All Chapters of Wonder Wife: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
604 Chapters
Chapter 131 I Like Older Men
Guests started to arrive at 5:00 pm. The banquet began at 6:00 pm sharp.Victoria changed into the outfit and shoes Louis picked for her. After styling her hair and doing her makeup, she waited at the venue in advance.In ancient times, her beauty would have caused wars.Even though Victoria usually wore all black and went without makeup, she was already prettier than most.Now that she was all dressed up, her beauty stunned everyone, regardless of whether or not they knew her.Men were especially mesmerized by her.Victoria went to the Hall of Hope first. The guests there were this year's graduates and their parents.Many parents instructed their daughters to look up to Victoria as a role model. Some hinted at Victoria, both openly and subtly, to assist their children.The most ridiculous ones concerned themselves with her marriage. Quite a number of them took the opportunity to introduce their sons or relatives to her.Victoria remained in the ballroom for less than half an
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Chapter 132 A Shocking Secret
Carefully and stealthily, Colette tailed Victoria and Louis.Still, they noticed her.A cold glint flashed across Louis' eyes.After giving Victoria a signal, he pulled out his phone and checked it. Then, he said, "I have a very important call. You go ahead."He looked around him before briskly walking into the stairwell.Colette glanced between Victoria and Louis. After a moment of dilemma, she decided to follow Louis.She found a suitable hiding spot and pressed her ears against the wall to eavesdrop.Soon, she heard Louis asking, "You're saying that the late Mr. Warde Senior owned some shares in Harper Corporation, and he left Ginny a part of it before he passed away? Oh, and five percent of Warde Corporation's shares as her wedding gift?"Alright, I got it. Don't let anyone else know about this."What? Ginny not only inherited Warde Corporation's shares, but also Harper Corporation's as well?Was it true? Judging by Louis' reaction, it had to be.Colette's eyes widened.
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Chapter 133 He Is Still Waiting for Her
"Zach! W-What happened to you? What did Vicky do to you?" Colette exclaimed.Zachary was worried Benjamin would find out what happened. Enduring the pain, he growled, "Are you trying to make me the laughingstock of everyone here? Shut up!"He was right. Colette wanted to make a fuss. She wanted those from Youngville to know how rude and violent Victoria was.As for Zachary, she could not care less about him after the way he treated her."Why are you up here? Do you know how humiliated I am because of you?" Zachary hissed.At the cocktail party, several guests poked fun at him about his relationship with Colette.Zachary was so angry that he wanted to hit them. However, he held himself back because he dared not do so. That was why he excused himself and went to the restroom.To make things worse, he received Victoria's blatant rejection.At that point, he was like a bear with a sore head.So, he vented his anger by lashing out at Colette who chanced upon him now. "My friends fr
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Chapter 134 He Is Taking Their Relationship Too Seriously
Benjamin was visibly astounded. A smile unknowingly appeared on his lips. His usual aloofness was replaced by tenderness.Yvette saw him getting up from his seat, and realization dawned on her. She turned around.Her gaze hardened the moment she laid eyes on Victoria.Victoria was frighteningly beautiful—so much so that she instilled fear in others. She wore a white satin V-collared gown and styled her hair into an updo that left her attractive collarbones exposed.The dress narrowed at her waist and accentuated her curves. She was tall and slender. Her body was in perfect proportion.Under the light, her skin seemed to be glimmering. It was as fair as the highest quality of ivory.Victoria spotted Benjamin at once. At the same time, she saw Yvette, who was right beside him.Ignoring Yvette, she smiled at Benjamin.Everyone who saw her smile thought they were looking at a fairy."Benja—" Victoria was just about to call out to him when her gaze fell on the others on the rooft
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Chapter 135 Call My Name
Victoria did not say anything. She did not know what to say.Benjamin continued, "I have no experience in this, so I was careless this time. From here on out, I'll get your clothes and shoes ready whenever you have a function to attend. You can only wear what I prepare."He was overbearing and gave her no room for negotiation.Victoria bit her lip and kept quiet. Benjamin noticed that. He used the back of his finger to nudge her teeth away. "It's going to bleed if you continue biting. What is it? Are you unhappy because I'm too bossy?"With a low voice, he assured solemnly, "You can pick my clothes, too. Choose whatever you want. I'll wear it."Victoria could not help but think of peculiar costumes that might be an eyesore.She imagined him wearing one and almost burst out laughing. She tried her best to hold in her laughter.But then, she softened when she saw the concerned look on Benjamin's face. "Are you worried that someone may steal me from you if I have too many admirers?
