All Chapters of Auctioned to a mafia boss : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
232 Chapters
Chapter 121: The paradise of lust
Arya’s POV Its been months since I was last intimate, the pain was excruciating as Nicklaus made an entrance. My breaths came out ragged and despite the chill weather I was sweating profusely. Nicklaus was staring right in front of me as he adjusted inside me, I didn’t want to look back and just shut my eyes. It was humiliating enough to be underneath him yet again. Whether I admitted it or not my actions bruised my words. My entire body was shivering from the discomfort and it didn’t help that my hands above my head was growing numb. A small bite on my lips helped me suppress my screams but what I didn’t expect was for a voice of fury to husk in my ears. “Why’re your eyes closed? Open em!” My body stilled and I didn’t dare breathe, for obvious reasons I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes. The guilt of my actions were eating me up and Nicklaus noticed my hesitation. This only made him livid.“Arya open your f*cking eyes!” My heart trembled but I kept on my rebellious act, I
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Chapter 122: Beastly appetite
Arya’s POV My back hit the cold marble walls and Nicklaus was staring down at me with little to no space between us. It was frustrating to know that only I was butt naked in this ridiculous proximity. My earlier bravery was flown out the window and the only thing I felt was shame and uneasiness. The bathroom was so brilliantly lit that it was impossible to delude myself that maybe he couldn’t see every part of me. Instinctively my hands moved to block my chest from his line of sight and I assure you it wasn’t because of the cold. My actions seem to upset him. “First you wouldn’t look at me while I pleasure you and now this?”As he spoke my face blushed pink, nothing about this felt right, doing the act was even less embarrassing than having a full blown conversation in this state, it was simply humiliating but he didn’t look like he’d let me off the hook easily. Knowing how shameless Nicklaus was that’s a dream.“Why’re you covering your body from me?” He looked utterly serious s
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Chapter 123: Next door neighbor
Arya’s POV My eyes weren’t deceiving me, Bella was out beside my apartment and dressed in the most casual way possible, she seemed to be taking out some trash and when I called out to her she turned looking just as surprised as I was.“You live here?” I asked pointing at the house beside mine. Judging from the look of things that what it seemed like and Bella’s nod affirmed it.“Wow, what a coincidence. I’ve always wondered who lived there, I heard it was taken but never saw anyone. So it’s you, that’s great!”My excited spirit filled the air but the realization of something dimmed it. If Bella is here that means she left Klaus place which also means she was done with him, from her story back at the restaurant things weren’t so good with her. I genuinely thought things would work out and maybe it was all a big misunderstanding.“Wanna come in?” Bella offered, for facts it seemed like she desperately needed some company, she looked a bit down all the while and the chilly snowy weathe
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Chapter 124: All I saw was black
Arya’s POV What part of stay away from me does Nicklaus not seem to get? He’s driving me nuts!My gaze moved from the man before us to the sliver Bugatti Veyron. So he got me this car just because I let Lucious driver take me to Corosale event? That’s crazy!“I’m sorry, this is a wrong delivery” I watched my mom utter and couldn’t help but pat my nape. She looked genuinely convinced there was a mix up with the address. I helplessly glanced at the suited man with rimless specs, he didn’t seem fazed or bothered by her words.“Aren’t you miss Arya?” He asked and amidst the heavy stares from my mom I nodded reluctantly. The look in her eyes told me she probably had a hunch of who’d be so gracious enough to send this. Her expression instantly became complicated housing many emotions amongst which was worry. “I cannot accept this, please take it back” My hands pushed back the signing board directed at us and I didn’t want to say more and held my mom’s hands. “It’s cold outside, let’s
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Chapter 125: It’s just a date
Bella’s POV “Your order is served miss” The chirpy voice of a waiter alerted me, I was lost in thoughts and forgot about my awaiting coffee. “Oh, thank you” My voice followed her retreating figure and I couldn’t help but give her a second look. Her hair tied up in a pony casted a vivid picture of Mia in Klaus arms. That photo still hunts me, forcing my mind to unanswered questions.Did he really travel for business? If he did why didn’t Nicklaus Harrington go as well? Those weren’t the important question, the most pressing subject is why was Mia there with him? And if he happened to meet her there was it necessary to take a cuddled up photo for the net?Who’d answer my questions? I’ve given up on him, haven’t I? Why am I still bothered?It sucks! Everything’s reminding me of him. My coffee had a note that plastered today’s date. ‘It’s just a date’ I forced myself to believe but was it just a date?A date where all my trust would be shattered into smithereens, a date where
