All Chapters of Auctioned to a mafia boss : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
232 Chapters
Chapter 101: I need you, Arya
Arya’s POV The car came to an absolute halt and while I watched Nicklaus circle the car to get my door I could only take a sigh in preparation for my incoming acting spree. My door flew open and I reluctantly stepped out standing looking up to Nicklaus with my hands folded across my chest. Even with the windbreaker giving me an artificial muscle-build still, I found it somehow comforting to feel powerful especially when faced with such an opponent.“Whatever you have to say, say it here. I’m not going inside with you” My stance was perfectly flexing my rebellion but Nicklaus wasn’t given away any emotion. He looked particularly calm and collected and may I just say, Nicklaus being calm rings a bell of chaos in me. My gaze couldn’t help twitching ‘what’s he up to now?’As expected my words fell on deaf ears as he gripped my hand and forced me into the house. His actions made me realize that they’ve never been a moment of peace with Nicklaus, he was only ever brutal and overbearin
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Chapter 102: You can’t escape me
Arya’s POV The second his voice landed on my ears I suddenly became aware of our position. His left hand holding my right wrist was still very much active and on duty while his right hand wholesomely wrapped my waist under the windbreaker. This skims dress wasn’t of much help because I could feel his fingers on my skin with ease, it was like I was bare underneath the windcheater. Even after speaking into my ears he refused to retreat, leaving his head on my neck as if that was it’s new found habitant. I thought I’d had enough but little did I know his craziness was only getting started. “Nicklaus get off me-”“Shush” he cut me off with a whisper and for a second I thought it was for a reasonable course but some people are just lowlifes! The minute I realized what he was up to my eyes widened in disbelief while my lips twitched uncontrollably. How can someone be so devious?!I felt his slow movement and fell into chaos mode. Was it my waist that was too slim? Or Nicklaus arms wer
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Chapter 103: Forbidden door
Arya’s POV ‘What did he think this was? A soap opera? Am I suppose to nod in compliance to his ridiculous response? I felt frustrated, trapped under his hold and powerless. Is this what I’ve become? My inside was snowballing with rage but I’m defenseless. Maybe’s it’s the overwhelming mental stress or maybe it’s the hormones, but something definitely made my eyes water. The shock in Nicklaus face was undisguised, even I couldn’t believe myself. I was crying like a baby, bawling my eyes out without a care in the world.Out of all the strategies to escape Nicklaus, who would’ve imagined crying to be the solution? He let go of my chin and hands and I had more access to cover my face still visibly shaking from uncontrollable sobs. Even without raising my head, I could feel the chills emanating from him. He just stood there emotionlessly accessing my attitude. I really didn’t want to whimper and bawl my eyes out in front of him but it was out of my control, I suddenly felt so emotion
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Chapter 104: I’m pregnant
Arya’s POV Once again, I’m reminded why I’m not a fan of rainy days. The cleansing water gives a vague view of the havoc recked underneath. But for those that experienced it first hand, could it ever be forgotten? What it means to hang on to a last thread of hope? What it means to beg for life itself?What it means to wish reality was a dream!Most people wish to turn their dreams into reality but there’s a dreaded time when you’d give anything to turn your reality into a dream. It’s in that moment you envy the dreamland. At least one gets to wake up, forgetting it ever existed in your memories, at least one gets to leave it behind as a wishlist but what happens when it’s a nightmare? And that nightmare doesn’t have a wake up button, even if you pinch yourself it stays, staring you straight in the face. It’s cruel and ruthless. It doesn’t care if your strong enough to accept its sudden presence, it just shows up and expects you to understand!Here I stand in front of the glass
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Chapter 105: You’re my wife!
