All Chapters of Destined to love: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
315 Chapters
Stars are better when viewed from the distance
Saturday was eventful for Amber as well……. Today her mother arranged a blind date for her. The guy was from a family similar to theirs.Harold Udolph, 32-year-old bachelor; Fair skinned, medium built with blonde hair; a handsome, upright and proud man. Although the Udolph’s had a family business that existed for more than 100 years, being the second son, he didn’t inherit the right to run the ship. Rather than staying like a leech, he decided to venture on his own and had his own gaming company. He was definitely a catch for most women, however to Amber who had her eyes on Benjamin Adalase, he was not even worth mentioning.Amber gritted her teeth as she drove to the arranged destination. Her mother had booked a private room in David’s kitchen to create an intimate ambience for the two to get together. Mrs Witherby really liked this promising youth. She hoped that Amber’s eyes would be dazzled, and she would forget her obsession. Her husband had explained everything, she couldn’t let
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Someone stole her soul…
Lara woke up the next morning to the music from her phone-Waiting for your call, I’m waiting for you... winter blooms or spring blossoms, I’m still waiting ……..Dana stirred but instead of waking up, she pulled the blanket over her head.Lara picked up the call seeing her Cheryl’s name on the display.“Hello”“Hello beautiful…. I have big news for you.” Cheryl screamed excitedly.“Me too…”“What do you have?” Cheryl was confused ‘Did she know already?’“Dana is going to kill you next time we meet for ringing this early.” Lara giggled.“Huh…. But….”“We had a sleepover at a friend’s place and are sharing the room.” Lara explained between giggles.“Girl, I have big news…... otherwise, I wouldn’t have risked my life. You have to protect me.” Cheryl pleaded instantly. She wanted to cry … but no tears came.“Tell me…”“You are on the finalist nomination for the best model of the year for the Film festival hosted this weekend.” Cheryl shrieked jumping up and down.“Whhhhattttt?” Lara’s mou
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I can even stay in mud if it's with you.
The next week passed relatively quickly.The ladies along with the two girls caught up for shoe shopping and jewelry shopping on Monday. None of the designs seem to interest Dana. She decided to give the ladies a surprise.“Leave the jewelry to me if you trust me. I will look for it after work. But you have to pay me and no refunds …I am a poor office worker.” Dana patted her chest although she wasn’t confident.She decided to get Ben’s help. She already owed him a lot. She called in a favor to the old master whose design shop she occasionally used.Ben withdrew all the surveillance from Amber as he got news that she was behaving and even went on a blind date. Contradictory to his innate nature, he assumed that she had learnt her lesson.Tuesday afternoon, Adalase enterprise, 26th floor, CEO’s room-Ben was fuming, three managers stood shaking like leaves in the wind. A deficit was noted by one of the managers during a routine audit, but he couldn’t find the cause or the source. The o
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I am going to jail one of these days for murder
An elderly man was working alone in a corner.“Grandpa Michaël, I am here.” Dana called out with a bright smile.Michaël raised his head and nodded. He looked curious as he saw a man behind Dana.“Dana’s fiancée, Benjamin Adalase.” Ben walked forward and extended his hand introducing himself.Michaël smiled happily and extended his hand but pulled back hesitating due the dirt. Ben saw the way Dana interacted and figured this old man was really nice to her. He extended his hand more and took his hand “Hello Grandpa.” He smiled warmly.“Your hand is dirty now. Go wash.” Michaël reproached affectionately.“That’s fine.” Ben smiled and walked back to Dana. Dana wiped a chair “Here. Sit here…” She shrugged “If it gets boring, you can go back.” She paused as she remembered “No... tell me and I will take you for lu
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Baby, did you hear what I said?
Dana opened the workshop and started getting ready for the day putting all the uncomfortable thoughts to the side.She turned the furnace on before sitting to draw. She needed to do the set for Sarah today. She roughly scribbled what she wanted and realized that she needed to see the finished stone before she could decide the size of the other components of the necklace. She made 2 molds with the silicone in the shape of a lotus leaf and added the details she wanted and left it for curing.She fiddled with her ring while she thought. She had a strange thought. She looked around although she knew no one was around. She quickly put some gold pieces to melt in the furnace and got working. She made a mold of a miniature griffin resting its right foot in a posture to regain control on the phoenix that was rising from the ashes and lending his wings for the griffin in support.She made two even smaller 2 dimensional versions about a cm tall each. She carefully placed
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Isn't it just selling off your best friend?
