All Chapters of Destined to love: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
315 Chapters
Is he this domineering in everyone's life?
“Let’s go” Ben stood up after what seemed like ages “The others will kill us otherwise.”“Others??”“Um… they are waiting on the next floor.”“Oh crap!” Dana stood up hurriedly.“Don’t worry… they must have only got there.”Dana knitted her brows and looked suspiciously at Ben. Ben feigned ignorance to her curious expression and walked forward.“Don’t forget the mask” Dana said as she tried to put hers on.“Don’t worry. There is no centralized surveillance on these two floors. These are Frank’s private area.”“Oh” Dana put the mask back and followed Ben out.------Lara and Ed had left the engagement party and drove straight to WestStar. Ed took Lara to his room on the 23rd floor and opened the room. Lara thought Dana was waiting her and followed. She looked around and asked, “Where’s Dana?”“How would I know? Was I not with you all this time?” Ed raised his eyebrows playfully.Lara picked her phone and dialed Dana.“Hello” Dana’s calm voice came from the other end.“Where are you?” L
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I have learned to have a backbone.
Ed continued with his story.“We didn’t have many twists and turns compared to Frank and Sarah.” Ed shrugged “Gail and Samantha were Sarah’s roommates and would always accompany Sarah when she came to meet us. Samantha was madly pursing Ben and Gail would quietly accompany them. Now that I think about it, maybe she never really liked me.” Ed reflected.“Anyway, one thing led to the other…one day, we were all drunk. Ben dragged Frank and me away with his last bit of consciousness and went home. When we woke up in the morning, the girls were all lying naked next to us; Sarah was in Frank’s bed, Gail in mine and Samantha in Ben’s. Luckily Ben went home so Samantha was lying naked alone… None of us knew what happened.""The girls cried and said they couldn’t remember anything. We thought we brought them back in a drunken state; Ben swore to us when we told him what happened that he brought us back and left us in the room before going home. There was no one in our rooms when he left us. Sa
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I just got a girlfriend; I am too young to die.
Wesley was wandering around Lara’s apartment. He felt that Lara would slip threw his net if he loosened his grip. He waited for 2 days and there was no sign of Lara. He thought of the man with Lara at the engagement party. He wondered if she had moved out with him.He decided to give her a call as he thought complacently that he knew how to get her to come back on all fours.Lara was having breakfast with Ed, Ben, Frank, Dana and Sarah at Frank’s place. Sarah had invited them over. Scar was responsible for bringing them without being spotted.Waiting for your call, I’m waiting for you... winter blooms or spring blossoms, I’m still waiting..Lara’s phone rang. Lu came running with her phone that was left on the lounge in the family room.“Auntie Lara, who is scum?”Ed’s face darkened. He snatched the phone and was about to answer when Dana extended her hand. She shook her head gesturing hgim not to answer. Ed grudgingly gave the phone to Dana.Ben watched with a doting gaze. He was cu
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Who offended the King of Hell?
“I suppose you want a hacker next?” Ed smirked.“Bingo” Dana snapped and gesturing a gun at Ed.“How did you come up with such an elaborate script?” Ed asked half amused and half teasing.“I read a lot of detective novels and watch a lot of detective movies and serials… I work really hard in my free time.” Dana smiled proudly.Ed “”“Ha… Ha…. Ha…” Lara and Sarah laughed“The hacker can’t be anyone from your teams.” Dana spoke in a serious tone and lowered her voice “What I really want to do is release a virus into his personal drive. I want to avenge all the poor souls he’s been leeching.”“Your wish is my command.” Ben smiled charmingly. He had just thought of someone.“Really??”“Wait for me.” Ben walked out into the open area. He picked the unregistered phone and dialed an overseas number.“Who the fuck is tired of living?” A low growl came from the other end.“Bastard, are you tempting fate?” Ben teased.“Oh… you...” one could clearly hear the disdain “What do you want?”“I want y
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Go… see my fiancée getting engaged.
The week progressed quietly for Lara and Dana, with nothing out the ordinary. Kim was progressing well. She had her first set of exams next week, other than being nervous nothing was worthy of note. Steve tried to comfort her “It doesn’t matter if we don’t clear this time. We can try again next year. Daddy will support you.”Kim rolled her eyes “Can you have a little more faith in me?”Steve “”---Wednesday afternoon, Ben was in the middle of holding an internal meeting when his phone lit up with an unfamiliar caller id-“Dring …dring…dring…”Ben hated interruption during meetings. He frowned as he cut the call and asked the staff who was about to report about the current projects to start.“Dring…. Dring…. Dring…” The person on the other end didn’t seem to get the message. Ben looked around the room contemplating before excusing himself to pick the call.“Hello” His voice was unusually cold but that didn’t seem to deter the caller’s enthusiasm.“Mr. Adalase, its me… meet me at my B
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Didn't you come to watch a show?
