All Chapters of Wonder Wife: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
604 Chapters
Chapter 141 Her Status Was as Significant as His
Victoria looked up at Louis. Her hand fell away from her neck.She was about to speak when Louis beat her to it. His words were unforgiving."Others may not understand you, but I know you all too well. You wouldn't be in this state if everything was fine with him. Is it all for the sake of the 200 million dollars? My greatest regret is not rushing over the moment you arrived in Danube City."That way, even if Benjamin crossed paths with Victoria, the situation would not have unfolded as it did.The mere thought of how Victoria's reputation had been tarnished and how she became a target of many because of Benjamin filled Louis with rage.Victoria locked eyes with Louis. Her expression was serious and determined. "You don't understand. There's nothing wrong with Benjamin, so please don't jump to conclusions."Louis looked at Victoria with a soft and affectionate gaze."Your strong sense of justice is something I've always admired. You're the kind of person who goes above and beyond
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Chapter 142 Marry Me
Eleanor was happy. She said hurriedly, "Is that her? Hand the phone over to her. I'll have a few words with her."Victoria heard the voice on the phone and belatedly realized that Benjamin was on the phone.The woman's voice was full of energy. It was also kind and loving. It sounded like she was smiling. She was probably an older woman.Victoria quickly got off Benjamin and stood in front of him. She crossed her hands and signaled for him to reject the call.Benjamin looked at her cute little expression and burst out laughing.His laughter and amusement stunned Eleanor. She could barely recall the last time Benjamin laughed.She had yet to meet Victoria, but her satisfaction with the young woman increased by a few degrees."You're too enthusiastic. You'll scare her off. Once some time has passed, I'll bring her to Summers Residence. You'll definitely like her," Benjamin said to Eleanor.Eleanor was in the habit of bringing up the topic of marriage and having children. She al
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Chapter 143 The Actual Mrs. Benjamin Harper
Victoria thought she had misheard Benjamin. She stared at him in disbelief. "What did you say?"Benjamin repeated himself, "Marry me. Become the actual Mrs. Benjamin Harper."He had the idea of marrying her a long time ago. It was the best way to keep her beside him. However, Victoria was too young and disliked being constrained.Most importantly, he never found the opportunity to mention this without being suspected and rejected by Victoria. "We can obtain our marriage certificate before returning to Youngville. Once we're back in Youngville, I'll find a nice church and plan the wedding ceremony."Once they were legally married, even if Victoria went to Yrindale in the future, Benjamin had a valid reason to go after her and snatch her back.Initially, he only brought it up as a suggestion. But after giving it more thought, his attitude became more resolute."If Yvette seeks you out again, you don't have to say a word to her. Just throw the marriage certificate in her face. Als
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Chapter 144 You Will Know Sooner or Later
Benjamin saw Victoria's excited expression. He instantly sensed his body's abnormal reaction. Chagrin flashed through his dark eyes.Naturally, he released her and calmly took two steps back."Don't you know men are dangerous in the morning?"He looked at Victoria. His ears were burning.Victoria nodded. "I know that, but Benjamin, you—" She swallowed her words back down.She wanted to say that since he was impotent, even if naked women teased him, they would have no effect on him. Was that not the case?Just then, she thought of something and her eyes gleamed again. "Benjamin, you just said that men are very dangerous in the morning. Does that mean that when you wake up, your body reacts the same way as other men?"Victoria pursed her lips. Her expression suddenly turned suspicious. "Didn't you say that you no longer reacted? Are you impotent or not? Why aren't you the slightest bit happy or excited about that reaction just now?"For a man who long suffered from impotency,
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Chapter 145 I Am Here
Victoria looked up. Her face was stern as she said warningly, "Ms. Susan!"Susan paused briefly, but she continued to implore, "I understand she deserves to face the consequences and does not deserve forgiveness. But she's my only daughter. I'm begging you."Victoria frowned. Her expression turned ice-cold as she refused, "I don't have that power.""Perhaps you could seek Mr. Harper's assistance."Victoria widened her eyes. She looked at Susan in disbelief. "Ms. Susan, do you realize what you're saying?"Avoiding eye contact with Victoria, Susan said, "Mr. Harper treats you differently. If you reach out to him, he'll surely help you. As soon as Yvonne is released from the police station, I'll arrange for her to go abroad. She won't come anywhere near you."Victoria looked at Susan with a cold and impatient expression. Out of concern for Susan's well-being, she refrained from saying anything that could upset the latter.However, she did not expect Susan to be this relentless.
