All Chapters of Auctioned to a mafia boss : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
232 Chapters
Chapter 131: May the craziest win
Nightfall has never seemed darker in Nicklaus broad-way structured room. His majestic but downcast figure stood before the heat strengthened glass and as he listened to Klaus words his eyes lost all trace of warmth. “R35 has no parents, no distance relations just a wife and a kid, they’ve been missing for some months but there hasn’t been news of such a report, I’m guessing he’s aware of wherever Juliet kept them”For a moment no one spoke, only Nicklaus shortened breathing hummed over the call and then he voiced “when I said bring them to me I didn’t mean pick them up from a yard...”His words dragged out making sure Klaus got the hidden meaning but for clarity he added “...I meant steal, capture, torture, blackmail. Whatever it would take to snatch them from Juliet’s grasps, do it! Leave no stone unturned, find them and bring them to me!”His low but dangerous growls displayed the depths of his intentions, he was done with being logical, heck! The shadows of these unprecedented h
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Chapter 132: Valentine’s Day
Bella’s POV The ride began quiet and smooth, I knew Emily had a lot to say but the future uncertainties kept us at bay. Indeed it’s hard to believe that I’m on the road searching for Arya, by this exact time last night we were having a heartfelt conversation in bed. I glanced over and noticed Emily’s drifting, she was fighting hard to stay awake, I couldn’t help but feel her helplessness. She just landed and had no moment of rest, the stress on her face testified to that.My body slightly tensed behind the wheels, staring at the building before me gave me a shuddering feeling. “We’re here” My voice above a whisper shot up Emily’s groggy eyes. “Where’s this?” She yawned a response and I mentally fell silent. If I was asked what to call this place, what would I say? My emotions were too complex right now so I just blurted out “Nicklaus’ friend’s place, he should have some answers”.With this I got out first and approached the gates, Emily followed behind but then I noticed she reac
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Chapter 133: I’m tired
Bella’s POV The suffocating silence somehow brought solace to my heart, the last thing I wanted was to hear a word from him. I appeared as cool as a cucumber but my insides were twisting with discomfort. I had my suspicions but experiencing that scene first hand was too cruel for me. “Aren’t you gonna say anything?”Klaus voice stole my moment of peace, even my silent sober had to be taken away by him! I didn’t reply mostly because I was too torn to speak, I feared that my voice would crack into tears if I dared open my mouth and I’ll be damned if I let myself sink into such humiliation. After all it wasn’t as if I caught my boyfriend cheating, we’re nothing to each other so I kept my lips sealed.“Your being silent is more unsettling than confrontation”. As he spoke he’d tilt his head from the road to my direction but my gaze stayed plastered on the windshield. He let out a sigh and added.“It’s really not what it looks like-”.I didn’t know when my cool demeanor cracked because
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Chapter 134: Room 305
Bella’s POV The temperature in the car dropped a notch, Klaus expression turned serious as he kicked the engines and made a U-turn at the intersection. I’m guessing our destination was Mega Casino Lounge. This wasn’t owned by my family but they were one of our major competitors. The owners were notorious for building Casinos that housed criminals and black market trading. It’s safe to say we’re driving towards a danger zone. Regardless, when Klaus told me to stay put in the car I was livid, “I can handle myself” I retorted but he didn’t respond and just shut the doors, circling the car to get to me. “You promised not to get in my way. Keep it and do as I say” I wanted to challenge him but remained quiet and folded my hands in displeasure. He didn’t mind and walked right into the bubbling Casino. The colorful lights displayed symbols that read all sorts of betting wins, it had the ability to make even a saint gamble, I had to give it to them, their marketing strategy was impressiv
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Chapter 135: Blackjack
Bella’s POV My gaze moved to the big boss and I caught his lecherous stares on me, he didn’t bother to hide it as he licked his lips provocatively. My instincts were to watch Klaus reaction but I didn’t, there’s no point in letting hope cloud my heart so I took my seat beside Klaus and not a moment too soon the big boss spoke.“Now here’s a deal I’d like to make. Give her to me and I’d consider your request”I almost coughed at how direct he was, I’ve dealt with a lot of similar cases but he was too straightforward! My only bet was to be direct as well, no good would come from beating around the bush. The proposal wasn’t directed to me but I took the initiative before Klaus would ruin the motion. In the not so formal dining with men stationed all around the room I locked eyes with Mr. big boss and scoffed a mocking laugh. “As if you could handle me”“Hah! Feisty I like, the bid just went up. I wouldn’t just consider, I’d give you the information you require. Deal?”With that quest
