All Chapters of Hot Shot Divorce: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
640 Chapters
Chapter 491 Ending the Relationship
Hector was profoundly distressed by the recent fluctuations in Liam and Lana's relationship.Hence, Lana's sudden visit to the Garrisons today brought immense joy to Hector."Lana, what's been keeping you busy lately? It's been forever since you last dropped by! I'm seriously missing you, you know?" Hector said. With that, he added, "Just relax and make yourself at home. If you're craving something or need anything, just tell me. I've got you covered, no problem."As Lana walked in, Hector greeted her with unbridled enthusiasm, chatting away happily and displaying his genuine affection for Lana as his granddaughter-in-law.Lana presented some homemade pastries, remarking, "Don't worry, Grandpa Hector. I made these during my free time. It's just a bit of experimenting. Please, do give them a try."As Lana spoke with an unexpected formality and a hint of distance, Hector felt a sudden pang in his heart.This wasn't going as expected!In the past, Lana never approached him with r
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Chapter 492 Consider Him Dead
Lana's confidence in their relationship faltered upon encountering Liam today and noting his demeanor.Although she had initially believed Liam lacked the courage to leave, Lana was surprised when she observed his momentary hesitation before rapidly ascending the stairs.It seemed as if he had metaphorically extracted her heart, leaving a tangible void.While there was no physical pain, Lana found herself contending with an emotional ache."Understood! From this moment forward, we're done!"As Liam went up the stairs, the lingering echo of Lana's decisive words resonated in the air.Instinctively, he bolstered his legs with determination, moving forward with mechanical precision, climbing gradually. He bore an uncanny resemblance to a zombie.Parting with Lana was unbearable for Liam. Yet, if her happiness lay elsewhere with those older men, he believed it was better to let her go.This, he thought, was the last bit of dignity he could salvage for their relationship.Hencefort
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Chapter 493 Provocative Words
As Alice was about to ask for more information, she was stopped by a cautionary glance from Lana.Lana's ability to convey messages through her piercing gaze had developed significantly over the past year.As Alice made her way to leave, she suddenly recalled something and turned back."Lana, how's Nadia handling the new product trial?" she asked. "I haven't seen her around the store lately."Lana, who typically upgraded the store's products annually to stay competitive, had gradually handed over the reins to Nadia as she took a step back from daily operations.Following Nadia's recent reunion with her biological family, Lana had approved a two-week leave of absence for her.Yet, despite the elapsed time, Nadia displayed no eagerness to resume her responsibilities.Despite Lana's trust in Nadia's commitment, a lingering worry crept in, causing Lana to wonder if something had happened to Nadia."You may head out first. I'll get in touch with Nadia to find out when the trial resu
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Chapter 494 Uncovering the Clues
Upon hearing Nadia's assertive words, Emilia's heart raced.Was Nadia declaring war against her?Yet, Emilia, true to her cultivated façade, remained composed, betraying no signs of panic.She responded with a sudden smile and asked, "Nadia, what on earth are you saying? I don't seem to understand."Nadia was well aware that Emilia was feigning ignorance, but her years of experience had honed her ability to detect lies.She refused to let Emilia manipulate the situation within the Watson family any longer."If you can't grasp a simple statement, what else are you capable of? With your level of intellect, why do you even aspire to become the heir of our Watson family? Where do you find the audacity?"Nadia's sharp retort left Emilia speechless. She couldn't fathom why Nadia had suddenly turned hostile. It seemed Emilia had arrived at the wrong time."Nadia, don't be upset. Weren't you about to head out? Hurry! Don't delay your important matters."Nadia, her handbag casually slu
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Chapter 495 Sought My Help
Lana scrutinized the video repeatedly, not out of personal interest, but to investigate any potential traces of manipulation.Despite its numerous shares and blurry pixels, Lana, to her dismay, could distinctly ascertain that the video remained untouched—neither edited nor manipulated in post-production.In essence, someone was impersonating her, engaging in inappropriate behavior!"Bastard!" Lana muttered angrily under her breath, slamming her phone to the ground.Just then, Jane's voice message arrived, providing a timely distraction.The phone, now lying on the ground, resonated with Jane's voice."Lana, there are certain things that are hard for me to say, but please, be more cautious in the future."This video has been circulating for several days, and it seems you're not aware of it. After thinking it over, I've chosen to bring it to your attention."I suspect Mr. Liam may have seen it as well. It's important to give him a proper explanation. Mr. Liam is a person of integ
