All Chapters of Hot Shot Divorce: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
640 Chapters
Chapter 481 To Trust Whole-Heartedly
Usually, Danny would quickly try to calm Emilia down whenever she got upset. However, he didn't do that today. Instead, Danny remained in his seat with a pensive look in his eyes. It was as if he did not hear what Emilia just said. Danny didn't try to console Emilia even though she sounded extremely sad and disappointed. Alex grinned. "What are you getting so worked up for? I never said that you were behind it. Or was it really your doing?" Emilia thought her heart might jump out of her chest. She could not help but wonder if Alex had found some sort of evidence. Otherwise, why would he sound so confident? "Alex, that's just baseless accusations!" Alex found the anxious look on Emilia's face rather amusing. Still, he had decided to act cautiously before he could secure solid proof to remove Emilia once and for all. "It's fine if you have nothing to do with it. What are you yelling at me for, then?" Alex smiled mischievously. Emilia was supposed to be the one who was w
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Chapter 482 Deedee Watson
No matter what type of living environment she had grown up in, Howard thought that Danny's long-lost granddaughter would be inferior to Emilia in terms of her appearance, educational background, and temperament. Still, Howard decided to offer the lady his greeting for the sake of formality. He did not want to appear discourteous in front of the Watsons. In fact, Howard was supposed to be Deedee's fiancé. He was in a rather awkward position since he had chosen to be with Emilia. Howard might leave the Watsons with a bad impression if he were to show any signs of disregard for Deedee. While Howard was preoccupied with those thoughts, he did not notice the contemptuous smile on Emilia's face. Howard thought he had Emilia in the palm of his hand. But Emilia would never let him push her around. She was going to make him suffer unimaginable pain and regret soon.With her hand around Howard's arm, Emilia led Howard to the third floor of the Watson Residence. The ladies from vario
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Chapter 483 He's Just a Scumbag
Emilia was lost in thought for the rest of the evening. Gripped by malicious intent, she was considering different ways to get rid of Nadia for good. Therefore, she didn't notice when the Watsons and Nadia slowly approached her table after greeting the other guests. "Emilia, what's wrong?" Danny came over to Emilia and asked anxiously, "You look so pale, and you're sweating so much. Are you sick?" Emilia snapped out of her reverie. She wiped the sweat off her forehead. "Grandpa, I've been feeling a bit dizzy since this afternoon. I think I've probably caught a cold." "You should hurry and get some rest if you're not feeling well. I can handle things here." Emilia couldn't wait to leave. She was not interested in staying and watching how close and joyful the Watsons were. The only reason she stayed for so long was to make sure no one would start any strange rumors about her. Upon hearing Danny's words, Emilia got to her feet. "In that case, I'll get some rest in my room then
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Chapter 484 This Is Outrageous
Stunned, Nadia wavered on the brink of a scream before she could even make out a clear image of her assailant.Suddenly, a cold voice, laden with resentment, resonated in her ears."If you feel the urge to scream, be my guest. Let everyone witness the distinguished Ms. Watson engaging in intimate activities in the bathroom."It was Howard!Nadia's tears of humiliation cascaded down her cheeks, her attempts to cry out stifled as Howard covered her mouth, amplifying her helplessness.As Howard aggressively groped her, Nadia winced in pain, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't fathom what had gone wrong, why Howard persistently inflicted such pain on her.Their relationship had long dissipated, yet Howard continued to harm her. What had she done to incur his repeated cruelty?Howard moved with frantic passion, showering fervent kisses upon Nadia's body.Despite being acutely aware that his actions defied both the law and morality, he couldn't suppress the yearning for the u
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Chapter 485 Concealing the Crime
In response, Ruth issued a command, "Bring Emilia down!"Concerned for his beloved granddaughter, Danny acted promptly, instructing someone to rouse the already sleeping Emilia.Before Emilia appeared, Wade and Ruth had already brought Nadia before Danny.As Danny beheld his beloved granddaughter with red, teary eyes and disheveled marks, a pang of concern gripped his heart. A daring suspicion lingered, but lacking confirmation from the involved party, Danny hesitated to acknowledge it.Shortly afterward, Emilia descended.On this particular day, she genuinely felt unwell. The recent stressful events had taken a toll on her, causing her to become sick when she rarely fell ill. After taking medication and returning to sleep, she was abruptly awakened by the maid.Despite the early hour, the guests had already left. In the expansive living room, only Wade, Ruth, Danny, and Nadia remained, with no trace of Alex."Why did everyone leave?" Normally, the Watson family dinners exte