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Chapter 146 For You to See
After leaving the hospital, Benjamin treated Victoria to a meal at the most fashionable and expensive restaurant in Danube City. He selected the finest wine and the priciest dishes—all catered to Victoria's preferences. The bill for this extravagant meal surpassed three million dollars.Benjamin watched as Victoria set down her fork and wiped her mouth. He could not help but inquire, "How are you feeling now? Better?"Victoria looked at the upscale surroundings and asked seriously, "Benjamin, did you invest in this restaurant?"Benjamin replied, "I do have a share in this place, but not a big one."Victoria could not help but feel the pinch. "If I had known this meal would be so expensive, I would have gone to the restaurant you and Yves invested in. We didn't even finish the wine from last time."Benjamin found Victoria's frustrated expression rather adorable.He chuckled. As if he were coaxing a child, he said, "Are you already trying to help me save money before you've mar
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Chapter 147 Broke
Before Victoria could say anything, Louis asked, "Why was it Mr. Harper who answered your phone again?"Victoria, if a couple starts living together when they're only dating, it's always the woman who'd be at a disadvantage—especially when it came to someone of Mr. Harper's standing in society."It doesn't matter if word gets out or not, or if he marries you later on. Don't let him go too far."Victoria sensed Louis' fury and chuckled before asking, "What did Benjamin say to you?""Nothing," Louis scoffed.That was the truth.After answering the call, Benjamin simply said Victoria was asleep and instructed Louis not to disturb her.Benjamin had been so cocky that even after a few hours, Louis was still infuriated."I'm your uncle. If he wants to marry you in the future, he'll need my approval, right?"While Victoria did not think it was necessary, she figured she would only be adding fuel to the fire if she voiced that aloud. Louis would feel hurt. Thus, she simply hummed in r
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Chapter 148 Maybe if Benjamin Performs for Me
Victoria rubbed the throbbing vein along her forehead. With an aching heart, she asked, "Why are you calling me?""Our mentor and I have almost run out of money, Victoria.""What did you say?"Victoria flew to her feet. Gritting her teeth, she snarled, "That was over a hundred million! It's only been a week! Did you start a bonfire with the cash or something? What project is it this time?"The caller corrected, "It's not a project. You forbade us from making any more investments, remember?"Our mentor has been obsessed with live streams lately. The money was spent on tipping the young male streamers. They've all got such honeyed tongues. Our mentor—"Seething with rage, Victoria almost fainted. "Where is she? I know she's right beside you. Pass the phone to her at once."She clenched her jaw.Soon, an older female voice rang out, "It's so good to have money in your pockets. I feel so good when those young men call me a pretty lady. It's been so long since I got to spend money s
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Chapter 149 Colette Needs to Compensate Them
At the Jameson manor, Colette was throwing a fit in her room. The video of her making out with Zachary at the stairwell had gone viral. Thus, netizens condemned her. And because of that, Colette turned off her account's commenting and messaging features. Yet, no matter what kind of news came up, she would still be severely criticized. Netizens could not care less, even if she had nothing to do with the news. Whenever Colette refreshed her feed, she would see endless comments scolding her. On the other hand, netizens were showering Victoria with praise. Colette was fuming but could not stop herself from scrolling. After looking through the comments for hours, she could not take it anymore. Colette lost her temper. She screamed and threw her phone against the wall. "So much for being the top socialite in Youngville! What a load of crap!" Colette cursed."How dare you boast about having good ties with Yrindale? Yvette White, you're useless!"She continued angrily, "World-cla
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Chapter 150 Colette Got Arrested
Ginny was extremely touched as she watched Colette shielding her without hesitation. "Compensation? They're the greedy ones who lost money. Why should we compensate them?" Ginny chided."If they want compensation, they should demand it from Victoria! She's rich! "She just received over 100 million dollars and a house from Nicole. She's loaded, and we're not!"Ginny furiously ordered, "Call the cops! Get them to arrest all these thugs. They're acting without regard for the law!"Seeing Ginny's attitude toward Victoria, Sarah could not help but sigh inwardly. "I've already asked someone to call the police."She had gotten someone to call the authorities before heading upstairs. Meanwhile, Colette was still shielding Ginny. Suddenly, someone threw a rock at another window. Colette hurriedly took two steps back in fright. She was worried that a stone would hit her. "It isn't safe in the room. Let's go out," Colette said anxiously.As she spoke, she turned around and embraced G
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