All Chapters of Destined to love: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
315 Chapters
Only I can're mine.
Dana and Lara drove back soon after Lara found Dana in the restroom. Scar followed them in the dark.Lara found the bracelet and put it on as soon as she got home. Ed had told that it was water resistant and did not have to be taken off; She was never going to take it off. Although she pretended to be carefree, she was scared silly.“Dring… dring….dring…” Dana had just laid down to sleep when her phone lit up with ‘King of Pestering’.“Hello”“Baby, its me. Have you slept?”“Then wouldn't I be sleep talking?” Dana retorted with a playful smile on her face.Ben pursed his lips upwards; she wasn’t annoyed with him anymore.“That Putnam guy came looking for you.”“What’s that got to do with me?” Dana rolled her eyes although she knew he couldn’t see her.Ben snorted in displeasure and then changed the topic-“I heard Ed say that you were browsing for activities requiring high energy expenditure.”“Um”“I can think of one…shall I come over?” Ben’s face was bloomed with an evil smile.“No
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Dad still doesn't trust me
The next 3 weeks were simple and tiring for Dana; She and Lara spent the evenings with Kim and Steve. Ben and Shadow would gate crash almost every day. Her sessions with Kim didn’t have the norms of standard counselling. She would explore her interests and divert them.Steve and Kim developed a more meaningful father-daughter relationship during this period. Away from her normal self-inflicted abusive triggers, Kim bloomed into a beautiful young flower. Her face regained its youthfulness and vitality.“Dad, would you be shocked if I told you I want to go to university?” Kim asked casually as they ate breakfast.“No.” Steve replied as he ate. He looked at Kim and responded in a serious tone “I would only be shocked if you wasted your talent.”“Then, I am going to university when the new session starts in 6 months.” Kim announced boldly. She had been thinking the past week. She wanted to be more outstanding than Dana, she wanted her dad, Dana and Lara to be proud of her. These three peo
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Who's afraid of who?
Dolce on the other hand was anxiously staring at Ben, Frank and Ed. He was sure the disappearance of his men was related to them, but he didn’t have any leads. He purposefully caught up with Simon and Amelia. They didn’t even know about David’s death. He wanted to find something on them so that he could squeeze them into a corner and negotiate. He needed to get his men back. Strictly speaking, they were Tyson’s men. The only one he could think of was Sarah and the kids, but they were heavily guarded and had too much public exposure.Tyson called him yesterday to ask about Angus. Strangely, he said that he hadn’t heard from either of his half-brothers for more than 2 months. Angus was a world class hitman and would often disappear, but he would be in touch with the agent that supplies him drug. This time even the agent wasn’t contacted. Mr Tyson was sure his half-brother was no more and had called to check if Dolce knew his whereabouts, as he was in A country during their last contact.
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Were you hoping to go out with the drug overlord?
Theo walked in with Delvin in tow. He frowned as he saw a man hugging Dana. He rudely walked forward requesting access to pass through between them. Ben frowned, he wondered what Theo was up to, forgetting his current identity.Theo had no intention of walking forward, he stood between the two of them and introduced himself to Dana ignoring Ben. “Hello, I am Theodore Merek, the president of this chain.”“Hi” Dana smiled.“I came with Delvin to see how things were and to personally apologize for the incident a few months ago.”“Oh…no need. It was dealt with adequately.” Dana waved her hands. She did not hold a grudge, it was forgotten.Ella bought the invoice with a sweet smile as she saw Theo, the real boss.“Madam, your receipt.” Although she was talking to Dana, her eyes were glued to Theo; Delvin watched in disdain as he saw the look in her eyes.“Why are you bringing this? Where is the staff who served us?” Dana asked in a sharp tone.Ella’s smile froze. She didn’t expect this bit
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My survival instincts are too strong; I am too young to die!
Theo and Shadow bid farewell to the group and walked out. Shadow didn’t forget to change his identity to Vannes before he walked out with Theo. “Don’t tell me you felt guilty and called me out to feed me good food.” Ed teased Ben. “Me??” Ben shook his head and said with feigned modesty “Someone has a request for you. I am just the delivery boy.” Ed looked at Dana. “Why are you looking at my woman?” Ben grunted. Ed looked suspiciously at Lara before shaking his head and turning to Cyril “Do you need anything?” Cyril looked at Dana and Lara in confusion… As soon as she saw Lara’s dark face, she imagined that there was something between Ed and Lara. She regretted sitting in the middle… she couldn’t run away. “I… I … just remembered, I have to be somewhere.” Cyril stood up anxiously and tried to squeeze past Lara and then Dana. She looked pleadingly at Dana. “Move… let her go.” Dana looked at Ben. Cyril ran as soon as Dana and Ben moved out of the way. “Did I say something wrong?