“Dana, what a surprise.” He greeted Dana as he reached close to her.“Brother, please entertain Dana while I go and find Ms. Burton.” Mary ran off before Dana could reject her.She smiled awkwardly at Maine.Maine smiled happily; he ignored her awkwardness. He was ecstatic that his plan was about to succeed. A few seconds, a toast, and then his friends would come over… he could introduce …he would naturally apologize for the misunderstanding later but by then she will be announced as his fiancée to the world. He was just one step away from success.“Dana, I am so happy you are here.” He smiled warmly as he took two champagne flutes from the waiter “Please join me in a toast to wish my sister good health and good fortune.”Dana smiled, she couldn’t be rude and refuse to toast the birthday girl now, could she? She extended her hand and received the flute.Maine smiled and lifted the flute to toast when Dana’s phone rang.“Dring…. Dring…. Dring”“Excuse me.” Dana smiled politely as she k
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Dana's engagement
Frank and Ed looked cautiously at Ben who walked in with an indifferent expression. ‘Did he meet Dana? What happened?’ Their thoughts churned but they didn’t ask, just studied Ben’s face for cues.Dana walked back into the pub. Frank and Ed noted that she was wearing a different dress. They looked curiously at Ben, but he still kept a poker face.Maine was chatting with his friends, anxiously eyeing the entrance from time-to-time. He was still standing where she left him 30 mins ago, but Dana didn’t feel any sympathy. Her mind was raging with anger, her eyes narrowed into slits before she regained her composure and walked in with a ridiculing smile.Maine’s heart raced as he saw Dana walking towards him with a sharp gaze. ‘She had changed her dress. Why?’“Are alright? Why did you change?” He walked out from his friends’ circle and asked taking her arm gently in concern.“Does my dress have anything to do with Mr Stapleton?” Dana asked pointedly pulling her arm away in disgust. Her vo
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Traitor, did you call him?
Glitz club-Maine arrived early. He sat in a corner drinking dolefully, he had already finished 2 bottles. He had never been this humiliated … sadly, he still didn’t hate her… he just wanted her to see him, accept him. He hated Amber for her stupid plan. He wanted to tear her into a million pieces ‘Bitch!’Amber arrived at 7 on the dot. She didn’t want to agitate Maine further.“You have ruined my life, bitch” Maine greeted Amber resentfully.“Are you trying to blame me for your inefficiency?” Amber sat down with a taunting smile.She called the waiter and ordered a drink. She looked at Maine disdainfully when he wasn’t looking and plastered a pitiful expression when he turned his gaze at her “I helped you with planning every single detail…. And you are discrediting me? Don’t you know how much I want you to succeed.” She sobbed “Only then would I get Ben. I have been dreaming about him ever since I met him 10 years ago.”A sloppily dressed man who was sitting on the table behind Maine
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You think you are worthy to scheme against me?
Dana and Lara had arrived smoothly at Frank’s place.“How are you?” Sarah was waiting at the door. She was excited, she didn’t really have any girlfriends for a long time.“I am hungry.” Dana pouted as she walked in.“We haven’t had breakfast yet. We were waiting for you two.” Sarah smiled.Everyone was waiting at the table, including 2 new underage faces.“This is Dana and Lara.” Sarah introduced to her kids. Lu ran upto them and hugged them both “Auntie Dana…. Auntie Lara…”. He led them both to the table.“We will sit together.” He smiled sweetly.Ben’s and Ed’s face darkened. “No” they responded in unison.Lu pouted, he looked at Dana with the most pitiful puppy eye expression he could muster.“Aawwh…” Dana kneeled and hugged him. “I will sit with you, okay?”“UMM…” He hummed like a happy bum and looked at Lara.Lara ruffled his hair and nodded.He led Dana and Lara to the seats next to him and sat down proudly. He didn’t forget to send a gloating look at Ben and Ed.‘This little d
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Nothing will happen to her while I breathe… this is my promise
The next 2 weeks were uneventful and quiet. During this time, Lara only took local assignments. She accompanied Dana for her house visits with Kim. Kim was getting more and more under the pump as the exam dates grew closer.During the house visit a week before the exam-“Dana, I know I have to become independent. But my heart is beating so fast, I can’t breathe.” Kim spoke anxiously.“Kiddo, you don’t breathe with your heart. … you should stop studying and follow my footsteps…. Ha…. Ha…. Ha…” Lara laughed as she rubbed the top of Kim’s hair.Kim rolled her eyes and looked pleadingly at Dana “Can you come with me for my exams? It’s next week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for year 11 subjects.”Dana pursed her lips into a smile “Do you want my Boss to fire me?”“That’s okay. Mr. Adalase can take care of you.” Kim muttered while pulling Dana’s hand like a spoilt child.“Kim, dad will come with you.” Steve felt really helpless, she would always think of Dana when she needed something.“Ho
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