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Chapter 496 Fiercely Protective
Lana dedicated herself to helping Nicholas with the gardening duties at Marcel's residence.She was aware that Nicholas would go to great lengths to help her, even going so far as to endanger his own life if needed.Their collaboration reflected the deep trust that had blossomed between them during their years as apprentices.As Lana tirelessly worked in the courtyard, Marcel sat peacefully on the veranda, holding a cup of tea.The sky adorned itself in various hues of blue, with a gentle breeze caressing through. Marcel sported a subtle smile, reflecting a sense of contentment.After being rescued by Marcel, Lana would regularly engage in various fieldwork tasks alongside her fellow apprentices, making activities such as gardening a familiar routine.By the evening, Lana had diligently tended to every corner of Marcel's garden.Marcel, appreciating Lana's efforts, offered her a cup of tea.She accepted it gratefully and joined him on the veranda. The setting was reminiscent of
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Chapter 497 Held Complete Trust
Lana appeared resolute in severing ties with Liam, and Romelius and Mandy refrained from trying to sway her decision.Recognizing their daughter's strong independence, they chose to respect her judgment.If Lana found him unsuitable, they too would not hesitate to let him go.As they talked, the doorbell unexpectedly chimed. Romelius quickly stood up to greet the visitor, speculating aloud, "Could it be Nadia making a comeback?"Mandy and Lana shared the assumption that the returning visitor was indeed Nadia. After all, she hadn't returned since she went over to stay with the Watson family.However, their expectations were swiftly overturned when Romelius opened the door, revealing a surprising sight—Devon, Marion, and Reagan. The family of three stood before him."Hello, Devon and Marion. What brings you both here?"Devon strolled in with a grin, remarking, "What's with the surprised expression? Can't I enjoy some downtime once in a while?"Following suit, Marion entered, cr
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Chapter 498 Talk of the Town
Lana's rejection cast a palpable sense of disappointment over everyone.Unable to suppress her curiosity any longer, Marion finally asked, "Could you please share what exactly happened?"Marion had withdrawn from all social interactions since the birth of Reagan, dedicating herself entirely to caring for him at the postpartum care center.Consequently, she remained oblivious to any events that might have unfolded outside during this time, including the incident involving someone impersonating Lana and her alleged involvement with various men.Mandy quickly filled her in on the details, leaving Marion stunned and speechless."The audacity of some people! I mean, seriously, why would they resort to impersonating something like this?"Lana's eyes gleamed with determination. "I won't allow these people to escape accountability.""So, multiple people were involved?" Marion mused for a moment before letting out a chuckle. "You're right. It does take more than one hand to clap in a sit
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Chapter 499 Ridiculous Request
Lana became visibly upset.Who else could that voice belong to other than Emilia?As the saying goes, "Bad news travels faster than good news". This was probably what she was going through right now.Emilia couldn't wait to see her make a fool of herself, so she personally joined the scene as well.Emilia didn't expect to run into Lana. She had just come out to lunch with her business partners. However, as soon as she entered the establishment, she unexpectedly saw Lana arguing with someone."Lana, how have you been lately?"Emilia came over and pretended to be very familiar with Lana. She linked her arm around Lana's arm and said, "How could you be so careless? You actually ended up in that kind of situation!"Emilia's words undoubtedly helped the others confirm that Lana was the person in that video.Seeing that the young lady from the Watson family had indirectly confirmed that Lana was indeed the woman in the video, the two men who had come to chat with her laughed even mor
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Chapter 500 Do Not Resent Liam
Everyone turned toward the direction of the sound and saw an elderly man with white hair, accompanied by a group of bodyguards, walking aggressively toward Lana."Lana, is she giving you a hard time? Let me know, and I'll get rid of her for you!"Hector, with a group of bodyguards, stood by Lana's side. He glared at Emilia as if he was going to tear her apart right there and then."Grandpa Hector!"Lana looked at Hector aggrievedly and said, "This woman and these two men have been saying all sorts of strange things to me, and they even offered me a thousand dollars to spend the night with them."Hector exclaimed in disbelief, "What! They actually dared to do that? Even the girl from the Watson family said that?"Emilia was perplexed by Hector's sudden appearance as she exclaimed, "Grandpa Hector! I … I was just speaking the truth.""Preposterous!"Hector sprayed Emilia's face with spittle as he roared, "How did the Watson family raise someone like you?" Lana took the opportun
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