seeing this made her very happy. after dinner, they watched a movie and then she took the kids to bed. Lisa had given Killian the guest room, she had done this mostly because he thought he would reject the idea of sleeping in separate rooms, but Killian had accepted it with a smile, he had given her a small kiss and then retired for the night. Lisa lay in her bed unable to sleep, her bed had never felt this empty before. She wished more than anything that she had her husband sleeping next to her. she thought about all those years he had spent praying to see him again, now he was sleeping in the room next to her yet he had never felt farther. No, she could if she wanted to. Lisa rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her hair. After making sure that she looked presentable, she left her own room for her husband's. She stood in front of t
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Killian woke up feeling not in control. he knew immediately that his wife had taken over his body the previous night. Lisa was fast asleep next to him, her hair was messy, her face was relaxed and there were faint love marks on her body, something in him warmed up at the sight of her, and that alone made him feel sick. he quickly got up from the bed, throwing away her hand which had been wrapped around him, he wanted to take a shower, hoping that the cold water against his skin would make him forget what had happened last night, or at least snap out of his daze. Raze had ensured to leave all those nasty memories in his head. he could remember how Lisa had felt against him, how she had tasted, and the love that had bubbled in his chest when he had wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest in a warm embrace. That fucking bastard! he couldn't believe that his own wolf was turning against him. Raze hadn't shown up in 6 years, he didn't respond to Killian when he spoke t
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Don't Order Me!
Killian could hardly believe it, his son was an alpha of alphas? they hadn't been one for centuries, some even believed that they were only myths and hadn't actually existed. He knew that his Wolf couldn't have been wrong, Raze had amazing senses, and it was what made him a Lycan. the Lycan King felt pride bloom in his chest. "Come, I want to show you something, " Killian said. he stood up from the sofa and headed towards the door. Asher was hesitant to leave his show, however, he was curious about what his father wanted to show him he got up and followed Killian out of the house. Lisa's house was in a secluded area, she wanted enough privacy to raise her children. She was always afraid that Killian might discover her secret one day and come to find her, so she bought a house somewhere close to the forest, her closest neighbor was miles away. there was a great view of the woods from the front yard. " where are we going?"" just a bit further Into the Woods, the transformation would
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Seduce Her
She looked weak and broken. Killian immediately felt regret for what he did, he wanted to pull her into his chest, to apologize and comfort her. But he knew that wasn't a good idea, she was probably terrified of him right now. Killian turned around and walked away, leaving Lisa still crying in the forest. he got into his car and drove awayAn image kept flashing in his head it was one of Lisa dressed in a white dress, her face looking radiant and happy as she took her vows. She told him how much she loved him as he kissed her and promised to always protect her. Killian slammed his hand against the steering wheel, the metal dented due to the impact, he leaned his head against it, feeling very helpless. why were his memories coming back to him now? he didn't want them, he didn't want to be the Old Killian who loved Lisa so much and was willing to give up his life for her. all his life, the only woman he had cared so much about was his mother, and she had ended up leaving him behind. H
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I Love You
Lisa wondered how Alex was able to know who was standing at the door, Killian hadn't even knocked yet. Lisa remained in her seat, watching as her ex-husband came back to the room carrying their daughter. Alex was holding a red teddy bear with an excited look on her face. " I brought cupcakes," Killian said and handed the box of snacks to Asher. he placed Alex on the sofa and turned his gaze to Lisa, there was a soft smile on his face, A smile that was full of love and affection. Seeing that made her heart clench in her chest, she felt so angry, how dare he smile at her like that after all he had done! did he think she didn't know about him cheating on her? " can we talk, in private?"" I don't think there is anything for us to talk about. you made your point very clear last time "" Please Lisa, there is something important I need to tell you, just hear me out, please "" Fine " If hearing whatever he had to say would get him to leave her the f*** alone so be it, she got up from th
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Evelyn's Daughter
Lisa woke up the next morning to find a bouquet by the side of her bed. there was a small note left behind as well, she picked it up and read through it ' to the love of my life, I hope you are having a good morning. I want you to get as much rest as possible, I have some business to deal with, and I will come back later today. take good care of yourself 'A smile made its way across her lips. She had no idea when Killian had gone to get her flowers. the gesture made her heart warm. She got up from bed and went to clean up. Even though she wanted nothing more than to spend the entire day in bed, she still had to go to work today. when she went downstairs, she found Asher in the kitchen. Lisa knew that Asher was an early riser, but she had at least expected Alex to be up by now as well" good morning Mom "" good morning baby, is your sister still asleep?"" No, Dad took her. She was making a lot of trouble this morning so he took her to work with him. he was afraid she would wake
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Kira Lystone
When Ryan left the office with Kira, Lisa drove them home. Asher kept giving her looks along the way, he had a lot of questions to ask, but he was afraid he would upset her. He noticed that the man from earlier hadn't shown up with his wife, which meant he either didn't have any or they had separated long ago. And the man had familiarly called his mother, so it must mean that they knew each other. There were so many thoughts running through his head. He couldn't get Kira out of his mind. Is she somehow related to his mom?" Mom? "" Yes? "" Do you know who that girl was? "" Kira? She is...well you can take her as a sister. I will be bringing you and Alex to her party so you can get along. I want you too to make her feel like a sister " Lisa didn't think it was a good idea to tell her children that Kira was their cousin. They were still too young to understand. Maybe when they were older, by then they would all get along so it wouldn't be hard to accept that they were related. A sis
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Rogue Wolves
" You should come back to the Empire " The voice on the other end of the phone was disapproval. Killian could hear the irritation in his father's voice as he spoke up again. " You are the King, you can't just leave your throne whenever you want to go have fun in the human world "" I do not have a phone, there are important business I need to take care of"" You are still chasing after that woman. I thought after so many years you would have gotten over her. It's safe to say I am very disappointed in your lack of reasoning "" Right," Killian didn't give a shit if the man was disappointed or not. He didn't need anyone to approve of the things he did. Even if the entire world was against him, he would still do what he wanted, he was the most powerful Alpha in the world now and he didn't take orders from everyone. Not even his dad. " I am not chasing her, There is another reason why I am here. You don't need to worry, I will come back the moment I get what I want. I kindly ask for you t
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