Arya’s POV I’m no doctor but I know being this emotionally unstable wasn’t good for the fetus. It took everything in me to hang up without uttering a word, there wasn’t much to say anyways. I’d suspected Anna that night at Corosale’s collection’s launching event but seeing how low she stooped made me ashamed of the thought that we’re related and to think it was all for naught because there’s nothing going on between Lucious and I.Still, it wasn’t strange why my mom reacted that way and even if I chose to blame Anna, was it really her fault?Maybe it’s my fault, when I told her about Nicklaus and Lucious I knew she had no idea how powerful the Harrington’s family actually was, otherwise she wouldn’t have stayed calm. It’s only normal for her to get agitated or worse scared. The Harringtons top the food chain of the social elites’ society and their reputation? Well...let’s just say there’re mostly known for their brutal and ruthless nature which they indeed uphold with dignity. The
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Chapter 106: Explore me, I’m all yours
Arya’s POV At first there was striking silence that caused my eyes to lose their last glimmer of light. It was impossible to keep away the question. ‘What was I expecting?’Suddenly the corners of my ears perked as I overheard Nicklaus utter.“Love”My head turned on their own accord making me face his dead-ass serious expression. All thoughts aside, this man was really scary. A person capable of telling you he loves you and then going behind that same night to utter such heartbreaking words was once again using that word ‘love’. It felt absurd and it just doesn’t suit him. The all mighty Nicklaus falling in love? Nah, that doesn’t have a ring to it. Emotionless and indifference fits him perfectly. My mental tribunal mistakenly led me into scoffing. It wasn’t my intention to mock his confession but sadly that’s how it sounded. “Nicklaus no offense but I would’ve had a better chance believing you if you had said what you feel for me is ‘possession’ or even ‘pity’ but, love? We b
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Chapter 107: Devouring kisses
Arya’s POV What manner or shamelessness is this? His right hand supporting the back of my head destroyed my escape plan and my hand that rose to punch him in protest was disarmed by his other hand. My weak figure was surrendered to his harsh kisses. They were like striking lightening with only one goal and that’s to suck me dry. The kiss was choking but he didn’t give a damn. It was obviously a brute punishment for my previous words, one that he took pleasure in exerting on me. Finally I was freed from the sorry excuse of a kiss. The aftermath was an eyesore, my hair was a mess, my cheeks were flushed red. My breathing came out ragged making me look more helpless but Nicklaus seemed fine, as a matter of fact he had a victorious smirk planted on his lips. Does seeing me look so flustered make him feel powerful? Does it stroke his petty ego?My glaring dagger eyes were focused on him. Such a lowlife! “I assure you won’t get such pleasurable satisfaction from another man so no n
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Chapter 107: Take the test
Arya’s POV It’s always the same with him, brute force and nothing else! I was too exhausted to struggle out of his hold so I placed my hand on his firm grip and looked him dead in the eyes. “My wrist hurt, let go of me” If I had known simple gently words could work on Nicklaus then I wouldn’t have spent wasted efforts trying to wiggle free from his embrace in the past, I was sincerely shocked to watch him release my arm. Finally I win!Although my body was weak and wobbly, I still didn’t want to get back into the car with him so I turned my back towards him and strode forward. Fighting through the wind to keep my balance but the sound of my name being said through clenched teeth halted my moves. My body slowly faced him and I could clearly see his piercing stare amidst the street dim lights. His jet black trousers and corporate shirt reflected a dangerous aura. I looked back at the stunning man that I couldn’t have and a pant of regret hit me. For a split second the thought of o
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Chapter 109: I’ll drop the suits
Arya’s POV Was the lecherous curve on his lips really necessary? The man I believed to be the leader had a mocking smile that tilted his lips. His smugness probably came from the fact I had no where to run or hide. I was surrounded and cornered appearing extremely vulnerable and defenseless. There wasn’t a single man who wasn’t gawking at me. Their discomfort gazes caused me to look down on myself and I found nothing strange or appealing enough to be stared at like that but then again did hooligans really need a reason to act weird?When I started my walking journey I zipped up my windbreaker to restrict the cold air so the top inner of my skims dress wasn’t revealed, in fact I looked like I was wrapped in a cocoon seeing as the fabric got all the way to my neck. On a totally different note I’m grateful that it helped me hide those marks from Nick’s annoying love bites. “She’s definitely the one in the picture, but I must say you look nothing like your father. Andrew should’ve b
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Chapter 110: Don’t be afraid
Arya’s POV “You’re coming with us, maybe after a thrilling night, you wouldn’t be so stubborn” As he spoke he dragged me towards the car, treating my struggles like a two year old throwing a tantrum. I didn’t need two brains to guess what the ‘thrilling night’ entails. He had been doing a terrible job keeping the thing in his pants in check. Amongst all other factors my sprain ankle was the most irritating. At a time such as this I couldn’t even escape if I got a chance. “Wait” I suddenly motioned and they all halted their steps. The car door was already swung open and even in the mess I was, I couldn’t help thinking how they planned to fit me in with them, the thought alone was terrifying. Never mind that, how the hell did they all fit in there? I regained my composure and voiced “you don’t have to do this, I can give you more money than Andrew offered. If you want it double then so be it”My words left them pondering but when I thought I had them I was out of the blue smacked in
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