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Kid, do you think you can sense me if I didn't want you to?
“Guess who owns this place?” Ben had a mysterious smile.Tarz pushed the door open and walked in flamboyantly before either Frank or Ed could guess.“Boss” He paused and greeted Frank politely before looking at Ben with a grudge.Ben shrugged and extended his hand “Take a seat.”“You’ve done well, Kiddo.” Ben smiled appreciatively.“Did you figure out who I am?” Tarz asked excitedly. Ben nodded but Frank mercilessly burst his bubble “After I told him.”“Oh” Tarz’s face fell.Ed sat with a bored expression. He had no idea what they were talking about, nor did he have any interest in getting enlightened.“What did you want to talk about?” Tarz asked flatly.“Before, I wanted to ask you what you were hinting at when we met a few months back.” Ben paused and added “After knowing who you are, I also wo
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I will tear him apart if he dares to hurt her.
Dana came to Steve’s place along with Lara for her consultation with Kim. Steve reported his account of Kim’s progress. To his surprise, Kim had progressed quite well without any signs of relapse in the last month since Dana reduced her consultancy frequency to once a week. His only complaint now was she neglected food and sleep to catch up on studying.“You sure know how to complain…” Lara’s lips curled in disdain.“Aren’t I worried?” Steve asked with a helpless look.Tsk…. Tsk … parents…. they always think they are right; Whether the coin flips heads or tails.” Lara sneered as she sat cross legged on the sofa.Dana smiled, she didn’t have any comments.Kim came rushing down as she heard Lara’s voice. She knew Dana wouldn’t be far behind.“You’re here” She pounced on both of them and squeezed between them acting like a spoil
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Is narcissism a family trait?
Lara was sitting on a pile of dress that she had unloaded from Dana’s wardrobe with a frown. She didn’t like any.“Ding” “Diiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggg” The doorbell kept ringing impatiently.“Coming … coming…” Lara yelled in annoyance as she rushed to open the door.Lara opened and shut the door without thinking. There was two unfamiliar men at the door. Lara pressed the panic button on the bracelet and rushed to Dana’s room and pulled her into corner and shrank back hiding Dana behind her.“SCAR” Lara screamed at the top of lungs as the bell rang non-stop.“What happened?” Dana asked finally finding her voice after being scared silly by Lara.“Ding” “Diiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggg” The person at the door kept ringing.“Sshhhh… are not here… I swear I won't talk to ever if you come out without me coming ba
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Trash and Trash … tsk….tsk … truly a pair made in wasteland!
Atlantis hotel was decorated lavishly, no expense spared.The path from the entrance to the hall was decorated in red carpet style with the side lit up with heart shaped path lights. A huge flex of the loving couple who were going to be engaged was placed next to the door and inside the hallway to the Banquet Hall.The guards at the door carefully checked the invitation before letting the invitees in; this was a high-class event with celebrities and personalities from the elite walks of society.Ben as Andrew got off the limited-edition Benz and hooked his arm around Dana Aka Aziza’s waist.“Remember you are Aziza” Ben reminded with a teasing smile as she tried to wriggle out “My wife.” He whispered, gently nibbling her ears blatantly.Dana felt like she was electrocuted, a warm pink rushed up her cheeks.Ben chuckled and decided not to tease her anymore. He walked forward with her.Ed and Lara followed;
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My faith was not in vain!
“Benjamin Adalase” An arrogant magnetic voice came from the other end.“Cousin, it’s me”“Are you enjoying yourself?”“Enjoying?? Heh… I wouldn’t have come as your representative if I knew you were trash in the eyes of these people.” Ben mocked, his voice menacingly sinister. The surrounding crowd was well aware of Mr Adalase’s ruthlessness. They sub-consciously distanced themselves from the couple.“Oh…. Someone seems to have provoked my dear cousin…” A sinister chuckle came from the other end. “Tell me, how can I make it up to you before you fly out tonight?”“I want them thrown out this instant.” Ben smiled.“Sure… who is the security in front of you?”Ben looked at the name tag of the security closest to him and read “Harman Leyland.”Ben voice domineering voice came from
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