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Chapter 136: Cheating game
Bella’s POV ‘Rule number one, never aim low. If you’re gonna take a risk then make sure it’s worth it!’ The echoing sound of my father’s voice resounded in my depths unknowingly creeping a smile on my cheeks. I remembered asking what’s rule number two but he’s answer shocked me. ‘There’s no rule number two. This isn’t a game of luck or intentions, it’s s a game of wit and agility. Never forget, there’s only one rule’. I didn’t realize how zoned out I was until I noticed his boys closing in on us,“Take her” His commanded baffled me, I haven’t even revealed my cards, yet he assumed I had lost. My gaze moved to Klaus and I caught his hands coiling around his gun. Things were gonna get messy!“Wait” I gestured with my right hand lifted and the room instantly fell still, every movement paused. The choked air was suffocating but I found a way to breathe as I spoke.“Why’re you in such a hurry?”Even if I tried I couldn’t stop the coy smile from forming my lips, seeing his confused
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Chapter 137: Playing dumb
Arya’s POV From the depths of my being I felt a sway that shut my eyes open revealing my body clustered at the edge of the dark room. I couldn’t recall how many times I had drifted into sleep and back but all I knew was it was damn hard to stay awake. Funny thing is I wasn’t drugged or anything, I’m just feeling so freaking tired! My blurred vision was on par with my dizzy head. All I wanted to do was snuggle into a soft mattress while cuddling fluffy pillows but instead I got concrete for a bed and a rock hard wall as pillow. ‘Screw this!’ What the hell is wrong with me?! I’m I supposed to be thinking about sleeping in such dire moments? The hormones were really out to get me! No sooner had I given myself a piece of my mind did the smell of smoke waft through my nostrils. ‘How could I forget that I’m not alone!’ From my view only his head could be seen and that was because of the little square window above that casted the moonlight into the room. To be fair the entire room w
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Chapter 138: Regrets
Arya’s POV If it was possible to eat back my words I would because the atmosphere became super gloomy within breaths. At this point I was certain my suspicions were right but his sudden change in demeanor made me fear for my life. But then he did something unexpected, he started laughing uncontrollably for a prolonged period. I never knew someone’s laugher could make me so uncomfortable! And it didn’t make matters better knowing that my brain kept reminding me that I’m in an enclosed space with a psychopath. I tired to make my presence invisible but who am I fooling? Finally, his laugher stopped and it didn’t take long for me to realize I took a breath of relief too soon, my whole being was paralyzed at his actions, he took a three hundred and sixty degree spin in emotions. I’ve never watched a grown ass man sob with so much intensity. Was my question that big of a deal? Maybe I shouldn’t I’ve asked. ‘Curses!’ When did I gain compassion for my captor? If anything I should be the
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Chapter 139: Tick-Tock
Bella’s POV I was a light sleeper so when I felt a hand on me I immediately shut open my eyes. In that moment I wished I didn’t. I wasn’t prepared to stare into Klaus deep eyes. It’s so unfair! How’s it that I see him in my dreams too? “Uhm mm” My clearing throat sound seem to do the trick and retreat his advances. “You were sleeping so soundly, sorry I woke you” he said and took positions behind the wheels. The car continued motion and I couldn’t help but wonder if we were driving to the ends of the earth. We’ve been at it for hours and we haven’t arrived yet. Just what on earth is that written address? I couldn’t hold it anymore and asked “where exactly are we headed?” He shot me a glance before refocusing on the free road. Of course the road was empty. The clouds were at their darkest. I’ve never been out this late or should I say early? It’ll be dawn soon from the look of things. “I was wondering when your reservation would run out. We’ve been at it for hours now you sud
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Chapter 140: Ransom
Hello” Nicklaus voice called out over the phone followed by a deep breath of satisfaction from Juliet. “How’re you doing this fine morning? Hope you had a goodnights rest? Well...what was left of it”“Cut the crap!”Over Nick’s harsh tone Juliet sang humorless laugher. “My bad, how could you sleep well when your bed warmer is somewhere lost with another man? I was too impulsive, forgive me”Her mocking voice seem to do the trick.“Enough! Say what you wanna say and get lost”“In that case, my night was fine, thanks for asking. I’ll text you the address now. You’ve got just thirty minutes to get there with my ransom of course, otherwise...”“...I’ll leave you to imagine the worst-”Nicklaus finger clicked the red button and ended the call. Her yammering usually had no effect on him but this time it was different. He was really losing it by the second. No doubt Juliet belongs in the psych ward, she’s like a mad dog that bites deep, not letting go until it’s got a good chomp! Wit
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