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Chapter 486 Turning the Tables
Battered and bruised, Howard maintained a defiant gaze toward Nadia, seemingly oblivious to any wrongdoing.The mere thought of his daughter being mistreated ignited a fury in Wade, prompting him to rush forward, seizing Howard by the collar and delivering two punches to his face."You scoundrel! How dare you harm my daughter? I assure you, you will come to regret this.""Throughout this entire charade, you've cloaked yourself in an air of mystery. You deceived my father and thought you could wrest control of our family. It appears your understanding of boundaries is quite lacking."While Wade's words seemed aimed at Howard, it was clear he was also addressing Emilia.Wade was known for his calm demeanor. He had never shown physical aggression before, but today marked the first time he took matters into his own hands, all for the sake of his daughter."Mr. Watson, please calm down!" The police officers attempted to intervene. "We understand your frustration, but he is still a sus
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Chapter 487 I Don't Deserve It
The compassion in Alex's gaze was unmistakable, yet Nadia met it with a self-assured smile."Alex, there's no need for pity. I don't deserve it."Despite being aware of Nadia's troubled history, Alex opted not to share the specifics with his parents. He feared that, like him, they would be overcome with sorrow."You do deserve it!"Alex didn't adhere to outdated beliefs. In cases of sexual assault against girls, he avoided attributing blame to provocative dressing or late-night activities.He recognized that perpetrators could find various ways to carry out their misdeeds, and he considered holding victims accountable to be a flawed mindset.Nadia's expression remained stoic. Even if her secret were exposed, she wondered, what difference would it make?After all, it was a chapter of her life she had come to terms with."So, you're aware of everything?"Alex affirmed with a nod. "Howard brought it up earlier."Nadia couldn't help but respond with a sneer. It appeared that Howa
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Chapter 488 Cunning Evolution
The atmosphere at the initially laid-back gathering underwent a noticeable shift upon Liam's arrival.In Liam's presence, the usually animated discussions among the aristocratic young men took on an air of unnatural deference.However, no one dared voice any dissatisfaction. After all, sharing a drink with Liam was considered a prestigious affair.Throughout the gathering, Chris maintained an air of indifference, continuing to eat, drink, and boast as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.After growing tired of his banter, Chris couldn't help but feel the evening lacked excitement. In response, he suggested, "This is getting dull. How about we invite more people to join us?"By people, Chris was, of course, referring to women.During their usual gatherings, many of these young men would bring along a few female companions.However, Liam's unexpected presence acted as a deterrent, restraining them from indulging in their typical, more uninhibited behavior."No, no! Le
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Chapter 489 The Infidelity Video
"Mr. Chris, stop putting on a show for Mr. Liam. We all know you've recorded plenty of this kind of stuff too," someone remarked."Yeah, no matter how you play the good guy, Mr. Liam surely won't buy it."While many assumed Chris was merely maintaining a façade for Liam, little did they realize that Liam had already detected unsettling nuances in Chris's gaze.Chris casually threw the water-damaged phone back to the hostess, declaring, "I'll make it up to you with two brand-new ones tomorrow."Approaching Chris swiftly, the hostess declared, "Mr. Chris, I'm not interested in a phone."Intrigued, he sat upright and asked, "Well then, what do you want?"With a flirtatious touch, the hostess playfully responded, "I want you!"On an average day, Chris might have been inclined to go along with such things, acknowledging that he wasn't necessarily a saint and merely wanted to have a good time.However, today was different. He had pressing matters to discuss with Liam. Thus, he pushed
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Chapter 490 In Jeopardy
Liam rarely showed signs of distress, so Lana was taken aback the first time she heard him openly express such emotions.Reacting instinctively, Lana asked, "Is there something bothering you?"She speculated whether an issue had arisen within the company or if he had a disagreement with Hector, but Liam remained unresponsive to her questions.In a subdued tone, he said, "Please, go ahead and rest. I have a few tasks to attend to, and I won't be able to come over tonight."Following Liam's harrowing ordeal, he and Lana consistently spent their nights together, with very few exceptions, usually occurring only during his business trips.Even when Lana was hesitant, Liam would persistently find a way to stay with her. So, what had happened that night?Why did he choose not to return to Mandy's house on his own accord?Initially, Lana assumed he was just in a sour mood. "Alright, take care of yourself. I—" "Whatever, I get it!" Liam cut her off and promptly ended the call.Staring
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