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Chapter 136 That Was My First Kiss
Victoria was on the receiving end of the kiss.It all happened too suddenly, and her body went numb and limp. She would have fallen to the ground if she had not clung to Benjamin.Her thoughts were racing.Fuck! She overdid it!To think the man she thought of as her uncle would kiss her!Shit! It was her first kiss!Did she just dig her own grave?Victoria regained her senses and tried to push him away. However, she could not gather the strength to do so and was no match for him at all.She felt like she was being taken advantage of. She was so glum she wanted to slap Benjamin.But no, she could not do that.He was impotent in the first place. It was rare that he would feel aroused.What if he decided to stay away from women after this because of her slap?Also, he was supposed to be impotent. Judging from the way he kissed her, he did not seem to have any issues with that. She was almost out of breath.Were the rumors wrong?Men of Benjamin's stature and ability could re
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Chapter 137 Only When I Am With You
Sulking, Victoria turned to leave.Just as she grasped the doorknob, Benjamin grabbed her hand. "Let go!" she cried."No!" He was worried she would leave for good if he let her go just like that.Not knowing why, he was also irritated and peeved—especially when Victoria asked him to date somebody else.She said it without showing any reluctance, and that added to his frustration.But when he recalled what she said about it being her first kiss, his anger simmered.Miffed, Victoria hit him with her elbow.He did not dodge, so she hit him squarely in the chest, and he started coughing."I won't be fooled by you." She bit her lips but defiantly refused to turn around and check on him."Victoria," Benjamin called out, feeling helpless.It was her first time hearing his cold voice sound so soft. In fact, she thought he sounded like he was acting cute and eager to please."That won't work on me." Although that was what she said, she seemed less angry."I … It was my first time ki
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Chapter 138 Does He Really Have Health Issues
Victoria was wearing Benjamin's coat. The lights shone on her swollen lips and the hickey on her neck. She even looked bashful.Benjamin's shirt was buttoned to the top. Even so, the hickey below his chin could vaguely be seen.Hand in hand, they returned to the cocktail party and immediately attracted everyone's attention.Everyone was dumbfounded, especially those waiting to see Benjamin punish Victoria.Murmurs arose among the crowd."I thought Mr. Harper was a germaphobe and never touched women. I heard he wouldn't even let them touch him or his belongings. But look, Victoria is wearing his coat and holding his hand. Am I seeing things?"It was nice of them to say he was a germaphobe when the entire Youngville labeled him as impotent.They deemed that as the reason why he had no sexual desires. He loathed women and was touchy about them.However, no one was foolish enough to blabber about that on such an occasion."I think I'm seeing things, too.""Mr. Harper changed his
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Chapter 139 It Does Taste Pretty Good
Victoria and Benjamin sat in a corner. In her hands was a cup of warm milk Benjamin got for her. "Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat. What would you like to eat?" asked Benjamin. "Anything is fine. I'm not picky."Everyone kept seeing Benjamin walking around the ballroom. He would get something for Victoria in one moment and get something else for her in the next moment. It was as if he were serving a queen.The women who saw this became green with envy. Victoria very much enjoyed being cared for by Benjamin. She ignored their hostile gazes. Her meal was entirely unaffected.Benjamin gazed at her as she ate. He pointed at the black forest cake she was eating. "Is it tasty?""It's alright. It's my preferred level of sweetness. Would you like a taste, Benjamin?"He eyed the dark chocolate stuck in the corner of her mouth. He smiled as he agreed.Using his finger, he swiped the chocolate from the corner of her lips. Then, he put said finger into his mouth and sucked
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Chapter 140 Winner of the First Battle Between Victoria and Yvette
Yvette already had a fire burning within her. Upon hearing Victoria's words, she nearly had an aneurysm. Victoria could touch and kiss Benjamin whenever she wanted, but when it came to Yvette, she was not even allowed to sit in his seat?Yvette thought this was clearly a challenge. It was as expected from someone who grew up in the countryside. Victoria was uncultured. How presumptuous of her.She ignored Victoria's words and sat in Benjamin's seat. "Mr. Harper and I grew up together. We frequently sat together and shared the same meals. He wouldn't mind this."Victoria scoffed. "Childhood friends, huh? You are not that young anymore, Ms. White. Why hasn't Benjamin married you yet?"She targeted Yvette's sore spot. Every word struck a nerve.Because of her reputation as the future Mrs. Benjamin Harper, Yvette was the number one socialite in Youngville. She had always stolen the limelight. However, as Benjamin did not marry her, lots of jealous people were waiting to ridicule
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