Ben drove Dana back. He wanted to tell her many times that it was his birthday tomorrow, but he didn’t know how. He just wanted her to accompany him tomorrow for dinner along with Frank and Ed. He was sure if he asked, she would refuse. While he was thinking, they already reached the Dana’s apartment.“Thank you for today.” Dana smiled and turned to get out. Ben looked at the clock to check the time and was wonderstruck as he saw it was just past midnight, which meant his birthday had started; He pulled her back. Looks like his wish was about to come true!“Whaaa…”Ben kissed her passionately. This was his first birthday with her, and he was unwilling to let her go. He pushed the seat down and deepened the kiss. Dana was stupefied by his abnormal reactions…. But then again when she thought about it later this was his norm.Ben pulled back with a smug smile “I was only appreciating the sincerity of yo
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All is fair in love and war.
Ben couldn’t control the happiness in his heart. It spilled as a smile to his lips. He never thought she would come. He thought Ed was casually pacifying him. But soon his smile disappeared as he thought of the possibility that Ed might have used his relationship with Lara as a shield to force Dana to come.Dana noted all of Ben’s expressions and was confused but she pretended as though she didn’t notice and sat down next to Lara uncomfortably.Ben noted Dana’s discomfort and was even more sure of his theory. He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable. He didn’t want to celebrate his birthday like this.“You are you and I am me. Your relationship is yours and mine is mine…. don’t mix the two. Not for me or for anyone.” Ben spoke in annoyance to a stunned Ed and walked past him towards Dana.Ed looked at Ben’s back in confusion, he knew Ben was really …really angry but wasn’t he su
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You will be dead duck when she finds out
Kim and Jas were waiting at the door when Dana and team arrived. The duo ran back in as they were walking in.“I am touched…. I can feel the love.” Lara sneered as she saw her niece run the minute, she saw her.Ed felt it was weird that the girls were waiting outside for them a minute ago and now they ran away and even turned the lights off…“Are they angry with us for not taking them along?” Sarah asked guiltily.“Don’t bother… we will teach those stinky kids a lesson if they dare to mess with us?” Lara pretended to roll her sleeve up. As they entered, the lounge area, the lights went up as Steve along with Kim and Jas sang the birthday song and bought a funny looking cake to with a single candle in the center.“Brother-in-law, you can’t despise this cake, I and Jas made it with lots of love.” Kim proudly announced.“Pucchhiii..” Lara looked at the
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Baby, you look irresistible
Dana reached the apartment after the 10th call from Lara.“Lady, I don’t have wings.” Dana scorned as she saw Lara waiting impatiently at the door.“You’re not planning on bailing on me, are you?” This was what Lara was most afraid of. She knew Dana did not like these events and would not force her normally. But this time she was nominated. She was really nervous and wanted Dana to be there.“Isn’t Ed coming?” Dana quirked her eyebrows.“You are bailing, aren’t you?” Lara sat on the sofa with a dramatic shriek.“Did I say so?” Dana felt like she had a headache coming on. She slouched on the sofa next to Lara.“I am really nervous. This is really huge. It is like the biggest event in the industry hosted once every 5 years. It looks at nominations from 6 countries.” Lara started to hyperventilate.“Okay…. okay… I get it. W
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You're mine; Life is mine, death is my ghost.
Ed walked with Lara towards their car. Once inside the car, Ed leaned close, facing Lara “I want to…” Ed’s face turned red.“Ummm??” Lara raised her eyebrows; she decided to pretend ignorance; Ed looked too cute…Ed edged closer; their breath intertwined… Lara felt like a thousand horses racing in her head. Ed gently sealed her lips; he liked her taste. He nibbled her lower lips and then her upper lips. Lara was staring, eyes wide open. She didn’t expect the shy Ed to suddenly turn into the big bad wolf.Ed raised his hand and covered her eyes and deepened the kiss. He tasted, savored, taunted and devoured. Ed pulled back and stared into her sea green eyes “You’re mine. Life is mine, death is my ghost!”Lara stared at him in a daze. Ed caressed her swollen lips, his lips curled up into a smile. He was very satisfied with her reaction.As the car slowed down, Lara regained he
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