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Chapter 126: A safe place
Arya’s POV ‘I had a terrible dream, in that dream I was abducted again. Everything was dark and foggy but it seemed all too familiar’ these thoughts danced in my head as I tried to open my eyes.“Ahh!” A painful hiss slipped through my lips, my bones felt plastered against a hard surface, I didn’t know much but I was certain of one thing.This was definitely not my bed but where else could I be, unless... it wasn’t a dream!My wide open eyes scanned the surroundings, my luck was really bad and it’s all thanks to Nicklaus. Yes, I’m blaming him for all my misfortune. My life wasn’t all great before but at least I wasn’t being targeted like a wanted criminal. I couldn’t tell how long I’ve been out but it was really dark in here, my mom must be worried sick. From the look of things I was alone here, well at least that’s what I’d like to believe. The cold concrete floor reminded me of the abandoned warehouse, I couldn’t make out anything else except from tiny holes in the wall surfac
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Chapter 127: A betrayal
In the cold presence of the snow stood Bella and Klaus. Their eyes spoke volume but known of their lips moved until Bella responded.“I really don’t know where Arya is, I tried calling but her phone was switched off. Is something off?” The troubled expression on Klaus face watered her suspicions. “Something’s up, isn’t it? It’s unlike her to turn off her phone. If you’re searching for her then I want to come too”As she spoke her hands moved and locked her door, giving a clear picture of her intentions. She was ready to join the search right here and now but someone didn’t seem too pleased.“You should head back to my place” That simple line alone contorted Bella’s brows, how could she have forgotten the weird hot-button between them. “I’m not going back there” Her voice was crisp and sharp causing Klaus gloomy expression to deepen. “Why?” His low growl reached her ears, it was a vivid description of his held back anger. “Isn’t it obvious? We’re done. The contract is ove
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Chapter 128: incommunicado
Her words struck Klaus like lightening, amongst the many emotions, confusion was most prominent but before he got a chance to ask the presence of someone stole their attention.“Uhm mm, sorry for interrupting” Emily announced seeming rather awkward and not a second later their ambiguous posture was broken. “It’s okay, he was just leaving” Bella’s words broke the ice and her hidden meaning wasn’t missed by Klaus. His eyes took a long glance at her before leaving. Just then Melissa stepped out of her apartment, she only caught the retreating car as she approached Bella’s place. “Just the person I was looking for” Her voice stole Bella and Emily’s attention but only Emily had a cheerful expression, on the other hand Bella’s emotions were in shambles. She could bet Melissa was about to ask about Arya and she was exactly right.“Have you seen Arya? I’ve been trying to reach her all evening” Emily also instinctively turned to face Bella, she had the same question but she couldn’t gu
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Chapter 129: Can you win?
Nick’s POV ‘At such a crucial time, you didn’t wear the necklace I gifted you. At the very least finding you would’ve been easy. Do you despise me that much? So much that you’ll put away everything I’ve gotten you? I’ve only ever wanted to keep you safe but my life’s full of f*cked up events’.“The necklace tracker is useless now” My mumbles were swallowed by a gulp of red wine. It tasted like shit, like hell! Everything’s shitty tonight. I’m losing my composure faster than I’ve ever did in my life. The thought of putting her through this turmoil again was devastating. I stood and walked towards my training room. My emotions were complex, I needed a means to blow out steam. Juliet was crossing the line again and again but I couldn’t do anything because of Adam. Maybe I should hand over the clan to her, it has brought nothing but pain and misery! My shirt dropped to the ground and so did my last thread of self control.“Thud! Thud!”The punching bag took the hit and I didn’t bo
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Chapter 130: Beloved mistress
Nick’s POV A soft chuckle twitched my ears, she must find it amusing to be having such a conversation again but none of this felt funny to me. “Of course you were, why wouldn’t you? After all, I’ve got your little pet”My end of the call remained silence, is this what they called anger management? It was a hell load of bull. I’ve never considered Juliet a step-mother, not even once! That title was too goddamn dignified for her. A concubine is all that comes to mind when I think of her. “Cut to the chase” I’m not a fool, I knew exactly what she wanted and the thought of hearing her say it triggered an unspeakable surge within me. “Oh but you know, don’t you? What I want isn’t something anyone can give me”Her words caused my brows to furrow, what’s she aiming at? “But” she added “what you can give to me is the journal ledger. The golden one in exchange for”A sadistic smile stretched my lips causing the dangling drops of sweat on my jaw to vibrate. Only two people h
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